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Jan.-Feb., 1969 Africa Summit Conference Reports<br />




Qy DR . KWANIE NhRU\fAH<br />




RACIAL<br />


By DA 8: UBA

2<br />


NorE : .The following are quotations from the case<br />

of "South ll'est Africa" (Namibia) and the occupied<br />

areas of Africa, presented to the United Nations' General<br />

Assembly, -November 21 7, 1968 by 12r. V. J.<br />

111waanga, the representative of the Republic of Zambia<br />

(formerly Northern Rhodesia) and reproduced for our<br />

readers' ! benefit .<br />

Naani'bia, is known to all <strong>African</strong>s as the area that<br />

huropeans called "South West Africa ." SIVAPO, is<br />

the abbreviation of (South lhest <strong>African</strong> People Organization)<br />

. "Boutustans" are barren ; slow death areas<br />

in South Africa in which <strong>African</strong>s are thrown by<br />

dugged-in armed Europeans scattered reservations<br />

and guarded against , relief, genocide camps .<br />

The population of South Africa and Namibia is 16<br />

million <strong>African</strong>s and 3 million Europeans.<br />

Parenthetic statements, subheads apd Italics are ours .<br />

Once again the General Assembly is considering the<br />

problem of Namibia, which has remained fixed on the<br />

agenda of the United Nations for many years . Since<br />

the subject was last debated, the situation has assumed<br />

a grave proportion, which will darken the pages of<br />

historv.<br />

WeUhave witnessed the creation of the first bantustan<br />

in Namibia, the removal of all the indigenous people<br />

from the old location of Windhoek to segregated areas,<br />

the killing of SWAPO freedom fighters in Caprivi<br />

Strip a few weeks ago, and the denial of justice to the<br />

31 Namibians who were being illegally tried by South<br />

<strong>African</strong> Courts ; to mention only a few .<br />

It has been evident since 1946 that the racist regime<br />

of South Africa had decided to incorporate Namibia<br />

within its territorial frontiers. As is well known, subsequent<br />

efforts by the International Community to dislodge<br />

South Africa from the territory of Namibia did<br />

not bear any fruitful results.<br />

A Gauntlet Thrown to''All <strong>African</strong>s<br />

It is a matter of deep regret to my delegation that<br />

the International Community has failed to compel<br />

South Africa to abandon its criminal policy. Instead<br />

of taking resolute and drastic measures against South<br />

Africa, Ax Uni.ted Nations has been evasive and ineffective<br />

. More than seventy (70) resolutions on this<br />

question prominently occupy the pages of the United<br />

Nations. It is clear that resolutions alone will not have<br />

any meaningful effect on the course of events - in<br />

Namibia or indeed help to speed up the achievement<br />

of self-determination and independence for the suffering<br />

people of that territory .<br />

The United Nations has a special and direct responsibility<br />

to the people of that territory, because not<br />

only are we confronted with a case of sheer colonial<br />

domination in its most hideous form, but we are also<br />

duty bound to defend the very spirit of the Charter .<br />

The "League of Nations" mandate for Namibia can<br />

no longer serve as a valid basis for the perpetual fore-<br />

ible enslavement of half million people in their homeland<br />

by a minority clique of white imported racists<br />

operating in South Africa .<br />

The International Court of Justice (an imperialist<br />

arm) took six long years to decide judging not to judge"<br />

. . . the imperative merits of the case brought before<br />

the Court by the <strong>African</strong> States of Ethiopia and<br />

Liberia .<br />

U. N., Come Out in the Open<br />

The fundamental issue is moral, humanitarian and<br />

political . Namibia is the homeland of 500,000 <strong>African</strong>s<br />

; quite unlike the imported racists in South Africa,<br />

have no other hom- . These people and their ancestors<br />

have lived there for centuries, and one might say even<br />

since the dawn of history. Therefore, they have an<br />

inalienable right to live there in peace without any<br />

foreign domination or oppression .<br />

They have a God given right to their freedom and<br />

independence and to develop their own political, social<br />

and economic institutions. They have a right to enjoy<br />

their own cultural heritage, no matter what any clique<br />

of arrogant outsiders might think . And as such there<br />

is no mandate, no treaty, no law on earth that could<br />

legitimately rob them of this right of freedom and selfdc-termination<br />

.<br />

The United Nations itself is not endowed with the<br />

riL,:ht to obstruct the wishes of the indigenous people<br />

of Namibia . The urgent question is that of freedom<br />

or enslavement, and it is high timA that Member States<br />

of the United Nations, and especially those who have<br />

the key to the balance of power in that area, let the<br />

world know on which side they are on .<br />

Military Fortress Against <strong>African</strong> Nationalism<br />

The shrewd banditry of South Africa's behavior expresses<br />

itself in the way she skillfully abuses the legal<br />

process in making white friends and oppressing <strong>African</strong><br />

people. First as a mandatory power, she was in<br />

the enviable position to exploit the mineral wealth of<br />

Namibia for her own selfish profit, and at the same<br />

time secure a huge chunk of Africa as a Northern<br />

military fortress against the inevitable rise of <strong>African</strong><br />

nationalism to the North.<br />

Such naked piracy is certainly unparalleled in international<br />

affairs . . . The racist regime in South Africa<br />

uses international law to get what they want, then tern<br />

round after to reject the very existence of the law."<br />

The actions and attitude of the Pretoria regime are<br />

tantamount to international legal gangsterism .<br />

This being the case, the United Nations has absolutely<br />

no alternative but to respond to the wishes of<br />

the indigenous people by bringing this regime to sanity.<br />

It is the duty of all Members of this organization<br />

who love peace, who believe in the universal brotherhood<br />

of man, who love freedom and justice to support<br />

appropriate measures to rid the people of Namibia<br />

from foreign occupation and other manifest evils of'<br />

(Continued on page 14)<br />



Journal of<br />

Independent Thoughts and Expression<br />

Vol. 8 JANUARY-FEBRUARY, 1969 Nos . II & 12<br />

Jas . L . Brown .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . .. . .. ... . . . . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . Editor and Manager<br />

Victor G. Cohen . . . . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. .. .... . .. . .. . .. . .. . ..... . .. . .. ... . .. Associate Editor<br />

H. Cumberbatch . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .... . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . Associate Editor<br />

Gladys P. Graham (Famata) . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . Woman's Editor<br />


Published bi-monthly by <strong>African</strong> Picture & Information<br />

Service at 8 West 117th Street, New York, N. Y., 10026.<br />

Jas. L. Brown, President and Secretary .<br />

Unsolicited manuscripts and drawings must be accompanied<br />

by return self-addressed, stamped envelope.<br />


1 Year $1 .50 - Single Copy 26 cents<br />

Make all remittances payable to :<br />


2<br />

AFRICA DAY, MAY 25th<br />

Established 1963<br />

by<br />

Organization of <strong>African</strong> Unity (OAU)<br />

Notice : On account of re-organization of the business<br />

management, no issue was published since the August-<br />

September number. This does not affect the number<br />

of copies due on the yearly subscription .<br />






FRIDAY, 9 A.M. to 8 P.M.<br />

WALK-UP WINDOW ON 125th OPEN 3 P.M. to 7 P.M.<br />

BROOKLYN OFFICE OPEN : 8 :30 A.M. TO 5 P .M . - FRIDAY : 8:30 A .M . TO 8 P.M.<br />

The Black Man's<br />


Front Cover Photo : School Boy in Equator May 25th of Each Year<br />

Province, Kongo, Unobstructed and Free<br />

from Fear. UN Photo. THE UNIVERSAL AFRICAN<br />

The Case of Occupied Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 NATIONAL DAY<br />

Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4<br />

"Return to Africa Heard at Hampton . . . . . . . . . 5 We, the Signers, appeal to all Organizations of<br />

Whither Are We Going? <strong>African</strong> descent: Religious, Political, Fraternal,<br />

By Victor G. Cohen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . etc ., for Mutual Observance of:<br />

Africa Day Special Message May 25th - All <strong>African</strong>s' Day<br />

By Dr. Kwame Nkrumah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7<br />

Let's Ring the Bell - Ring it Loud!<br />

Land Grant to <strong>African</strong>-Americans . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9<br />

Designed Tactics Hastening Racial Conflict U N I A & <strong>African</strong> Communities League<br />

By Da & LTba. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10<br />

Ethiopian World Federation, Inc .<br />

Society of <strong>African</strong> Descendants, Inc.<br />

Africa Invites Black Power Conference . . . . . . . . 11 Our Families Protection Association, Inc .<br />

Africa Summit Conference Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . 12<br />

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)<br />

<strong>African</strong>-American Teachers Association<br />

Harlem Labor Union<br />


Main Office Chelsea Office Brooklyn Office<br />

75 WEST 125th STREET 261 8th AVENUE 1273 FULTON STREET<br />

(Near Lenox Avenue) (Corner 23rd Street) (Near Nostrand Avenue)<br />

NEW YORK 27, N. Y. NEW YORK 11, N . Y. BROOKLYN 16, N. Y.<br />

TRafalgar 6-4747 YU 9-4000 ULster 7-5515<br />

"Where Personal Pride and Community Interests Meet"<br />

ttttmssuauussstssttssssssssutt: ::att::~.st.ass~saxtt<br />


Dear Editor,<br />

I compose this letter because I am<br />

deeply interested in the political and<br />

social progress of my homeland, Africa.<br />

Although I was born here in<br />

America my heart and soul have always<br />

been in Africa among my<br />

Brothers and Sisters with whom I<br />

share a common cause "in all relative<br />

aspects ."<br />

Sir, I read every edition of the<br />

<strong>African</strong> <strong>Opinion</strong> and I must comment<br />

that it is very informative as<br />

well as educational for those who<br />

are interested in the obvious or less<br />

obvious struggles of the black man<br />

collectively . It is a wonderful feeling<br />

to be able to read <strong>African</strong> literature<br />

and feel confident that you<br />

are receiving the truth ; as does<br />

one experience reading the <strong>African</strong><br />

<strong>Opinion</strong> .<br />

Without complaining in this facet,<br />

I profoundly feel that every black<br />

person in America has experienced<br />

the persecution of prejudice discrimination<br />

in some form or other<br />

without provocation. Thus it is both<br />

sad and tragic the injustice which I<br />

have had to sustain at the hands of<br />

political scavengers ; who saw the<br />

opportunity to further their political<br />

careers through my persecution and<br />

sufferings .<br />

I was illegally sent to prison for<br />

allegedly kidnapping three racist<br />

police officers. My trial was widely<br />

publicized, as a result of this, the<br />

presiding judge and other political<br />

personnel perpetrated to deprive me<br />

of enjoying any form of justice.<br />

Therefore I was used as a. scapegoat<br />

and a political stepping stone . Thus<br />

I am at present a political prisoner<br />

whose efforts towards freedom are<br />

constantly being obstructed by the<br />

white politicians who are responsible<br />

for my illegal incarceration .<br />

Without elaborating upon the daily<br />

atrocities which I sustain in prison,<br />

I would like to request of you, Mr.<br />

4<br />

<strong>African</strong> World Wide Survey<br />

October 17, 1968<br />



By W. D. Anderson, Liaison<br />

There used to be a great struggle<br />

for "Integration", "Equal Rights"<br />

and "Racial Equality" . There is<br />

something that causes all of this<br />

trouble and excitement . We should<br />

ask ourselves the question : If we all<br />

started out equal (Independence<br />

Declaration : "that all men are created<br />

equal . . .") what happened?<br />

Did we lose our equality? If we<br />

lost it, let's find it, then put it to<br />

work for our best interests .<br />

If we have talents let's join hands<br />

around the world and use our talents,<br />

not to make others unhappy, but use<br />

it for ourselves and our coming generations'<br />

safety, security and happi-<br />

Editor, to assist me in my endeavor<br />

to correspond with <strong>African</strong>s of both<br />

sexes, who are interested in their <strong>African</strong>-American<br />

Brothers and Sisters,<br />

so that I may thus broaden my scope<br />

upon the country which I am united<br />

by a common cause.<br />

P.S . : Mr . Editor, I doubt if this<br />

letter will reach you because my mail<br />

here at this prison is frequently obstructed<br />

. However, if it does reach<br />

you "Please" acknowledge receiving<br />

such .<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Otis X. Adams, #90279<br />

P. O. Box 779<br />

Marquette, Mich. 49855<br />

Otis X. Adams<br />


to handle<br />


Address :<br />

Circulation Manager<br />

8 WEST 117th STREET<br />

New York, N . Y . 10026<br />





ness. If we have talents and do not<br />

use them we must blame no one but<br />

ourselves .<br />

True we have been brought up in<br />

a surrounding where we saw but little<br />

in picture, carvings or reading<br />

that would have a tendency to remind<br />

us that we have had a glorious<br />

history. Lacking these we seem to be<br />

blind to the truth and deaf to the<br />

echo of our calling .<br />

The Emancipation Proclamation<br />

is over a hundred years old . Since<br />

the declaration men and women of<br />

both races have gone far to point out<br />

the true way to what we need - and<br />

that should be what, we want. This<br />

will give us complete Emancipation.<br />

Then we will cease to be big babies<br />

and accept being weaned .<br />

Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson,<br />

Charles Fenton Mercer, James<br />

Monroe, Paul Cuffe, Bishop H. M.<br />

Turner, Mrs . M. L . Gordon, Marcus<br />

Garvey . . . have put forth the efforts<br />

to make us men.<br />

Let us integrate our finances<br />

among ourselves now and also sign<br />

a petition for the passage of a Repatriation<br />

Bill . This will go further<br />

towards solving our problems honestly,<br />

realistically and safely than anything<br />

else that some of our people<br />

are now attempting.<br />

For further information and clarification<br />

of the workings of Universal<br />

Negro (<strong>African</strong>) Improvement Association<br />

and <strong>African</strong> Communities<br />

League, visit the local "Liberty Hall"<br />

any Sunday 3 P.M. at 1110 Broadway,<br />

Cincinnati, Ohio. Rev. W. E .<br />

Sanders, President.<br />


The faculty and student body of<br />

Hampton Institute, one of the colleges<br />

set up for the education of<br />

<strong>African</strong>s freed from American slavery,<br />

heard a renewed plan to relieve<br />

the vexing problem facing black<br />

people in America.<br />

The plan of action was discussed<br />

bv Bro. Mustafa Hashim, a representative<br />

of the <strong>African</strong> Repatriation<br />

Association with office at 5119 Chestnut<br />

Street, Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

The Association, Mr . Hashim reported,<br />

"has presented a bill to the<br />

Congress of the U. S. requesting<br />

government assistance "to those who<br />

want to return" to the <strong>African</strong><br />

fatherland and who, because of discrimination<br />

and repression, have<br />

been prevented from amassing the<br />

means to move with their families<br />

and belongings and to sustain themselves<br />

for the brief period of readjustment<br />

.<br />

The request, the lecturer went on,<br />

is only a fraction of reparation due<br />

the <strong>African</strong>s for over 300 years of<br />

blood, sweat and tears that helped<br />

build America .<br />

Garvey's Plea Repeated<br />

Opening with Marcus Garvey's<br />

"appeal to the soul of white America,"<br />

he said, "the historical conditions<br />

which led to the depression, degradation<br />

and de-humanization of the<br />

freed <strong>African</strong>s have not changed .<br />

The dictated solution to our problem<br />

of "laying down our buckets"<br />

here has, as planned, failed miserably.<br />

For that reason, "we must<br />



return to mother Africa, since America<br />

no longer needs us," especially<br />

with her "Population Explosion",<br />

her perfected automation, chronic<br />

unemployment, mounting relief cases<br />

and the tax burden .<br />

"The brothers in the jails, the<br />

poor, the oppressed, the 'unemployed<br />

are truly aware, willing and have<br />

ever been ready to return to Africa,<br />

the spokesman said, "where condition<br />

and climate are far more favorable<br />

to a happier living than here .<br />

Visiting Students to Africa<br />

Reported<br />

Highlighting the program was Mr.<br />

John A. Williams' film comparing<br />

scenes on his visit to Nigeria, with<br />

palm trees, dancing and playing on<br />

beaches, with the impoverished areas<br />

of Philadelphia . Williams stated<br />

that he was called "Omowale" which<br />

means "the son who has returned<br />

home" in the <strong>African</strong> language .<br />

Many of the students signed a petition<br />

giving their support to "the<br />

right of those, who want to return<br />

to Africa," to seek government aid<br />

through Reparation.<br />

Mr. James Parker, Chairman of<br />

the "Black Forum", invited Bro .<br />

Mustafa to Hampton.<br />

Parker was also in Nigeria for<br />

two months during the summer and<br />

was adopted by a Nigerian family.<br />

During his trip he also visited<br />

Ghana, Togoland and Dahomey. He<br />

said that the question most often<br />

asked bv the <strong>African</strong>s he met was<br />

why did he stay in America? "I was<br />

Slogan : "TRUTH AND CHARITY"<br />


Sponsors Organized Bodies :<br />

Our School of Business Thought and Practice<br />

STANDING COMMITTEES : Sick - Planning - Working -<br />

EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS : <strong>African</strong> Movies - Lectures<br />

