Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Annual Review 2012

Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Annual Review 2012 Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Annual Review 2012


AEBAR 2012: Marine Biodiversity Chang FH, Zeldis J, Gall M, Hall J. (2003). Seasonal and spatial variation of phytoplankton assemblages, biomass and cell size from spring to summer across the north-eastern New Zealand continental shelf. J Plankt Res.;25:737–758. Chang, F.H.; Williams, M.J.M.; Schwarz, J.; Hall, J.; Stewart, R.; Maas, E.W. (2012). Spatial variation of phytoplankton assemblages and biomass in the New Zealand sector of the Southern Ocean during the late austral summer 2008 Polar Biology. Cheung L, Lam VWY, Sarmiento JL, Kearney K, Watson R, Pauly D, (2009). Projecting global marine biodiversity impacts under climate change scenarios. Fish and Fisheries 10(3):235-251 Clark M, O'Shea S. 2001 Hydrothermal vent and seamount fauna from the southern Kermadec Ridge, New Zealand. InterRidge News.;10(2):14–17. Clark MR, O'Driscoll R. (2003). Deepwater fisheries and aspects of their impact on seamount habitat in New Zealand. J Northw Atlantic Fish Sci.;31:441–458. Clark MR, Rowden AA. (2009). Effect of deepwater trawling on the macro-invertebrate assemblages of seamounts on the Chatham Rise, New Zealand. Deep-Sea Res I.;56:1540–54. Clark, M.R, Dunn, M.R., McMillan, P.J., Pinkerton, M.H., Stewart, A., Hanchet, S.M. (2010b). Latitudinal variation of demersal fish assemblages in the western Ross Sea. CCAMLR document WG-FSA-10/P3. 13 p. (Antarctic Science, 2010. Clark, M.R., Bowden, D.A., Baird, S.J., Stewart, R. (2010a). Effects of fishing on the benthic biodiversity of seamounts of the “Graveyard” complex, northern Chatham Rise. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 46. 40 p. Clark, M.R., Roberts, C.D. (2008). Fish and invertebrate biodiversity on the Norfolk Ridge and Lord Howe Rise, Tasman Sea (NORFANZ voyage, 2003). New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 28. 131 p. Clark, M.R., Stokes, K., Baird, S.J. (in press). Development of a methodology for ecological risk assessments for New Zealand deepwater fisheries. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report. Clark, M.R.; Tittensor, D.P. (2010). An index to assess the risk to stony corals from bottom trawling on seamounts. Marine Ecology 31(suppl 1): 200–211. Clark, M.R.; Tracey, D.M.; Pallentin, A.; Schnabel, K.; Anderson, O.F.; Bowden, D. (2009). Voyage report of a survey of “seamounts” on the northwest and southeast Chatham Rise (TAN0905). 49 p. (unpublished report available from NIWA, Wellington). Clark, M.R.; Watling, L.; Rowden, A.A.; Guinotte, J.M.; Smith, C.R (2010). A global seamount classification to aid the scientific design of marine protected area networks. Journal of Ocean and Coastal Management 54: 19–36. Clark, M.R.; Williams, A.; Rowden, A.A.; Hobday, A.J.; Consalvey, M. (2011). Development of seamount risk assessment: application of the ERAEF approach to Chatham Rise seamount features. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 74. 18p. Coleman, C.O.; Lörz, A.-N. (2010). A new species of Camacho (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Aoridae) from the Chatham Rise, New Zealand. Zoosystematics and Evolution 86(1): 33-40. Compton TJ, Julian K, Leathwick JR, Bowden DA (Project ZBD200701 Objective 12, in press) Modelling distributions of benthic invertebrate taxa across Chatham Rise and Challenger Plateau in relation to environmental variables. Ministry of Fisheries Wellington, New Zealand Compton, T. J., D. A. Bowden, C. Roland Pitcher, J. E. Hewitt, and N. Ellis. (2012). Biophysical patterns in benthic assemblage composition across contrasting continental margins off New Zealand. Journal of Biogeography DOI 10.1111/j.1365- 2699.2012.02761.x Connell, AM, Dunn, MR and Forman, J. (2010). Diet and dietary variation of New Zealand hoki Macruronus novaezelandiae. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 44(4):289 - 308 Costello MJ, Coll M, Danovaro R, Halpin P, Ojaveer H, et al. (2010) A Census of Marine Biodiversity Knowledge, Resources, and Future Challenges. PLoS ONE 5(8): e12110. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0012110 Coutts ADM, Dodgshun TJ. (1998). The nature and extent of organisms in vessel sea-chests: a protected mechanism for marine bioinvasions. Mar Poll Bull. 2007;54:875–886. Cranfield HJ, Gordon DP, Willan RC, Marshall BA, Battershill CN. Adventive marine species in New Zealand. NIWA Technical Report.;34:1–48. Cranfield HJ, Manighetti B, Michael KP, Hill A (2003). Effects of oyster dredging on the distribution of bryozoan biogenic reefs and associated sediments in Foveaux Strait, southern New Zealand. Continental Shelf Res.;23:1337–1357. Cryer M, Hartill B, O'Shea S. 2002 Modification of marine benthos by trawling: toward a generalization for the deep ocean? Ecol Applications.;12:1824–1839. Cranfield, H. J.; Gordon, D. P.; Willan, R. C.; Marshall, B. A.; Battershill, C. N.; Francis, M. P.; Nelson, W. A.; Glasby, C. J.; Read, G. B. (1998). Adventive marine species in New Zealand. NIWA Technical Report 34: 1-48. Cryer M, Hartill B, O'Shea S. 2002 Modification of marine benthos by trawling: toward a generalization for the deep ocean? Ecol Applications.;12:1824–1839. Cummings, V. Thrush, S. Andrew, N. Norkko, A. Funnell, G. Budd, R. Hewitt, J. Gibbs, M. Mercer, S. Marriott, P. Anderson, O. (2003). Ecology and biodiversity of coastal benthic communities in McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea: emerging results Final Research Report ZBD2002-01 Cummings, V., Hewitt, J., Van Rooyen, A., Currie, K., Beard, S., Thrush, S., Norkko, J., Barr, N., Heath, P., Halliday, J., Sedcole, R., Gomez, A., McGraw, C., Metcalf, V. (2011). Ocean acidification at high latitudes: potential effects on functioning of the Antarctic bivalve Laternula elliptica. PLoS ONE 6(1):e16069. Cummings, V., Thrush, S., Andrew, N., Norkko, A., Funnell, G., Budd, R., Gibbs, M., Hewitt, J., S. Mercer, S., Marriott, P., Anderson, O. (2003). Ecology and biodiversity of coastal benthic communities in McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea: emerging results. Final Research Report for Ministry of Fisheries Research Project ZBD2002/01 Objectives 1 & 2. National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research. 105 p. Cummings, V., Thrush, S., Schwarz, A.-M., Funnell, G., Budd, R. (2006). Ecology of coastal benthic communities of the northwestern Ross Sea. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No 6. 67 p. Cummings, V.J., Thrush, S., Chiantore, M., Hewitt, J. & Cattaneo-Vietti, R. (2010). Macrobenthic communities of the north-western Ross Sea shelf: links to depth, sediment characteristics and latitude. Antarctic Science, 22:793-804. Cummings, V.J., Thrush, S.F., Marriott, P.M., Funnell, G.A., Norkko, A., Budd, R.G. (2008). Antarctic coastal marine ecosystems (ICECUBE). Final Research Report for Ministry of Fisheries Research Project ZBD2006-03 73 p. Cummings, V.J., Thrush, S.F., Norkko, A., Andrew, N.L., Hewitt, J.E., Funnell, G.A., Schwarz, A-M. (2006). Accounting for local scale variability in benthos: implications for future assessments of latitudinal trends in the coastal Ross Sea. Antarctic Science 18(4): 633-644. D’Archino, R.; Neill, K.F.; Nelson, W.A. (in press) Recognition and distribution of Polysiphonia morrowii (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) in New Zealand. Botanica Marina. 287

