African Opinion - Freedom Archives

African Opinion - Freedom Archives African Opinion - Freedom Archives
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(Continued from page, 12) ist minority regimes in South Africa and Rhodesia, with designs to perpetually occupy the southern part of Africa, a step to further expansion, the Council of Ministers calls upon the Member States of the Organization of African Unity to grant additional material assistance to the Liberation Mov°ment to enable them to restore the economy and organize the lives of the population of the liberated areas . It also directs the African represcutatives at the U. N. to push for mandatory sanctions against those disturbing the peace and tranquility of Africa and appeal for moral and material assistance to those engaged in expelling gangsterism from African soil. And finally the Council congratulates the African Nationalists on their continued progress in the battle for the liberation of their occupied areas and calls on them to maintain good relations with all states of Organization of African Unity and not to fall victims to any gesture of the enemy nor his agents . (Continued in next issue) (Continued from page 2) colonialism imposed upon them by the oppressors in Pretoria . Council to Administer Without Teeth The argument is often ventilated that one of the essential requirements for political independence should be economic viability- . This argument . . . is not one that can be used against Namibia . Namibia is a large territory of 318,261 square miles with a . pleasant moderate climate . . . suitable for stock farming and its stock population for 1963 was estimated at 2.5 million for large stock and 5 million for small stock . When resolution of 27th October, 1966 was adopted revoking South Africa's mandate over the territory, South Africa's spokesman Muller, issued threats from this very rostrum against the United Nations if it attempted to take over Namibia . Because of the divisive tendencies and self-interest that are so rampant in the composition of the United Nations, our response to South Africa's defiance was far from being decisive let alone categorical. Unshaken by Pretoria's obstinacy, the fifth special session adopted resolution May 19th, 1967, which set up the eleven Member United Nations Council for Namibia with clear terms to administer the territory until independence . Once again the spokesman of the apartheid regime mounted this rostrum and defiantly stated in clear terms that his Government would use whatever -means were necessary to prevent the newly 1 4 THINGS WORTH NOTING ALGERIA AFFIRMS SUPORT In a nationwide address marking the 14th Anniversary of Algeria's uprising against French rule, Algerian President, Ilouari Boumedienne said that the only honorable way for Palestinians to recover their dignity is to go to the battlefield against Israel colonialism . The President also paid tribute to Algerian troops stationed along the Suez Canal in Egypt . Severeal foreign and Arab ministerial delegations arrived in Algiers for the three-day celebrations highlighted by a military parade. * :x ARAB STRUGGLE PRAISED Speaking at a military parade to mark the Fourth Anniversary of the overthrow of the Sudanese military regime, Sudanese Prime Minister i1Iohainmed Mahgoub declared that, "it is now clear there is no peaceful schiticrn fo- the iUliddle East crises ." I-le reiterated Sudan's support for Palestinian military action and added, "I greet all Palestinian Libera- tion Organizations and praise their armed struggle." Mahgoub blamed the United States for contributing to the crisis by opc ning negotiations on the supply of Phantom jets to Israel . Reviewing the situation in South Sudan, the Prime Minister announced that a ministerial committee has been formed to implement new social and economic projects in the south . (Arab News & Reviews) HEAR STRANGE ACCUSATION Black people, of all people, are being called anti-semites . Is this convenient strategy to arouse mob psychology? Or is it just a fabrication with malice afore thought or the technique of accusing and abusing a fricndly and co-operative people, always victimized as a whole for the sins of a single person here in America? Who are the Semites, in the first place? The Arabs claim that they are the Semites and the majority of Arabs are black people. To be Anti- Semitic therefore is to be anti-black, or anticolored, a strange accusation indeed . formed Council from taking over Namibia . Similarly, South Africa's note of 27th September, 1967, addressed to the S- cretary-General reaffirmed South Africa's disregard for the decisions of the United Nations and for world public opinion . "Tongue in Cheek" U. N. Demand Withdrawal Untbwarted by South Africa's threats and determined to explore peaceful solutions, the Council for Namibia decided on 30th March, 1968, to proceed to the territory in fulfillment of its mandate of last year. Once again South Africa's defiant voice was heard. Denial of landing clearance to any plane chartered by the Council and threats of possible aggressive action against the Council, if it entered Namibia emanated from Pretoria. Thus South Africa repudiated with impunity General Assembly resolution of 16th December, 1967, in which the Assembly called upon the Pretoria authorities "to withdraw from the, territory of Namibia unconditionally and without delay all its military and police forces and its administration . . . . ." The resolution further declared that : - ". . . . the continued presence of South African authorities in Namibia is a flagrant violation of its territorial integrity and international status as determined by General Assembly resolution . This big question must be asked : Why does South Africa flout the decisions of this organizaion with impunity? NATO Supports South Africa My delegation strongly believes that without the AFRICAN OPINION