ECONOMICAL VENTURES : An Emergency Saving Fund -<br />

SOCIAL ACTIVITIES : Weekly Parties - Bus Outings, Etc.<br />

WELCOME to Our Recreational Hall or HEADQUARTERS<br />

31 West 125th Street New York, N . Y. 10027<br />

Donations Appreciatedl<br />

unprepared to answer that question,"<br />

Parker said. "It was the first time<br />

I had been presented with it." Only<br />

21 years old, he is now hoping to<br />

return and help build Africa after<br />

graduation from Hampton in Virginia<br />

.<br />

Three Bills Before Congress<br />

The program ended with a great<br />

ovation and Bro . Mustafa was extended<br />

an invitation to return the<br />

coming semester to further develop<br />

the theme of Repatriation. Theodis<br />

Holland, president of the Student<br />

Government congratulated Bro. Mustafa<br />

for an interesting and informative<br />

lecture.<br />

NOTE : It is reproted that three<br />

bills for assistance are presently before<br />

Congress . One submitted by<br />

"The Ethiopian Peace Movement"<br />

of Chicago; another by the "Selfdetermination,<br />

Reparation and Repatriation<br />

Committee" of California<br />

and the third by the "<strong>African</strong> American<br />

Repatriation Association of<br />

Philadelphia.<br />

The bills embodied in sum and<br />

substance the provisions of the<br />

"Longer Bill" of 1948, submitted by<br />

"<strong>African</strong> Nationalist Movements,"<br />

of New York and the "Bilbo Bill"<br />

of 1939 submitted by the Ethiopian<br />

Peace Movement of Chicago, Ill. The<br />

"Bilbo Bill" although endorsed by<br />

six million signatures was ignored<br />

by Congress . Disregarding the wishes<br />

of 6,000,000 adults and thereby create<br />

a state of frustration, requires<br />

close re-examination.<br />

Recreational<br />

- Discussions<br />

Loans<br />

Phone : FI 8-5804<br />

Mr . L. Kofi Brown, President

!"Tow that the DAWN OF FREE-<br />

DOM has finally arrived, the question<br />

is - where do we go from here?<br />

Now that we are beginning to know<br />

ourselves, know from whence we<br />

came, know our heritage, we should<br />

grasp the golden ke;v of Unity and<br />

demonstrate in practical and visible<br />

action that we are one in thoughts<br />

-words and deeds . When an <strong>African</strong><br />

is abused or mistreated anywhere<br />

it should be our concern ; and<br />

-we should not hesitate to use any<br />

means necessarv to prevent its reeurrence<br />

.<br />

Where do we go from here in the<br />

field of racial education? Every <strong>African</strong>-American<br />

boy and -irl from<br />

the age of five and up should be<br />

taught the history of Africa - the<br />

home of his and her ancestors. This<br />

will impart a great sense of pride<br />

and enable them to carry on the torch<br />

of mental and intellectual freedom.<br />

Lot us take a page out of the history<br />

o£ the Jews . When a Jewish<br />

child leaves the public schools in<br />

the afternoon, he is sent to a Jewish<br />

school in the evenings to be taught<br />

the history and customs of his or her<br />

ancestors. We should do likewise for<br />

our children's sake. Every church<br />

Shortage in trained manpower is due<br />

former colonial administration .<br />


By Victor G. Cohen<br />

should open its d(mrs for this<br />

purpose .<br />

Where do we go from here in the<br />

field of Economic education? The<br />

majority of us are not trained to<br />

earn a decent livelihood for ourselves<br />

and our families . Our remonstrances<br />

have created a "wind of change"<br />

which will enable us to better our<br />

economic condition . Those of us who<br />

are net so equipped should take ad-<br />

Teachers Wanted In Zambia<br />

Zambia (formerly Northern Rhodesia) has embarked on<br />

Development Program.<br />

W<br />

L1<br />

S -M<br />

1 1m primary to teacher tra<br />

_+ " 1 " . . Czechoslovakia<br />

" 1 1 p .<br />

1 '<br />

1 1 1 1<br />

1<br />

1 111 klet on : Teaching and Living in<br />

11 1 Educational nal Attach6<br />

1 ian Embassy<br />

1 : 1<br />

'<br />

Washington,<br />

supplied , "<br />

to restricted e<br />

"<br />

~<br />

vantage of this created opportunity .<br />

Remember the old adage :<br />

edge is power."<br />

"Knowl-<br />

Let us not be like the wilful child<br />

who cries unnecessarily . His mother<br />

thought lie was lningry and gave him<br />

some food, he promptly threw it on<br />

the floor . Remember this : success<br />

will always come to those who think<br />

positively .<br />


tiuccess will always come to those<br />

Who think in a positive way<br />

Its golden door is never closed<br />

To positive thinkers, night or day .<br />

If You are positive in your thoughts<br />

Negative ones will have no room<br />

For "Dame Success" will be inside<br />

To guide your actions without fear .<br />

Think positive, let the negative go<br />

This weakling was not made for you<br />

1Trrfold the positive powers of bind<br />

And leave the negative ones behind .<br />

If you do this from day to day<br />

Success is bound to come ,your way<br />

For she admires nothing less<br />

Than positive thinking at its best .<br />

iM;M;EW ;UVO<br />

a massive Educational<br />

ucational policies of the C<br />

1 1<br />

ining, technical training,<br />

combined with four<br />

W 1<br />

among 1 us youths .<br />

Zambia<br />

I'"nn{ i n;n+rrnnnA~iin&nnn«nnnn41~144 inU+nii(11innnrV+in)n;innn t<br />

C<br />

C<br />

C<br />



NOTE : The following Message<br />

from Dr. Nkrumah, the outstanding<br />

<strong>African</strong> patriot and leader, who commands<br />

the adherence of all "<strong>African</strong>s,<br />

at home and abroad" by his<br />

spectacular accomplishment while<br />

sitting as president of Ghana . Not<br />

only did the osagyefo (savior) put<br />

Ghana on par with the few advanced<br />

States in Africa in a few years but<br />

brought about the continental governrnent<br />

(Organization of <strong>African</strong><br />

Unity) before lee was removed from<br />

his dedicated vanta,ged position by<br />

Western imperialists .<br />

This special message is reproduced<br />

from the AZANIA NEWS, organ of<br />

the "Revolutionary Command" of<br />

the Pan <strong>African</strong>i.s t Congress of<br />

South Africa, for our readers' benefit.<br />

It is also a service to enable<br />

leaders of the <strong>African</strong> group abroad<br />

to evaluate the situation and to consider<br />

the appropriate co-ordinated action<br />

required to meet this threatening<br />

challenge .<br />

As the armed phase of the <strong>African</strong><br />

revolution for total liberation and<br />

unity gains momentum in Central<br />

and Southern Africa, racist settlers,<br />

imperialists and neo-colonialists are<br />

intensifying and diversifying their<br />

efforts to consolidate and extend their<br />

domination . They are faced with a<br />

protracted guerrilla struggle which<br />

in the long run they know they cannot<br />

win . But they are seeking by<br />

joint military action to contain it,<br />

and by devious and insinuating economic<br />

and political penetration to<br />

undermine its strength .<br />

They see their opportunity in the<br />

continuing disunity of independent<br />

Africa, the lack of continental planning<br />

and direction of the liberation<br />

struggle, and in the willingness of<br />

certain <strong>African</strong> leaders to allow their<br />

countries to become client states .<br />

Collective imperialism confronts a<br />

disunited, weakened, independent<br />

Africa .<br />

The situation demands immediate<br />

and drastic remedy . We must throw<br />

the full weight of a united, revolutionary<br />

Africa into the struggle .<br />

Each day that we delay, we fail our<br />

gallant freedom fighters and betray<br />

our people .<br />

It is an open secret that South<br />


By Dr. Kwame Nkrumah<br />

Africa, Portugal and Rhodesia are<br />

cooperating in the military sphere<br />

to crush guerrilla campaigns in the<br />

territories they occupy. They exchange<br />

information about freedom<br />

fighter activities, allow overflights<br />

and landings of military aircraft in<br />

each other's countries, and in the<br />

case of South Africa, supply armed<br />

forces and helicopters to assist in the<br />

counter offensive .<br />

A military intelli-<br />

gence board, known as the "Council<br />

of Three," is said to--meet regularly<br />

in Pretoria, South Africa ; Salisbury<br />

iii Rhodesia ; Lourenco Marques, in<br />

Mozambique ; or Luanda in Angola ;<br />

to prepare joint action .<br />

Unholy United Council Operating<br />

The world first heard of the participation<br />

of South <strong>African</strong> forces<br />

in military action outside their own<br />

borders in August 1967, when a<br />

sarong force of freedom fighters went<br />

into action around Wankie Game Reserve<br />

in Rhodesia . A large contingent<br />

of South <strong>African</strong> police in<br />

armoured cars was rushed to the<br />

scene. Since then, there have been<br />

innumerable reports of South <strong>African</strong><br />

intervention. In Rhodesia, South<br />

West Africa, Angola and Mozambique,<br />

South <strong>African</strong> helicopters are<br />

being used to hunt freedom fighters.<br />

Armed South <strong>African</strong> police are<br />

operating against nationalists in<br />

South West Africa . South <strong>African</strong><br />

troops are reported in both Angola<br />

and Mozambique .<br />

Enemy co-operation is not only<br />

confined to defensive operations .<br />

There are clear indications that the<br />

members of the "Council of Three"<br />

are planning offensive action against<br />

independent <strong>African</strong> states. Zambia<br />

has been openly threatened . Furthermore.,<br />

some ten miles from her<br />

border, on the Caprivi Strip, the<br />

"South <strong>African</strong>s" have built an<br />

enormous airfield, said to have a two<br />

mile runway . There are many reports<br />

of armed incursions of "Rhodesians",<br />

"South <strong>African</strong>s" and<br />

Portuguese over the borders between<br />

Zambia, Rhodesia, and Mozambique .<br />

The example of the recent Israeli<br />

aggression against Arab states has<br />

not passed unnoticed in Pretoria, and<br />

has been publicly proclaimed in<br />

South Africa as an effective way of<br />

dealing with a so-called "threat"<br />

from neighbouring states.<br />

Close All <strong>African</strong> Ranks Demanded<br />

Faced with the combined military<br />

strength of the South <strong>African</strong>s, Pertugal<br />

and Rhodesian settlers, <strong>African</strong><br />

freedom fighters must close their<br />

ranks and put an end to rivalries .<br />

They must also be supported by<br />

united and determined action on the<br />

part of the whole independent Africa<br />

. No part of Africa is free while<br />

any of our national territory remains<br />

unliberated . There can be no coexistence<br />

between <strong>African</strong> independence<br />

and imperial and neo-colonial<br />

domination; between, independent<br />

Africa and racist,, minority, settler<br />

governments.<br />

The military obstacles we have to<br />

overcome to achieve our goal of total<br />

liberation and an All-<strong>African</strong> Union<br />

Government are obvious and surmountable<br />

. Less easy to recognize<br />

and to combat are the insidious, often<br />

disguised workings of neo-colonialism,<br />

- the economic and political<br />

pressures which seek to undermine<br />

our independence and to perpetuate<br />

and extend the grip of foreign monopoly<br />

finance capital over the economic<br />

life of our continent .<br />

Many of our so-called independent<br />

states are in fact neo-colonies. They<br />

have all the outward appearance of<br />

sovereignty but their economy and<br />

therefore their political policy is directed<br />

from outside . Some have been<br />

in the grip of neo-colonialism since<br />

independence. Others have been subjected<br />

to neo-colonialism by means<br />

of military coups engineered by neocolonialists<br />

acting in conjunction<br />

with indigenous reactionaries .<br />

In recent. months, with the intensification<br />

of the guerrilla struggle in<br />

Central and Southern Africa, pressure<br />

has been strongly directed towards<br />

those states which have common<br />

frontiers with South Africa,<br />

Rhodesia, economically, and thus<br />

hold up the advance of the <strong>African</strong><br />

Revclnticn and at the same time to<br />

improve their own neo-colonialist<br />

position.<br />

Aiding and Abetting the Enemy<br />

The tragedy is that some <strong>African</strong><br />

heads of state are themselves actually<br />


aiding and abetting imperialists and<br />

neo-colonialists. In February 1967,<br />

Malawi became the first independent<br />

<strong>African</strong> state to conclude a trade<br />

agreement, and later to establish diplomatic<br />

relations with South Africa .<br />

Since then, other <strong>African</strong> states have<br />

also been lured into the South <strong>African</strong><br />

neo-colonialist web by a mixture<br />

of "aid" and carefully-veiled threats .<br />

The withdrawal of Britain from<br />

the High Commission territories, the<br />

break between Britain and Rhodesia<br />

as a result of U.D .I . (Unlawfully<br />

Declared Independence), and the<br />

outbreak of guerrilla warfare in the<br />

Portuguese colonies, has given South<br />

Africa a golden opportunity to jump<br />

in. South Africa is in the classic<br />

imperialist position of a manufacturing<br />

country seeking new outlets for<br />

its capital and goods. Its policy is<br />

to exploit the labour and resources<br />

of its hinterland, thereby strengthening<br />

South Africa's ecenomy and at<br />

the same time delaying the advance<br />

of the <strong>African</strong> Revolution .<br />

South Africa's "new policy" of improved<br />

relations with <strong>African</strong> states<br />

has been described as the building of<br />

"bridges" rather than "forts" . The<br />

crux of the matter was revealed<br />

clearly in the editorial of the South<br />

<strong>African</strong> Financial Gazette of 10th<br />

May 1968<br />

"11%e must build more bridges and<br />

less forts. The might of our armed<br />

forces are not enough to shield off<br />

hostilities still being built up against<br />

South Africa in some <strong>African</strong> States .<br />

We must build more bridges into<br />


Committee, Inc.<br />

2395 8th Ave. (Near 128th St .) New York, N . Y . 10027<br />

Appeals for Relief Funds for the Black Brothers and<br />

Families driven from their homes in Angola, Mozambique,<br />

South West Africa, Rhodesia, South Africa . . .<br />

by Colonialist Bombing Planes and now Refugees in<br />

Neighboring States .<br />

Please make donations to the above Committee<br />

and mail to : P.O . Box 126<br />

New York, N . Y. 10027<br />

All Funds will be sent through the<br />

Organization of <strong>African</strong> Unity<br />

Africa. In Malawi (Nyasaland) ice<br />

have virtually spanned a bridge into<br />

the heart of Africa ."<br />

Is Malawi Inviting Tragedy?<br />

A delighted broadcaster in Salisbury<br />

on 8th October 1967 praised<br />

Dr. Banda for what he called his<br />

"realistic policy", and added : "the<br />

nations which are nearest to South<br />

Africa have been the quickest to<br />

realize the side on which their bread<br />

is buttered." He referred here to<br />

Lesotho and Botswana (Basutoland<br />

and Betuanaland, formerly) .<br />

South Africa is daily increasing<br />

her economic and political penetration<br />

into <strong>African</strong> territories . The Lesotho<br />

government iii 1967 appointed<br />

three "South <strong>African</strong>s" to "advise"<br />

on political and economic affairs . In<br />

Rhodesia, South <strong>African</strong> capital investment<br />

alrcadv exceeds that of<br />

Britain ; and it 4is mainly the support<br />

of South Africa which has enabled<br />

Ian Smith's rebel regime to<br />

survive.<br />

The South <strong>African</strong> government<br />

has recently granted eight million<br />

rand ($11,160,000 .00) to Malawi<br />

for the building of the new capital<br />

city at Lilongwe . Of the five million<br />

rand set aside for "economic cooperation",<br />

two million has already been<br />

ear-marked for Malawi as a "first<br />

instalment" this year . Since 1964,<br />

when Malawi became independent,<br />

imports from South Africa have<br />

doubled ; while the main force behind<br />

capital investment in Malawi<br />

is increasingly the South <strong>African</strong><br />

government itself .<br />

The<br />

All <strong>African</strong>s Must Be Alerted<br />

The South <strong>African</strong> Liberation<br />

Movement together with the peoples<br />

of independent Africa and freedom<br />

fighters wherever they are operating<br />

must be alert to this new challenge.<br />

Nco-colouism, like colonialism and<br />

imperialism can only be banished<br />

from our midst by armed struggle.<br />

In East, Central and West Africa,<br />

neo-colonialism is hard at work fostering<br />

regional economic groupings,<br />

in the knowledge that without political<br />

cohesion they will remain weak<br />

and subject to neo-colonialist pressures<br />

and domination . The U. S.<br />

government in its latest statement on<br />

"aid" has said that it will favour<br />

thoFe states which are grouped to-<br />

-ether in this way.<br />

As each new attempt is made to<br />

divide its and to divert us from our<br />

purpose it must be exposed and attacked.<br />

Already, the ordinary men<br />

and women of Africa are talking the<br />

language of the <strong>African</strong> Revolution .<br />

They speak of freedom and unity,<br />

and know that these objectives are<br />

synonymous, and can only be attained<br />

through armed struggle . In<br />

some cases, the people of Africa are<br />

ahead of their governments. But the<br />

pressures they are exerting will inevitably<br />

compel the pace forward.<br />

We must recognize and fight the<br />

external and the internal enemy, and<br />

combine all our resources in the great<br />

struggle which lies ahead. With cohesive<br />

planning and with a full<br />

awareness of our united strength,<br />

nothing can halt the process towards<br />

fugal victory.<br />


Powerful, Magnetic and Commanding Voice<br />

of<br />


Bluntly and clearly putting the position of his people<br />

before the world . In your own home you can now hear<br />


that shook the world for only $1.50 - by mail $2.25.<br />

Payment in Advance<br />


2395 8th Avenue (at 128th St .)<br />

New York, N . Y . 10027<br />


Photo : Miss Miriant Mkeba<br />

Re-united After 300 Years<br />

The will of hate had it so that<br />

after 30() years of parting Stokelyy<br />

Carmic-bael from Trinidad, West Indies,<br />

and Miriam Makeba from<br />

South Africa appeared recently on a<br />

television program in New York as<br />

man and wife. Carmichael and Alakeba<br />

ran into each other in the<br />

United States and put to an end the<br />

concocted concept, of their common<br />

enemy, that "East is East and West<br />

is West never the twain shall ineet ."<br />

The instigators of separation probably<br />

had forgotten the dominance of<br />

that. "precious ties of blood" and<br />

that, identity (if color in this case .<br />

Carmichael was dragged away<br />

from iMakeba, placed on the "Good<br />

Ship desrts", brought to Iamestown,<br />

Virginia (1011) A.D . ), dragooned to<br />

the Caribbean and bartered for molasses.<br />

IIe returned to the United<br />

States, attended Howard University<br />

and became a leader ]it the fight for<br />

freedom .<br />

Both revealed tlw repressive systems<br />

under which then groxv were one<br />

and the same.<br />

A talented artist, Miss Makeba<br />

geared her songs which translate the<br />

agony of her people in South Africa<br />

now under sicgc. lw European gangsters<br />

.<br />

Barred by Collusion<br />

The songs of the talented <strong>African</strong><br />

artist so enlighting, to her brothers<br />


a<br />


On their second trip to Africa in<br />

,search for settlement areas, Rev.<br />

1V inston G . Evans, Executive Director<br />

and Mr. Dewey Weaver,<br />

'treasurer respectively, of the Ethiopian<br />

World Federation, Inc . of<br />

Chicago, Illinois, announce that the<br />

result of their mission far exceeds<br />

their expectations.<br />

leaving Chicago by air in Decenther,<br />

1968, the couple visited Liberia,<br />

Senegal, Ghana and Ethiopia . In<br />

Accra, Ghana the Federation estab-<br />

Iished registration and requested land<br />

for mutual development, the leaders<br />

reported .<br />

The two representatives then departed<br />

for Ethiopia where the World<br />

Federation had received 10,000 acres<br />

granted by Ills \lajcsty, Emperor<br />

flaile Selassie while he was on a<br />

visit to the United States in 1967 .<br />

Rev . Evans and Mr . Weaver receivecl<br />

assistance from the Ethiopian<br />

Minister of Agriculture and the<br />

Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce in<br />

their travel activities along with an<br />

expert from the Agricultural Department<br />

who accompanied them to the<br />

.ites, thev stated .<br />

Appeal for Settlers<br />

h:vans and Weaver examined and<br />

slu ve)ed sites in "Bale Province"<br />

;irn(l in "Lobe." Supplies were fur-<br />

and sisters oil this side, of the Atlantic,<br />

that her album began to hit<br />

high in circulation until, it was revealed,<br />

she married Stokely Carntich,<br />

el .<br />

The Vampires, the Conspirators,<br />

with policy to keep <strong>African</strong>s apart<br />

stepped in, clamped down and slow<br />

clown the allnun's sale. The action is<br />

viewed ns a display of displeasure<br />

over a domestic union and camouflag,<br />

i ug thi i r cha ;-rin by using the<br />

confrontation between Carmichael<br />

and the authorities as a cloak .<br />

Carmichael ran into conflict with<br />

the State Department when he ignored<br />

its directive and visited North<br />

Vietnam, China and Cuba. for which<br />

his passport was confiscated.<br />

nislaed by a "Dr . Fischer, head of<br />

the United States Agency for International<br />

Development to Ethiopia,<br />

the officials said .<br />

The land grant will be used for<br />

comnninity building, raising live<br />

stock, agriculture and other undertakings,<br />

by returnees in collaboration<br />

with the brothers there and with the<br />

help of both governments, the Ethiopian<br />

and the United States .<br />

"We have already a 500 acre grant<br />

at Shashamane and at Arussie . Administrator<br />

.James Piper and wife,<br />

have built it up in ten years with a<br />

growing number of homes, two<br />

sch(x)ls, a recreation center and the<br />

