African Opinion - Freedom Archives

African Opinion - Freedom Archives African Opinion - Freedom Archives
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( Continued f ~'orn page 7 ) when the demands for "self image" is heard . Da-We notice taa that many of the white students, with their future before them, are co-operating with the African and Puerta Rican students . Can you unravel this "Chinese" puzzle, Uba ? Uba-I am not a Chinese. We 1 2 HILL'S TELEVISION SERVICE Television - Radio And All Other Electrical Appliances Serviced and Repaired 90% of All Work Done in Your Home 24 Hour Telephone Service 7 Days Per Week Phone : RE 9-5715 168-02 SAYRES AVENUE JAMAICA, N. Y. George W. Hill, Proprietor UNIVERSAL BLACK MAN'S CATECHISM A Fundamental Course of Instruction in History and Religion Compiled by Bishop George Alexander McGuire, M . D. Price 75 cents a copy . Address : Vanguard Local, UNIA 2395 8th Avenue New York 27, N. Y. AGENTS WANTED to handle AFRIOAN OPINION Address : Oiroulation Managor 8 WEST 117th STREET New York, N. Y . 10026 Bankers Chemical Bank New York Trust Company r ~or oration OOMMERCIAL and INDUSTRIAL AGENTS Exporters and Importers To and from - AFRICA - ASIA - THE AMERICAS - EUROPE 34 PARK ROW - NEW YORK CITY Phone: COrtlandt 7-2280 Cable Address NILELOGS JAMES WILKINS, Pres. & Secy . JOHN DAWAY, Vice Pres . MARY KELLMAN, Treas . can however watch the fowl's skin as the wind blaws. Let us watch and see what is under the feathers . Since the hurricane started we have ahead}discovered a "vicious system" operating under the feathers. That system kept a tremeudons amount of black youths out of college and the reason might be shaven as the wind continues to blow . Da-Since the disturbance started and the "Civil Rights Act" signed, and to maintain the democratic front, a few Africans and Puerta Ricans gained entrance to a few schools. Now it is announced the college will take in a Ia.rge number, of what they called minority groups . It later came to light that the Black students, after discovering the v~hites were armed to the teeth and a cross, the symbol of Christianity, Syd. St . James burned in the Klansmen style in front of the black girls dormitory, the African students "armed themselves too." Uba-With guns on the campus of higher learning ? Da-That's right, sir, "I'ar selfdefense" they claimed . Could this be a plot to influence and justify actions of the feverished osculation of the "white backlash" to reduce the explosive population, Uba ? Uba-The whole "mess" might be influenced by back stage forces . Therefore Africans should clearly see the "Handwriting on the Wall" and pull up stakes without delay and leave America . Don't deceive yourself or permit yourself to believe that this "mess" is accidental, or influenced by the hands of the convenient "outsiders" . MAGIC EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 1303 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N . Y. 11233 Tel. 622-6004 Employers Who Desire Efficient Workers Employees Who Desire Regular Employment Full - Or Part Time COMMERCIAL -INDUSTRIAL - DOMESTIC a1 ~~.~.~.~ . For quick service, telephone us today Licensee & Manager AFRICAN OPINION

THE PLACE OF URANIUM IN NIGER'S ECONOMY (From 1'~Tiyer Perspectives) Preparatory work for the mining of uranium in the 60 square kilonxcter area around Arlit i~ proceeding at a fast pace. 'Ihe French Atomic Energy Commission holds the exclusive rights . The mineral is found about 150 feet below the surface and open-cast mining will necessitate the removal of several million tans of sand and rock . 'This started oai the 4th November last year, the date of the first dynamiting of the upper rock stratum. Since them same 150,000 tans have been moved each month . At the same time the construction of the first buildings for the new town of 5,000 inhabitants has already started . The project as a whale is impaling, especially in relation to Niger's skeletal infrastructure . For it shaul.d not be forgotten that the uranium bearing zone is nearly 250 km to the north-west of Agadez, which is itself the "gateway to the desert" and 2,500 km from the noarest port . 3 :1,000 tons of goads must be carried them each ,year, including fuel-oils, which is, in itself, xio mean task . This means, in affect, that goods disembarked at Cotanou or Dahomey will first be carried the 400 km to Parakou by rail, there loaded auto lorries which must follow the 1,000 km of unpaved road to Tahotxa, and then, .from this town, take the 650 km of desert track to Arlit, going via Agadez . The whale of this route must, of course, be drastically improved to ease the passage of such a volume of traffic . As from now, nearly 4,000,000 CFA in wages is lreixxg paid each nxonth to the 400 workmen employed at Arlit SOMAIR, a workforce which will be increased to nearly 900 when the mining proper begins . Tlxe authorities in Niger have high hopes of the uranium mining for several reasons . hirst, SOMAIR, must invest some 13 thousand million CFA in order to get under way the extraction of the ore which holds 0.25°fo uranium, and its transformation into 65 to 70% uranate of soda. Naw the investment of such a sum, which is equal to one and a half times the State's budget, can only have a f;aQOrable effect an the whole economy, even taking into consideration the fact that most of the money will go to buying foreign goads . The provision of roads capable of carrying the traffic described above will also favorably influence the whale economy, without taking into account the fact that to a certain degree it will be easier to prospect the underlying layers whose potentialities are hardly known . Finally, it is worth nothing that Niger will receive, in the farm of taxes and dividends 66% of the profits made, whilst 34% will go to its partners . Looked at like this the whole affair seems very propitious, espe- AFRICAN OPINION dally since the SOMAIR experts, wlxo were thinking two years ago of setting up-pilot factory to produce `200 tans of uranium per year, now exuvisage a productian of 750 tons starting from 1971, and 1,500 tons in 1974.. ~~'hatever happens, St)llAIR, with a budget of 7,500 million CFA, is going to figure largely in Niger's economy . (L'ontizrued f-rom page 11) Special Recommendation The Council of Ministers of the OAU recommended that : On 25t1z May, "Africa Day", National programmes to include the sale of badges and emblems, showing of films arzd otleer events for the purpose of collecting ftends for the liberation struggle . And to make funds available for reproduction of films made as an example of the magnificent szzccess of some Liberation Movements, particularly th,e PAIGC in Gui,ea Bissau . Such films should be shown in all African States and all African Communities so that all floe people can be informed of tlce sacrifices and activities of their strzegyliyrg brothers in, floe colonial territories . Declares that a~zy aggression on, azay OAU 1llember State by the colonialist and regiynes of Portugal, "South, Africa" and Rhodesia is regarded as an aggression on all Africans. And congralulated az~d records ill thanks to the Gnvernment.s and people, leosts to recognized liberation movements, and particularly those States adjacent to " tlre fields of struggle for th,e immense sacrifices they az°e daily shouldering in order to hasten the capitulation of the colonialists and the enemies of A frica . Greetings on AFRICA DAY, MAY 25th to All Africans at HOME OR ABROAD on this Our Day of Unity . Returns Once Again GOD SAVE AFRICA GEORGE D. RANDOLPH New Jersey, U. S. A.

