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SOYTH WEST AFRICAS Fate Extinction Note : The following article is reproduced from the "Colonial Freedom News"-London, England. The "Self-government for Native Nations in South West Africa Act" was enacted at the end of the last session in the South African Parliament . According to this act, Namibia (South West Africa) is going to be divided up into six so-called "Na- By PETER KATJAVIVI bans," each "Nation" as an autonomous unit. On October 17, 1968, the first of these "Native Nations" will came into being. The Legislative Council for Ovamboland Bantu area will be opened in Oshakati by Mr. M. C. Botha, Minister of "Bantu Adminis- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII COURTESY IS OUR POLICY Club Le Douze Inc . Announces Its ,Schedule of Tours and Entertainment Our Annual Fathers' Day Excursion - Sunday, June 15, 1969 - to Bear Mountain on the beautiful S. S. Bay Belle . Music by Tom Shade and his Cosmopolitan Orchestra, featuring Ellie Mannette Steel Band, Latin and Calypso music and the Frank Blaize Versatiles Band . Round trip $5.00. Children under 12, $2.50 . Boat leaves Battery Park 8:45 a.m. * * =x Bus Excursion to Peg Leg Bates Country Club, Sunday, July bth, 1969 . Buses leave I Ith St. & 7th Ave., N. Y. 8 a.m . Transportation incl . tax $7.50. Children under 12, $4 .00 . :x Labor Day Excursion and Pilgrimage TO MONTREAL AND OTTAWA, CANADA Buses leave Illth Street at 7th Ave., New York City, Friday Night, August 29th, 1969 at 10 p.m . You and your friends are invited to enjoy the holiday weekend with us . Buses return from Canada Monday night, September 1st, 1969 ap roximately II p.m . Transportation incl. tax and Hotel Accommodations, 62 .50 . Children under 12 years, $49.95 . Indentification papers for return to U.S . are required . Further information contact Mr. Rupert Smith, phone MO 3-8177 . Bus Excursion to Danbury Fair, Conn . Sunday, October 12th, 1969 . Buses leave I I Ith Street at 7th Ave., N. Y. C. 8:30 a.m . Transportation incl. tax $7.50. Children under 12, $4.50 . :x Pilgrimage to Graymoor Garrison, N. Y., Sunday, October 26th, 1969 . Buses leave I I Ith St. at 7th Ave., N. Y. C. 8 :30 a .m . and leave Graymoor at 4:30 p.m . Fare $4.00. Club Le Douze Inc. invites you to join its extraordinary 17-day Carnival Calypso Excursion to Trinidad and Tobago, W. I . including the 2-day Carnival, February 8th & 9th, 1970 in the sunny capital, Port of Spain . Under the personal guidance of Mr. Rupert Smith, Tour Director . Have Breakfast in New York and lunch in Port of Spain. BWIA Sun Jet to and from Trinidad - $209 .00. If any other information wanted, please Phone MO 3-8177 tration and Development and Bantu li;ducation." According to the Windhoek Advertiser of October 3, `The Legislative Council will be representative of all the seven regions of Ovamboland. Each of the seven regional Tribal Authorities is entitled to designate not more than six members, as was the case when the Transkei was granted self-government . 'fhe Government of the Republic will second a number of civil servants to assist in the administration of the various departments of Ovamboland under self-government . These officials will be designated Directors . One of the Directors, Mr . F. A. .1 . De Preez of the Department of Bantu Administration and Development, will act as co-ordinating officer far the Departments of Finance, Economic Affairs, Justice, Community Affairs, Agriculture and 'forks and Education .' Tn other wards, the same personnel, representatives of the Santh African regime, will continue to rule -only their positions have changed names . The South African Bantustan policy-of which this is an example-is based on the fallacy that cultur.el and linguistic differences between population groups prevent co-operation and ccmmunal feelings . On the basis of this idea, South Africa regards herself justified in dividing up the areas where the indigenous pol ,ulation live, into small autonomous `Bantustans' which have minimal contact with each other. SWAPO (South West Africa Peoples Organization) has all along strongly opposed the South African Bantustan policy. We argue that in Namibia, where the various populati~n groups live scattered, this policy is undoubtedly a deliberate move to destroy the unity of our people. We also regard it as an exercise in eyewash and blatant hypocrisy, intended to foal the outside world . The implementation of the Self- Government for "Native Nations in South West Africa Act" has many implications . One can see that the exercise is bound to lead to great AFRICAN OPINION