ten room Malakii E . Bayen Health<br />

clinic and staffs . Living on that land<br />

grant are families from the West<br />

Indies and the United States ."<br />

The Illinois branch of the Ethiopiaau<br />

World Federation, Inc,, with<br />

offices at 6341 So . Dorchester Avenue,<br />

Chicago, is "appealing for<br />

thousands from the United States<br />

and West Indies . Emphasis is placed<br />

on farmers, mechanics, technicians,<br />

business men and women along with<br />

professionals and those with the<br />

know-how to help in the rebuilding<br />

of Africa. All are needed - young,<br />

old, rich and poor ." There is room<br />

and opportunities for many more<br />

who are seeking a climate to live in<br />

security and freedom from fear .<br />

The Black Power advocate somewhat<br />

amusingly revealed further that<br />

he got back his passport but, for some<br />

mysterious reasons, he is barred from<br />

many states in the Caribbean and<br />

other places "not off limit" including<br />

Trinidad, where he was born and<br />

where his relatives reside .<br />

He went on further to compare<br />

the difficulties he is facing with those<br />

practiced on Marcus Garvey, who advocated<br />

"Africa for the <strong>African</strong>s at<br />

home and abroad ." The presentation<br />

throws light on the problems that<br />

black people face, one after another.<br />

All said and done, the hand of<br />

fate has put together again, two<br />

<strong>African</strong> nationals and their respective<br />

kinsmen, after 300 years apart .<br />


Designed Tactics Hastening Racial Conflict<br />

Da-Uba, the world is troubled<br />

by a feeling of insecurity stemming<br />

from the planned use of atomic<br />

weapons, from provocation, persecution<br />

and ending up into frustration .<br />

Oil tracing the source generating the<br />

apprehension, we found a small<br />

group of whites located in Europe,<br />

America, Canada, South Africa,<br />

Rhodfsia, Australia and the "Middle<br />

East" with two naval fleets, far<br />

away from their home base and arguing<br />

with each other . What can be<br />

expected, Uba ?<br />

Uba-The "road that Angels fear<br />

to tred" ; the road that one of our<br />

sons, Jesus Christ, warned against :<br />

Those who resort to the sword will<br />

perish by it . It is claimed that "old<br />

dogs may not easily be taught new<br />

tricks" .<br />

However, the youths of the world<br />

are less gleeful over the shadow of<br />

nuclear weapons hanging over their<br />

heads and are stopping the entrenched<br />

few in their crazy tract .<br />

Students in the universities are telling<br />

the agents of the "power structure"<br />

that there is enough space on<br />

this good earth and enough food to<br />

satisfy the normal need of all who<br />

believe in "live and let live" .<br />

Da-TTba, there seems to be a related<br />

"tug of war" in the New York<br />

schools in particular over what are<br />

called "miss-education" and "inferior<br />

training" of children of depressed<br />

communities. However, as<br />

the war progressed, we notice the<br />

shots and shells are mainly directed<br />

at the <strong>African</strong> minority and not the<br />

Puerto Ricans which is thrown in<br />

as an extraneous blind fold .<br />

In response to the communities'<br />

legitimate and moral expectations, of<br />

seeing their youngsters coming out<br />

of school with ambition, pride and<br />

responsibility, they found them not<br />

only stripped of what they entered<br />

with, hope and inspiration, but bewildered<br />

and angry. In their endeavor<br />

to rectify- this unfortunate<br />

affair, by requesting the right to administer<br />

their school, the communities<br />

discovered their apprehension is<br />

being used to create a "white back-<br />

1 0<br />

By Da & Uba<br />

lash" by those with "Axe to grind<br />

and fish to fry" .<br />

What's back of all this turmoil,<br />

Uba ? Over a million children and<br />

their parents have become involved<br />

over two schools, one in the <strong>African</strong><br />

communities in Brooklyn and the<br />

other in Harlem?<br />

Uba-The desire for greater profit,<br />

to have and to hold exclusively . However<br />

there comes a time when people<br />

begin to take stock of themselves, to<br />

compare how they were, how they<br />

are and how they tend to be from<br />

present trend.<br />

In the past we had our family,<br />

parental responsibility and bulldog<br />

tenacity to keep together while we<br />

work, watch and wait for the time<br />

when we can change our environment<br />

and thereby our status in line with<br />

our liking. Suddenly we discover a<br />

genocidal design that wrecked our<br />

family, took control of our children,<br />

re-educated them and now feeding<br />

them on dope and alcohol . They are<br />

seen littering the street like flies<br />

while paradoxically our professionals,<br />

unlike other national groups here<br />

.1re silent, akin to treachery.<br />

Uha-Independent leaders of our<br />

communities discovered a peculiar<br />

type of behavior among graduates,<br />

whether they got their training from<br />

the controlled and subjugated schools<br />

or any other . That training places<br />

895 Gates Avenue<br />

Corner Reid Avenue<br />

J. ANDERSON, B.Sc .<br />

Registered Pharmacist, Proprietor<br />

them in a "colonial status", in a<br />

category of messengers, of hero worshippers<br />

of their trainees, rather than<br />

independent leaders of their natural<br />

fellows .<br />

As a matter of fact, they are eonditioned<br />

to shun the mass of the very<br />

people from whence they sprung, to<br />

keep them in substandard status and<br />

to show signs of being honored too.<br />

With those unnatural and damaging<br />

evidcuce, independent leaders have<br />

fortunatelv arisen and are trying to<br />

reverse that mental "twist" . To do<br />

this they are instituting a natural<br />

and therefore healthy form of education<br />

for <strong>African</strong> children, especially<br />

of the primary age to reproduce<br />

young men and women as credit to<br />

society .<br />

Da-The <strong>African</strong> communities re-<br />

spite this, some mysteries developed .<br />

The school boards and administrators<br />

of these communities schools were<br />

jailed for their efforts to reverse a<br />

prevailing dangerous trend . Can you<br />

unravel this mystery, Uba?<br />

Uba---Da, we live in an age of<br />

secrecy . Those modern forces, often<br />

referred to as "Structures", have secret<br />

plans most of which are smelly<br />

and harmful to the rest of mankind .<br />

Biit the plans satisfy their depraved<br />

ycaruings . The strategists at times<br />

begin their action in remote places<br />

to avoid detection and mass opposition<br />

until they reached their planned<br />

position-a fait accompli . Trapped<br />

at that point, the mass have no other<br />

alternative but to unwillingly go<br />

along .<br />

The problems in tlx , two experimental<br />

schools - Oceanhill Brownsville<br />

in Brooklyn and Public School<br />

901 in Harlem- reflect a technique<br />

to force the <strong>African</strong> communities into<br />

righteous indignation over infraction<br />

of their inalienable rights. The<br />

debacle of "Haryou Act" immediately<br />

preceding was another upsetting<br />

tactic .<br />

Aware of our interest in the <strong>African</strong><br />

homeland and our natural reaction<br />

to the attempt at re-occupation<br />

by neo-colonialists, the "Structure"<br />

creates conditions envisaged to keep<br />

our eyes on our centuries of domestic<br />

troubles with the deceiving hope of<br />

change for the better, while they digin<br />

and consolidate their position in<br />

Africa .<br />

Da-Yes, Via, it can be recalled<br />

that for years <strong>African</strong> Nationalists<br />

have been active in the communities<br />

keeping the people informed of the<br />

Homeland affairs . Anticipating a reaction<br />

(similar to that which turn<br />

the LT . N . into a Flanders' Field over<br />

the Murder of Patrice Lumumba) to<br />

the Europeans provocation in Rhodesia,<br />

"Har-you Act" and other setups<br />

were established. And all those<br />

leaders were employed in an attempt<br />

to silence them . The identical method<br />

was used when they deported<br />

Marcus Garvey from the U . S . A .<br />

Every leader of his divisions and<br />

energetic personnel were taken in<br />

public services. Clever moves, were<br />

they not, Uba ?<br />

Uba-Clever ? That's why we are<br />

(Continued, on page 13)<br />



Photo : Shows the great road, a link in the Cape to Cairo, which winds its way up<br />

the Rift Escarpment at Chunya in the Southern Highlands Region . The region<br />

contains some of the finest mountains and woodlands in Tanzania, Tanganyika .<br />

The Black Power 11 ovetm nt, a<br />

kind of renaissance quickened by the<br />

wind of change, field its third annual<br />

Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania<br />

in September, 1!)t3S . At this<br />

conclave over 3,000 representatives<br />

cf <strong>African</strong>- Ainericans from all seetions<br />

of America, it was announced<br />

that the government of Tanzania<br />

(formerly Tanganyika) in East Africa<br />

invited the nest conference to<br />

that progressive <strong>African</strong> State .<br />

The leader of the movement is the<br />

controversial Mr. Ron Karengo, an<br />

<strong>African</strong> born in the United States<br />

of America, a Cum Laude graduate<br />

from Los Angeles, California University<br />

with masters degree in languages<br />

- Swahili, Zulu, Arabic,<br />

French, Spanish .<br />

Mr . Karengo - dressed in his <strong>African</strong><br />

clothes, as were the majority<br />

of delegates, men and women in<br />

dashikis, turbans and garments seen<br />

in Guinea, Mali, Sudan, Kenya or<br />

Kongo --- is 27 years old with three<br />

children, all with <strong>African</strong> names, and<br />

who plans to cement a "National<br />

Black United Front ."<br />

Urban Army Proposed<br />

Al(acg with other leaders o£ substaiice<br />

were l)r. Nathan Wright,<br />

chairman ; 1}r . Nathan Hare, Soci-<br />

Olo-v Prrefessor at Harvard University,<br />

dismissed for advocating Africa,<br />

ccnsciousness last year, took active<br />

part in tile Confen, nee.<br />

Among resolutions unanimously<br />

passed was the establishment of an<br />

"urban arm of black men for defense<br />

and aggressive self-defense" to guarantec<br />

:kfrican-Americans' survival .<br />

The invitation to Tanzania might<br />

turn out to be a blessing in disguise .<br />

They might discover why that <strong>African</strong><br />

state established a patrol of 500<br />

young men and women to resist what<br />

they considered to be decadent fort<br />

ign fashions, such as "miniskirts",<br />

"wigs," "skin bleaches" and other<br />

incongruous patterns .<br />

While there too, the leaders of<br />

Plaek Power might feel what freedom<br />

is like, the security of sons at<br />

home and compare it with the problems<br />

encountered by unwantedadcpted<br />

sons outside, a rewarding<br />

experience .

1 2<br />


The Assembly of the Organization<br />

of <strong>African</strong> Unity (OAU) convened<br />

its Fifth Ordinary Session in Algiers,<br />

capital of Algeria, September<br />

13th, 1968 and adopted two resolutions.<br />

The first reaffirming stand taken<br />

at the Fourth Session held in Kinshasa,<br />

Kongo in September, 1967 on<br />

the fractricidal war in Nigeria .<br />

That Session delegated five members-the<br />

majority of which believed<br />

to be satelites, not by choice but by<br />

necessity-to go to Nigeria and conduct<br />

fraternal palava, calm the tempers<br />

and bring the belligerents to<br />

their senses at the very moment when<br />

a foreign military alliance sealed its<br />

existence at Pretoria, South Africa,<br />

and begun military operation to take<br />

control of the heart of Africa .<br />

Strangely enough the "Consultative<br />

Committee" went to Nigeria and<br />

consulted with the Lagos Government<br />

and ignored the secessionists in Biafra.<br />

That strange action increased<br />

the tension and unfortunately created<br />

apprehension among some independent<br />

states that presumably caused<br />

them to give recognition to Biafrans,<br />

without malice towards the OAU.<br />

Wiggling in Face of Reality<br />

Nevertheless the Assembly, expresses<br />

concern over the resulting<br />

sufferings and appealed to the Biafrans<br />

to surrender and restore peace<br />

and unity to Nigeria. This having<br />

been accomplished, it recommended<br />

that the Federal State declare a general<br />

amnesty in co-operation with the<br />

(OAU) to ensure physical security<br />

of all until mutual confidence is restored<br />

.<br />

The OAU being young and believed<br />

burdened by indirect imperialists<br />

forces and not yet able to "federalize"<br />

or continentalize the waring<br />

forces in that state understandingly<br />

is painfully concerned.<br />

The second Resolution : after hearing<br />

the case of the "Middle East" ;<br />

re-affirmed its support for the United<br />

Arab Republic and called for the<br />

withdrawal of foreign troops from all<br />

Arab territories occupied since June<br />

5, 1967 . It backs the United Nation's<br />

Security Council Resolution<br />

of November 22nd, 1967 and calls<br />

on all <strong>African</strong> States to press for its<br />

implimentation .<br />

The Council of Ministers, of the<br />

Organization of <strong>African</strong> Unity, meeting<br />

in its eleventh Ordinary Session<br />

in Algiers, Algeria, from the 4th to<br />

12th of September, 1968, adopted the<br />

following resolutions :<br />

The Council is aware of the gravity<br />

and importance of the problem<br />

of refugees in Africa and desirous<br />

of achieving an <strong>African</strong> solution to<br />

this problem . It recognizes the essentially<br />

humanitarian nature of the<br />

problem and anxious to adopt measures<br />

to improve the living conditions<br />

of the refugees and to help them<br />

lead a normal life, with the assistance<br />

of others . And it expresses<br />

its gratitude to the specialized agencies<br />

and humanitarian organizations<br />

which are extending their generous<br />

aid to refugees in Africa .<br />

Resolution On Namibia<br />

(South West Africa)<br />

1) The Council of Ministers again<br />

strongly reaffirms the right of the<br />

people of Namibia to freedom and<br />

independence in conformity with the<br />

Charter of the Organization of <strong>African</strong><br />

Unity and the U. N. Charter.<br />

2) It . pledges again its total and<br />

unconditional support to the people<br />

of Namibia in their legitimate<br />

struggle .<br />

3) It strongly condemns the South<br />

<strong>African</strong> regime for its persistent refusal<br />

to implement the U. N. resolution<br />

terminating its mandate over<br />

Namibia and for its continued defiance<br />

of world public opinion by<br />

forcing Apartheid on Namibia, under<br />

U. N. responsibility .<br />

5-6) It calls on the U. N. Security<br />

Council once again to see to it that<br />

the U. N. mandate is executed and<br />

further demanded Chapter VII of<br />

the Charter be applied .<br />

(Chapter VII calls for the use of<br />

force ultimately to bring the European<br />

gangsters to their senses .)<br />

7-8) The Ministers call upon all<br />

states dedicated to peace, freedom<br />

and the right to live without fear<br />

and molestation to co-operate with<br />

the OAU and the "U . N. Council for<br />

Namibia" and further call upon the<br />

international community to render<br />

all moral and material assistance directly<br />

through the OAU or to those<br />

who are struggling in Namibia .<br />

Territories Under Portuguese<br />

Domination<br />

The Ministers noting the reports<br />

of the Administrative Secretary-<br />

General of the Liberation Committee<br />

and of the "Committee of Five" on<br />

Angola and recalling the relevent<br />

resolution by the Assembly and the<br />

Ministers, welcomes the progress<br />

achieved by <strong>African</strong> Nationalists in<br />

their legitimate liberation struggle.<br />

It deplores the assistance of all<br />

kinds which Portuguese receives<br />

from its NATO (North Atlantic<br />

Treaty Organization) allies and from<br />

its economic and financial partners .<br />

Gravely concerned at the threats<br />

and acts of aggression constantly<br />

perpetrated by Portugal against the<br />

<strong>African</strong> States adjacent to the territories<br />

under its domination, <strong>African</strong>s<br />

generally are now convinced<br />

that Portuguese crimes against <strong>African</strong>s<br />

cannot be terminated by wishful<br />

thinking.<br />

The Ministers therefore reaffirm<br />

the <strong>African</strong>s' rights of self-preservation<br />

to battle against Portugal's war<br />

of genocide being waged on <strong>African</strong><br />

soil in violation of the U. N. Charter.<br />

Furthermore, resorting to the use of<br />

napalm bombs, poison gases and<br />

other United Nations' prohibited<br />

weapons Portugal's fanatical action<br />

constitutes a threat to international<br />

peace and security.<br />

Extending Provocation Seen<br />

The Council condemns Portugal's<br />

criminal acts of aggression and provocation<br />

against <strong>African</strong> States bordering<br />

foreign occupied territories,<br />

in violation of U. N. resolutions.<br />

And it further vigorously condemns<br />

NATO for its military assistance and<br />

request the NATO nations to stop<br />

backing Portugal's war of genocide<br />

in Africa .<br />

While condemning the unholy al<br />

liance between Portugal and the rac-<br />

(Continued on page 14)<br />


(Continued from page 11)<br />

having so much trouble in the world<br />

today . When people found that they<br />

have been deceived, and their existence<br />

stands in jeopardy, trapped<br />

with their backs to the wall, anything<br />

can be expected .<br />

Da-Can you clarify further the<br />

"miss-education" and the results -<br />

keeping <strong>African</strong>s generally in a "colonial<br />

status" and cause our college<br />

trainees to become agents to preside<br />

over our liquidation 9<br />

Uba - During slavery days we<br />

were mentally free, despite the<br />

shackles on our feet . Alien environment<br />

and what it had to offer only<br />

added to our efforts to extricate ourselves<br />

and to return home . With that<br />

mental freedom, leaders like Harriet<br />

Tubman, Pastor Nat Turner, Richard<br />

Allen, Samuel Hopkins, Denmark<br />

Vesey, Paul Cuffe, Samuel J.<br />

Mills and others could then see the<br />

impossibility of any future within<br />

the "pale of the whites" and agitated<br />

for "separation and return to<br />

Africa." They were able to see at<br />

that early stage the coming of the<br />

battle for jobs and directed return<br />

to their land and avoid wrangle over<br />

bread and butter, a minor part of<br />

the present conflict .<br />

Da-TTba, John B . Russwurm, a<br />

college graduate and first editor in<br />

America and Lott Cary, a minister<br />

advocated repatriation too . All of<br />

those leaders, prior to Emancipation<br />

in 1863, rebelled against integration .<br />

How come our present leaders stand<br />

aloof in face of our present predicament<br />

and continue to allow themselves<br />

to execute the designs of those<br />

living in luxury at our expense? For<br />

example every European in Rhodesia<br />

has "an average of two cars" while<br />

the <strong>African</strong> only rags on his back?<br />

Uba-Imposition of citizenship in<br />

name only was a procedure enacted<br />

in 1865 that recaptured the liberated<br />

<strong>African</strong>s, hampered their return to<br />

Africa and kept them as cheap labor<br />

coupled with the pin-down strategy.<br />

To ensure that purpose the science<br />

of brainwashing was applied during<br />

Reconstruction Days and continued<br />

to this day . To counteract the brainwashing,<br />

the liberated teachers and<br />

community school administrators<br />

found themselves ambushed, under<br />

fi re .<br />


Da-Do you think the brainwashing<br />

brought about the mental "twist"<br />

that caused our graduates and natural<br />

leaders to remain silent in our<br />

dilemma? Aren't they masters in<br />

history, psychology, mathematics, all<br />

pre-requisite for graduation, and<br />

place them in a position to see beyond<br />

the veil? Then something must<br />

he wrong when we find the majority<br />

of our professionals with alien wives,<br />

by-passing their tribal sisters . What's<br />

going on here, Uba ?<br />

Uba-Yanked away from their innate<br />

indigenous freedom, they fell<br />

prey to alien retaliation if and when<br />

they became concerned over our misery<br />

and even afraid to lend token<br />

encouragement to the braves who<br />

plunged out for liberation . The<br />

Rhody McCoys, the Reverend Olivers,<br />

the Spencers et all are trying to<br />

remedy the situation and to reproduce<br />

responsible leaders who like<br />

Congressman Adam C. Powell, can<br />

stand like Jews, Irish, Polish and<br />

others even in Congress and adequately<br />

represent the people who support<br />

them without fear or favor.<br />

Da-In meaningful parades like<br />

those of Marcus Garvey, not one of<br />

our prominent <strong>African</strong> - American<br />

leaders took part, no unit of <strong>African</strong>-<br />

American police, no <strong>African</strong>-American<br />

unit from the National Guard<br />

participated . But on "St . Patrick's<br />

Dav" we see Irish-Americans from<br />

all branches-army, navy and other<br />

Government services in line of march<br />

headed by a prominent Irish-American,<br />

a Postmaster General, etc . On<br />

"Columbus Day" the same pattern<br />

prevails with Italian-Americans<br />

headed by perhaps a political leader<br />

in front. On "Pulaski Day", Polish<br />

leaders and rank and file are prominently<br />

dressed in the garb of the<br />

mother country. With these pictures<br />

in evidence, does it not show that a<br />

conspiracy is existing against <strong>African</strong>-Americans,<br />

all things considered,<br />

Uba?<br />

Uba-There is no doubt about it .<br />

The blueprint is there for all to see.<br />

And while we waste time moving one<br />

block of alienation, we run into<br />

greater blocks, one after the other.<br />

These stumbling blocks are purposely<br />

erected to keep us barricaded in<br />

dream land to permit the Europeans<br />

in South Africa, South West Africa,<br />



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George W. Hill, Proprietor<br />