( Continued f ~'orn page 7 )<br />

when the demands for "self image"<br />

is heard .<br />

Da-We notice taa that many of<br />

the white students, with their future<br />

before them, are co-operating with<br />

the <strong>African</strong> and Puerta Rican students<br />

. Can you unravel this "Chinese"<br />

puzzle, Uba ?<br />

Uba-I am not a Chinese. We<br />

1 2<br />



Television - Radio<br />

And All Other<br />

Electrical Appliances<br />

Serviced and Repaired<br />

90% of All Work<br />

Done in Your Home<br />

24 Hour Telephone Service<br />

7 Days Per Week<br />

Phone : RE 9-5715<br />

168-02 SAYRES AVENUE<br />

JAMAICA, N. Y.<br />

George W. Hill, Proprietor<br />




A Fundamental Course<br />

of Instruction in<br />

History and Religion<br />

Compiled by<br />

Bishop George Alexander<br />

McGuire, M . D.<br />

Price 75 cents a copy .<br />

Address : Vanguard Local, UNIA<br />

2395 8th Avenue<br />

New York 27, N. Y.<br />


to handle<br />


Address :<br />

Oiroulation Managor<br />

8 WEST 117th STREET<br />

New York, N. Y . 10026<br />

Bankers<br />

Chemical Bank New York Trust Company<br />

r ~or oration<br />


Exporters and Importers<br />

To and from - AFRICA - ASIA - THE AMERICAS - EUROPE<br />


Phone: COrtlandt 7-2280<br />

Cable Address<br />


JAMES WILKINS, Pres. & Secy . JOHN DAWAY, Vice Pres . MARY KELLMAN, Treas .<br />

can however watch the fowl's skin<br />

as the wind blaws. Let us watch and<br />

see what is under the feathers . Since<br />

the hurricane started we have ahead}discovered<br />

a "vicious system" operating<br />

under the feathers. That system<br />

kept a tremeudons amount of black<br />

youths out of college and the reason<br />

might be shaven as the wind continues<br />

to blow .<br />

Da-Since the disturbance started<br />

and the "Civil Rights Act" signed,<br />

and to maintain the democratic front,<br />

a few <strong>African</strong>s and Puerta Ricans<br />

gained entrance to a few schools.<br />

Now it is announced the college will<br />

take in a Ia.rge number, of what they<br />

called minority groups .<br />

It later came to light that the<br />

Black students, after discovering the<br />

v~hites were armed to the teeth and<br />

a cross, the symbol of Christianity,<br />

Syd. St . James<br />

burned in the Klansmen style in<br />

front of the black girls dormitory,<br />

the <strong>African</strong> students "armed themselves<br />

too."<br />

Uba-With guns on the campus of<br />

higher learning ?<br />

Da-That's right, sir, "I'ar selfdefense"<br />

they claimed . Could this be<br />

a plot to influence and justify actions<br />

of the feverished osculation of the<br />

"white backlash" to reduce the explosive<br />

population, Uba ?<br />

Uba-The whole "mess" might be<br />

influenced by back stage forces .<br />

Therefore <strong>African</strong>s should clearly<br />

see the "Handwriting on the Wall"<br />

and pull up stakes without delay and<br />

leave America . Don't deceive yourself<br />

or permit yourself to believe that<br />

this "mess" is accidental, or influenced<br />

by the hands of the convenient<br />

"outsiders" .<br />


1303 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N . Y. 11233<br />

Tel. 622-6004<br />

Employers Who Desire Efficient Workers<br />

Employees Who Desire Regular Employment<br />

Full - Or Part Time<br />


a1 ~~.~.~.~ .<br />

For quick service, telephone us today<br />

Licensee & Manager<br />


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