African Opinion - Freedom Archives

African Opinion - Freedom Archives African Opinion - Freedom Archives
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PRIZE FIGHTER LED PILGRIMAGE TO AFRICA A group of African Americans, who embraced the faith of their fathers, left the United States on September 2nd, 1969 on a tour of the African homeland led by the popularly known "Kid McCoy" of prizefighter fame and now a member of the Ethiopian Church, formerly Coptic . The group besides the church members composed of officials of the UNIA & African Communities League of New York and others from Brooklyn and New Jersey . Leaving New York, their first stop was in Greece, then to Asmara, Ethiopia, and finally Addis Ababa, the capital, now viewed as the "Capital of Africa," where the seat of the "Organization of African Unity" (OAU) is located. The Pilgrims, some members of the "St. Tekla Haymanot Brotherhood Society" of the Church, were gracefully received by the Abuna, Acting Patriarch and Archbishop of Harar who "wish them a pleasant stay among their Ethiopian brethren". Places and Sceneries The National Tourist Agency delegated to conduct the tour showed, the sons and daughters who return to the homeland for the first time all that were possible within time limit . Warmly received by His Majesty, the Emperor and all they met including the Dean of "Haile Selassie I University," they visited the "Africa Hall and Library" of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) ; the zoo ; rug industrial setup ; rope factory ; steel foundry ; The Holy Trinity Church ; Tomb of King Solomon ; the Chief Galla and Menelik tombs and other historical places . The streets they reported are immaculately clean ; not even a matchstick is seen . No loitering, no drunks, no dope addicts, no vulgarity, no discourtesy, no muggings reported . One reported walking 2 A.M. with no fear of being molested . So impressed with the general IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 6 UP YOU MIGHTY RACE Entire Records of Marcus Garvey Dramatically Portrayed By Amy Ashwood Garvey, Songs of Thelma Massy & Lord Obstinate . High Lighted by the Tony Thomas Orchestra . Lyric & Music by Rabbi Arnold Ford . Price : $3 .98 Phone : 212 MO 6-6860 National African Book Store 101 West 125th Street New York, N . Y . 10027 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII By JAMES LEOPOLD hospitality and serenity that some could not hold back the tears, as others kissed the soil of their ancient land, and murmured : "My dreams come true . . . our real home ." Some stated they went there with pains and body aches and by some mystery the aches and pains disappeared . Colony of Settlers The last stop was the Colony of Malcoda in the Province of Shashamane. The colony is a large area of flat, fertile land granted by the Emperor to Africans in the Americas for their support during the Italian invasion of Ethiopia, in 1936 . The settlement is called : the "Ethiopian World Federation Colony", Malcoda, Shashamane, with Mr. James Piper, Administrator . :111 those who desire to live there may acquire a site for home and garden free of cost except for a minor fee of about Fifteen ($15) Dollars to cover registration and taxes . Settlers now there are mostly from the West Indies and the United States . Thus far Malcoda has a ten room clinic, a school, and a few homes and is opened to thousands who are seeking peaceful living, security and freedom from fear . The Only Disturbing Factors The administration is having or experiencing a little difficulty now and then with transients, bearing all the earmarks of imperialist agents, sent to disturb the peaceful progress of what tends to become a "Rock of Ages ." That disruptive technique has been going on in Liberia since around 1884 to the present. The purpose for the subversive tactics, all things considered, is to prevent the sons and daughters from air-cad, with the "know how", to assist the brothers -it home . Their presence there, like those of the foreign Jews flocking to Palestine, they reason, might retard th- move now in progress to make Africa a white man's ccnntry . However there is a wind of change blowing in the AID AFRICA N0W Committee, Inc . 2395 8th Ave . (Near 128th St.) New York, N . Y . 10027 Appeals for Relief Funds for the Black Brothers and Families driven from their homes in Angola, Mozambique, South West Africa, Rhodesia, South Africa . . . by Colonialist Bombing Planes and now Refugees in Neighboring States . Please make donations to the above Committee and mail to : P.O . Box 126 New York, N . Y . 10027 All Funds will be sent through the Organization of African Unity AFRICAN OPINION

Photo : Showing Pilgrims in fro+at of the Cathedral with the flbuna in robe . Next on his right is Kid McCoy. Rack head only, is Francisco Rockwood. On Mr . McCoy's right, in black coat, is his wife, Mrs. McCoy. international sphere stud the rise of African Nationalism tends to reverse the age old scheme. Met by a welcome oomnnittee headed by Mrs . Gladys Stephen,, of the Vam .nnard hiu " al, VNIA & African Communities Lea-tic, pd-rinis alighted from the plane did not show the experte(l cnthusiasiu c"omparahle with that shown oil leaving . On questioning, it was revealed that they "did not , want to leave" that "happy valley" discovered previously by I)r. Fortune Fletcher, direetor of the "ATedhane ~1lem School" in Addis Ababa, who stated : "For the first time in my long educational career (at Lincoln ITniversity, 111"o .) I've foutid ecniplcte frcv dorn, nnstintcd cooperation and resp(n :ise 11) 111 N creative efforts . 'I'lu . rhiidren like their parents are exquisitely polite. They are say catgcr to learn that disciplinary problems 283-8887 Tremendous Discounts BUY BLACK MARKET Clothing - Jewelry - Cosmetics Literature - Handbags - Flags Imports from Africa and Haiti Wholesale and Retail MEN - WOMEN - CHILDREN ROBERT HARRIS, Administrator 2397 - 7+h Ave (near 140th St .) New York, N . Y . 10030 AFRICAN OPINION are non-existent. They revere their elders and especially their teachers . Ves, L've found any happy valley, the ancient kingdom of Ethiopia, in East Africa, the oldest empire in the world . IIer kings are descendent of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba ." I have grown to love this countt .v, which is magnificeittly hcantiful, and her people, simple, kind, ardently patriotic, and justly proud of their ancient past . ltilavine Wnhardson, African-American singer, followed : "There's something strange, strange like magic about patting your foot on the soil of Africa that :,elves veil a sernslttiott you've m ver lead before in vonr life. I felt it and experienced it Imt cannot explain it . Ycs, I wa completelY overcoiiie by the spirit of freedom, untrammeled fn edonn' I was at home once more with my people. I felt happy, secured and moved . A MUST ALBUM THE BLACK SOLDIER An Eye Opener Over 9,000 Years of BLACK HEROES Conquerors FREEDOM FIGHTERS Wholesale $2 .00 Retail 4 .00