On AFRICA DAY, MAY 25th We Repeat Africa For The Africans, Those at Home and Those Abroad Let our "Natural, Spiritual and Political Limit be God and Africa at Home and Abroad" - Garvey One God, One Aim, One Destiny Parent Body UNIA & African Communities League 1609 Columbus Ave. fl~fl~fl~ll~fl~ll~fl~fl~fl~fl~fl~fl~fl~fl~fl~fl~fl~fl~fl~fl~fl~fl IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII sufering on the part of the people of Namibia . All the Bantustans will be situated in poor areas without any natural resources worth developing . This in turn means that they will continue to be utterly dependent upon South Africa for economic assistance. Furthermore, the areas which are left to the white minority are rich in natural resources ; consequently, the exploitation of these areas will directly benefit the white population, and only go to the inhabitants of the Bantustans as `economic assistance' which, one can envisage, will be given with a patronizing hand by the South African regime. As each bantustan is going to contain people belonging to one population group only, one can foresee extensive forced moves of people from one area to the next . Many families will have to pull up their roots from the place where they may have lived for generations, and go to an area to which they have no ties whatsoever. Many families may also face financial difficulties, difficulties in adjusting to the new situation in which they find themselves ; in short, they face stresses and strains which may easily lead to a breakup of the family unit. Another facet to the South African bantustan policy is that it keeps people without contact with the outside world. Their educational system purports this isolation, as it emphasises the uniqueness of customs and traditions of particular population groups, AFRICAN OPINION Philadelphia, Pa . and ignores the general development of modern society . Thus, people in a `Native Nation' will end up as backward, ignorant and unable to tackle the problems of modern society-exactly what is intended by the South African regime. The regime thus gets its justification for continued averlordship - `these people are not yet ready for independence' - a phrase too often heard from representatives of the white supremacists in Southern Africa . The bantustan policy is a violation of human rights, of international SEE AFRICA THIS SUMMER NIGERIA AIRWAYS Will take you to Dakar, Liberia, Ghana, Nigeria and East Africa -Call- Nigeria Airways 565 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK CITY Telephone 212 OX 7-3875 law, of ay ultra-national charters functioning today . We want to draw attention to this and ask you to do ,your utmost to counteract and condemn this pernicious policy practiced in our country. We also ask you to urge your government to support an urgent debate in the United Nations General Assembly, and to back any resolution leading to practical action . South Africa must be forced to give up her illegal administration of Namibia by all means at the disposal of the United Nations, including the use of force. MR. AND MRS . ABDUL & MARIANNE SAMAD and the WONDERFUL YOUNG PEOPLE of the Sarkore-Nubian Cultural Workshop, Inc . 2140 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK 10037 Wish to Extend Our Sincere Greetings to Our Motherland AFRICA And to let Her Know we have never lost Faith . 9

SOYTH WEST AFRICAS Fate Extinction<br />

Note : The following article is reproduced<br />

from the "Colonial <strong>Freedom</strong><br />

News"-London, England.<br />

The "Self-government for Native<br />

Nations in South West Africa Act"<br />

was enacted at the end of the last<br />

session in the South <strong>African</strong> Parliament<br />

. According to this act, Namibia<br />

(South West Africa) is going to<br />

be divided up into six so-called "Na-<br />


bans," each "Nation" as an autonomous<br />

unit.<br />

On October 17, 1968, the first of<br />

these "Native Nations" will came into<br />

being. The Legislative Council for<br />

Ovamboland Bantu area will be<br />

opened in Oshakati by Mr. M. C.<br />

Botha, Minister of "Bantu Adminis-<br />



Club Le Douze Inc .<br />

Announces Its ,Schedule of Tours and Entertainment<br />

Our Annual Fathers' Day Excursion - Sunday, June 15, 1969 - to<br />

Bear Mountain on the beautiful S. S. Bay Belle . Music by Tom Shade and<br />

his Cosmopolitan Orchestra, featuring Ellie Mannette Steel Band, Latin and<br />

Calypso music and the Frank Blaize Versatiles Band . Round trip $5.00.<br />

Children under 12, $2.50 . Boat leaves Battery Park 8:45 a.m.<br />

* * =x<br />

Bus Excursion to Peg Leg Bates Country Club, Sunday, July bth, 1969 .<br />

Buses leave I Ith St. & 7th Ave., N. Y. 8 a.m . Transportation incl . tax $7.50.<br />

