African Opinion - Freedom Archives

African Opinion - Freedom Archives African Opinion - Freedom Archives
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African World Wide Survev LETTERS TO EDITOR Dear Mr . Editor, Please grant me space in OUR Journal to say how satisfied I am to live to see all what the Late Hon . Marcus Garvey said come true. This man _qf God, Marcus Garvey, when leaving Jamaica for England, sleeping black men said : "Garvey, you are finished with the African question ." Garvey answered : "I am going to England where I can find someone to send the message to Mother Africa . We want a United States of Africa ." There he found Dr . Kwame Nkrumah who carried the Gospel of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man . And out of this, I can see come the "Organization of African Unity" of which all Africans are proud to have. S . B . Gardner Jamaica, W. I . Room 338 Dear Sir : CHARTER To TRINIDAD FOR CARNIVAL Round Trip Air Fare $155.00 AFRICA Phone : 697-6057 We are writing to let you know your work is very much appreciated by African Americans who are awakened in this 20th century . Those. individuals who are seeking to return home, those who are seeking to bridge the so-called gap between Africans at. home and Africans in'A' ierica are the ones who have a vision of the future . These are the ones who can see that there is no future for the black race if we don't have Africa . Yes! we are for (Bill) HR S965 Repatriation for Americans of African Descent. Keep up the work of informing scattered Ethiopians, and may God strengthen us all . Leaving New York City February 1, 1970 342 MADISON AVENUE Returning February 15th -Jocrrist ~ -Jrave C/~t~enc'y Mrs. JaYnes & Family Philadelphia, Pa . y,eat.i~bepeocoeo~oeneneae ..caeoeneoeneoeneoe .,e.,e.,eoeoe ..eoeoo HANDLE ALSO YOUR TRAVEL PLANS ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD . INCLUDING THE U. S. A. i i i i I NEW YORK, N. Y . 10017 I . ..e .,e.,eo........ . . ..-4: i i i Dear Mr. Editor, I was given a copy of "African Opinion" and was very much impressed. I am a resident of New York City, but I am employed by the United States Air Force here. If it is possible, I would like to become a regular subscriber to your "African Opinion" magazine. Enclosed is a money order ($1 .50) for a one year subscription. Also can you send a catalog of your other fine reading material. Thank You for your cooperation. Sincerely, Gary Patterson Selma, Alabama 36701 Dear Sir, In the very near future, I am planning to open a book store in the Germantown area of Philadelphia to serve the African community. This book store will deal mainly in "black" literature . I would like to handle the "African Opinion" magazine. It is one of the most informed periodicals that deal with problems confronting the African American in this country today . Broadus S. Williams Philadelphia, Pa . Dear Sir : I am writing to inform you of a change of address as of July 1st. I would appreciate starting July 1st you would s nd my subscription of AFRICAN OPINION Magazine to the below address. Also I wolad be very thankful if, with the very next issue, you would please send the expiration date of said subscription so as I will know exactly when to renew. I really enjoy reading this particular magazine and hope very much to continue such. The whole of the Black population here, in North America, should definitely read this informative magazine . Thank ,yon . With peace and best wishes, Geo . Hall Newark, N. J . AFRICAN OPINION

WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT Dr . Arrgie E . Brooks, Woman of 1 test my and second woman elected president of the United Nations Gen- (INrl Asscntblv, is currently being addru,sac! as lladam President by her colleagues of come 120 delegations ;'rom around the globe, with African missions in the ascendency, with 38 strong. 'I'lte 41 year old diplomat, Angie I,;Iizabeth Ilrooks, made history and set an awesome precedent when she was elected President of the twentyfourth session of the General Assembly rmaninrously with every country responding . :1 standing" ovation greeted the Liberian Assistant Secretary of State when the election re- ,rtlts were iturmunced and the IT.N . 1)r)dy rose to its feet . again when she was escorted tit the rostrum to take Irer scat. 'fhc unique honor tops her eleventh ye;tr as Assistant Sc("retarv of State of I,i1H .ria and her tifteenth year as lrer ooutttr ;v's rle le-rate to the General .lsscttd)ly where " sire served in various vtllttwities . Mrs . Ilrooks has servcKl as vice Chsirrnart of the Assembly's Fourth ('( , .urruittee ('Trust and Non-Self- Goyorttitrf, 'I'crritories) : Vice-Presirlvotrt 4 the Committee on Tnformatiorr from :ion-Self-Governing Territories ; Chainrrmi of the Fourth Commirree ; (1mirmau of the United NatWrrs Visitiug- 11is,ion to the Trust '1'erri tarry i)f the Pacific Islands ; Vir-, , -I'residvrrt ,hood President of the AFRICAN OPINION By GLADYS P. GRAHAM (Famata ) Trusteeship Council antong other pertinent bodies during her long and productive years at the International 11 -orld forruu . Her opinions, declararirrns and statesnran,hip have been laudatory and unpreeedently with versatility and sagacity, a woman of valor and t minendy qualified for the high posts . Born in Vir;ginin, Montserrado County, Lihcrio, she holds earned degrees fry>rri Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina (U.S.A .) on a scholarship with lter working her way through rolle-e as a student . Mrs. Brooks also holds a Bachelor of Law and Master of Science degree in political srierwe from the TTrriver- Slogan : "TRUTH AND CHARITY" OUR FAMILIES PROTECTION ASSOCIATION, INC. Sponsors Organized Bodies : Our School of Business Thought and Practice STANDING COMMITTEES : Sick - Planning - Working - EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS : African Movies - Lectures ECONOMICAL VENTURES : An Emergency Saving Fund - SOCIAL ACTIVITIES : Weekly Parties - Bus Outings, Etc. WELCOME! to Our Recreational Hall or HEADQUARTERS 31 West 125th Street New York, N . Y . 10027 STAND HIGH Donations Appreciated! Mr. L . Kofi Brown, President sity of Wisconsin . She did advanced study at the University of London trnrl obtained a Doctor of Civil Law degree from the University o£ Li- 4eria . She was the first of her sex t o be admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of Liberia . Later she served as Assistant . Attorney-General of Liheria. As a lawyer of scope she was extended every consideration by President NN' . NT, S . Tubman who emancipated tire female species politically. Angie Ilrortks served as Vice-President of the International Federation of Women Lawyers . She represented Liberia and the Federation at the first session of the United Nations I"conomi(I Commission for Africa. Her two rears as Vice-President of the National Liberian Political and Social Movement. was momeutons as was her serviee as Special Assistant to the Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention which played an important part in setting up seholarships for Liberian youth. "This outstanding daughter of Africa, indicated to "Famata" that Liberia was an Afriearr State that must be able to cope with all phases of development . Proud of her Africmi heritage and her Afriean dress, which she always ,xcars with dignitv, her motto is to actually live the principle that brotherhood is an example for others to follow and to leave something of worth for those following behind . Recreational - Discussions Loans Phone : Fl S-5$04