massive support - moral, political, financial and military - which Pretoria receives from its allies of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, South Africa, already an international outcast, would not defy the ever growing African resistance, world opinion and decisions of this organization . South Africa's military expenditure increased from $62 million in 1960 to $409 million in 1968 . I must stress, however, that these figures derived from official South African sources do not include spending on the police . These are the startling figures spent, by the Pretoria regime with the blessings of their NATO allies to commit indescribable acts of genocide against the people of Namibia . The Western Powers must be singled out for censure and condemnation for aiding and abetting South African racists . The famous terrorism trial evoked world attention and condemnation from the United Nations, churches, emminent jurists, and editorial columus all over the world . This was because it was the first mass indictment of 31 Namibian nationals following the termination of South Africa's mandate by the United Nations, and the United Nations assumption of responsibility for Namibia . Jungle Law Is Pretoria's It was condemned also because the Terrorism Act was ex post facto legislation especially enacted by the South African Parliament to apply to Namibia. It is probable that only the pressure of world opinion saved some of the defendants from the death chambers, and yet the sentences were severe. An unknown number of Namibians have been _ detained under the Terrorism Act . The legal question is phrased as to whether or not the Supreme Court in Pretoria has "jurisdiction to inquire into or pronounce upon the validity of Terrorism Act in so far as they purport to apply to the mandated territory of Namibia" . As is well known, the Security Council condemned the Terrorism Trial on 14th March, 1968 in the following terms :- " . . . . the continued detention and trial and subsequent sentencing of the Namibians constitutes an illegal act and flagrant violation of Human Rights, and the international status of the territory now under direct United Nations control ." As yet the Security Council has not dealt responsibly with the whole question of application of the General Assembly resolution of 1966 which established the United Nations as the administering Power in Namibia. In the absence of such effective action South Africa continues to deepen her control over the territory. While Africa Protests, Gangsters Act The "Development of Self-Government for Native Nations in South West Africa Bill" was enacted by the Parliament of South Africa on 6th June, 1968 . The so-called "Native Nations" are bantustans, fragmenting the country. The first of these, Ovamboland in the North has already been established, and its AFRICAN OPINION so-called Parliament met on 17th October, 1968 . The latest measure in the extension of apartheid in Namibia zvas to force 8,000 inhabitants of the old location in Windhoek, Capital of the territory to move from their homes to a new township of Katutura . After a nine year resistance, nearly all these defenceless people were forced out last September, although it was acknowledged that Katutura did not have adequate housing for them . Many of these people had to seek refuge in impoverished rural reserves. Each continuing step toward destruction of Namibia and its incorporation into South Africa--trials, appeals, dispossession, fragmentation into "Native Nations" must surely arouse the attention of the great Powers who have to date refused even to serve on, the Council for Namibia. The Triple Alliance Consolidated Apartheid has found its allies in the colonial policies of Portugal and Britain . The Lisbon-Pretoria-Salisbury axis has been consolidated to give new props to the South African Government and to strengthen the basis of the minority regimes in Rhodesia, Angola, and' Mozambique . With this strength, massive campaigns of psychological warfare have been mounted with full forceparticularly in Western Capitals, not only to defend apartheid, but to undermine the efforts of all men ofgood-will the world over who are trying to bring about a just and lasting solution for all human beings in that area . The spectre of a racial conflict on a global scale and the consequences for the world cannot but be frightening to all peace loving nations. Apartheid as applied in Namibia and South Africa is thus a dangerousrationalisation of an instrument protectionist in purpose, but defeatist in fact and destructive in the final result. We Await Security Council's Answer Lastly, I appeal to all the major trading partners of South Africa, to discontinue their present policies and to assume a more humane posture towards the people of Namibia. Zambia is irrevocably committed to the total and unconditional liberation of Namibia: IVe shall continue to sustain the struggle of the people of Namibia until final victory is achieved. No amount of file power will stop the determined people of- Namibia from attaining their independence. We call upon the Security Council to take firm and unrelenting measures to ensure South Africa's expulsion from Namibia . A player's .refusal to abide by therules of the game cannot be condoned. The sooner such measures are adopted the better for humanity as a whole . Further delays and procrastination can and will only add fuel to the already explosive situation. This organization cannot and should not allow innocent citizens of Namibia to suffer at the hands of a few Power hungry racists . My country has played and will actively continue to play its role, both within the framework of the Organization of African Unity and that of the United Nations until Namibia is free and independent . 157