A group of <strong>African</strong> Americans, who embraced the<br />

faith of their fathers, left the United States on September<br />

2nd, 1969 on a tour of the <strong>African</strong> homeland<br />

led by the popularly known "Kid McCoy" of prizefighter<br />

fame and now a member of the Ethiopian<br />

Church, formerly Coptic . The group besides the church<br />

members composed of officials of the UNIA & <strong>African</strong><br />

Communities League of New York and others from<br />

Brooklyn and New Jersey .<br />

Leaving New York, their first stop was in Greece,<br />

then to Asmara, Ethiopia, and finally Addis Ababa,<br />

the capital, now viewed as the "Capital of Africa,"<br />

where the seat of the "Organization of <strong>African</strong> Unity"<br />

(OAU) is located.<br />

The Pilgrims, some members of the "St. Tekla Haymanot<br />

Brotherhood Society" of the Church, were<br />

gracefully received by the Abuna, Acting Patriarch<br />

and Archbishop of Harar who "wish them a pleasant<br />

stay among their Ethiopian brethren".<br />

Places and Sceneries<br />

The National Tourist Agency delegated to conduct<br />

the tour showed, the sons and daughters who return<br />

to the homeland for the first time all that were possible<br />

within time limit .<br />

Warmly received by His Majesty, the Emperor and<br />

all they met including the Dean of "Haile Selassie I<br />

University," they visited the "Africa Hall and Library"<br />

of the Organization of <strong>African</strong> Unity (OAU) ;<br />

the zoo ; rug industrial setup ; rope factory ; steel foundry<br />

; The Holy Trinity Church ; Tomb of King Solomon<br />

; the Chief Galla and Menelik tombs and other<br />

historical places .<br />

The streets they reported are immaculately clean ;<br />

not even a matchstick is seen . No loitering, no drunks,<br />

no dope addicts, no vulgarity, no discourtesy, no muggings<br />

reported . One reported walking 2 A.M. with no<br />

fear of being molested . So impressed with the general<br />


6<br />


Entire Records of Marcus Garvey<br />

Dramatically Portrayed By<br />

Amy Ashwood Garvey, Songs of Thelma Massy &<br />

Lord Obstinate . High Lighted by the Tony Thomas<br />

Orchestra . Lyric & Music by Rabbi Arnold Ford .<br />

Price : $3 .98<br />

Phone : 212 MO 6-6860<br />

National <strong>African</strong> Book Store<br />

101 West 125th Street<br />

New York, N . Y . 10027<br />



hospitality and serenity that some could not hold back<br />

the tears, as others kissed the soil of their ancient land,<br />

and murmured : "My dreams come true . . . our real<br />

home ." Some stated they went there with pains and<br />

body aches and by some mystery the aches and pains<br />

disappeared .<br />

Colony of Settlers<br />

The last stop was the Colony of Malcoda in the<br />

Province of Shashamane. The colony is a large area<br />

of flat, fertile land granted by the Emperor to <strong>African</strong>s<br />

in the Americas for their support during the Italian<br />

invasion of Ethiopia, in 1936 . The settlement is called :<br />

the "Ethiopian World Federation Colony", Malcoda,<br />

Shashamane, with Mr. James Piper, Administrator .<br />

:111 those who desire to live there may acquire a<br />

site for home and garden free of cost except for a<br />

minor fee of about Fifteen ($15) Dollars to cover<br />

registration and taxes . Settlers now there are mostly<br />

from the West Indies and the United States . Thus far<br />

Malcoda has a ten room clinic, a school, and a few<br />

homes and is opened to thousands who are seeking<br />

peaceful living, security and freedom from fear .<br />

The Only Disturbing Factors<br />

The administration is having or experiencing a little<br />

difficulty now and then with transients, bearing all the<br />

earmarks of imperialist agents, sent to disturb the<br />

peaceful progress of what tends to become a "Rock of<br />

Ages ." That disruptive technique has been going on in<br />

Liberia since around 1884 to the present.<br />

The purpose for the subversive tactics, all things<br />

considered, is to prevent the sons and daughters from<br />

air-cad, with the "know how", to assist the brothers<br />

-it home . Their presence there, like those of the foreign<br />

Jews flocking to Palestine, they reason, might retard<br />

th- move now in progress to make Africa a white man's<br />

ccnntry .<br />

However there is a wind of change blowing in the<br />


Committee, Inc .<br />

2395 8th Ave . (Near 128th St.) New York, N . Y . 10027<br />

Appeals for Relief Funds for the Black Brothers and<br />

Families driven from their homes in Angola, Mozambique,<br />

South West Africa, Rhodesia, South Africa . . .<br />

by Colonialist Bombing Planes and now Refugees in<br />

Neighboring States .<br />

Please make donations to the above Committee<br />

and mail to : P.O . Box 126<br />

New York, N . Y . 10027<br />

All Funds will be sent through the<br />

Organization of <strong>African</strong> Unity<br />


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