AEBAR 2012: Marine Biodiversity D’Archino, R.; Sutherland, J.E. (in press) First record of the genus Dudresnaya (Dumontiaceae, Rhodophyta) in New Zealand waters. Phycological Research. De Domenico, F., Chiantore, M., Buongiovanni, S., Paola Ferranti, M., Ghione, S., Thrush, S., Cummings, V., Hewitt, J., Kroeger, K., Cattaneo-Vietti, R. (2006). Latitude versus local effects on echinoderm assemblages along the Victoria Land coast, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Antarctic Science 18(4): 655-662. Dettai et al. (+45 authors). (2011). DNA barcoding and molecular systematics of the benthic and demersal organisms of the CEAMARC survey. Polar Science 5: 298–312. Dodgshun T, Coutts A. (2003). Opening the lid on sea chests. Seafood NZ.;11:35. Dunn MR (2009) Feeding habits of the ommastrephid squid Nototodarus sloanii on the Chatham Rise, New Zealand. NZ J Mar Freshw Res 43:1103–1113 Dunn MR (2009) Feeding habits of the ommastrephid squid Nototodarus sloanii on the Chatham Rise, New Zealand. NZ J Mar Freshw Res 43:1103–1113 Dunn MR, Connell AM, Forman J, Stevens DW, Horn PL (2010a) Diet of Two Large Sympatric Teleosts, the Ling (Genypterus blacodes) and Hake (Merluccius australis). PLoS ONE 5(10): Dunn MR. Griggs, L. Forman J. Horn PL (2010b). Feeding habits and niche separation among the deep-sea chimaeroid fishes Harriotta raleighana, Hydrolagus bemisi and Hydrolagus novaezealandiae Marine Ecology Progress Series 407: 209–225 Dunn, MR. Horn PL. Connell, AM. Stevens, DW. Forman, J. Pinkerton, M. Griggs, L. Notman, P. Wood B. (in press). Ecosystem-scale trophic relationships: diet composition and guild structure of middle-depth fish on the Chatham Rise. AEBR series Dunn, MR. Szabo, A. McVeagh, MS. Smith, PJ. (2010c). The diet of deepwater sharks and the benefits of using DNA identification of prey. Deep-Sea Research Part 1. 57(7): 923-930 Eakin, R.A.; Eastman, J.T.; Near, T.J. (2009). A new species and a molecular phylogenetic analysis of the Antarctic Fish Genus Pogonophryne (Notothenioidei: Artedidraconidae). Copeia 2009, No. 4, 705–713. Eleaume M, Hemery LG, Bowden DA, Roux M (in press) A large new species of the genus Ptilocrinus (Echinodermata, stalked Crinoidea, Hyocrinidae) from Antarctic seamounts. Polar Biology DOI: 10.1007/s00300-011-0993-2 Farr, T.; Broom, J.; Hart, D.; Neill, K.; Nelson, W. (2009). Common coralline algae of northern New Zealand: an identification guide. NIWA Information Series No. 70. Fenwick, G., Bradford-Grieve, J. (2002a). Recommendations for future directed research to describe the biodiversity of the Ross Sea region. FRR ZBD2000/01 Fenwick, G., Bradford-Grieve, J. (2002b). Human pressures on Ross Sea region marine communities: recommendations for future research. FRR ZBD2000/01 Floerl O, & Hewitt J. (2012). Chatham-Challenger OS 20/20 Post Voyage Analyses: Objective 9- Patterns in species composition. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 97. 40 p. Forman; JS. Dunn MR. (2010). The influence of ontogeny and environment on the diet of lookdown dory, Cyttus traversi New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research Volume 44(4): 329 - 342 Freeman DJ, Marshall BA, Ahyong ST, Wing SR, Hitchmough RA (2010). The conservation status of New Zealand marine invertebrates, 2009. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 44: 129 148. Frost, M. T, Jefferson, R. & Hawkins, S. J. (Editors). (2006). The evaluation of time series: their scientific value and contribution to policy needs. Report prepared by the Marine Environmental Change Network (MECN) for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Marine Biological Association, Plymouth. Contract CDEP 84/5/311. Marine Biological Association Occasional Publications No. 22. 