FTA Oversight Procedures - Federal Transit Administration - U.S. ...

FTA Oversight Procedures - Federal Transit Administration - U.S. ... FTA Oversight Procedures - Federal Transit Administration - U.S. ...


• Major or critical work details; structural element dimensions, design interfaces and physical interfaces are complete and well defined in terms of drawings, standards, criteria, specifications and contract package scopes. SCC 60 ROW, Land and existing improvements • Major drainage facilities, flood control, housing types, street crossings, traffic control, utilities, are defined and physical limits and interfaces identified, based upon site specific surveying with digitized data integrated into alignment base mapping, plan profiles. • Right of way drawings and lists that identify the full takes, 90% of partial takes and easements; fully coordinated with mass balance diagrams, structures and facilities, utilities and base maps; identification of major or critical eminent domain issues; identification of street or rail crossings that can be closed and construction easements, access and staging areas are defined; referenced to property/building lines and approximate corridor/footprint width. • Row requirements are separately identified for Guideway, Facilities and Utilities in terms of both acquisition and easements. Two step acquisitions, namely acquisition of easements first and then acquisition of the property, are identified with rationales for use. SCC 70 Vehicles • Vehicle ( Revenue and non-revenue) descriptions, functionalities, reliabilities, technology and performances are defined and drawn to the upper level of assembly, major equipment, general arrangements of cabin and cab: • System Functional Description has been developed and advanced to include the following: o Definition of the subsystems that constitute the overall system o Description, graphic depiction of each interface between subsystems o Description of how each subsystem will meet the requirements of the Specification. • Materials Specifications has been developed and advanced to include lists of qualified materials, such as brake shoe composition, electric components, refrigerants, lubricants, cleaners, paints/coatings, wiring, etc. • Testing requirements have been developed and advanced to include the following: o High level Test Program Plan for both production and on-sight acceptance should be underway (including requirements for factory inspection and testing, First Article and Pre-shipment inspections, static and dynamic testing and conditional acceptance). o Maintenance and Training Requirements should be defined and identified including development of maintenance and training requirements for new system elements. SCC 80 Professional services • Costs associated with construction – building contractors’ management, labor, indirect costs, overhead, profit, insurance should not be included in SCC 80 but in SCC 10 through 50 as appropriate. Contract package scopes and cost estimates should reflect this. • The roles and responsibilities of Grantee’s professional consultants (design, engineering, and construction management) may be distinguished from Grantee’s own professional staff and manual labor. When Grantee’s manual labor, equipment and facilities are used to facilitate construction or to assist in construction of the project, a Force Account Plan and cost estimate should be provided. OP 32C Project Scope Review Revision 0, June 2008 Page A-7

U.S. DOT Federal Transit Administration TPM-20 Office of Engineering Project Management Oversight Oversight Procedure 32E - Project Delivery Method Review ______________________________________________________________________________ 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this Oversight Procedure is to describe the review, analysis and recommendation procedures and reporting requirements expected by Federal Transit Administration (FTA) from the Project Management Oversight Contractor (PMOC) with regard to the Grantee’s plan for project delivery. This review is meant to determine whether the delivery method or methods selected are appropriate to the project or corresponding project element and whether the Grantee has the technical capacity and capability to successfully implement the selected methods. For these purposes, Project Delivery Method is defined as the overall approach selected by the Grantee to contract for those services necessary to place the project in revenue service. The proposed definition would include engineering services, construction services, procurement of vehicles, procurement of “owner furnished materials” such as rail materials or other long lead-time items, and potentially the operation and maintenance of the completed system. The definition would also include the segmentation of the project into logical segments or contract packages and the procurement method selected for each package. 2.0 BACKGROUND The typical New Start project is the sum of several discrete elements, including but not limited to professional services such as engineering and construction management, equipment such as rail transit or bus rapid transit vehicles and non-revenue vehicles; materials such as rail and ties, the construction of various things ranging from the rail way or road way to stations to maintenance facilities, the acquisition of rights-of-way, the administration and management by the grantee’s staff, and insurance. The largest proportion of the project’s budget is associated with the design, and construction or acquisition of the capital elements of the project, including those services necessary to design the facilities. The focus of this review is on the Grantee’s plan for acquiring the capital elements of the project. A variety of project delivery methods or contracting techniques are available to Grantees. The most common method involves the use of a design consultant to prepare drawings and specifications which are attached to contract documents and then used to solicit competitive bids for construction. This is often referred to as design-bid-build. Other alternative contracting methods include design-build, design-build-operate and maintain, and the construction manager at-risk or construction manager/general contractor (CM/GC) approach. All of these delivery methods are viable and have been used successfully, however, some work better than others in particular situations. For example, a transit station parking garage might be a good candidate for design-build because the owner’s primary concern is functionality, whereas a church would not be a good design-build candidate because of the parishioners’ need for control of the ornate architectural design. OP 32E Project Delivery Method Review Revision 0, June 2008 Page 1 of 5

