2009 Summer Catalog - Gallaudet University

2009 Summer Catalog - Gallaudet University 2009 Summer Catalog - Gallaudet University

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Gallaudet Leadership Institute • Gallaudet Leadership Institute Gallaudet Leadership Institute as s o C i at i o n le a d e r s h i P a n d ma n a g e m e n t Pr o g r a m ju ly 13 – 17, 2009 Leadership and management in agencies and organizations continue to change and evolve to better serve their constituencies. This intensive training program serves as a model for participants by offering multi-disciplinary courses, enabling participants to touch upon different issues and subjects that affect each other. Ideal participants are individuals who aim for leadership positions at agencies and corporations, or individuals who seek additional tools to lead and manage agencies and corporations. Ba s i C Ca m P ad m i n i s t r at i o n ju n e 22 – 26, 2009 This course educates current and future camp directors in the administration of camp operations, including health and safety issues, staff organization and recruiting techniques, risk management, and other important aspects. Emphasis is placed on the philosophies, principles, and practices adopted by the American Camp Association (ACA) specific to the requirements for the ACA certification. The course is designed to present specific content in the following areas: • Camp director’s job and leadership style • Program design and goals • Characteristics of program participants • Staff organization/recruitment • On-campus recruitment • Job descriptions • Risk management • Problem-solving techniques • Health, food, and transportation services Gallaudet Leadership Institute “Change begins with one person, and only people can change organizations.” The Gallaudet Leadership Institute (GLI) is a comprehensive entity dedicated to improving the quality of the personal and professional lives of deaf and hard of hearing individuals through programming designed to enable them to reach their full potential in their chosen communities. GLI is also committed to developing and enhancing the leadership abilities of individuals who administer programs and services in deaf-centric, non-profit and for-profit agencies and corporations. Using a multi-faceted approach to training and development, GLI provides an array of quality and innovative program offerings that incorporate engaged learning formats with a focus on experiential learning, problem solving, and transformation. For more information, application and registration information or costs on any of the following programs, visit gli.gallaudet.edu. Co n s u m e r, fa m i ly, a n d Co m m u n i t y ad V o C a C y (CfCa) ju ly 20 – 24, 2009 Consumer, Family, and Community Advocacy (CFCA) is a one- week intensive program for deaf and hard of hearing consumers and parents of deaf and hard of hearing children interested in improving the quality of life for themselves and/or their families through advocacy. Top deaf professional advocates will facilitate hands-on activities and presentations on developing and improving participants’ advocacy knowledge and skills. Participants will receive practical inside tips on how to increase advocacy impact along with a road map to guide their involvement as advocates in individual and community issues. Program materials will include carefully selected readings on a wide range of advocacy issues. de a f Wo m e n ’s le a d e r s h i P Pr o g r a m ju ly 27 – 31, 2009 The Deaf Women’s Leadership Program provides deaf women with an invigorating environment for self-awareness, exploration, actualization, and leadership development. The program also strives to improve the quality of the participants’ lives through community engagement, service, and development. Training modules are offered by nationally recognized deaf female leaders who engage the participants in learning how to effectively advocate for their causes and to develop the skills and confidence they need to follow through. In collaboration with Deaf Women United, participants will have the opportunity to continue exploring and developing their leadership skills after the sessions conclude through an eight-week mentorship. Topics include mentorship, leadership styles, communication, conflict resolution, community development, networking, fund-raising and more! 8 2009 Summer Catalog • summer.gallaudet.edu