Children under 12, $4 .00 .<br />

:x<br />

Labor Day Excursion and Pilgrimage<br />


Buses leave Illth Street at 7th Ave., New York City, Friday Night,<br />

August 29th, 1969 at 10 p.m . You and your friends are invited to enjoy<br />

the holiday weekend with us . Buses return from Canada Monday night,<br />

September 1st, 1969 ap roximately II p.m . Transportation incl. tax and<br />

Hotel Accommodations, 62 .50 . Children under 12 years, $49.95 . Indentification<br />

papers for return to U.S . are required . Further information contact<br />

Mr. Rupert Smith, phone MO 3-8177 .<br />

Bus Excursion to Danbury Fair, Conn . Sunday, October 12th, 1969 . Buses<br />

leave I I Ith Street at 7th Ave., N. Y. C. 8:30 a.m . Transportation incl. tax<br />

$7.50. Children under 12, $4.50 .<br />

:x<br />

Pilgrimage to Graymoor Garrison, N. Y., Sunday, October 26th, 1969 .<br />

Buses leave I I Ith St. at 7th Ave., N. Y. C. 8 :30 a .m . and leave Graymoor<br />

at 4:30 p.m . Fare $4.00.<br />

Club Le Douze Inc. invites you to join its extraordinary 17-day<br />

Carnival Calypso Excursion<br />

to Trinidad and Tobago, W. I . including the 2-day Carnival, February 8th &<br />

9th, 1970 in the sunny capital, Port of Spain . Under the personal guidance<br />

of Mr. Rupert Smith, Tour Director . Have Breakfast in New York and lunch<br />

in Port of Spain. BWIA Sun Jet to and from Trinidad - $209 .00.<br />

If any other information wanted, please Phone MO 3-8177<br />

tration and Development and Bantu<br />

li;ducation."<br />

According to the Windhoek Advertiser<br />

of October 3, `The Legislative<br />

Council will be representative of<br />

all the seven regions of Ovamboland.<br />

Each of the seven regional Tribal<br />

Authorities is entitled to designate<br />

not more than six members, as was<br />

the case when the Transkei was<br />

granted self-government .<br />

'fhe Government of the Republic<br />

will second a number of civil servants<br />

to assist in the administration of the<br />

various departments of Ovamboland<br />

under self-government . These officials<br />

will be designated Directors .<br />

One of the Directors, Mr . F. A. .1 .<br />

De Preez of the Department of<br />

Bantu Administration and Development,<br />

will act as co-ordinating officer<br />

far the Departments of Finance,<br />

Economic Affairs, Justice, Community<br />

Affairs, Agriculture and 'forks<br />

and Education .'<br />

Tn other wards, the same personnel,<br />

representatives of the Santh <strong>African</strong><br />

regime, will continue to rule<br />

-only their positions have changed<br />

names .<br />

The South <strong>African</strong> Bantustan policy-of<br />

which this is an example-is<br />

based on the fallacy that cultur.el<br />

and linguistic differences between<br />

population groups prevent co-operation<br />

and ccmmunal feelings . On the<br />

basis of this idea, South Africa regards<br />

herself justified in dividing up<br />

the areas where the indigenous pol ,ulation<br />

live, into small autonomous<br />

`Bantustans' which have minimal<br />

contact with each other.<br />

SWAPO (South West Africa Peoples<br />

Organization) has all along<br />

strongly opposed the South <strong>African</strong><br />

Bantustan policy. We argue that in<br />

Namibia, where the various populati~n<br />

groups live scattered, this policy<br />

is undoubtedly a deliberate move to<br />

destroy the unity of our people. We<br />

also regard it as an exercise in eyewash<br />

and blatant hypocrisy, intended<br />

to foal the outside world .<br />

The implementation of the Self-<br />

Government for "Native Nations in<br />

South West Africa Act" has many<br />

implications . One can see that the<br />

exercise is bound to lead to great<br />


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