94pp. Fulton, E.A.; Smith, A.D.M.; Webb, H.; Slater, J. (2004). Ecological indicators for the impacts of fishing on non-target species, communities and ecosystems: Review of potential indicators. AFMA Final Research report R99/1546: 119pp. Garcia, A. (2010). Comparative study of the morphology and anatomy of octopuses of the family Octopodidae. (AUT MAppSc).247 p. Garcia, S.M., Rosenberg, A.A. (2010). Food security and marine capture fisheries: characteristics, trends, drivers and future perspectives. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 365, 2869–2880 doi:10.1098/rstb.2010.0171 Gardner, J.P.A., Bell, J.J., Constable, H.B., Hannan, D., Ritchie, P.A., Zuccarello, G.C. (2010). Multi-species coastal marine connectivity: a literature review with recommendations for further research. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 58. 47 p. Ghiglione, J.-F.; Galand, P.E.; Pommier, T.; Pedrós-Alió, C.; Maas, E.W.; Bakker, K.; Bertilson, S.; Kirchman, D.L.; Lovejoy, C.; Yager, P.L.; Murray, A.E. (2012). Pole-to-pole biogeography of surface and deep marine bacterial communities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Ghiglione, J-F; Galand, P.E.; Pommier, T.; Pedros-Alio, C.; Maas, E.W.; Bakker, K.; Bertilson, S.; Kirchman, D.L.; Lovejoy, C.; Yager, P.L.; Murray, A.E. (2012). Pole to pole biogeography of surface and deep marine bacterial communities. Glasby GP, Wright IC. (1990). Marine mineral potential in New Zealand's Exclusive Economic Zone. Mar Mining.;9:403–427. Gordon DP (2000). The Pacific Ocean and global OBIS: a New Zealand perspective. Oceanography.;13:41–47. Gordon DP (Ed.) (2009). New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity Volume One. Kingdom Animalia: Radiata, Lophotrochozoa, Deuterostomia. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch. 568+16 p. Gordon DP (Ed.) (2010) New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity Volume Two. Kingdom Animalia: Chaetognatha, Ecdysozoa and Ichnofossils. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch. 528+16 p. Gordon DP (Ed.) (2012) New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity Volume Three. Kingdoms Bacteria, Protozoa, Chromista, Plantae, Fungi. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch. 616+16 p.Gordon DP, editor. (2009). Volume 1. Kingdom Animalia: Radiata, Lophotrochozoa, Deuterostomia. Christchurch: Canterbury University Press; New Zealand inventory of biodiversity. p. 568+16. Gordon DP, Beaumont J, MacDiarmid A, Robertson DA, Ahyong ST (2010) Marine Biodiversity of Aotearoa New Zealand. PLoS ONE 5(8): e10905. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010905 Gordon DP, Bisby FA. (2009) Introduction. In: Gordon DP, editor. New Zealand inventory of biodiversity. Volume 1. Kingdom Animalia: Radiata, Lophotrochozoa, Deuterostomia. Christchurch: Canterbury University Press;. pp. 9–12. Gordon DP, Hosie AM, Carter MC. (2008) Post-2000 detection of warm-water alien bryozoan species in New Zealand ― the significance of recreational vesels. Virginia Mus Nat Hist Spec Pub.;15:37–48. Gould B, Ahyong ST. (2008) Marine Invasive Taxonomic Service. Biosecurity.;85:18–19. Grange, K.R., Tovey, A., Hill, A.E. (2003). The spatial extent and nature of the bryozoan communities at Separation Point, Tasman Bay. Marine Biodiversity Biosecurity Report No. 4. 22 p. Grayling, S. (2004). A review of scientific studies conducted on the Macquarie Ridge. Final Research Report (ZBD2003-09) held at MPI. 33p. Grotti, M.;Soggia, F.;Lagomarsino, C.;Dalla Riva, S.;Goessler, W., Francesconi, K.A. (2008). Natural variability and distribution of trace elements in marine organisms from Antarctic coastal environments. Antarctic Science 20(1): 39-51. (peer) 288