Gallaudet Leadership Institute • Gallaudet Leadership Institute th e ea r ly ed u C at i o n Pr o f e s s i o n a l de V e l o P m e n t le a d e r s h i P Pr o g r a m ju n e 24 – 26, 2009 The Early Education Professional Development Leadership Program is a 12-credit Professional Studies certificate program that includes four courses on leadership in early intervention/education. The program is designed for individuals who have current or prospective employment in an early intervention/educational program or a related position. Two courses are offered during consecutive summers, each meeting for three days of face-toface interactions with the remainder of coursework done online. The fall and spring courses are conducted fully online. The four course sequence includes: • Socio-Cultural and Political Contexts of Early Education for Deaf/Hard of Hearing Children • A System Approach to Language and Communication Planning for Young Deaf/Hard of Hearing Children and their Families • Leadership Perspectives on Families with Deaf/Hard of Hearing Children, their Cultures and Communities • A Systematic Approach to Assessment, Planning and Instructional Outcomes in early Education ed u C at i o n sP e C i a l i s t de g r e e in Ch a n g e le a d e r s h i P ju n e 22 – ju ly 31, 2009 The Education Specialist (Ed.S.) Degree in Change Leadership in Education is a 30-credit graduate level program providing experienced educators from deaf education and special education settings with the dispositions, knowledge, and skills they need to lead transformational change in their school systems (which include programs, schools, and entire school districts). Applicants must have at least three years of teaching or school administration experience and they must have a current professional certificate from their State Department of Education. en h a n C i n g de a f ed u C at i o n: la n g u a g e Pl a n n i n g a n d le a d e r s h i P ju ly 6 – 10, 2009 More and more schools and programs serving students who are deaf, hard of hearing, and/or who have cochlear implants recognize the importance of providing students with the opportunity to use both ASL and English for academic instruction to help students achieve bilingual proficiency. Given the growing acceptance of these bilingual programs nationwide, there is a critical need to develop and implement an effective language planning model that will increase capacity of schools and programs to successfully engage students in this type of bilingual learning environment. This intensive five-day seminar series is designed for school and program leadership teams (e.g., superintendents, principals, directors of instructional services, supervisors, master teachers, and curriculum specialists) and provides participants with a conceptual basis for designing and implementing bilingual program models for second language and deaf/hard of hearing learners. 2009 Summer Catalog • summer.gallaudet.edu Participants will take a more global view of theoretical perspectives on bilingual education and language and literacy research, through planning and structuring the school-wide learning environment. Specifically, participants will learn about: a) effective school-based language planning, b) essential features of bilingual education program models, c) research-based information concerning the development of language (oracy and signacy abilities) and literacy (reading & writing), and d) implementation of effective professional development. The seminars and group activities are designed to help participants become more reflective about their schools’ language planning and professional development plan. en t r e P r e n e u r le a d e r s h i P tr a i n i n g Pr o g r a m ju ly 6 – 10, 2009 The Entrepreneur Leadership Training Program, a collaboration between GLI and the National Deaf Business Institute, has been developed as a model for the delivery of professional programs for deaf entrepreneurs and business organizations. By increasing awareness of opportunities and knowledge of business practice, the program will lead to increased opportunities for deaf entrepreneurs. The program is also designed to develop the leadership potential of deaf business owners and other deaf professionals, as well as to provide an environment where participants can learn from other deaf professionals who have experienced the challenges of establishing and expanding a business and succeeded. The 11-credit professional studies program consists of the following courses: • Management for Entrepreneurs (Summer 2009); • Entrepreneurs for the Beginning Business Person (Summer 2009); • Marketing for the Beginning Entrepreneurs (Fall 2009); • Developing a Marketing Plan (Fall 2009); • Financial Accounting for Entrepreneurs (Spring 2010); • Taxation/Business Law for Entrepreneurs (Spring 2010); • Developing a Business Plan (Summer 2010) ey e mo V e m e n t in t e g r at i o n: th e o r y a n d Pr a C t i C e ju ly 13 – 17, 2009 Eye Movement Integration is a therapeutic technique that is effective in treating phobias, post-traumatic stress, anxiety and negative or self-limiting thoughts. It is one of many developments of the Neuro- Linguistic Programming Movement of the late 1970’s, and is modeled after the work of Robert Dilts, and Steve and Connierae Andreas. This course will provide instruction in the theory of eye movement therapies, as well as demonstration and practice in the uses of EMI in clinical settings. This course includes face-to-face lecture, demonstration, and practice. Successful completion of this course will lead to certification as a practitioner of Eye Movement Integration. Prerequisites: Completion of a graduate degree in a mental health profession (counseling, social work, psychology or psychiatry) 9

<strong>Gallaudet</strong> Leadership Institute • <strong>Gallaudet</strong> Leadership Institute<br />

th e ea r ly ed u C at i o n Pr o f e s s i o n a l de V e l o P m e n t<br />

le a d e r s h i P Pr o g r a m<br />

ju n e 24 – 26, <strong>2009</strong><br />

The Early Education Professional Development Leadership Program<br />

is a 12-credit Professional Studies certificate program that<br />

includes four courses on leadership in early intervention/education.<br />

The program is designed for individuals who have current<br />

or prospective employment in an early intervention/educational<br />

program or a related position. Two courses are offered during<br />

consecutive summers, each meeting for three days of face-toface<br />

interactions with the remainder of coursework done online.<br />

The fall and spring courses are conducted fully online. The four<br />

course sequence includes:<br />

• Socio-Cultural and Political Contexts of Early Education for<br />

Deaf/Hard of Hearing Children<br />

• A System Approach to Language and Communication Planning<br />

for Young Deaf/Hard of Hearing Children and their Families<br />

• Leadership Perspectives on Families with Deaf/Hard of<br />

Hearing Children, their Cultures and Communities<br />

• A Systematic Approach to Assessment, Planning and Instructional<br />

Outcomes in early Education<br />

ed u C at i o n sP e C i a l i s t de g r e e in Ch a n g e le a d e r s h i P<br />