massive support - moral, political, financial and<br />

military - which Pretoria receives from its allies of<br />

the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, South Africa,<br />

already an international outcast, would not defy the<br />

ever growing <strong>African</strong> resistance, world opinion and<br />

decisions of this organization . South Africa's military<br />

expenditure increased from $62 million in 1960 to $409<br />

million in 1968 .<br />

I must stress, however, that these figures derived<br />

from official South <strong>African</strong> sources do not include<br />

spending on the police . These are the startling figures<br />

spent, by the Pretoria regime with the blessings of their<br />

NATO allies to commit indescribable acts of genocide<br />

against the people of Namibia . The Western Powers<br />

must be singled out for censure and condemnation for<br />

aiding and abetting South <strong>African</strong> racists .<br />

The famous terrorism trial evoked world attention<br />

and condemnation from the United Nations, churches,<br />

emminent jurists, and editorial columus all over the<br />

world . This was because it was the first mass indictment<br />

of 31 Namibian nationals following the termination<br />

of South Africa's mandate by the United Nations,<br />

and the United Nations assumption of responsibility<br />

for Namibia .<br />

Jungle Law Is Pretoria's<br />

It was condemned also because the Terrorism Act<br />

was ex post facto legislation especially enacted by the<br />

South <strong>African</strong> Parliament to apply to Namibia. It is<br />

probable that only the pressure of world opinion saved<br />

some of the defendants from the death chambers, and<br />

yet the sentences were severe. An unknown number<br />

of Namibians have been<br />

_<br />

detained under the Terrorism<br />

Act .<br />

The legal question is phrased as to whether or not<br />

the Supreme Court in Pretoria has "jurisdiction to<br />

inquire into or pronounce upon the validity of Terrorism<br />

Act in so far as they purport to apply to the<br />

mandated territory of Namibia" .<br />

As is well known, the Security Council condemned<br />

the Terrorism Trial on 14th March, 1968 in the following<br />

terms :-<br />

" . . . . the continued detention and trial and<br />

subsequent sentencing of the Namibians constitutes<br />

an illegal act and flagrant violation<br />

of Human Rights, and the international<br />

status of the territory now under direct<br />

United Nations control ."<br />

As yet the Security Council has not dealt responsibly<br />

with the whole question of application of the General<br />

Assembly resolution of 1966 which established the<br />

United Nations as the administering Power in<br />

Namibia. In the absence of such effective action South<br />

Africa continues to deepen her control over the<br />

territory.<br />

While Africa Protests, Gangsters Act<br />

The "Development of Self-Government for Native<br />

Nations in South West Africa Bill" was enacted by<br />

the Parliament of South Africa on 6th June, 1968 .<br />

The so-called "Native Nations" are bantustans, fragmenting<br />

the country. The first of these, Ovamboland<br />

in the North has already been established, and its<br />


so-called Parliament met on 17th October, 1968 .<br />

The latest measure in the extension of apartheid in<br />

Namibia zvas to force 8,000 inhabitants of the old<br />

location in Windhoek, Capital of the territory to move<br />

from their homes to a new township of Katutura .<br />

After a nine year resistance, nearly all these defenceless<br />

people were forced out last September, although<br />

it was acknowledged that Katutura did not have adequate<br />

housing for them .<br />

Many of these people had to seek refuge in impoverished<br />

rural reserves. Each continuing step toward<br />

destruction of Namibia and its incorporation into<br />

South Africa--trials, appeals, dispossession, fragmentation<br />

into "Native Nations" must surely arouse the<br />

attention of the great Powers who have to date refused<br />

even to serve on, the Council for Namibia.<br />

The Triple Alliance Consolidated<br />

Apartheid has found its allies in the colonial policies<br />

of Portugal and Britain . The Lisbon-Pretoria-Salisbury<br />

axis has been consolidated to give new props to the<br />

South <strong>African</strong> Government and to strengthen the basis<br />

of the minority regimes in Rhodesia, Angola, and'<br />

Mozambique .<br />

With this strength, massive campaigns of psychological<br />

warfare have been mounted with full forceparticularly<br />

in Western Capitals, not only to defend<br />

apartheid, but to undermine the efforts of all men ofgood-will<br />

the world over who are trying to bring about<br />

a just and lasting solution for all human beings in<br />

that area .<br />

The spectre of a racial conflict on a global scale and<br />

the consequences for the world cannot but be frightening<br />

to all peace loving nations. Apartheid as applied<br />

in Namibia and South Africa is thus a dangerousrationalisation<br />

of an instrument protectionist in purpose,<br />

but defeatist in fact and destructive in the final<br />

result.<br />

We Await Security Council's Answer<br />

Lastly, I appeal to all the major trading partners<br />

of South Africa, to discontinue their present policies<br />

and to assume a more humane posture towards the<br />

people of Namibia. Zambia is irrevocably committed<br />

to the total and unconditional liberation of Namibia:<br />

IVe shall continue to sustain the struggle of the people<br />

of Namibia until final victory is achieved. No amount<br />

of file power will stop the determined people of-<br />

Namibia from attaining their independence.<br />

We call upon the Security Council to take firm and<br />

unrelenting measures to ensure South Africa's expulsion<br />

from Namibia . A player's .refusal to abide by therules<br />

of the game cannot be condoned. The sooner such<br />

measures are adopted the better for humanity as a<br />

whole . Further delays and procrastination can and will<br />

only add fuel to the already explosive situation.<br />

This organization cannot and should not allow innocent<br />

citizens of Namibia to suffer at the hands of a<br />

few Power hungry racists . My country has played<br />

and will actively continue to play its role, both within<br />

the framework of the Organization of <strong>African</strong> Unity<br />

and that of the United Nations until Namibia is free<br />

and independent .<br />


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