AEBAR <strong>2012</strong>: Marine <strong>Biodiversity</strong><br />

D’Archino, R.; Sutherl<strong>and</strong>, J.E. (in press) First record of the genus Dudresnaya (Dumontiaceae, Rhodophyta) in New Zeal<strong>and</strong><br />

waters. Phycological Research.<br />

De Domenico, F., Chiantore, M., Buongiovanni, S., Paola Ferranti, M., Ghione, S., Thrush, S., Cummings, V., Hewitt, J., Kroeger, K.,<br />

Cattaneo-Vietti, R. (2006). Latitude versus local effects on echinoderm assemblages along the Victoria L<strong>and</strong> coast, Ross Sea,<br />

Antarctica. Antarctic Science 18(4): 655-662.<br />

Dettai et al. (+45 authors). (2011). DNA barcoding <strong>and</strong> molecular systematics of the benthic <strong>and</strong> demersal organisms of the CEAMARC<br />

survey. Polar Science 5: 298–312.<br />

Dodgshun T, Coutts A. (2003). Opening the lid on sea chests. Seafood NZ.;11:35. Dunn MR (2009) Feeding habits of the ommastrephid<br />

squid Nototodarus sloanii on the Chatham Rise, New Zeal<strong>and</strong>. NZ J Mar Freshw Res 43:1103–1113<br />

Dunn MR (2009) Feeding habits of the ommastrephid squid Nototodarus sloanii on the Chatham Rise, New Zeal<strong>and</strong>. NZ J Mar Freshw Res<br />

43:1103–1113<br />

Dunn MR, Connell AM, Forman J, Stevens DW, Horn PL (2010a) Diet of Two Large Sympatric Teleosts, the Ling (Genypterus blacodes)<br />

