FTA Oversight Procedures - Federal Transit Administration - U.S. ...

FTA Oversight Procedures - Federal Transit Administration - U.S. ... FTA Oversight Procedures - Federal Transit Administration - U.S. ...


6.2 Preliminary Document Review Upon receipt of the assignment, the PMOC should request the specified project documents and other materials from the Grantee. The PMOC may already be generally familiar with the project as a result of on-going monitoring activities. If the assigned personnel are not familiar with the project, they should review the materials in preparation for their on-site visit. 6.3 On-Site Review Meeting The PMOC should arrange for an on-site briefing by the Grantee’s project management team. The briefing should include a point-by-point discussion of the project delivery strategy. The presentation should include: • discussion of the project objectives • the delivery and packaging methods considered • any state law constraints on contracting methods • the process that was used to develop the strategy • the selected strategy and packaging plan • the implementation schedule showing each major element or package and associated preparatory and subsequent events • significant risks affecting the selection • the proposed procurement process for each type of delivery method and the steps being taken to develop appropriate contract documents • the Grantee’s approach and proposed staffing to manage implementation of the strategy 6.4 Review and Assessment The PMOC should address the following questions in its report. With consideration of the laws, regulations, policies, circulars, guidance documents, and practices that apply to the Grantee’s work: • Review and analyze the pertinent information available for completeness, adequacy, consistency, and the appropriate level of detail given the phase of the work. • Identify any and all discrepancies, shortcomings or fatal flaws. • State findings in descending order of importance (most likely, largest consequences, least likely, moderate/minor consequences) and make recommendations for modifications or additional work by the grantee, including a time frame for the performance of the work. The answers should be comprehensive, with sufficient information to allow the reader to develop an informed opinion regarding the adequacy and appropriateness of the Grantee’s plans and whether the Grantee has the technical capacity and capability to successfully execute the strategy. • Does the grantee have a comprehensive project delivery strategy? • Was the process used to develop the strategy sound? • Is the grantee’s strategy likely to satisfy the overall project objectives as well as the unique objectives of individual elements? OP 32E Project Delivery Method Review Revision 0, June 2008 Page 4 of 5

• Did the selected delivery method(s) consider relevant risks associated with the project element(s)? • Is the selected delivery method or methods appropriate for use with the particular project element? • Is the strategy, including contract packaging plan, appropriately documented in the Project Management Plan? • Does the project schedule reflect the project delivery strategy, including sufficient preparation time? • Does the grantee currently possess, or have a plan to acquire, the staff resources to successfully execute the project delivery strategy? 7.0 REPORT, PRESENTATION, RECONCILIATION The PMOC shall provide FTA with a written report of its findings, analysis, recommendations, professional opinions, and a description of the review activities undertaken. After FTA approval, the PMOC should share the report with the Grantee. In the event that differences of opinion exist between the PMOC and the Grantee regarding the PMOC’s findings, the FTA may direct the PMOC to reconcile with the Grantee and provide FTA with a report addendum covering the agreed modifications by the Grantee and PMOC. The report formatting requirements of OP-1 apply. When necessary, PMOC shall perform data analysis and develop data models that meet FTA requirements using Microsoft Office products such as Excel and Word and use FTA-templates when provided. The PMOC may add other software as required but documentation and report data shall be made available to FTA. Include the following in the report: • Executive Summary – Clearly stated conclusions • Introduction / Objectives • Review procedures and personnel (including capsule of reviewer qualifications) • Summary of Project Delivery Plan • Consistency with Project Plans o Consistency with Contracting Plan o Consistency with Master Schedule o Consistency with Budget • Grantee’s technical capacity and capability to successfully implement the project delivery plan o Staffing o Procurement policies and processes • Conclusions and Recommendations OP 32E Project Delivery Method Review Revision 0, June 2008 Page 5 of 5

• Did the selected delivery method(s) consider relevant risks associated with the project<br />

element(s)?<br />

• Is the selected delivery method or methods appropriate for use with the particular project<br />

element?<br />

• Is the strategy, including contract packaging plan, appropriately documented in the Project<br />

Management Plan?<br />

• Does the project schedule reflect the project delivery strategy, including sufficient<br />

preparation time?<br />

• Does the grantee currently possess, or have a plan to acquire, the staff resources to<br />

successfully execute the project delivery strategy?<br />


The PMOC shall provide <strong>FTA</strong> with a written report of its findings, analysis, recommendations,<br />

professional opinions, and a description of the review activities undertaken. After <strong>FTA</strong> approval, the<br />

PMOC should share the report with the Grantee. In the event that differences of opinion exist between<br />

the PMOC and the Grantee regarding the PMOC’s findings, the <strong>FTA</strong> may direct the PMOC to<br />

reconcile with the Grantee and provide <strong>FTA</strong> with a report addendum covering the agreed modifications<br />

by the Grantee and PMOC.<br />

The report formatting requirements of OP-1 apply. When necessary, PMOC shall perform data<br />

analysis and develop data models that meet <strong>FTA</strong> requirements using Microsoft Office products such as<br />

Excel and Word and use <strong>FTA</strong>-templates when provided. The PMOC may add other software as<br />

required but documentation and report data shall be made available to <strong>FTA</strong>.<br />

Include the following in the report:<br />

• Executive Summary – Clearly stated conclusions<br />

• Introduction / Objectives<br />

• Review procedures and personnel (including capsule of reviewer qualifications)<br />

• Summary of Project Delivery Plan<br />

• Consistency with Project Plans<br />

o Consistency with Contracting Plan<br />

o Consistency with Master Schedule<br />

o Consistency with Budget<br />

• Grantee’s technical capacity and capability to successfully implement the project delivery<br />

plan<br />

o Staffing<br />

o Procurement policies and processes<br />

• Conclusions and Recommendations<br />

OP 32E Project Delivery Method Review<br />

Revision 0, June 2008<br />

Page 5 of 5

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