Angola, Mozambique sufficient time<br />

to digin, consolidate and annihilate<br />

our brothers there and strengthen the<br />

"Free world", you understand?<br />

The mineral wealth of the <strong>African</strong><br />

continent, the tropical climate with<br />

its four crops per year are the coveted<br />

handsome profit discovered and that<br />

is behind all, our problems in the<br />

Americas. It is military strategy to<br />

divide an enemy- ; pin-down each part<br />

and reduce each simultaneouslv .<br />

Da-Uba, at this time we are hearing<br />

some strange names thrown at<br />

us here. They call us "negroes", not<br />

<strong>African</strong>s ; blacks, not <strong>African</strong>s ; the<br />

95% <strong>African</strong>s on the continent,<br />

Western leaders and press are calling<br />

them "Black-<strong>African</strong>s", "Black-<br />

Rhodesians", - leaving of course the<br />

inference that only the few whites<br />

in Africa are "The <strong>African</strong>s" . Is<br />

this a threat, Uba ?<br />

Uba-This is not a threat ; it is<br />

war, a cold war . The dye is already<br />

cast . Remember the declaration that<br />

"Africa is a vacuum, an empty continent",<br />

"the greatest prize on<br />

Earth?" Do you know what those<br />

implied? Forget your fatherland and<br />

you seal your doom .<br />

Da-What do you think of a few<br />

of our brothers here in America asking<br />

for 5 states in the American<br />

Union for their own rule, calling<br />

them "black States", Uba ?<br />

Uba-That is only another diversion<br />

directed by the profiteers who<br />

are aware of the oil in the Sahara,<br />

iron ore in abundance, uranium, etc.,<br />

a well watered continent that they<br />

called "the bread basket of the<br />

world." Remember : "What is good<br />

for the goose is good for the gander ."<br />

1 3

(Continued from page, 12)<br />

ist minority regimes in South Africa<br />

and Rhodesia, with designs to perpetually<br />

occupy the southern part of<br />

Africa, a step to further expansion,<br />

the Council of Ministers calls upon<br />

the Member States of the Organization<br />

of <strong>African</strong> Unity to grant additional<br />

material assistance to the<br />

Liberation Mov°ment to enable them<br />

to restore the economy and organize<br />

the lives of the population of the<br />

liberated areas .<br />

It also directs the <strong>African</strong> represcutatives<br />

at the U. N. to push for<br />

mandatory sanctions against those<br />

disturbing the peace and tranquility<br />

of Africa and appeal for moral and<br />

material assistance to those engaged<br />

in expelling gangsterism from <strong>African</strong><br />

soil. And finally the Council<br />

congratulates the <strong>African</strong> Nationalists<br />

on their continued progress in<br />

the battle for the liberation of their<br />

occupied areas and calls on them to<br />

maintain good relations with all<br />

states of Organization of <strong>African</strong><br />

Unity and not to fall victims to any<br />

gesture of the enemy nor his agents .<br />

(Continued in next issue)<br />

(Continued from page 2)<br />

colonialism imposed upon them by the oppressors in<br />

Pretoria .<br />

Council to Administer Without Teeth<br />

The argument is often ventilated that one of the<br />

essential requirements for political independence should<br />

be economic viability- . This argument . . . is not one<br />

that can be used against Namibia . Namibia is a large<br />

territory of 318,261 square miles with a . pleasant moderate<br />

climate . . . suitable for stock farming and its<br />

stock population for 1963 was estimated at 2.5 million<br />

for large stock and 5 million for small stock .<br />

When resolution of 27th October, 1966 was adopted<br />

revoking South Africa's mandate over the territory,<br />

South Africa's spokesman Muller, issued threats from<br />

this very rostrum against the United Nations if it<br />

attempted to take over Namibia . Because of the divisive<br />

tendencies and self-interest that are so rampant<br />

in the composition of the United Nations, our response<br />

to South Africa's defiance was far from being decisive<br />

let alone categorical.<br />

Unshaken by Pretoria's obstinacy, the fifth special<br />

session adopted resolution May 19th, 1967, which set<br />

up the eleven Member United Nations Council for<br />

Namibia with clear terms to administer the territory<br />

until independence . Once again the spokesman of the<br />

apartheid regime mounted this rostrum and defiantly<br />

stated in clear terms that his Government would use<br />

whatever -means were necessary to prevent the newly<br />

1 4<br />



In a nationwide address marking<br />

the 14th Anniversary of Algeria's<br />

uprising against French rule, Algerian<br />

President, Ilouari Boumedienne<br />

said that the only honorable<br />

way for Palestinians to recover their<br />

dignity is to go to the battlefield<br />

against Israel colonialism .<br />

The President also paid tribute to<br />

Algerian troops stationed along the<br />

Suez Canal in Egypt .<br />

Severeal foreign and Arab ministerial<br />

delegations arrived in Algiers<br />

for the three-day celebrations highlighted<br />

by a military parade.<br />

* :x<br />


Speaking at a military parade to<br />

mark the Fourth Anniversary of the<br />

overthrow of the Sudanese military<br />

regime, Sudanese Prime Minister<br />

i1Iohainmed Mahgoub declared that,<br />

"it is now clear there is no peaceful<br />

schiticrn fo- the iUliddle East crises ."<br />

I-le reiterated Sudan's support for<br />

Palestinian military action and added,<br />

"I greet all Palestinian Libera-<br />

tion Organizations and praise their<br />

armed struggle."<br />

Mahgoub blamed the United States<br />

for contributing to the crisis by<br />

opc ning negotiations on the supply<br />

of Phantom jets to Israel .<br />

Reviewing the situation in South<br />

Sudan, the Prime Minister announced<br />

that a ministerial committee<br />

has been formed to implement new<br />

social and economic projects in the<br />

south . (Arab News & Reviews)<br />


Black people, of all people, are being<br />

called anti-semites . Is this convenient<br />

strategy to arouse mob psychology?<br />

Or is it just a fabrication<br />

with malice afore thought or the<br />

technique of accusing and abusing a<br />

fricndly and co-operative people, always<br />

victimized as a whole for the<br />

sins of a single person here in<br />

America?<br />

Who are the Semites, in the first<br />

place? The Arabs claim that they<br />

are the Semites and the majority of<br />

Arabs are black people. To be Anti-<br />

Semitic therefore is to be anti-black,<br />

or anticolored, a strange accusation<br />

indeed .<br />

formed Council from taking over Namibia . Similarly,<br />

South Africa's note of 27th September, 1967, addressed<br />

to the S- cretary-General reaffirmed South Africa's disregard<br />

for the decisions of the United Nations and for<br />

world public opinion .<br />

"Tongue in Cheek" U. N. Demand Withdrawal<br />

Untbwarted by South Africa's threats and determined<br />

to explore peaceful solutions, the Council for<br />

Namibia decided on 30th March, 1968, to proceed to<br />

the territory in fulfillment of its mandate of last year.<br />

Once again South Africa's defiant voice was heard.<br />

Denial of landing clearance to any plane chartered by<br />

the Council and threats of possible aggressive action<br />

against the Council, if it entered Namibia emanated<br />

from Pretoria. Thus South Africa repudiated with impunity<br />

General Assembly resolution of 16th December,<br />

1967, in which the Assembly called upon the Pretoria<br />

authorities "to withdraw from the, territory of Namibia<br />

unconditionally and without delay all its military and<br />

police forces and its administration . . . . ."<br />

The resolution further declared that : - ". . . . the<br />

continued presence of South <strong>African</strong> authorities in<br />

Namibia is a flagrant violation of its territorial integrity<br />

and international status as determined by<br />

General Assembly resolution . This big question must<br />

be asked :<br />

Why does South Africa flout the decisions<br />

of this organizaion with impunity?<br />

NATO Supports South Africa<br />

My delegation strongly believes that without the<br />


massive support - moral, political, financial and<br />

military - which Pretoria receives from its allies of<br />

the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, South Africa,<br />

already an international outcast, would not defy the<br />

ever growing <strong>African</strong> resistance, world opinion and<br />

decisions of this organization . South Africa's military<br />

expenditure increased from $62 million in 1960 to $409<br />

million in 1968 .<br />

I must stress, however, that these figures derived<br />

from official South <strong>African</strong> sources do not include<br />

spending on the police . These are the startling figures<br />

spent, by the Pretoria regime with the blessings of their<br />

NATO allies to commit indescribable acts of genocide<br />

against the people of Namibia . The Western Powers<br />

must be singled out for censure and condemnation for<br />

aiding and abetting South <strong>African</strong> racists .<br />

The famous terrorism trial evoked world attention<br />

and condemnation from the United Nations, churches,<br />

emminent jurists, and editorial columus all over the<br />

world . This was because it was the first mass indictment<br />

of 31 Namibian nationals following the termination<br />

of South Africa's mandate by the United Nations,<br />

and the United Nations assumption of responsibility<br />

for Namibia .<br />

Jungle Law Is Pretoria's<br />

It was condemned also because the Terrorism Act<br />

was ex post facto legislation especially enacted by the<br />

South <strong>African</strong> Parliament to apply to Namibia. It is<br />

probable that only the pressure of world opinion saved<br />

some of the defendants from the death chambers, and<br />

yet the sentences were severe. An unknown number<br />

of Namibians have been<br />

_<br />

detained under the Terrorism<br />

Act .<br />

The legal question is phrased as to whether or not<br />

the Supreme Court in Pretoria has "jurisdiction to<br />

inquire into or pronounce upon the validity of Terrorism<br />

Act in so far as they purport to apply to the<br />

mandated territory of Namibia" .<br />

As is well known, the Security Council condemned<br />

the Terrorism Trial on 14th March, 1968 in the following<br />

terms :-<br />

" . . . . the continued detention and trial and<br />

subsequent sentencing of the Namibians constitutes<br />

an illegal act and flagrant violation<br />

of Human Rights, and the international<br />

status of the territory now under direct<br />

United Nations control ."<br />

As yet the Security Council has not dealt responsibly<br />

with the whole question of application of the General<br />

Assembly resolution of 1966 which established the<br />

United Nations as the administering Power in<br />

Namibia. In the absence of such effective action South<br />

Africa continues to deepen her control over the<br />

territory.<br />

While Africa Protests, Gangsters Act<br />

The "Development of Self-Government for Native<br />

Nations in South West Africa Bill" was enacted by<br />

the Parliament of South Africa on 6th June, 1968 .<br />

The so-called "Native Nations" are bantustans, fragmenting<br />

the country. The first of these, Ovamboland<br />

in the North has already been established, and its<br />


so-called Parliament met on 17th October, 1968 .<br />

The latest measure in the extension of apartheid in<br />

Namibia zvas to force 8,000 inhabitants of the old<br />

location in Windhoek, Capital of the territory to move<br />

from their homes to a new township of Katutura .<br />

After a nine year resistance, nearly all these defenceless<br />

people were forced out last September, although<br />

it was acknowledged that Katutura did not have adequate<br />

housing for them .<br />

Many of these people had to seek refuge in impoverished<br />

rural reserves. Each continuing step toward<br />

destruction of Namibia and its incorporation into<br />

South Africa--trials, appeals, dispossession, fragmentation<br />

into "Native Nations" must surely arouse the<br />

attention of the great Powers who have to date refused<br />

even to serve on, the Council for Namibia.<br />

The Triple Alliance Consolidated<br />

Apartheid has found its allies in the colonial policies<br />

of Portugal and Britain . The Lisbon-Pretoria-Salisbury<br />

axis has been consolidated to give new props to the<br />

South <strong>African</strong> Government and to strengthen the basis<br />

of the minority regimes in Rhodesia, Angola, and'<br />

Mozambique .<br />

With this strength, massive campaigns of psychological<br />

warfare have been mounted with full forceparticularly<br />

in Western Capitals, not only to defend<br />

apartheid, but to undermine the efforts of all men ofgood-will<br />

the world over who are trying to bring about<br />

a just and lasting solution for all human beings in<br />

that area .<br />

The spectre of a racial conflict on a global scale and<br />

the consequences for the world cannot but be frightening<br />

to all peace loving nations. Apartheid as applied<br />

in Namibia and South Africa is thus a dangerousrationalisation<br />

of an instrument protectionist in purpose,<br />

but defeatist in fact and destructive in the final<br />

result.<br />

We Await Security Council's Answer<br />

Lastly, I appeal to all the major trading partners<br />

of South Africa, to discontinue their present policies<br />

and to assume a more humane posture towards the<br />

people of Namibia. Zambia is irrevocably committed<br />

to the total and unconditional liberation of Namibia:<br />

IVe shall continue to sustain the struggle of the people<br />

of Namibia until final victory is achieved. No amount<br />

of file power will stop the determined people of-<br />

Namibia from attaining their independence.<br />

We call upon the Security Council to take firm and<br />

unrelenting measures to ensure South Africa's expulsion<br />

from Namibia . A player's .refusal to abide by therules<br />

of the game cannot be condoned. The sooner such<br />

measures are adopted the better for humanity as a<br />

whole . Further delays and procrastination can and will<br />

only add fuel to the already explosive situation.<br />

This organization cannot and should not allow innocent<br />

citizens of Namibia to suffer at the hands of a<br />

few Power hungry racists . My country has played<br />

and will actively continue to play its role, both within<br />

the framework of the Organization of <strong>African</strong> Unity<br />

and that of the United Nations until Namibia is free<br />

and independent .<br />





28th FEBRUARY ROAD<br />

P. 0. BOX 2760<br />





LONDON, E.C. 3.<br />



42 BROADWAY<br />







AND<br />


THE<br />


U .S .A . AND CANADA<br />

And<br />

Elsewhere<br />

Books of Value for Particular Readers !<br />


! I<br />

HAUSA GRAMMAR -- the most widely spoken LIBERIA'S PAST AND PRESENT<br />

language in Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 3.00 By Nathaniel R. Richardson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 6.00<br />


I I3y Carter G . LC'oodson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 .511 Edited by Harold A. Bierck, Jr ., 2 Volumes . . . 6.00<br />

Boliva, The Great Leader, a man of <strong>African</strong> I<br />

I BLACK MOSES blood and descent<br />

I By E . David Cronon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

1 .95<br />

A story of Marcus Garvey and his program for<br />

The Philosophy and <strong>Opinion</strong> of Marcus Garve or I<br />

! <strong>African</strong> Redemption<br />

Africa For the <strong>African</strong>s, Vol, I & II Combined<br />

Hard Back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.5 t)<br />

I<br />


Paper Back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , - , , . . . . . . 7.50<br />


By Raymond W. Bix1er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . 3.00 By A. Jacques Garvey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00<br />


The Autobiography of Kwame Nkrumah . . . . . . 5.00 300 B.C . to 1946 A.D .<br />

By J . A. Rogers<br />

NEO-COLONIALISM, THE LAST STAGE Vol . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1,50<br />

OF IMPERIALISM Vol . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.50<br />

By Kwame Nkrumah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.50 Both Volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.00<br />

. . . . . . . .<br />

. . . . . .<br />

. . . . .<br />

. . . . . .<br />

I<br />

I<br />


By J . A . Rogers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />


By Kwatne Nkrumah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

7.00<br />

7.50<br />


By J . A . Rogers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

ANCIENT TIMES-A History of the Early World<br />

B y James Henry Breasted, Ph .D ., L.L.D. . . . .<br />

2.50<br />

7 .00<br />

!<br />

I<br />

i<br />


By Ruckham Holt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00<br />

Payment In Advance<br />



By Booker T Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.50 S West 117th Street New York, N. Y. 10026<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

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I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

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<strong>African</strong><br />

pinion<br />

X341 S . ~CJRc;HE~~~F . .<br />

c~~c~s~, ~~un~~s ~~~~<br />

49350<br />

May-June, 1989 What does gun on campus reveal?<br />



CON6RESS<br />







At the request of "<strong>African</strong>-American<br />

Repatriation Association'', a<br />

Philadelphia b a s e d Organization,<br />

Representative Robert N. C. Nix,<br />

an <strong>African</strong>-1~merican submitted "Bill<br />

H R 896" in Congress. The Bill requests<br />

the enactment of legislation<br />

that will provide assistance to those<br />

citizens of <strong>African</strong> descent who desire<br />

to move to Africa to live.<br />

Other representations to Congress<br />

I<br />

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2<br />




Leaves New York August 4th returns September 2nd, 1969<br />



$430 Round Trip .<br />



INC. Leaves August 6th - Returns September 6, 1969.<br />

AFRICA<br />

-J ourist ~ -Jrave C/~t~ertet~<br />

Room 338<br />

Phone: 867-6755<br />

from farces in Chicago, California<br />

and i~Tew Fork for the same purpose<br />

are all reported to have united behind<br />

the one bill introduced by 1\Ir .<br />

Nix .<br />

The request for Government assistance<br />

is but a token compensation,<br />

better known Reparation for aver<br />

300 years of slave labor and damages<br />

done, to the <strong>African</strong> nationals in the<br />

United States. It is a fraction in<br />

- $430<br />

NEW YORK, N. Y. 10017<br />


INCLUDING THE U . S . A.<br />

comparison to reparation paid to the<br />

Philippines far minor damages during<br />

World War II.<br />

Unfinished Business of<br />

Long Standing<br />

The present move is the extension<br />

of a chain of efforts on the part of<br />

these people to return to the land of<br />

their origin . It began a wav back<br />

in 1619 when the. "Good Ship ~Jesns"<br />

dropped them off at Jamestawn, ~'irginia.<br />

And the wisdom of returning<br />

them was before the American peo-~<br />

ple since Thomas Jefferson to the<br />

present .<br />

Under President James 1flonroe<br />

however an opening was made that<br />

culminated in the establishment of<br />

Liberia but was pramptly terminated<br />

far motives revealed to have been<br />

ulterior in nature. As a result of<br />

the stoppage, frustration and dissatisfaction<br />

developed and continued, and<br />

have been plaglzing America since<br />

then.<br />

To pacify and to contain the <strong>African</strong>s'<br />

demands many strange and<br />

awkward suggestions were made .<br />

Same would have sent the <strong>African</strong>s<br />

to Haiti, to Central America, to<br />

Alaska, the Indies and every other<br />

place under the. sun except to Africa,<br />

the land from which they were taken<br />

and the land to which they have been<br />

battling to return, a strange paradox<br />

and provocative at that .<br />

Bills Submitted and Shelved<br />

Two Bills identical in nature an


Journal of<br />

Independent Thoughts and Expression<br />

Vul . 9 MAY-JUNE, 1969 Nos . I & 2<br />

Jas . L . Brown .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . Editor and Manager<br />

Victor G. Cohen .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . . .. . . . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . Associate Editor<br />

H. Cumberbatch . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. ... . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . Associate Editor<br />

Gladys P . Graham (Famata) . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . Woman's Editor<br />

Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a<br />

Mboya Shown "Like It Is"<br />

Py James T.eopald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5<br />


Published bi-monthly by <strong>African</strong> Picture & Information<br />

Service at 8 West 117th Street, New York, N. Y., 10026.<br />

Jas. L. Brown, President and Secretary .<br />

Unsolicited manuscripts and drawings must be accompanied<br />

by return self-addressed, stamped envelope.<br />


1 Year $1.50 - Single Copy 25 cents<br />

Make all remittances payable to :<br />


"Where<br />


FRIDAY, 9 A.M . to 8 P .M .<br />

WALK-UP WINDOW ON 125th OPEN 3 P .M . to 7 P .M .<br />

BROOKLYN OFFICE OPEN : 8 :30 A.M . TO 5 P .M . - FRIDAY ; 8 ;30 A.M. TO 8 P.M .<br />

Personal Pride and Community<br />

AFRICA DAY, MAY 25th<br />

Established 1963<br />

by<br />

Organization of <strong>African</strong> Unity (OAU)<br />

ti~<br />

The Black Man's<br />


TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE May 25th of Each Year<br />

Portrait On Caver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ =4 THE UNIVERSAL AFRICAN<br />

Pack To Africa Quest In Congress . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 NATIONAL DAY<br />

We, the Signers, appeal to all Organizations of<br />

<strong>African</strong> descent: Religious, Political, Fraternal,<br />

etc ., for Mutual 'Observance of :<br />

' Day<br />

.<br />

What Does Gun On Campus Reveal ?<br />

P,y 1)a ~ Uba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 May 25th - All <strong>African</strong><br />

South West Arfieans Faco Extinction<br />

Let's Ring the Bell - Ring it Loudl<br />

Py Peter Katjavivi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

U N I A & <strong>African</strong> Communities Leagwe<br />

Africa Summit Conference Reports . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Ethiopian World Federation, Inc<br />

Society of <strong>African</strong> Descendants, Inc .<br />

For The Sake Of Thase That Come . . . . . . . . . 14 Our Families Protection Association,<br />

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)<br />

Inc .<br />

Items of General Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 <strong>African</strong>-American Teachers Association<br />

Harlem Labor Union<br />

Notice : On account of re-organization of the business<br />

management, no issue was published since the January-<br />

February number. This does not affect the number<br />

of copies due on the yearly subscription .<br />

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Main Office Chelsea Office Brooklyn Office<br />

75 WEST 125th STREET 261 8th AVENUE 1273 FULTON STREET<br />

(Near Lenox Avenue) (Corner 23rd Street) (Near Nostrand Avenue)<br />

NEW YORK 27, N. Y. NEW YORK I I, N. Y. BROOKLYN I b, N. Y.<br />

TRafalgar b-4747 YU 9-4000 ULster 7-5515<br />

N<br />

Nu<br />

S :<br />

??<br />

2:N<br />

N<br />


<strong>African</strong> World Wide Survey<br />


Dear Sir :<br />

I have read only one copy of the<br />

<strong>African</strong> <strong>Opinion</strong> and was deeply impressed<br />

.<br />

If possible, I would like very much<br />

to become a regular subscriber .<br />

J. Brown<br />

Chicago, Ill .<br />

Dear Mr. Editor :<br />

Please send me a year subscription<br />

to the <strong>African</strong> <strong>Opinion</strong>. Yott have<br />

a very good magazine ; it is the anl~~<br />

bridge between <strong>African</strong>s and Afi~i.can-Americans<br />

on the level of communication<br />

.<br />

Sincerely yours,<br />

M. Jones<br />

Chicago, Ill.<br />

Dear Sir<br />

Please find enclosed my gayment<br />

for <strong>African</strong> <strong>Opinion</strong>, annual subscription<br />

($1.50) . I always enjoyed<br />

your magazine very much. I hope<br />

you always remain cooperative.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

A. Amyach<br />

Georgia, U. S .A .<br />

Best Wishes<br />



Schedule for Jnly, 196J<br />

The "Organization of <strong>African</strong><br />

Unity First All-<strong>African</strong> Cultural<br />

Festival" is scheduled to begin nn<br />

July 21, to August 1, 196Q at Algiers,<br />

Algeria.<br />

The festival will concern itself<br />

with <strong>African</strong> Drama, traditional anal<br />

modern, <strong>African</strong> music, dance, tr~th-tional<br />

performances, slang with eYhibitians<br />

of works of art and sctalptnres,<br />

written works, pc ;et readings,<br />

etc ., and performances by invited<br />

artists .<br />

Only <strong>African</strong> works will be elib<br />

ible far entry in each of the cultural<br />

sections .<br />

Booklets for details an the Festival<br />

may be secured from the "Organization<br />

of <strong>African</strong> Unity", 211 East<br />

43rd Street, New Yark City.<br />

Since the Festival is an All-<strong>African</strong><br />

project it goes without saying<br />

it will be opened to all <strong>African</strong>s regardless<br />

of place of birth, and enrich<br />

the event with their numerous talents .<br />

The Entire Membership and Officers<br />

the<br />


141 WEST 119th STREET<br />

of<br />

INC.<br />

NEW YORK, N . Y. 10026<br />

- On Liberation Day, May 25th -<br />

Wish Our Bro+hers and Sisters in Africa the very Bes+ of Co-opera+ion<br />

and Par+ioipa+ion in Their Progress throughout the Coming Years .<br />

A . SAMUEL RASHFORD, Presiden+<br />

MRS . MINNETTE STEWART, Vice-Presiden+<br />

MISS LETTIE BONITTO, Secretary<br />

d<br />


Picture above, a scene in Jerusalem, the<br />

Holy Land, ~at which Mrs. Samad "discovered<br />

the real and not the Europeonized<br />

Madonna and the Child as she had<br />

been accustomed seeing all her life ."<br />

Shows Mrs . Marianne Samad, a<br />

school teacher and also the directress<br />

of the "Sankore Nubian Cultural<br />

Work Shop, Inc." at 2140 Madison<br />

Avenue, New York City.<br />

Mrs. Samad has just returned<br />

from a tour, stopping at such places<br />

as Senegal, Ghana, Liberia, in Africa,<br />

Jerusalem (The Holy Land),<br />

Greece, Rome, Paris and back to the<br />

United States.<br />

VO~hile in Liberia, her father flew<br />

from Sierra Leone to meet his daughter<br />

whom he had not seen for over<br />

32 years . It was a pleasant reunion<br />

of father and daughter . In Jerusalem,<br />

she is seen pointing to the<br />

"Original Madonna and Child" .<br />

She reported that Africa is a<br />

beautiful place, the place that her<br />

renowned, patriotic and devoted<br />

mother, Mrs . Alice Allman, labored<br />

tirelessly to liberate while Secretary<br />

of the "Universal <strong>African</strong> Nationalist<br />

Movement."<br />

Mrs . Samad, like her mother has<br />

vowed to enlighten the rest of her<br />

kinsmen and the world as to the contribution<br />

<strong>African</strong>s made to the rest<br />

of mankind.<br />


Tom Mboya, a minister in the<br />

Kenya Government was presumably<br />

dragged into the <strong>African</strong> Community<br />

of Harlem, New Yark City, to announce<br />

the scheme that his abductors<br />

were unable to put aver themselves .<br />

Appearing recently at the Shamburg<br />

Collection of the Public Library,<br />

the only institution in Harlem<br />

of genuine substance, housing material<br />

reflecting the works of <strong>African</strong>s<br />

the world over, Mr. 1~Iboya was rudely<br />

but fortunately brought to his<br />

senses when he told a packed audience<br />

of brothers and sisters a kind<br />

of fiction that only a pharoah may"<br />

be able to interpret.<br />

The disappointed and infuriated<br />

brothers here who were not already"<br />

killed or jailed for promoting <strong>African</strong><br />

Liberation taught the farmer<br />

promising brother a lesson, it is<br />

hoped, he might never forget.<br />

It all started when the <strong>African</strong><br />

brother startled his joyful sisters and<br />

brothers by repeating the familiar<br />

stereotypes of the neo-calanists that<br />

"they must not run away to Africa ;<br />

they should stay and fight for their<br />

rights."<br />

Pandemonium Broke Loose<br />

As if by magic or mystery the<br />

pleasant mood was suddenly and beligerently<br />

reversed. It was like flashing<br />

a red flag before the eyes of a<br />

bull. Pandemonium broke loose and<br />

Mboya was rescued only by a regiment<br />

of policemen quickly rushed to<br />

the scene.<br />

The <strong>African</strong> World looked with<br />

great hope when Mr . Mboya, then<br />

aged 26, came into prominence as<br />

chairman of "The All-<strong>African</strong> Peoples<br />

Conference" called in Accra,<br />

Ghana by the outstanding statesman,<br />

President Kwame Nkrumah in 1958 .<br />

While visiting the United States<br />

in 1959 Mr. Mboya among other<br />

things made the following important<br />

statement<br />

"Another point I ynust stress," he<br />

said, "Black-Americans have beentold<br />

they are not wanted in Africa .<br />

This is deliberate erroneous propsganda.<br />

You may came home whenever<br />

you like ; Africa is yo~cr heritage<br />

. You are wanted and needed,"<br />

he added.<br />


Mbora Shown "Like<br />

By James Leopold<br />

Tom Mboya of Kenya<br />

Since then it now comes to light<br />

a colony of whites exists in genya,<br />

along with those in Rhodesia, South<br />

Africa, South West Africa, Angola,<br />

i~Tazambique and Asmara in Ethiopia,<br />

back door returning entrances .<br />

<strong>African</strong>ization Opposed<br />

Recently a statesman member of<br />

the Kenya Parliament introduced a<br />

measure to legally grant <strong>African</strong><br />

Citizenship to <strong>African</strong>s abroad, those<br />

residing in the United States and the<br />

Caribbean . That step ran into opposition,<br />

although a healthy step for<br />

an under-developed continent.<br />

Nat long after a parallel paradox<br />

occurred . The Government of Guyana<br />

called on all Guyanese who are<br />

American citizens and residing in the<br />

United States of America, to vote in<br />

her last Guyana national election,<br />

and it is reported many did .<br />

At the height of Marcus Garvey's<br />

<strong>African</strong> Redemption Movement, and<br />

the establishment of the "Black Star<br />

Line Shipping Company", a part of<br />

the industrial set-up, a "Princess<br />

Koffi" was similarly brought in from<br />

West Africa to oppose the shipping<br />

venture.<br />

Exposure Brings Enlightenment<br />

The "Princess" gained entrance to<br />

a church in a Southern State and<br />

while castigating the black man's ef-<br />

It "s"<br />

farts to help himself, she was dunned<br />

down in the pulpit by person unknown.<br />

These incidents of course are regrettable<br />

on the grounds that since<br />

Tahn Gunther described Africa as<br />

the "Greatest Prize on Earth." It is<br />

consequently surrounded and kept in<br />

darkness to permit imperialists entrenchment<br />

. The trigger man undoubtedly<br />

was not in a frame of<br />

mind ar unable to rationalize the situation,<br />

with the eloquence of the imperialist<br />

agent and therefore acted.<br />

Indications have shown that <strong>African</strong>s<br />

abroad, with their backs to the<br />

wall, nevertheless possess a genuine<br />

feeling of brotherhood for these<br />

similarly situated at home. And they<br />

became irritated aver those who they<br />

thought should know better complying<br />

with the common enemy by making<br />

statements detrimental to both.<br />

When the messengers of others or<br />

prisoners of war come and tell the<br />

well prepared brothers not to come<br />

and help them battle for their life,<br />

something is definitely wrong, and efforts<br />

for mutual preservation should<br />

be vigorously increased and pursued .<br />



HUT<br />

Selling<br />

DRUMS<br />

BAGS<br />




BOOKS<br />

Everything from Africa<br />

1156 FULTON STREET<br />

BROOKLYN, N. Y.<br />

(Near Franklyn Ave.)<br />

Phone : 783-8771<br />


(G'ontinzced from page 2)<br />

known as the "Greater Liberia Bill" .<br />

Like the "Bilboe Bill", the "Longer<br />

Bill" too went the way of the flesh<br />

to the disappointment and irritations<br />

of millions who sought the inalienable<br />

right of self-determination !-o<br />

peacefully return to the land from<br />

which they were removed in chains .<br />

Now Comes the Nix Bill<br />

And now, "again and again and<br />

again", comes the "Vix Bill-H TL<br />

8965" embodying in essence the same<br />

purpose as the previous two . It<br />

tames at a time when a chronic j ok~less<br />

population existed, created by au<br />

efficient automation . It comes at a<br />

time of burdensome taxation and an<br />

increasing population of pour and<br />

hunger.<br />

And not only that, but it comes<br />

during the shrewd building up of a<br />

"white backlash", not without calculatcd<br />

intention . The aftermath therefore,<br />

in those troublesome times,<br />

should compel the Congress to view<br />

the logic of this new Bill .<br />

America with two outstanding and<br />

unfortunate records-the exterminss-<br />

Photo : Mr. Mustafa Hashim, President<br />

of the "<strong>African</strong>-American Repatriation<br />

Association ."<br />

tion of the Indians, the atomic bombing<br />

of J apan along with the reported<br />

killings in Vietnam, to insure selfdeterminatian<br />

of South Vietnam,<br />

ought not to close her eyes and ears<br />

to the centuries of appeals to assist<br />

those who seek self-determination in<br />

other parts of the world .<br />

Accustomed Opposition Appearing<br />

Already, before the bill comes np<br />

far consideration, a part of the Press<br />

begins to question the wisdom of the<br />

lslack man's moves . The decision here<br />

is an indigenous matter and as sncis<br />

is not open to question, since the<br />

"white man's burden" is said to be<br />

dead and buried.<br />

As the proceedissg developed, it is<br />

expected that those picl:ed leaders<br />

with no indigenous mass following,<br />

will as usual be instructed to oppose<br />

the move .<br />

The promoters of the steps to<br />

change their present domicile i n<br />

search of a way of life better suited<br />

to their own likings, request every<br />

one to support the Bill H R 896~i<br />

by writing to their respective Congressmen<br />

and Senators, requesting<br />

them to support the Bill, not for<br />

themselves but for you .<br />

The <strong>African</strong>-American Repatriation<br />

Assn . at : 5119 Chestnut Street,<br />

Philadelphia, Pa . 19139 . Telephone<br />

GR 4-5200, request concerned persons<br />

to keep in touch .<br />

1+~v~w~w~wiEV~w~~ - . . - . . . - . . ~ ~ . . ~w~w~w~w~w~w!Ev.~<br />

Zambia (formerly Northern Rhodesia) has embarked on a massive Educational<br />

Development Program.<br />

Shortage in trained manpower is due<br />

former colonial administration .<br />

to restricted educational policies of the<br />

The Ministry of Education now invites concerned Teachers from outside, of all<br />

levels and in all fields from primary to teacher training, technical training,<br />

etc .<br />

Larger in area than France, Czechoslovakia and Denmark combined with four<br />

million people, Zambia pays the highest salaries in Africa .<br />

Tropical, Pleasant Climate . Zambia opens the door for Concerned men and women,<br />

even with limited qualifications, to a happy valley among anxious youths .<br />

For booklet on : Teaching and Living in Zambia<br />

Apply to : Educational Attache<br />

Zambian Embassy<br />

1875 Connecticut Avenue, N. W.<br />

Washington, D. C.<br />

(This spare supplied by <strong>African</strong> Picture Fs Information Service)<br />

C<br />

C<br />


Da-Uba, a lot of strange and unbelievable<br />

things are seen and heard<br />

today, things that do not look nor<br />

sound real but tern out to be true.<br />

It is revealed that college stndents<br />

unite themselves into "Students For<br />

a Democratic Society" and into other<br />

groupings and are disrupting the<br />

standards of long standing .<br />

~~'hat da vau make ant of all the<br />

confusion ort~ the university campuses<br />

throughout the land ?<br />

Uba- Da, before a student admitted<br />

to the school of higher learning,<br />

he or she must have a ground<br />

knowledge of the arts and sciences<br />

from the elementary, immediate, and<br />

higlx schools . The university thc-u<br />

breaks apart, go into details of all<br />

the formulas and other symbols and<br />

show their relations to other things<br />

and help the stndents to go .from<br />

there.<br />

In other words, as the upcoming<br />

leaders of Soeietv, the college arms<br />

them with what ~is known and free<br />

thorn to co~ntintte things as they are<br />

or change them to insure another way<br />

of life that tends to insure security<br />

and happiness of mankind.<br />

Da-T3ut Uba, the "Students far<br />

a Democratic Society" (SDS) is in<br />

rebellion. What da they mean by<br />

calling themselves a "Democratic Society"<br />

when they live in a Democracy<br />

in existence for centuries ?<br />

Uba-Well, the possibility is, they<br />

might have discovered that preaching<br />

FREE !<br />



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What Does Gun On Campus Reveal<br />






democracy and practicing democracy<br />

do rat add up and they move to do<br />

something abort it, to serve a better<br />

life . The. fact that many members<br />

of the faculty, are giving aid and<br />

comfort to the students, indicates<br />

something is wrong and those students<br />

na doubt have discovered it .<br />

Da-It is said that in Czarist Russia<br />

every college graduate was assigned<br />

two policemen to guard him .<br />

Naw, in these days with adding, calculating<br />

and other technical machines<br />

operating, do yon think it<br />

makes good sense to produce a lot<br />

of college graduates with heads fall<br />

of knowledge, Uba ?<br />

Uba-At a time like this when are<br />

man can turn a switch, or push a<br />

button and set the world on fire, I<br />

"wonder as a I wands" .<br />

Du-We notice <strong>African</strong> Students,<br />

citizens of the United States, are rebelling<br />

too. They are demanding<br />

<strong>African</strong> Culture, <strong>African</strong> studies,<br />

with <strong>African</strong> instructors and <strong>African</strong><br />

language be offered in the schools,<br />

since the power structure instigated<br />

a program of integration .<br />

FREE!<br />


By DA & UBA<br />

~IIIIIli111[~I~IIIIII~iI1lI»<br />


111111fIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIIIl11~fI111<br />

MAY 25th<br />

from<br />

Futtam<br />

Religious Store<br />

141 WEST 116th STREET<br />


The general dissatisfaction on the<br />

part. of <strong>African</strong> students might stem<br />

from the belief that they have been<br />

the most Law abiding in the Unitevl<br />

States . And since the law prohibits<br />

"Separate but equal" training institutions,<br />

they corxclude "integration''<br />

is a method to maintain the states<br />

qua. That is, to only learn of thr<br />

"Free World" beginning with Greece .<br />

In this way the <strong>African</strong>'s roots will<br />

be left hanging in the heavens, perhaps,<br />

you see ?<br />

Uba-In the past we had "separate"<br />

schools but they were subsidized<br />

and only preferred courses were allowed.<br />

But the wind of change as<br />

calculated would prevent withholding<br />

appropriation to "Separate" schools<br />

(Contnued on page 12)<br />


of<br />



48 WEST 116th STREET<br />


Allan Gould, Prop .<br />


SOYTH WEST AFRICAS Fate Extinction<br />

Note : The following article is reproduced<br />

from the "Colonial <strong>Freedom</strong><br />

News"-London, England.<br />

The "Self-government for Native<br />

Nations in South West Africa Act"<br />

was enacted at the end of the last<br />

session in the South <strong>African</strong> Parliament<br />

. According to this act, Namibia<br />

(South West Africa) is going to<br />

be divided up into six so-called "Na-<br />


bans," each "Nation" as an autonomous<br />

unit.<br />

On October 17, 1968, the first of<br />

these "Native Nations" will came into<br />

being. The Legislative Council for<br />

Ovamboland Bantu area will be<br />

opened in Oshakati by Mr. M. C.<br />

Botha, Minister of "Bantu Adminis-<br />



Club Le Douze Inc .<br />

Announces Its ,Schedule of Tours and Entertainment<br />

Our Annual Fathers' Day Excursion - Sunday, June 15, 1969 - to<br />

Bear Mountain on the beautiful S. S. Bay Belle . Music by Tom Shade and<br />

his Cosmopolitan Orchestra, featuring Ellie Mannette Steel Band, Latin and<br />

Calypso music and the Frank Blaize Versatiles Band . Round trip $5.00.<br />

Children under 12, $2.50 . Boat leaves Battery Park 8:45 a.m.<br />

* * =x<br />

Bus Excursion to Peg Leg Bates Country Club, Sunday, July bth, 1969 .<br />

Buses leave I Ith St. & 7th Ave., N. Y. 8 a.m . Transportation incl . tax $7.50.<br />