<strong>African</strong> World Wide Survev<br />


Dear Mr . Editor,<br />

Please grant me space in OUR<br />

Journal to say how satisfied I am<br />

to live to see all what the Late Hon .<br />

Marcus Garvey said come true. This<br />

man _qf God, Marcus Garvey, when<br />

leaving Jamaica for England, sleeping<br />

black men said : "Garvey, you are<br />

finished with the <strong>African</strong> question ."<br />

Garvey answered : "I am going to<br />

England where I can find someone<br />

to send the message to Mother Africa<br />

. We want a United States of<br />

Africa ." There he found Dr . Kwame<br />

Nkrumah who carried the Gospel of<br />

the fatherhood of God and the<br />

brotherhood of man . And out of this,<br />

I can see come the "Organization of<br />

<strong>African</strong> Unity" of which all <strong>African</strong>s<br />

are proud to have.<br />

S . B . Gardner<br />

Jamaica, W. I .<br />

Room 338<br />

Dear Sir :<br />



Round Trip Air Fare $155.00<br />

AFRICA<br />

Phone : 697-6057<br />

We are writing to let you know<br />

your work is very much appreciated<br />

by <strong>African</strong> Americans who are<br />

awakened in this 20th century .<br />

Those. individuals who are seeking<br />

to return home, those who are seeking<br />

to bridge the so-called gap between<br />

<strong>African</strong>s at. home and <strong>African</strong>s<br />

in'A' ierica are the ones who have a<br />

vision of the future . These are the<br />

ones who can see that there is no<br />

future for the black race if we don't<br />

have Africa .<br />

Yes! we are for (Bill) HR S965<br />

Repatriation for Americans of <strong>African</strong><br />

Descent.<br />

Keep up the work of informing<br />

scattered Ethiopians, and may God<br />

strengthen us all .<br />

Leaving New York City February 1, 1970<br />


Returning February 15th<br />

-Jocrrist ~ -Jrave C/~t~enc'y<br />

Mrs. JaYnes & Family<br />

Philadelphia, Pa .<br />

y,eat.i~bepeocoeo~oeneneae ..caeoeneoeneoeneoe .,e.,e.,eoeoe ..eoeoo<br />



i<br />

i<br />

i<br />

i<br />

I<br />

NEW YORK, N. Y . 10017 I<br />

. ..e .,e.,eo........ . . ..-4:<br />

i<br />

i<br />

i<br />

Dear Mr. Editor,<br />

I was given a copy of "<strong>African</strong><br />

<strong>Opinion</strong>" and was very much impressed.<br />

I am a resident of New<br />

York City, but I am employed by<br />

the United States Air Force here.<br />

If it is possible, I would like to<br />

become a regular subscriber to your<br />

"<strong>African</strong> <strong>Opinion</strong>" magazine.<br />

Enclosed is a money order ($1 .50)<br />

for a one year subscription. Also<br />

can you send a catalog of your other<br />

fine reading material. Thank You for<br />

your cooperation.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Gary Patterson<br />

Selma, Alabama 36701<br />

Dear Sir,<br />

In the very near future, I am<br />

planning to open a book store in the<br />

Germantown area of Philadelphia to<br />

serve the <strong>African</strong> community. This<br />

book store will deal mainly in<br />

"black" literature .<br />

I would like to handle the "<strong>African</strong><br />

<strong>Opinion</strong>" magazine. It is one of<br />

the most informed periodicals that<br />

deal with problems confronting the<br />

<strong>African</strong> American in this country<br />

today .<br />

Broadus S. Williams<br />

Philadelphia, Pa .<br />

Dear Sir :<br />

I am writing to inform you of a<br />

change of address as of July 1st. I<br />

would appreciate starting July 1st<br />

you would s nd my subscription of<br />

AFRICAN OPINION Magazine to<br />

the below address.<br />

Also I wolad be very thankful if,<br />

with the very next issue, you would<br />

please send the expiration date of<br />

said subscription so as I will know<br />

exactly when to renew.<br />

I really enjoy reading this particular<br />

magazine and hope very<br />

much to continue such. The whole<br />

of the Black population here, in<br />

North America, should definitely<br />

read this informative magazine .<br />

Thank ,yon . With peace and best<br />

wishes,<br />

Geo . Hall<br />

Newark, N. J .<br />


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