<strong>and</strong> Hake (Merluccius australis). PLoS ONE 5(10):<br />

Dunn MR. Griggs, L. Forman J. Horn PL (2010b). Feeding habits <strong>and</strong> niche separation among the deep-sea chimaeroid fishes Harriotta<br />

raleighana, Hydrolagus bemisi <strong>and</strong> Hydrolagus novaezeal<strong>and</strong>iae Marine Ecology Progress Series 407: 209–225<br />

Dunn, MR. Horn PL. Connell, AM. Stevens, DW. Forman, J. Pinkerton, M. Griggs, L. Notman, P. Wood B. (in press). Ecosystem-scale<br />

trophic relationships: diet composition <strong>and</strong> guild structure of middle-depth fish on the Chatham Rise. AEBR series<br />

Dunn, MR. Szabo, A. McVeagh, MS. Smith, PJ. (2010c). The diet of deepwater sharks <strong>and</strong> the benefits of using DNA identification of prey.<br />

Deep-Sea Research Part 1. 57(7): 923-930<br />

Eakin, R.A.; Eastman, J.T.; Near, T.J. (2009). A new species <strong>and</strong> a molecular phylogenetic analysis of the Antarctic Fish Genus<br />

Pogonophryne (Notothenioidei: Artedidraconidae). Copeia 2009, No. 4, 705–713.<br />

Eleaume M, Hemery LG, Bowden DA, Roux M (in press) A large new species of the genus Ptilocrinus (Echinodermata, stalked Crinoidea,<br />

Hyocrinidae) from Antarctic seamounts. Polar Biology DOI: 10.1007/s00300-011-0993-2<br />

Farr, T.; Broom, J.; Hart, D.; Neill, K.; Nelson, W. (2009). Common coralline algae of northern New Zeal<strong>and</strong>: an identification guide.<br />

NIWA Information Series No. 70.<br />

Fenwick, G., Bradford-Grieve, J. (2002a). Recommendations for future directed research to describe the biodiversity of the Ross Sea region.<br />

FRR ZBD2000/01<br />

Fenwick, G., Bradford-Grieve, J. (2002b). Human pressures on Ross Sea region marine communities: recommendations for future research.<br />

FRR ZBD2000/01<br />

Floerl O, & Hewitt J. (<strong>2012</strong>). Chatham-Challenger OS 20/20 Post Voyage Analyses: Objective 9- Patterns in species composition. New<br />

Zeal<strong>and</strong> <strong>Aquatic</strong> <strong>Environment</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Biodiversity</strong> Report No. 97. 40 p.<br />

Forman; JS. Dunn MR. (2010). The influence of ontogeny <strong>and</strong> environment on the diet of lookdown dory, Cyttus traversi New Zeal<strong>and</strong><br />

Journal of Marine <strong>and</strong> Freshwater Research Volume 44(4): 329 - 342<br />

Freeman DJ, Marshall BA, Ahyong ST, Wing SR, Hitchmough RA (2010). The conservation status of New Zeal<strong>and</strong> marine invertebrates,<br />

2009. New Zeal<strong>and</strong> Journal of Marine <strong>and</strong> Freshwater Research 44: 129 148.<br />

Frost, M. T, Jefferson, R. & Hawkins, S. J. (Editors). (2006). The evaluation of time series: their scientific value <strong>and</strong> contribution to policy<br />

needs. Report prepared by the Marine <strong>Environment</strong>al Change Network (MECN) for the Department for <strong>Environment</strong>, Food <strong>and</strong><br />

Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Marine Biological Association, Plymouth. Contract CDEP 84/5/311. Marine Biological Association<br />

Occasional Publications No. 22. 94pp.<br />

Fulton, E.A.; Smith, A.D.M.; Webb, H.; Slater, J. (2004). Ecological indicators for the impacts of fishing on non-target species,<br />

communities <strong>and</strong> ecosystems: <strong>Review</strong> of potential indicators. AFMA Final Research report R99/1546: 119pp.<br />

Garcia, A. (2010). Comparative study of the morphology <strong>and</strong> anatomy of octopuses of the family Octopodidae. (AUT MAppSc).247 p.<br />

Garcia, S.M., Rosenberg, A.A. (2010). Food security <strong>and</strong> marine capture fisheries: characteristics, trends, drivers <strong>and</strong> future perspectives.<br />

Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 365, 2869–2880 doi:10.1098/rstb.2010.0171<br />