Children under 12, $4 .00 .<br />

:x<br />

Labor Day Excursion and Pilgrimage<br />


Buses leave Illth Street at 7th Ave., New York City, Friday Night,<br />

August 29th, 1969 at 10 p.m . You and your friends are invited to enjoy<br />

the holiday weekend with us . Buses return from Canada Monday night,<br />

September 1st, 1969 ap roximately II p.m . Transportation incl. tax and<br />

Hotel Accommodations, 62 .50 . Children under 12 years, $49.95 . Indentification<br />

papers for return to U.S . are required . Further information contact<br />

Mr. Rupert Smith, phone MO 3-8177 .<br />

Bus Excursion to Danbury Fair, Conn . Sunday, October 12th, 1969 . Buses<br />

leave I I Ith Street at 7th Ave., N. Y. C. 8:30 a.m . Transportation incl. tax<br />

$7.50. Children under 12, $4.50 .<br />

:x<br />

Pilgrimage to Graymoor Garrison, N. Y., Sunday, October 26th, 1969 .<br />

Buses leave I I Ith St. at 7th Ave., N. Y. C. 8 :30 a .m . and leave Graymoor<br />

at 4:30 p.m . Fare $4.00.<br />

Club Le Douze Inc. invites you to join its extraordinary 17-day<br />

Carnival Calypso Excursion<br />

to Trinidad and Tobago, W. I . including the 2-day Carnival, February 8th &<br />

9th, 1970 in the sunny capital, Port of Spain . Under the personal guidance<br />

of Mr. Rupert Smith, Tour Director . Have Breakfast in New York and lunch<br />

in Port of Spain. BWIA Sun Jet to and from Trinidad - $209 .00.<br />

If any other information wanted, please Phone MO 3-8177<br />

tration and Development and Bantu<br />

li;ducation."<br />

According to the Windhoek Advertiser<br />

of October 3, `The Legislative<br />

Council will be representative of<br />

all the seven regions of Ovamboland.<br />

Each of the seven regional Tribal<br />

Authorities is entitled to designate<br />

not more than six members, as was<br />

the case when the Transkei was<br />

granted self-government .<br />

'fhe Government of the Republic<br />

will second a number of civil servants<br />

to assist in the administration of the<br />

various departments of Ovamboland<br />

under self-government . These officials<br />

will be designated Directors .<br />

One of the Directors, Mr . F. A. .1 .<br />

De Preez of the Department of<br />

Bantu Administration and Development,<br />

will act as co-ordinating officer<br />

far the Departments of Finance,<br />

Economic Affairs, Justice, Community<br />

Affairs, Agriculture and 'forks<br />

and Education .'<br />

Tn other wards, the same personnel,<br />

representatives of the Santh <strong>African</strong><br />

regime, will continue to rule<br />

-only their positions have changed<br />

names .<br />

The South <strong>African</strong> Bantustan policy-of<br />

which this is an example-is<br />

based on the fallacy that cultur.el<br />

and linguistic differences between<br />

population groups prevent co-operation<br />

and ccmmunal feelings . On the<br />

basis of this idea, South Africa regards<br />

herself justified in dividing up<br />

the areas where the indigenous pol ,ulation<br />

live, into small autonomous<br />

`Bantustans' which have minimal<br />

contact with each other.<br />

SWAPO (South West Africa Peoples<br />

Organization) has all along<br />

strongly opposed the South <strong>African</strong><br />

Bantustan policy. We argue that in<br />

Namibia, where the various populati~n<br />

groups live scattered, this policy<br />

is undoubtedly a deliberate move to<br />

destroy the unity of our people. We<br />

also regard it as an exercise in eyewash<br />

and blatant hypocrisy, intended<br />

to foal the outside world .<br />

The implementation of the Self-<br />

Government for "Native Nations in<br />

South West Africa Act" has many<br />

implications . One can see that the<br />

exercise is bound to lead to great<br />


On AFRICA DAY, MAY 25th<br />

We Repeat<br />

Africa For The <strong>African</strong>s,<br />

Those at Home and Those Abroad<br />

Let our "Natural, Spiritual and Political Limit be God<br />

and Africa at Home and Abroad" - Garvey<br />

One God, One Aim, One Destiny<br />

Parent Body<br />

UNIA & <strong>African</strong> Communities<br />

League<br />

1609 Columbus Ave.<br />


sufering on the part of the people<br />

of Namibia . All the Bantustans will<br />

be situated in poor areas without any<br />

natural resources worth developing .<br />

This in turn means that they will<br />

continue to be utterly dependent upon<br />

South Africa for economic assistance.<br />

Furthermore, the areas which<br />

are left to the white minority are rich<br />

in natural resources ; consequently,<br />

the exploitation of these areas will<br />

directly benefit the white population,<br />

and only go to the inhabitants of the<br />

Bantustans as `economic assistance'<br />

which, one can envisage, will be<br />

given with a patronizing hand by<br />

the South <strong>African</strong> regime.<br />

As each bantustan is going to contain<br />

people belonging to one population<br />

group only, one can foresee extensive<br />

forced moves of people from<br />

one area to the next . Many families<br />

will have to pull up their roots from<br />

the place where they may have lived<br />

for generations, and go to an area<br />

to which they have no ties whatsoever.<br />

Many families may also face financial<br />

difficulties, difficulties in adjusting<br />

to the new situation in which<br />

they find themselves ; in short, they<br />

face stresses and strains which may<br />

easily lead to a breakup of the family<br />

unit.<br />

Another facet to the South <strong>African</strong><br />

bantustan policy is that it keeps people<br />

without contact with the outside<br />

world. Their educational system purports<br />

this isolation, as it emphasises<br />

the uniqueness of customs and traditions<br />

of particular population groups,<br />


Philadelphia, Pa .<br />

and ignores the general development<br />

of modern society .<br />

Thus, people in a `Native Nation'<br />

will end up as backward, ignorant<br />

and unable to tackle the problems of<br />

modern society-exactly what is intended<br />

by the South <strong>African</strong> regime.<br />

The regime thus gets its justification<br />

for continued averlordship -<br />

`these people are not yet ready for<br />

independence' - a phrase too often<br />

heard from representatives of the<br />

white supremacists in Southern Africa<br />

.<br />

The bantustan policy is a violation<br />

of human rights, of international<br />



Will take you to Dakar, Liberia, Ghana, Nigeria<br />

and East Africa<br />

-Call-<br />

Nigeria Airways<br />

565 FIFTH AVENUE<br />


Telephone 212 OX 7-3875<br />

law, of ay ultra-national charters<br />

functioning today . We want to draw<br />

attention to this and ask you to do<br />

,your utmost to counteract and condemn<br />

this pernicious policy practiced<br />

in our country.<br />

We also ask you to urge your<br />

government to support an urgent debate<br />

in the United Nations General<br />

Assembly, and to back any resolution<br />

leading to practical action .<br />

South Africa must be forced to<br />

give up her illegal administration of<br />

Namibia by all means at the disposal<br />

of the United Nations, including the<br />

use of force.<br />


and the<br />


of the<br />

Sarkore-Nubian Cultural Workshop, Inc .<br />

2140 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK 10037<br />

Wish to Extend<br />

Our Sincere Greetings to Our Motherland<br />

AFRICA<br />

And to let Her Know we have never lost Faith .<br />


NOTE<br />

Tlee Assembly of the ORG}ANrZATION OF AFRCCAN<br />

LTvr"rY composed th,e presidents of Africa's states, 41<br />

to date .<br />

floe COC?NCIT . Or llr~rsTErzs of flee states . The<br />

Council sets flee blue print ofactions to be taken.<br />

Z'lee f ollaze~i.ng are items concluded in the Fifth Session<br />

in Algiers, Capital of Algeria, North Africa, September<br />

19G8 .<br />

The Council of Ministers of the OILGANrZATIO~T or<br />

ArttrcnN UNITY, meeting in its 11th Ordinary Session<br />

in Algeria, 1JB8, reaffirmed the inalienable rights of<br />

all people and territories of Africa to freedom and<br />

independence. Thev notice strangely however that the<br />

"Comoro Islands" ~ (in S. E. Africa, in Mozambique<br />

channel N. E. of 1\Iadagaska) are not on the list of<br />

colonial territories under the terms of the LT.N . declaration<br />

granting independence to colonial territories and<br />

peoples .<br />

That being the case, the Council called up the French<br />

Government to take immediate measures to enable the<br />

people of the "(7omoro Islands" to exercise their right<br />

to self-detf~rrnination and independence. It also directed<br />

<strong>African</strong> group at the I7.N. to press far the inclusion<br />

of those islands on the list of none-self-governing areas .<br />

And to make clear the position of Africa of complete<br />

"liberation of every inch" of <strong>African</strong> territories the<br />

Ministers ask the Secretary-General to put. the demands<br />

of the OAU before the U.N . Decolonization Committee<br />

to place the Comoro Islands on the list.<br />

The Canned of Ministers noted the reports of the;<br />

Administrative Secretary-General, the committee of five<br />

an Rhodesia as well as the report of the foreign ministers<br />

of Algeria, Senegal and Zambia and recalling<br />

10<br />


- Continued From 1'reviatts Issue -<br />

Resolution on Rhodesia<br />


Committee, Inc.<br />

2395 8th Ave. (Near 128th St .) New York, N . Y . 10027<br />

Appeals for Relief Funds for the Black Brothers and<br />

Families driven from their homes in Angola, Mozambique,<br />

South West Africa, Rhodesia, South Africa . . .<br />

by Colonialist Bombing Planes and now Refugees in<br />

Neighboring States .<br />

Please make donations to the above Committee<br />

and mail to : P.O . Box 126<br />

New York, N . Y. 14027<br />

All Funds will be sent through the<br />

Organization of <strong>African</strong> Unity<br />

all the relevant resolutions of the "OPOanrzarrow or<br />

Ar+RrcA~ 17NrTY" and the [7.N . on Rhodesia besides<br />

those of the Security Council, imposing mandatortisanetians<br />

against Rhodesia, without result .<br />

Ivhadesia's reluctance backed by neocolonialists to<br />

acquiesce to peaceful requests, forced the leaders of<br />

Africa to become seriously concerned . They look with<br />

apprehension especially over the continued grave and<br />

dangerous situation, particularly the systematic campaign<br />

of terror, acts of genocide and political murder<br />

carried out by the rebel minority regime against the<br />

<strong>African</strong> people with immunity .<br />

Patience Approaching Exhaustion<br />

At this time and lacking the atomic bomb, the anly<br />

thing the prattlers of democracy respect, the Council<br />

reaffirmed that the situation in Rhodesia constitutes<br />

a serious threat to international peace and security .<br />

It strongly reffirmed again and again the right of the<br />

people of Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) to freedom on the basis<br />

of majority rule, and the right to fight for national<br />

liberation . For those rights, two world wars were<br />

waged and the base upon which the I7.N. was built .<br />

Condemning the genocidal acts as crime against humanity,<br />

the statesmen called upon England again and<br />

again to topple the gangster minority rule by force of<br />

arms as she did in "Guiana" and in4 little "Anguilla."<br />

Foreign Settlers Warned<br />

They further condemned the non-<strong>African</strong> regime in<br />

South Africa for sending troops to fight the 7.ambians<br />

in their own land and told the European settlers to<br />

withdraw their mercenaries. It is presumed and hopefully<br />

so that the <strong>African</strong>s' peaceful and friendly protestatians<br />

might be remembered when self-preservation<br />

compelled them to resort to prevailing means, when<br />

reason falls an deaf ears .<br />

It might be good for all concerned, if those settlers<br />

and their backers, to bear in mind the warning of the<br />


The Powerful, Magnetic and Commanding Voice<br />

of<br />


Bluntly and clearly putting the position of his people<br />

before the world . In your own home you can now hear<br />


that shook the world for only $1 .50 - by mail $2.25.<br />

Payment in Advance<br />


2395 8th Avenue (at 128th St .)<br />

New York, N . Y . 10027<br />


276 West 141 st $t . New York, N. Y.<br />

Carlos A. Cooks, Founder<br />

Charles Peaker, Administrator<br />

Saudi Arabian Representative at U.N . in 1966 that :<br />

"Any colonial power which consistently does not allow<br />

the oppressed people to enjoy the right of sel .fdeterminatian<br />

forfeits its right to be a member of the<br />

U.N . South Africa has closed its ears to the United<br />

Nations' appeals for nearly 20 years .<br />

If the stat2~s quo is preserved, a racial conflict will<br />

flare up . A racial revolution not only may bring about<br />

th.e end of South Africa, as a state but 7nay endanger<br />

the lif e of any European white man who sets foot on<br />

Africa and e-uentleally-who knows or, Asian soil .<br />

the are approaching the eleventh hour, amt we should<br />

not wait until a racial conflagration spreads all over<br />

Africa, leaving nothing behind it but ashes and dee1~<br />

sorrow for multitudinous victims, white and black, regardless<br />

of their ethnic origin, or the color of their skin.<br />

Financial and Material Aid Urgent<br />

The Council called upon all states and all <strong>African</strong>s<br />

to provide more financial and material assistance far<br />

intensifying the struggle inside Zimbabwe and to render<br />

all moral and material assistance to them in the<br />

war of liberation . It further coYlgratlllated the (ZAPU<br />



~~!<br />

pIIIIIIl01kIIl<br />

Slogan : °`TRUTH AND CHARITY"<br />

Sponsors Organized Bodies :<br />

Our School of Business Thought and Practice<br />

STANDING COMMITTEES : Sick - Planning - Working -<br />

EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS : <strong>African</strong> Movies - Lectures<br />

ECONOMICAL VENTURES : An Emergency Saving Fund -<br />

SOCIAL ACTIVITIES : Weekly Parties - Bus Outings, Etc.<br />

WELCOME! to Our Recreational Hall or HEADQUARTERS<br />

31 West 125th Street New York, N. Y. 10027<br />

Donations Appreciatedl<br />

31 WEST 125th STREET<br />

NEW YORK, N. Y.<br />

[(~If~(Illlillllilll~lil111<br />

We Endorse O A U May 25th<br />

- AFRICA DAY -<br />

( I ) Become An <strong>African</strong> Nationalist<br />

(2) Support Marcus Garvey Day - August 17th<br />

(3) Support Carlos Cooks Day - June 23rd<br />

Ethiopian Wisdom House of Judah<br />

Salute<br />

AFRICA DAY, MAY 25th<br />

(4) Support Repatriation Bill H R 8965<br />

<strong>African</strong> Nationalist Pioneer<br />

Movement<br />

Offers Weekly Movies<br />

on<br />


at<br />

AN1) AF1vIC'AN NA2IONAI. CONGI1FSS) 111 cl'eatlng $<br />

united front . And since a state of war exists in Rhodesia,<br />

it demands that freedom fighters if captured Le<br />

treated as prisoners of war, under Ked Cross convention.<br />

The Governments of Tanzania, Zambia and Kenya<br />

have been requested to use their good offices with those<br />

movements and farther instructed <strong>African</strong>s at the U.N .<br />

to force England to get rid of the foreign importers'<br />

regime in Rhodesia and cautioned Portugal against<br />

supporting Rhodesia.<br />

Co-ordinating Committee for the Liberation<br />

o-f Africa<br />

Noting with satisfaction the progress of <strong>African</strong><br />

Nationalist troops and the "Committee far the Liberation<br />

of Africa," the Council congratulated the forces<br />

operating in Guinea Bissau, Mozambique and Angola<br />

in their progress .<br />

The Council called on all presidents of <strong>African</strong><br />

States to increase their allotment and bolster the efficiency<br />

of the troops in the field .<br />

(Continued on page 13)<br />


Recreational<br />

- Discussions<br />

Loans<br />

Phone :<br />

FI 8-5804<br />

Mr . L. Kofi Brown, President

( Continued f ~'orn page 7 )<br />

when the demands for "self image"<br />

is heard .<br />

Da-We notice taa that many of<br />

the white students, with their future<br />

before them, are co-operating with<br />

the <strong>African</strong> and Puerta Rican students<br />

. Can you unravel this "Chinese"<br />

puzzle, Uba ?<br />

Uba-I am not a Chinese. We<br />

1 2<br />



Television - Radio<br />

And All Other<br />

Electrical Appliances<br />

Serviced and Repaired<br />

90% of All Work<br />

Done in Your Home<br />

24 Hour Telephone Service<br />

7 Days Per Week<br />

Phone : RE 9-5715<br />

168-02 SAYRES AVENUE<br />

JAMAICA, N. Y.<br />

George W. Hill, Proprietor<br />




A Fundamental Course<br />

of Instruction in<br />

History and Religion<br />

Compiled by<br />

Bishop George Alexander<br />

McGuire, M . D.<br />

Price 75 cents a copy .<br />

Address : Vanguard Local, UNIA<br />

2395 8th Avenue<br />

New York 27, N. Y.<br />


to handle<br />


Address :<br />

Oiroulation Managor<br />

8 WEST 117th STREET<br />

New York, N. Y . 10026<br />

Bankers<br />

Chemical Bank New York Trust Company<br />

r ~or oration<br />


Exporters and Importers<br />

To and from - AFRICA - ASIA - THE AMERICAS - EUROPE<br />


Phone: COrtlandt 7-2280<br />

Cable Address<br />


JAMES WILKINS, Pres. & Secy . JOHN DAWAY, Vice Pres . MARY KELLMAN, Treas .<br />