• Major or critical work details; structural element dimensions, design interfaces and physical<br />

interfaces are complete and well defined in terms of drawings, standards, criteria,<br />

specifications and contract package scopes.<br />

SCC 60 ROW, Land and existing improvements<br />

• Major drainage facilities, flood control, housing types, street crossings, traffic control,<br />

utilities, are defined and physical limits and interfaces identified, based upon site specific<br />

surveying with digitized data integrated into alignment base mapping, plan profiles.<br />

• Right of way drawings and lists that identify the full takes, 90% of partial takes and<br />

easements; fully coordinated with mass balance diagrams, structures and facilities, utilities<br />

and base maps; identification of major or critical eminent domain issues; identification of<br />

street or rail crossings that can be closed and construction easements, access and staging areas<br />

are defined; referenced to property/building lines and approximate corridor/footprint width.<br />

• Row requirements are separately identified for Guideway, Facilities and Utilities in terms of<br />

both acquisition and easements. Two step acquisitions, namely acquisition of easements first<br />

and then acquisition of the property, are identified with rationales for use.<br />

SCC 70 Vehicles<br />

• Vehicle ( Revenue and non-revenue) descriptions, functionalities, reliabilities, technology<br />

and performances are defined and drawn to the upper level of assembly, major equipment,<br />

general arrangements of cabin and cab:<br />

• System Functional Description has been developed and advanced to include the following:<br />

o Definition of the subsystems that constitute the overall system<br />

o Description, graphic depiction of each interface between subsystems<br />

o Description of how each subsystem will meet the requirements of the Specification.<br />

• Materials Specifications has been developed and advanced to include lists of qualified<br />

materials, such as brake shoe composition, electric components, refrigerants, lubricants,<br />

cleaners, paints/coatings, wiring, etc.<br />

• Testing requirements have been developed and advanced to include the following:<br />

o High level Test Program Plan for both production and on-sight acceptance should be<br />

underway (including requirements for factory inspection and testing, First Article and<br />

Pre-shipment inspections, static and dynamic testing and conditional acceptance).<br />

o Maintenance and Training Requirements should be defined and identified including<br />

development of maintenance and training requirements for new system elements.<br />

SCC 80 Professional services<br />

• Costs associated with construction – building contractors’ management, labor, indirect costs,<br />

overhead, profit, insurance should not be included in SCC 80 but in SCC 10 through 50 as<br />

appropriate. Contract package scopes and cost estimates should reflect this.<br />

• The roles and responsibilities of Grantee’s professional consultants (design, engineering, and<br />

construction management) may be distinguished from Grantee’s own professional staff and<br />

manual labor. When Grantee’s manual labor, equipment and facilities are used to facilitate<br />

construction or to assist in construction of the project, a Force Account Plan and cost estimate<br />

should be provided.<br />

OP 32C Project Scope Review<br />

Revision 0, June 2008<br />

Page A-7

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