ju n e 22 – ju ly 31, <strong>2009</strong><br />

The Education Specialist (Ed.S.) Degree in Change Leadership<br />

in Education is a 30-credit graduate level program providing<br />

experienced educators from deaf education and special education<br />

settings with the dispositions, knowledge, and skills they need<br />

to lead transformational change in their school systems (which<br />

include programs, schools, and entire school districts). Applicants<br />

must have at least three years of teaching or school<br />

administration experience and they must have a current<br />

professional certificate from their State Department of Education.<br />

en h a n C i n g de a f ed u C at i o n: la n g u a g e Pl a n n i n g a n d<br />

le a d e r s h i P<br />

ju ly 6 – 10, <strong>2009</strong><br />

More and more schools and programs serving students who<br />

are deaf, hard of hearing, and/or who have cochlear implants<br />

recognize the importance of providing students with the<br />

opportunity to use both ASL and English for academic instruction<br />

to help students achieve bilingual proficiency. Given the<br />

growing acceptance of these bilingual programs nationwide,<br />

there is a critical need to develop and implement an effective<br />

language planning model that will increase capacity of schools<br />

and programs to successfully engage students in this type of<br />

bilingual learning environment. This intensive five-day seminar<br />

series is designed for school and program leadership teams (e.g.,<br />

superintendents, principals, directors of instructional services,<br />

supervisors, master teachers, and curriculum specialists) and<br />

provides participants with a conceptual basis for designing and<br />

implementing bilingual program models for second language and<br />

deaf/hard of hearing learners.<br />

<strong>2009</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong> • summer.gallaudet.edu<br />

Participants will take a more global view of theoretical perspectives<br />

on bilingual education and language and literacy research,<br />

through planning and structuring the school-wide learning environment.<br />

Specifically, participants will learn about: a) effective<br />

school-based language planning, b) essential features of bilingual<br />

education program models, c) research-based information concerning<br />

the development of language (oracy and signacy abilities)<br />

and literacy (reading & writing), and d) implementation of effective<br />

professional development. The seminars and group activities<br />

are designed to help participants become more reflective about<br />

their schools’ language planning and professional development<br />

plan.<br />

en t r e P r e n e u r le a d e r s h i P tr a i n i n g Pr o g r a m<br />

ju ly 6 – 10, <strong>2009</strong><br />

The Entrepreneur Leadership Training Program, a collaboration<br />

between GLI and the National Deaf Business Institute, has been<br />

developed as a model for the delivery of professional programs<br />

for deaf entrepreneurs and business organizations. By increasing<br />

awareness of opportunities and knowledge of business practice,<br />

the program will lead to increased opportunities for deaf<br />

entrepreneurs. The program is also designed to develop the<br />

leadership potential of deaf business owners and other deaf<br />

professionals, as well as to provide an environment where<br />

participants can learn from other deaf professionals who have<br />

experienced the challenges of establishing and expanding a<br />

business and succeeded. The 11-credit professional studies<br />

program consists of the following courses:<br />

• Management for Entrepreneurs (<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2009</strong>);<br />

• Entrepreneurs for the Beginning Business Person<br />

(<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2009</strong>);<br />

• Marketing for the Beginning Entrepreneurs (Fall <strong>2009</strong>);<br />

• Developing a Marketing Plan (Fall <strong>2009</strong>);<br />

• Financial Accounting for Entrepreneurs (Spring 2010);<br />

• Taxation/Business Law for Entrepreneurs (Spring 2010);<br />

• Developing a Business Plan (<strong>Summer</strong> 2010)<br />

ey e mo V e m e n t in t e g r at i o n: th e o r y a n d Pr a C t i C e<br />

ju ly 13 – 17, <strong>2009</strong><br />

Eye Movement Integration is a therapeutic technique that is effective<br />

in treating phobias, post-traumatic stress, anxiety and negative<br />

or self-limiting thoughts. It is one of many developments of the<br />

Neuro- Linguistic Programming Movement of the late 1970’s, and<br />

is modeled after the work of Robert Dilts, and Steve and Connierae<br />

Andreas. This course will provide instruction in the theory of eye<br />

movement therapies, as well as demonstration and practice in the<br />

uses of EMI in clinical settings. This course includes face-to-face<br />

lecture, demonstration, and practice. Successful completion of this<br />

course will lead to certification as a practitioner of Eye Movement<br />

Integration.<br />

Prerequisites: Completion of a graduate degree in a mental health<br />

profession (counseling, social work, psychology or psychiatry)<br />


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