can however watch the fowl's skin<br />

as the wind blaws. Let us watch and<br />

see what is under the feathers . Since<br />

the hurricane started we have ahead}discovered<br />

a "vicious system" operating<br />

under the feathers. That system<br />

kept a tremeudons amount of black<br />

youths out of college and the reason<br />

might be shaven as the wind continues<br />

to blow .<br />

Da-Since the disturbance started<br />

and the "Civil Rights Act" signed,<br />

and to maintain the democratic front,<br />

a few <strong>African</strong>s and Puerta Ricans<br />

gained entrance to a few schools.<br />

Now it is announced the college will<br />

take in a Ia.rge number, of what they<br />

called minority groups .<br />

It later came to light that the<br />

Black students, after discovering the<br />

v~hites were armed to the teeth and<br />

a cross, the symbol of Christianity,<br />

Syd. St . James<br />

burned in the Klansmen style in<br />

front of the black girls dormitory,<br />

the <strong>African</strong> students "armed themselves<br />

too."<br />

Uba-With guns on the campus of<br />

higher learning ?<br />

Da-That's right, sir, "I'ar selfdefense"<br />

they claimed . Could this be<br />

a plot to influence and justify actions<br />

of the feverished osculation of the<br />

"white backlash" to reduce the explosive<br />

population, Uba ?<br />

Uba-The whole "mess" might be<br />

influenced by back stage forces .<br />

Therefore <strong>African</strong>s should clearly<br />

see the "Handwriting on the Wall"<br />

and pull up stakes without delay and<br />

leave America . Don't deceive yourself<br />

or permit yourself to believe that<br />

this "mess" is accidental, or influenced<br />

by the hands of the convenient<br />

"outsiders" .<br />


1303 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N . Y. 11233<br />

Tel. 622-6004<br />

Employers Who Desire Efficient Workers<br />

Employees Who Desire Regular Employment<br />

Full - Or Part Time<br />


a1 ~~.~.~.~ .<br />

For quick service, telephone us today<br />

Licensee & Manager<br />




(From 1'~Tiyer Perspectives)<br />

Preparatory work for the mining of uranium in the<br />

60 square kilonxcter area around Arlit i~ proceeding<br />

at a fast pace. 'Ihe French Atomic Energy Commission<br />

holds the exclusive rights . The mineral is found about<br />

150 feet below the surface and open-cast mining will<br />

necessitate the removal of several million tans of sand<br />

and rock . 'This started oai the 4th November last year,<br />

the date of the first dynamiting of the upper rock<br />

stratum. Since them same 150,000 tans have been moved<br />

each month .<br />

At the same time the construction of the first buildings<br />

for the new town of 5,000 inhabitants has already<br />

started .<br />

The project as a whale is impaling, especially in<br />

relation to Niger's skeletal infrastructure . For it shaul.d<br />

not be forgotten that the uranium bearing zone is<br />

nearly 250 km to the north-west of Agadez, which is<br />

itself the "gateway to the desert" and 2,500 km from<br />

the noarest port . 3 :1,000 tons of goads must be carried<br />

them each ,year, including fuel-oils, which is, in itself,<br />

xio mean task .<br />

This means, in affect, that goods disembarked at<br />

Cotanou or Dahomey will first be carried the 400 km<br />

to Parakou by rail, there loaded auto lorries which<br />

must follow the 1,000 km of unpaved road to Tahotxa,<br />

and then, .from this town, take the 650 km of desert<br />

track to Arlit, going via Agadez . The whale of this<br />

route must, of course, be drastically improved to ease<br />

the passage of such a volume of traffic .<br />

As from now, nearly 4,000,000 CFA in wages is<br />

lreixxg paid each nxonth to the 400 workmen employed<br />

at Arlit SOMAIR, a workforce which will be increased<br />

to nearly 900 when the mining proper begins .<br />

Tlxe authorities in Niger have high hopes of the<br />

uranium mining for several reasons .<br />

hirst, SOMAIR, must invest some 13 thousand million<br />

CFA in order to get under way the extraction of<br />

the ore which holds 0.25°fo uranium, and its transformation<br />

into 65 to 70% uranate of soda. Naw the<br />

investment of such a sum, which is equal to one and<br />

a half times the State's budget, can only have a f;aQOrable<br />

effect an the whole economy, even taking into<br />

consideration the fact that most of the money will go<br />

to buying foreign goads .<br />

The provision of roads capable of carrying the traffic<br />

described above will also favorably influence the whale<br />

economy, without taking into account the fact that<br />

to a certain degree it will be easier to prospect the<br />

underlying layers whose potentialities are hardly known .<br />

Finally, it is worth nothing that Niger will receive,<br />

in the farm of taxes and dividends 66% of the profits<br />

made, whilst 34% will go to its partners . Looked at<br />

like this the whole affair seems very propitious, espe-<br />


dally since the SOMAIR experts, wlxo were thinking<br />

two years ago of setting up-pilot factory to produce<br />

`200 tans of uranium per year, now exuvisage a productian<br />

of 750 tons starting from 1971, and 1,500 tons<br />

in 1974..<br />

~~'hatever happens, St)llAIR, with a budget of<br />

7,500 million CFA, is going to figure largely in Niger's<br />

economy .<br />

(L'ontizrued f-rom page 11)<br />

Special Recommendation<br />

The Council of Ministers of the OAU recommended<br />

that :<br />

On 25t1z May, "Africa Day", National programmes<br />

to include the sale of badges and emblems, showing of<br />

films arzd otleer events for the purpose of collecting<br />

ftends for the liberation struggle .<br />

And to make funds available for reproduction of<br />

films made as an example of the magnificent szzccess of<br />

some Liberation Movements, particularly th,e PAIGC<br />

in Gui,ea Bissau . Such films should be shown in all<br />

<strong>African</strong> States and all <strong>African</strong> Communities so that<br />

all floe people can be informed of tlce sacrifices and<br />

activities of their strzegyliyrg brothers in, floe colonial<br />

territories .<br />

Declares that a~zy aggression on, azay OAU 1llember<br />

State by the colonialist and regiynes of Portugal, "South,<br />

Africa" and Rhodesia is regarded as an aggression on<br />

all <strong>African</strong>s.<br />

And congralulated az~d records ill thanks to the<br />

Gnvernment.s and people, leosts to recognized liberation<br />

movements, and particularly those States adjacent to<br />

" tlre fields of struggle for th,e immense sacrifices they<br />

az°e daily shouldering in order to hasten the capitulation<br />

of the colonialists and the enemies of A frica .<br />

Greetings<br />

on<br />

AFRICA DAY, MAY 25th<br />

to All <strong>African</strong>s at<br />


on this<br />

Our Day of Unity .<br />

Returns Once Again<br />



New Jersey, U. S. A.


(Issued b,y Afro~A1~I Alliance)<br />

We, this generation of Black men<br />

and Black women, people of <strong>African</strong><br />

descent, are responsible for the greatest<br />

awakening of oer people to reclaim<br />

what is theirs . Sleeping minds<br />

are being refreshed and brought to<br />

life by the impact of new found<br />

drops of "Wisdom" .<br />

Knowledge with her piercing dagger<br />

has opened the way and is revealing<br />

a treasure house of ancient<br />

wisdom, and self esteem that goes<br />

back to the very emotion of Man.<br />

~~'isdom is the application of one's<br />

knowledge . 1Ve mast again make our<br />

bid at mastering and using the experience<br />

of oer longhidden past.<br />

A man withoet a past, to gmide<br />

his future is like an arrow shot into<br />

the sky, an a dark stormy night, and<br />

where it will come to rest the archer<br />

could dare not say . But one single<br />

arrow flown by the well trained<br />

archer can indeed hit the mark .<br />

We have begun to use the potent<br />

tool of our self knowledge and by<br />

using this we shall be made wise in<br />

the ways of overcoming our plight .<br />

Each Blaclc man and each Black<br />

woman whose eyes shall open from<br />

dumper shall indeed be an arrow in<br />

the struggle of am fighting leaders ;<br />

an arrow ready to fly sure and tree<br />

to the mark . So let us hall dear to<br />

our ancient history and grow wiser<br />

through its knowledge.<br />

If those who pity themselves would<br />

ceaso and apply what oppression has<br />

taught ns, and perceive what good<br />

results will come from self efforts,<br />

we would learn great truths about<br />

our inner selves that has been hidden<br />

for so long .<br />

It is heart-warming to realize that<br />

we are Black and being Black is<br />

Beautiful . We know that, with the<br />

price of many Black bodies, we have<br />

been able to service a cruel and mast<br />

vicious system of Dehumanization .<br />

But we have survived and those of<br />

us that are committed to this strut<br />

gle need to be remindful of this fact .<br />

14<br />

The struggling Blaclc youth of to-<br />

day cr~~ out for universal freedom<br />

and individual expression. We need<br />

our souls tar reach otzt to God, not<br />

the God that this system has trampled<br />

into the mud, not the God that<br />

we castrate each Sunday nor the God<br />

we mock with the other six days of<br />

the. week.<br />

No~ ! we need the companionship<br />

of the Gad of our fathers, the Gad<br />

that gave our people the breath of<br />

life and with that their Beautifnlness<br />

. We need to allow our souls to<br />

touch the God that is within es. We<br />

plead far the unfolding of the God<br />

strength and wisdom that has been<br />

kept from am soul eyes .<br />

r<br />


and i+s Presiden+, Rev. P . L . Drier, D.D .<br />

Wish +o Greet <strong>African</strong>s Everywhere<br />

ON AFRICA DAY, MAY 25+h<br />

There is a generation hchind ns<br />

that may look epon our weaknesa<br />

with wise understanding, and epon<br />

our self-pity as ignorance. The generation<br />

that is now bedding may not<br />

compromise with our lacking . They<br />

will far no price compromise their<br />

dignity, their liberty, their religion,<br />

or their luzmaness for the few pieces<br />

of gold that we accept daily .<br />

It is am responsibility to spearhead<br />

the way for those that will take<br />

the taw from our hand and brio'<br />

our long struggles to a conclusion .<br />

So let us strive on and on and<br />

willfully never compromise our ancient<br />

culture.<br />

And +o inform everyone +hat we are nearing the time when every man<br />

shall turn +o his own people and flee everyone into his own land .<br />

(According +o Isaiah-13+h Chapter, 14+h Verse)<br />

The Presiden+ of Vision for Africa, is planning his third +rip +o<br />

Africa in July, 1969 wi+h his dough+er, Joan, a graduate of +he<br />

Universi+y of Buffalo and Wilberforce with a B .S . and M.A . degrees,<br />

and his son .<br />

Further informa+ion, phone 212 EN 9-I 178<br />

Per . Roy Brown<br />


J. ANDERSON, B,Sc .<br />

Registered Pharmacist, Proprietor<br />

895 Gates Avenue Brooklyn, N. Y. 11221<br />

Corner Reid Avenue Phone GL 3-4034<br />

Where your prescriptions are<br />



The Outstanding <strong>African</strong>-American Pharmacy<br />



Enthronement of a New King<br />

In the Lobi District<br />

In the 7,o~bi district, in the Bottna region in the<br />

North-East of the Ivory Coast, when the successor to<br />

a dead king is proclaimed, ho mast leave the village<br />

during tho entire three months mourning period . The<br />

future king may set foot<br />

last day of the elaborata<br />

in the village only on the<br />

funeral rites. He arrives<br />

there, acconnpanied by his armed guard, and goes Towards<br />

the dead king's hawse, or more precisely towards<br />

the tomb where he will be buried . Tradition requires<br />

that the now king circle the tomb three times, then let<br />

out a war cry that his tromp of warriors must take up<br />

in shams . For several decades now this warliks ceremony<br />

has bean accompanied by gun-shots fired into the<br />

air .<br />

'fhe enthronement is subject to certain very strict<br />

regulations. For example, the coronation of the new<br />

king cannot proceed without the final rites of the d~;ceased<br />

king having first been performed, and these can<br />

only begin on a Tuesday . When the new king arrives<br />

with his army at the site of the royal funeral, he is<br />

greatcd by the customary chief who gives the newly<br />

elected king the advice and precepts which should henceforth<br />

gttido his actions . The day after these rites,<br />

custom demands that the king make a sacrifice on the<br />

tomb o~f his predecessor : in this way a chicken and a<br />

he-goat will be immolated . Then the now king kills an<br />

ox and divides the carcass among any outsiders who<br />

may have came to take part in the funeral rites :<br />

offal is kept for the guardian of the tomb.<br />

the<br />

Finally, on Thursday,<br />

enthronement take place .<br />

the last ceremonies of the<br />

Tradition requires that the<br />

deceased king's youngest son ride a donkey which will<br />

be sacrificed in turn .<br />

In the. aftsrno~on folk dances are organized in the<br />

village square and tom-tams beat the rhythm of the<br />

dances and the festive songs .<br />

And thus<br />

times .<br />

Buona relives its ceremonies of former<br />




151 Lenox Avenue, N . Y . C .<br />

S A L U T E<br />

Univeral <strong>African</strong> Na+Tonal Day<br />

MAY 25+h<br />



~wo~n~n~n~o~o~a~o~o~nr~nin~a+rp~o~ninsn~n~nin~n~n~n~n~n~n~n~u~n~n~nin~nsn~n~u~n~n~aw "~~..~ya<br />





28th FEBRUARY ROAD<br />

P . 0 . BOX 2760<br />




3/4 HDUNDSDITCH ~ ~~~~, a~~~~~~r<br />

LONDON, E .C . 3. .>' .I ~ ~iaF 'o~ 'sY<br />



42 BROADWAY<br />


~~r~si~aoraia~n~n~~~n~~~~nin~n~u~e,~n~n~n~n~a~ninin~:~~ ~a~~,~~:~~ns ~~~i~,i~,~ ~~,~n~a~a..,n,~i>~a~nso.;.<br />

.,~p~a~n~n~n~p~p~n~n~n~r,~n~a~,r~n~n~,r~n~a~r~~n~a-r,~.~n~n~r~~a~a .~ ~n~n~n~,~p~na_a~a;<br />

Books of Value for Particu<br />

.<br />

. . .<br />

. .<br />

HAUSA GRAMMAR -- the most widely spoken<br />

language in Africa . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 3.00<br />


By Nathaniel R. Richardson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . .$ 6.00<br />


By Carter G. tii'nodson . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />


By E. David Cronon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

A story of Marcus Garvey and .his program for<br />

<strong>African</strong> Redemption<br />



By Raymond W. Bixler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

3.5D<br />

1.45<br />

3.00<br />


Edited by Harold A, Bierck, Jr 2 V,vlumes . . . 6.00<br />

Bofiva, The Great Leader, a man of <strong>African</strong><br />

blood and descent<br />

The Philosophy and <strong>Opinion</strong> of Marcus Garvey or<br />

Africa For the <strong>African</strong>s, Vol, I & II Combined<br />

Hard Back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., .- . . . . 13 .50<br />

Paper Back . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 7.50<br />


GHANA<br />

The Autobiography of Kwame Nkrumah . . . . . . 5,40<br />



By Kwame Nkrumah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . 7.50<br />


By J . A. Rogers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00<br />


By Kwame Nkrumah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.50<br />


By Ruckham Holt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00<br />


By Booker T. Washington . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 4.50<br />






AND<br />


THE<br />


U .S.A . AND CANADA<br />

And<br />

Elsewhere<br />

lar Readers v iI<br />

By ,~ . Jacques Garvey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00<br />


30D B .C.to I946 A.D .<br />

By J . A . Rogers<br />

Vol . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.50<br />

Vol . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.50<br />

Both Volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.00<br />


By J . A. Rogers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50<br />

ANCIENT TIMES-AHistorv of the Early World<br />

By James Henry Breasted, Ph .D ., L.L.D . . . . . . 7.00<br />

Payment In Advance<br />


S West 117th Street New York, N. Y. 10026

A~r can<br />

0<br />

<strong>Opinion</strong><br />


OVER<br />






Oct.-Nov . , rt"ss Women of Achievement Stand High By GLADYS P . GRAHAM


The Largest and Most Modern<br />



It Accepts<br />

MEDICAID - MEDICARE - G . H . I .<br />

And Any Other Plan<br />

Except H . I . P .<br />

JOSEPH KROZAK, President<br />


Public Relations Community Relations<br />

136 WEST 125th STREET<br />

(Between Lenox and 7th Avenues)<br />

New York, N . Y . 10027<br />

Phone : 749-3900<br />



Journal of<br />

Independent Thoughts and Expression<br />

Vol . 9 OCTOBER-NOVEMBER, 1969 Nos. 3 & 4<br />

Jas . L. Brown . ... ... ... . . . ... ..... . .. . .. . .. . .. ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... .. . .. ... . Editor and Manager<br />

Victor G. Cohen . . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... .. ... . .. . .. ... . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. ... ... .. . .. ... . .. Associate Editor<br />

H. Cumberbatch .. ... ... .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. ... .. . . . . ..... ... . .. ... ... ... Associate Editor<br />

Gladys P . Graham (Famata) ... .. . ... .. . .. ... ... .. . .. . ... . Woman's Editor<br />


Portrait on Cover : Dr.<br />

Story on Page 5<br />

Angie Brooks-UN Photo<br />

Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4<br />

Women of Achievement Stand High<br />

By Gladys P. Graham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5<br />

Prize Fighter Led Pilgrimage to Africa<br />

By James Leopold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6<br />

Why Am I Here . . . . . . .<br />

When, Where and Why?<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8<br />

By Da & Uba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10<br />

Letters from the Homeland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12<br />

Mandate Adopted by Garvey Convention . . . . . . . 13<br />

Zambia Takes Over Mineral Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . 14<br />

Things Worth Noting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15<br />

»<br />

:<br />

::<br />

s .<br />

0<br />

»<br />


Published bi-monthly by <strong>African</strong> Picture & Information<br />

Service at 8 West 117th Street, New York, N. Y., 10026.<br />

Jas . L . Brown, President and Secretary.<br />

Unsolicited manuscripts and drawings must be accompanied<br />

by return self-addressed, stamped envelope.<br />


1 Year $1 .50 - Single Copy 25 cents<br />

Make all remittances payable to :<br />



Main Office<br />

. .. ..."""""". .........*.""H<br />

75 WEST 125th STREET<br />

(Near Lenox Avenue)<br />

NEW YORK 27, N. Y.<br />

TRafalgar 6-4747<br />

Tel . 212-864-9247<br />




Chelsea Office<br />

261 8th AVENUE<br />

(Corner 23rd Street)<br />

NEW YORK 11, N. Y.<br />

YU 9-4000<br />


FRIDAY, 9 A.M . to 8 P.M .<br />

WALK-UP WINDOW ON 125th OPEN 3 P.M. to 7 P.M .<br />

BROOKLYN OFFICE OPEN: 8:30 A .M . TO 5 P.M. - FRIDAY: 8:30 A.M . TO 8 P.M.<br />




For Men, Women and Children . Garments made to<br />

order at prices your budget can live with . We offer<br />

the most complete line of <strong>African</strong> Fashions to be<br />

found anywhere in New York.<br />




Distributed in United States, Canada,<br />

and the Caribbean area by<br />

Nubia Sales & Distributing Co .<br />

101 WEST 125th STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. 10027<br />

Tel. 212-864-9356<br />

Notice : On account of re-organization of the business<br />

management, no issue was published since the May-<br />

June number. This does not affect the number of<br />

copies due on the yearly subscription .<br />

"Where Personal Pride and Community Interests Meet"<br />

Brooklyn Office<br />

1273 FULTON STREET<br />

(Near Nostrand Avenue)<br />

BROOKLYN 16, N. Y.<br />

ULster 7-5515

<strong>African</strong> World Wide Survev<br />


Dear Mr . Editor,<br />

Please grant me space in OUR<br />

Journal to say how satisfied I am<br />

to live to see all what the Late Hon .<br />

Marcus Garvey said come true. This<br />

man _qf God, Marcus Garvey, when<br />

leaving Jamaica for England, sleeping<br />

black men said : "Garvey, you are<br />

finished with the <strong>African</strong> question ."<br />

Garvey answered : "I am going to<br />

England where I can find someone<br />

to send the message to Mother Africa<br />

. We want a United States of<br />

Africa ." There he found Dr . Kwame<br />

Nkrumah who carried the Gospel of<br />

the fatherhood of God and the<br />

brotherhood of man . And out of this,<br />

I can see come the "Organization of<br />

<strong>African</strong> Unity" of which all <strong>African</strong>s<br />

are proud to have.<br />

S . B . Gardner<br />

Jamaica, W. I .<br />

Room 338<br />

Dear Sir :<br />



Round Trip Air Fare $155.00<br />

AFRICA<br />

Phone : 697-6057<br />

We are writing to let you know<br />

your work is very much appreciated<br />

by <strong>African</strong> Americans who are<br />

awakened in this 20th century .<br />

Those. individuals who are seeking<br />

to return home, those who are seeking<br />

to bridge the so-called gap between<br />

<strong>African</strong>s at. home and <strong>African</strong>s<br />

in'A' ierica are the ones who have a<br />

vision of the future . These are the<br />

ones who can see that there is no<br />

future for the black race if we don't<br />

have Africa .<br />

Yes! we are for (Bill) HR S965<br />

Repatriation for Americans of <strong>African</strong><br />

Descent.<br />

Keep up the work of informing<br />

scattered Ethiopians, and may God<br />

strengthen us all .<br />

Leaving New York City February 1, 1970<br />


Returning February 15th<br />

-Jocrrist ~ -Jrave C/~t~enc'y<br />

Mrs. JaYnes & Family<br />

Philadelphia, Pa .<br />

y,eat.i~bepeocoeo~oeneneae ..caeoeneoeneoeneoe .,e.,e.,eoeoe ..eoeoo<br />



i<br />

i<br />

i<br />

i<br />

I<br />

NEW YORK, N. Y . 10017 I<br />

. ..e .,e.,eo........ . . ..-4:<br />

i<br />

i<br />

i<br />

Dear Mr. Editor,<br />

I was given a copy of "<strong>African</strong><br />

<strong>Opinion</strong>" and was very much impressed.<br />

I am a resident of New<br />

York City, but I am employed by<br />

the United States Air Force here.<br />

If it is possible, I would like to<br />

become a regular subscriber to your<br />

"<strong>African</strong> <strong>Opinion</strong>" magazine.<br />

Enclosed is a money order ($1 .50)<br />

for a one year subscription. Also<br />

can you send a catalog of your other<br />

fine reading material. Thank You for<br />

your cooperation.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Gary Patterson<br />

