Avoided Deforestation (REDD) and Indigenous ... - Amazon Fund

Avoided Deforestation (REDD) and Indigenous ... - Amazon Fund

Avoided Deforestation (REDD) and Indigenous ... - Amazon Fund


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Comparison of Rights of <strong>Indigenous</strong> People <strong>and</strong> <strong>REDD</strong> Mechanisms<br />

in the <strong>Amazon</strong> Basin<br />

Do indigenous people (IPs) have guaranteed ownership over the l<strong>and</strong>s they traditionally have occupied?<br />

Bolivia Yes. In Bolivia IPs have the collective, indivisible, inalienable, imprescriptible, indefeasible, <strong>and</strong> irreversible right<br />

to ownership of their l<strong>and</strong>s. The constitutional right is guaranteed in the international norms which shape the<br />

Constitutional Bloc of this country.<br />

Brazil Yes. The FC recognizes the original rights of IPs over their territories. The bare ownership of ITs belongs to the<br />

Union, but the IPs have the imprescriptible rights of permanent possession <strong>and</strong> exclusive usufruct of the riches of<br />

the soil, rivers <strong>and</strong> lakes on their l<strong>and</strong>s, excluding the subsoil <strong>and</strong> hydroelectric uses. By constitutional provision,<br />

ITs are inalienable <strong>and</strong> the rights over them are imprescriptible <strong>and</strong> indefeasible.<br />

Colombia Yes. IPs in Colombia have the collective, inalienable, indefeasible, <strong>and</strong> imprescriptible right to ownership of their<br />

territories. This constitutional right is reinforced by ILO C169 which explicity forms part of the Constitutional Bloc<br />

of this country.<br />

Ecuador Yes. Ecuador recognizes the indivisible, imprescriptible <strong>and</strong> inalienable property right of community l<strong>and</strong>s. There is<br />

a constitutional guarantee <strong>and</strong> explicit incorporation of ILO C169 <strong>and</strong> UNDRIP in the Constitutional Bloc of Ecuador.<br />

Peru No. Native communities’ ownership rights can be transferred <strong>and</strong> seized.<br />

Venezuela Yes. The Venezuelan State recognizes the collective, inalienable, imprescriptible, indefeasible, <strong>and</strong><br />

nontransferable right of indigenous people over their territories.<br />

Do IPs have the right to full use <strong>and</strong> enjoyment of the forest resources in their territories?<br />

Bolivia Yes. IPs have the right of ownership over the natural resources which exist in their territories, within the<br />

limitations of applicable environmental laws. Currently, it is not possible to grant new forestry concessions to third<br />

parties within ITs.<br />

Brazil Yes. IPs have the right of exclusive usufruct over the natural resources in their territories. It is not possible to grant<br />

forestry concessions within ITs through explicit statutory exception.<br />

Colombia Yes. The use <strong>and</strong> enjoyment rights over natural resources by IPs are limited by the environmental obligations<br />

which must be met in indigenous territories.<br />

Ecuador Yes. IPs have the exclusive usufruct right of the natural resources in their territories, limited only by obligations<br />

resulting from environmental regulations which apply to every type of property in Ecuador.<br />

Peru No. The State does not recognize IP ownership over forest resources in their territories. Peru only recognizes<br />

use concessions in favor of the IPs over the l<strong>and</strong>s with “forestry potential” on the condition that they are used<br />

exclusively for survival.<br />

Venezuela Yes. IPs have rights over the natural resources in their territories. However, there is a lack of clarity about the<br />

exception forestry permissions <strong>and</strong> concessions to third parties within ITs that do not overlap NPAs are prohibited.<br />

Av o i d e d d e f o re s t A t i o n (redd) A n d i n d i g e n o u s p e o p l e s: experiences, chAllenges A n d o p p o r t u n i t i e s in t h e A m A zo n c o n t e x t 71

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