1988 Wildfire Activity Statistics

1988 Wildfire Activity Statistics 1988 Wildfire Activity Statistics



M M M M M M M Mm v M MM MW M M 1988 FIRE SEASON SUMMARY This year was considered a drought year . Rainfall for the state averaged 60 to 70% of normal, resulting in water shortages and low fuel moisture . The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CDF) augmented engine crews and extended peak staffing time. The early season produced normal activity . California experienced heavy lightning but only a few fires . June and July produced major fires in Southern California and the Sierra front in Amador-E1 Dorado and Tuolumne-Calaveras . July and August produced records for temperatures and continuous days of 100 degrees . This helped to set the stage for September's fire siege. During September there were 19 major fires in California, the largest being the Miller Fire in Lake-Napa Ranger Unit, destroying 38,600 acres and seven dwellings . The most damaging fire was the 49 1 er in Nevada-Yuba-Placer Ranger Unit, destroying 148 homes. The remainder of the year was relatively quiet . There was an unexpected burst of activity in early to mid-December caused by strong, dry north winds . Santa Ana task force, equipment, and personnel were utilized in Southern California early in December, then moved back to the north end of the state for fires in Regions I, II and the Mendocino National Forest. CDF provided resources to the Yellowstone Fire ; this was only the second time CDF responded out of state . A total of 116 CDF personnel were out of state during the height of the battle . This included two engine strike teams, two class 1 fire teams plus miscellaneous overhead . NUMBER OF WILDFIRES AND ACRES BURNED Direct Protection Area of Wildfires California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection - - 8,121 United States Forest Service 3,421 Contract Counties 1,009 U .S . Bureau of Land Management 493 National Park Service 246 1988 TOTAL 13,290 5-Year Average (1983-1987) 11,726 Acres Burned 191,000 54,000 58,000 34,000 8,000 345,000 279,400 -8-



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