XXth century_physics

XXth century_physics XXth century_physics


Heisenberg to Pauli (July 9, 1925) ”It is really my conviction that an interpretation of the Rydberg formula [e.g. for hydrogen] in terms of circular and elliptical orbits (according to classical geometry) does not have the slightest physical significance. And all my whole wretched efforts are devoted to killing totally the concept of an orbit - which one cannot observe anyway - and replace it by a more suitable one.”

The birth of quantum mechanics Werner Heisenberg (photo ca. 1924)

Heisenberg to Pauli (July 9, 1925)<br />

”It is really my conviction that an<br />

interpretation of the Rydberg<br />

formula [e.g. for hydrogen] in<br />

terms of circular and elliptical<br />

orbits (according to classical<br />

geometry) does not have the<br />

slightest physical significance.<br />

And all my whole wretched efforts<br />

are devoted to killing totally the<br />

concept of an orbit - which one<br />

cannot observe anyway - and<br />

replace it by a more suitable one.”

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