Gardner, J.P.A., Bell, J.J., Constable, H.B., Hannan, D., Ritchie, P.A., Zuccarello, G.C. (2010). Multi-species coastal marine connectivity: a<br />

literature review with recommendations for further research. New Zeal<strong>and</strong> <strong>Aquatic</strong> <strong>Environment</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Biodiversity</strong> Report No. 58.<br />

47 p.<br />

Ghiglione, J.-F.; Gal<strong>and</strong>, P.E.; Pommier, T.; Pedrós-Alió, C.; Maas, E.W.; Bakker, K.; Bertilson, S.; Kirchman, D.L.; Lovejoy, C.; Yager,<br />

P.L.; Murray, A.E. (<strong>2012</strong>). Pole-to-pole biogeography of surface <strong>and</strong> deep marine bacterial communities. Proceedings of the<br />

National Academy of Sciences. <br />

Ghiglione, J-F; Gal<strong>and</strong>, P.E.; Pommier, T.; Pedros-Alio, C.; Maas, E.W.; Bakker, K.; Bertilson, S.; Kirchman, D.L.; Lovejoy, C.; Yager,<br />

P.L.; Murray, A.E. (<strong>2012</strong>). Pole to pole biogeography of surface <strong>and</strong> deep marine bacterial communities.<br /><br />

Glasby GP, Wright IC. (1990). Marine mineral potential in New Zeal<strong>and</strong>'s Exclusive Economic Zone. Mar Mining.;9:403–427.<br />

Gordon DP (2000). The Pacific Ocean <strong>and</strong> global OBIS: a New Zeal<strong>and</strong> perspective. Oceanography.;13:41–47.<br />

Gordon DP (Ed.) (2009). New Zeal<strong>and</strong> Inventory of <strong>Biodiversity</strong> Volume One. Kingdom Animalia: Radiata, Lophotrochozoa,<br />

Deuterostomia. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch. 568+16 p.<br />

Gordon DP (Ed.) (2010) New Zeal<strong>and</strong> Inventory of <strong>Biodiversity</strong> Volume Two. Kingdom Animalia: Chaetognatha, Ecdysozoa <strong>and</strong><br />

Ichnofossils. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch. 528+16 p.<br />

Gordon DP (Ed.) (<strong>2012</strong>) New Zeal<strong>and</strong> Inventory of <strong>Biodiversity</strong> Volume Three. Kingdoms Bacteria, Protozoa, Chromista, Plantae, Fungi.<br />

Canterbury University Press, Christchurch. 616+16 p.Gordon DP, editor. (2009). Volume 1. Kingdom Animalia: Radiata,<br />

Lophotrochozoa, Deuterostomia. Christchurch: Canterbury University Press; New Zeal<strong>and</strong> inventory of biodiversity. p. 568+16.<br />

Gordon DP, Beaumont J, MacDiarmid A, Robertson DA, Ahyong ST (2010) Marine <strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Aotearoa New Zeal<strong>and</strong>. PLoS ONE<br />

5(8): e10905. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010905<br />

Gordon DP, Bisby FA. (2009) Introduction. In: Gordon DP, editor. New Zeal<strong>and</strong> inventory of biodiversity. Volume 1. Kingdom Animalia:<br />

Radiata, Lophotrochozoa, Deuterostomia. Christchurch: Canterbury University Press;. pp. 9–12.<br />

Gordon DP, Hosie AM, Carter MC. (2008) Post-2000 detection of warm-water alien bryozoan species in New Zeal<strong>and</strong> ― the significance<br />

of recreational vesels. Virginia Mus Nat Hist Spec Pub.;15:37–48.<br />

Gould B, Ahyong ST. (2008) Marine Invasive Taxonomic Service. Biosecurity.;85:18–19.<br />

Grange, K.R., Tovey, A., Hill, A.E. (2003). The spatial extent <strong>and</strong> nature of the bryozoan communities at Separation Point, Tasman Bay.<br />

Marine <strong>Biodiversity</strong> Biosecurity Report No. 4. 22 p.<br />

Grayling, S. (2004). A review of scientific studies conducted on the Macquarie Ridge. Final Research Report (ZBD2003-09) held at MPI.<br />

33p.<br />

Grotti, M.;Soggia, F.;Lagomarsino, C.;Dalla Riva, S.;Goessler, W., Francesconi, K.A. (2008). Natural variability <strong>and</strong> distribution of trace<br />

elements in marine organisms from Antarctic coastal environments. Antarctic Science 20(1): 39-51. (peer)<br />


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