Selma, Alabama 36701<br />

Dear Sir,<br />

In the very near future, I am<br />

planning to open a book store in the<br />

Germantown area of Philadelphia to<br />

serve the <strong>African</strong> community. This<br />

book store will deal mainly in<br />

"black" literature .<br />

I would like to handle the "<strong>African</strong><br />

<strong>Opinion</strong>" magazine. It is one of<br />

the most informed periodicals that<br />

deal with problems confronting the<br />

<strong>African</strong> American in this country<br />

today .<br />

Broadus S. Williams<br />

Philadelphia, Pa .<br />

Dear Sir :<br />

I am writing to inform you of a<br />

change of address as of July 1st. I<br />

would appreciate starting July 1st<br />

you would s nd my subscription of<br />

AFRICAN OPINION Magazine to<br />

the below address.<br />

Also I wolad be very thankful if,<br />

with the very next issue, you would<br />

please send the expiration date of<br />

said subscription so as I will know<br />

exactly when to renew.<br />

I really enjoy reading this particular<br />

magazine and hope very<br />

much to continue such. The whole<br />

of the Black population here, in<br />

North America, should definitely<br />

read this informative magazine .<br />

Thank ,yon . With peace and best<br />

wishes,<br />

Geo . Hall<br />

Newark, N. J .<br />



Dr . Arrgie E . Brooks, Woman of<br />

1 test my and second woman elected<br />

president of the United Nations Gen-<br />

(INrl Asscntblv, is currently being addru,sac!<br />

as lladam President by her<br />

colleagues of come 120 delegations<br />

;'rom around the globe, with <strong>African</strong><br />

missions in the ascendency, with 38<br />

strong.<br />

'I'lte 41 year old diplomat, Angie<br />

I,;Iizabeth Ilrooks, made history and<br />

set an awesome precedent when she<br />

was elected President of the twentyfourth<br />

session of the General Assembly<br />

rmaninrously with every country<br />

responding . :1 standing" ovation<br />

greeted the Liberian Assistant Secretary<br />

of State when the election re-<br />

,rtlts were iturmunced and the IT.N .<br />

1)r)dy rose to its feet . again when she<br />

was escorted tit the rostrum to take<br />

Irer scat.<br />

'fhc unique honor tops her eleventh<br />

ye;tr as Assistant Sc("retarv of State<br />

of I,i1H .ria and her tifteenth year as<br />

lrer ooutttr ;v's rle le-rate to the General<br />

.lsscttd)ly where " sire served in various<br />

vtllttwities .<br />

Mrs . Ilrooks has servcKl as vice<br />

Chsirrnart of the Assembly's Fourth<br />

('( , .urruittee ('Trust and Non-Self-<br />

Goyorttitrf, 'I'crritories) : Vice-Presirlvotrt<br />

4 the Committee on Tnformatiorr<br />

from :ion-Self-Governing Territories<br />

; Chainrrmi of the Fourth Commirree<br />

; (1mirmau of the United NatWrrs<br />

Visitiug- 11is,ion to the Trust<br />

'1'erri tarry i)f the Pacific Islands ;<br />

Vir-, , -I'residvrrt ,hood President of the<br />



(Famata )<br />

Trusteeship Council antong other<br />

pertinent bodies during her long and<br />

productive years at the International<br />

11 -orld forruu . Her opinions, declararirrns<br />

and statesnran,hip have been<br />

laudatory and unpreeedently with<br />

versatility and sagacity, a woman of<br />

valor and t minendy qualified for the<br />

high posts .<br />

Born in Vir;ginin, Montserrado<br />

County, Lihcrio, she holds earned<br />

degrees fry>rri Shaw University in<br />

Raleigh, North Carolina (U.S.A .)<br />

on a scholarship with lter working her<br />

way through rolle-e as a student .<br />

Mrs. Brooks also holds a Bachelor<br />

of Law and Master of Science degree<br />

in political srierwe from the TTrriver-<br />

Slogan : "TRUTH AND CHARITY"<br />


Sponsors Organized Bodies :<br />

Our School of Business Thought and Practice<br />

STANDING COMMITTEES : Sick - Planning - Working -<br />

EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS : <strong>African</strong> Movies - Lectures<br />

ECONOMICAL VENTURES : An Emergency Saving Fund -<br />

SOCIAL ACTIVITIES : Weekly Parties - Bus Outings, Etc.<br />

WELCOME! to Our Recreational Hall or HEADQUARTERS<br />

31 West 125th Street New York, N . Y . 10027<br />


Donations Appreciated! Mr. L . Kofi Brown, President<br />

sity of Wisconsin . She did advanced<br />

study at the University of London<br />

trnrl obtained a Doctor of Civil Law<br />

degree from the University o£ Li-<br />

4eria . She was the first of her sex<br />

t o be admitted to practice before the<br />

Supreme Court of Liberia . Later she<br />

served as Assistant . Attorney-General<br />

of Liheria.<br />

As a lawyer of scope she was extended<br />

every consideration by President<br />

NN' . NT, S . Tubman who emancipated<br />

tire female species politically.<br />

Angie Ilrortks served as Vice-President<br />

of the International Federation<br />

of Women Lawyers . She represented<br />

Liberia and the Federation at the<br />

first session of the United Nations<br />

I"conomi(I Commission for Africa.<br />

Her two rears as Vice-President<br />

of the National Liberian Political<br />

and Social Movement. was momeutons<br />

as was her serviee as Special<br />

Assistant to the Lott Carey Baptist<br />

Foreign Mission Convention which<br />

played an important part in setting<br />

up seholarships for Liberian youth.<br />

"This outstanding daughter of Africa,<br />

indicated to "Famata" that Liberia<br />

was an Afriearr State that must be<br />

able to cope with all phases of development<br />

.<br />

Proud of her Africmi heritage and<br />

her Afriean dress, which she always<br />

,xcars with dignitv, her motto is to<br />

actually live the principle that<br />

brotherhood is an example for others<br />

to follow and to leave something of<br />

worth for those following behind .<br />

Recreational<br />

- Discussions<br />

Loans<br />

Phone : Fl S-5$04


A group of <strong>African</strong> Americans, who embraced the<br />

faith of their fathers, left the United States on September<br />

2nd, 1969 on a tour of the <strong>African</strong> homeland<br />

led by the popularly known "Kid McCoy" of prizefighter<br />

fame and now a member of the Ethiopian<br />

Church, formerly Coptic . The group besides the church<br />

members composed of officials of the UNIA & <strong>African</strong><br />

Communities League of New York and others from<br />

Brooklyn and New Jersey .<br />

Leaving New York, their first stop was in Greece,<br />

then to Asmara, Ethiopia, and finally Addis Ababa,<br />

the capital, now viewed as the "Capital of Africa,"<br />

where the seat of the "Organization of <strong>African</strong> Unity"<br />

(OAU) is located.<br />

The Pilgrims, some members of the "St. Tekla Haymanot<br />

Brotherhood Society" of the Church, were<br />

gracefully received by the Abuna, Acting Patriarch<br />

and Archbishop of Harar who "wish them a pleasant<br />

stay among their Ethiopian brethren".<br />

Places and Sceneries<br />

The National Tourist Agency delegated to conduct<br />

the tour showed, the sons and daughters who return<br />

to the homeland for the first time all that were possible<br />

within time limit .<br />

Warmly received by His Majesty, the Emperor and<br />

all they met including the Dean of "Haile Selassie I<br />

University," they visited the "Africa Hall and Library"<br />

of the Organization of <strong>African</strong> Unity (OAU) ;<br />

the zoo ; rug industrial setup ; rope factory ; steel foundry<br />

; The Holy Trinity Church ; Tomb of King Solomon<br />

; the Chief Galla and Menelik tombs and other<br />

historical places .<br />

The streets they reported are immaculately clean ;<br />

not even a matchstick is seen . No loitering, no drunks,<br />

no dope addicts, no vulgarity, no discourtesy, no muggings<br />

reported . One reported walking 2 A.M. with no<br />

fear of being molested . So impressed with the general<br />


6<br />


Entire Records of Marcus Garvey<br />

Dramatically Portrayed By<br />

Amy Ashwood Garvey, Songs of Thelma Massy &<br />

Lord Obstinate . High Lighted by the Tony Thomas<br />

Orchestra . Lyric & Music by Rabbi Arnold Ford .<br />

Price : $3 .98<br />

Phone : 212 MO 6-6860<br />

National <strong>African</strong> Book Store<br />

101 West 125th Street<br />

New York, N . Y . 10027<br />



hospitality and serenity that some could not hold back<br />

the tears, as others kissed the soil of their ancient land,<br />

and murmured : "My dreams come true . . . our real<br />

home ." Some stated they went there with pains and<br />

body aches and by some mystery the aches and pains<br />

disappeared .<br />

Colony of Settlers<br />

The last stop was the Colony of Malcoda in the<br />

Province of Shashamane. The colony is a large area<br />

of flat, fertile land granted by the Emperor to <strong>African</strong>s<br />

in the Americas for their support during the Italian<br />

invasion of Ethiopia, in 1936 . The settlement is called :<br />

the "Ethiopian World Federation Colony", Malcoda,<br />

Shashamane, with Mr. James Piper, Administrator .<br />

:111 those who desire to live there may acquire a<br />

site for home and garden free of cost except for a<br />

minor fee of about Fifteen ($15) Dollars to cover<br />

registration and taxes . Settlers now there are mostly<br />

from the West Indies and the United States . Thus far<br />

Malcoda has a ten room clinic, a school, and a few<br />

homes and is opened to thousands who are seeking<br />

peaceful living, security and freedom from fear .<br />

The Only Disturbing Factors<br />

The administration is having or experiencing a little<br />

difficulty now and then with transients, bearing all the<br />

earmarks of imperialist agents, sent to disturb the<br />

peaceful progress of what tends to become a "Rock of<br />

Ages ." That disruptive technique has been going on in<br />

Liberia since around 1884 to the present.<br />

The purpose for the subversive tactics, all things<br />

considered, is to prevent the sons and daughters from<br />

air-cad, with the "know how", to assist the brothers<br />

-it home . Their presence there, like those of the foreign<br />

Jews flocking to Palestine, they reason, might retard<br />

th- move now in progress to make Africa a white man's<br />

ccnntry .<br />

However there is a wind of change blowing in the<br />


Committee, Inc .<br />

2395 8th Ave . (Near 128th St.) New York, N . Y . 10027<br />

Appeals for Relief Funds for the Black Brothers and<br />

Families driven from their homes in Angola, Mozambique,<br />

South West Africa, Rhodesia, South Africa . . .<br />

by Colonialist Bombing Planes and now Refugees in<br />

Neighboring States .<br />

Please make donations to the above Committee<br />

and mail to : P.O . Box 126<br />

New York, N . Y . 10027<br />

All Funds will be sent through the<br />

Organization of <strong>African</strong> Unity<br />


Photo : Showing Pilgrims in fro+at of the Cathedral with the flbuna in robe .<br />

Next on his right is Kid McCoy. Rack head only, is Francisco Rockwood.<br />

On Mr . McCoy's right, in black coat, is his wife, Mrs. McCoy.<br />

international sphere stud the rise of <strong>African</strong> Nationalism<br />

tends to reverse the age old scheme.<br />

Met by a welcome oomnnittee headed by Mrs . Gladys<br />

Stephen,, of the Vam .nnard hiu " al, VNIA & <strong>African</strong><br />

Communities Lea-tic, pd-rinis alighted from the<br />

plane did not show the experte(l cnthusiasiu c"omparahle<br />

with that shown oil leaving . On questioning, it was<br />

revealed that they "did not ,<br />

want to leave" that "happy<br />

valley" discovered previously by I)r. Fortune Fletcher,<br />

direetor of the "ATedhane ~1lem School" in Addis<br />

Ababa, who stated : "For the first time in my long<br />

educational career (at Lincoln ITniversity, 111"o .) I've<br />

foutid ecniplcte frcv dorn, nnstintcd cooperation and resp(n<br />

:ise 11) 111 N creative efforts .<br />

'I'lu . rhiidren like their parents are exquisitely polite.<br />

They are say catgcr to learn that disciplinary problems<br />

283-8887 Tremendous Discounts<br />


Clothing - Jewelry - Cosmetics<br />

Literature - Handbags - Flags<br />

Imports from Africa and Haiti<br />

Wholesale and Retail<br />


ROBERT HARRIS, Administrator<br />

2397 - 7+h Ave (near 140th St .) New York, N . Y . 10030<br />


are non-existent. They revere their elders and especially<br />

their teachers . Ves, L've found any happy valley, the<br />

ancient kingdom of Ethiopia, in East Africa, the oldest<br />

empire in the world . IIer kings are descendent of King<br />

Solomon and the Queen of Sheba ."<br />

I have grown to love this countt .v, which is magnificeittly<br />

hcantiful, and her people, simple, kind, ardently<br />

patriotic, and justly proud of their ancient past .<br />

ltilavine Wnhardson, <strong>African</strong>-American singer, followed<br />

: "There's something strange, strange like magic<br />

about patting your foot on the soil of Africa that<br />

:,elves veil a sernslttiott you've m ver lead before in vonr<br />

life. I felt it and experienced it Imt cannot explain it .<br />

Ycs, I wa completelY overcoiiie by the spirit of freedom,<br />

untrammeled fn edonn' I was at home once more<br />

with my people. I felt happy, secured and moved .<br />



An Eye Opener<br />

Over 9,000 Years of<br />


Conquerors<br />


Wholesale $2 .00<br />

Retail 4 .00

My attention is called first to the<br />

proclamation of the honorable Mr .<br />

Dan H. Brown, The 2nd, President<br />

of this Congress, requesting all members<br />

of the Christian Congress to<br />

join in appealing to God, for His<br />

blessing and guidance for all mankind,<br />

and for a new birth of freedom<br />

and peace in our beloved America. I<br />

have given this proclamation a careful<br />

study trying to comprehend its<br />

full meaning . If and when these<br />

words are translated into action<br />

through the Congress of Christian<br />

States of America, we can truly say<br />

the new birth of America is here .<br />

For forty (40) years, since 1928,<br />

we have traveled the length and<br />

breadth of America ; from the Atlantic<br />

to the Pacific ; and have used<br />

every available means of communication<br />

to warn Americans, black and<br />

white, against this day.<br />

We have urged 100 per cent cooperation<br />

between black and white<br />

Americans to prevent the destruction<br />

of this nation from within . We<br />

warned Americans both black and<br />

white that integration has destroyed<br />

every nation that tolerated such<br />

folly ; and that America would be no<br />

exception to the rule.<br />

This prediction was fulfilled from<br />

1965 through 1967 when violence<br />

broke out from Maine to Florida ;<br />

and from New York to California<br />

for self-determination .<br />

Ladies and gentlemen, it cannot<br />

8<br />

(Statements to Congress of Christian States, White Society of America by Bishop Addison<br />

286 LENOX AVENUE<br />

124 & 125 St .<br />

<strong>African</strong> Botique<br />

"WHY AM I HERE"<br />

be gotten through forced integration<br />

; nor by freedom rides and<br />

marches. Public prayers have not<br />

served the purpose intended and singing<br />

God's praises in the streets have<br />

not solved the problems. This is concrete<br />

proof where integration leads.<br />

We, of the <strong>African</strong> Universal<br />

Church and Commercial League Corporation,<br />

havewarned White America<br />

that passage of various Civil Rights<br />

Bills will lower "America" into her<br />

already open grave. We warned<br />

Black America the passage could only<br />

be a strong barbiturate to keep the<br />

black man peacefully sleeping while<br />

your so-called "friends" bury your<br />

so-called "White Enemies" and enslave<br />

you and your chldren's children<br />

for generations to come .<br />

The so-called poor people's campaign<br />

was proof that although the<br />

masses of people watch them plunge<br />

into the gulf of destruction, they continue<br />

to march in the same direction .<br />

These endeavors are sinking America,<br />

both white and black . We should<br />

want to know from whence cometh<br />

the money to support these evils since<br />

we are taxed on every hand .<br />

How long can we survive if the<br />

people continue along these lines.<br />

In order to be free all people had<br />

to sponsor a threefold program : the<br />

Black Man is no exception to the<br />

rule.<br />

(1) Onr spiritual development must<br />

meet God's specification<br />

Fashions by<br />

Hazel Blackman<br />

THE TREE HOUSE, Inc .<br />



Fabric by the Yard<br />

NEW YORK, N . Y . 10027<br />

Tel . 876-6846<br />

Illlllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllll llllll~llll 101011111r,<br />

234-6625<br />

pIIl01k11111<br />

(2) Our standard of living must be<br />

brought up to the level with<br />

those whom we desire to be<br />

equal with<br />

Our economic structure must be<br />

so geared that we become the<br />

controlling factor of our own<br />

destiny. Then and only then<br />

will we be free and equal with<br />

other men.<br />

The black man must pay the same<br />

price, to satisfy his thirst for freedom<br />

.<br />

This is the danger that drives me<br />

to my feet! How can we sleep in a<br />

time like this? We must prevent this<br />

destruction of a nation that came into<br />

being by God's Grace. We cannot<br />

allow white or black to drift along<br />

unthinkingly toward this great gulf<br />

of danger. It is because of this that<br />

"I AM HERE" and now calling upon<br />

the soul and mind of White and<br />

Black America for 100 per cent cooperation,<br />

so together we can save<br />

America for the white, and all who<br />

wish to retain their stay, and build<br />

Africa for all who wish to return.<br />

This work must be done, and it must<br />

be started now.<br />

There are whites as well as blacks<br />

who have not understood the plan of<br />

the A.U.C. & C.L . CORP ., <strong>African</strong><br />

Stock Exchange Association Development<br />

Corporation. Some don't want<br />

to understand . But I must explain<br />

our objective for the good of the<br />

world and humanity .<br />


Import - Export<br />

Retail & Wholesale <strong>African</strong> Pick Combs<br />


Carvings - Hand, Made Earrings<br />

Coconut Oil<br />

Danshikis - Spears - Necklaces<br />

172 W. 33rd STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. 10030<br />

II<br />


Archbishop Clarence C . Addison, Visible Head of<br />



CALLING 144,000 MEN -- WOMEN -- YOUTH<br />

To Create a New Society<br />

And Bring Peace Out of Chaos<br />

By Using the Route Leading From<br />



as Shown in His New Book<br />


Founder and President-General of AFRICAN STOCK EXCHANGE<br />


Laws of the State of New York, Dec . 4, 1964, the Archbishop invites<br />

Concerned Parties to Public Meetings at<br />


8 P.M . Thursdays and 3 P.M . Sundays<br />

3802 3rd Avenue (Near 171st Street) Bronx, N. Y .<br />

For further information, address: ARCHBISHOP C. C. ADDISON<br />

14 Webster Place, East Orange, N. J . 07018<br />

New Jersey Phone : 202-675-0896 New York Phone: 212-583-7466<br />

'F11oso of the black Race that<br />

pr(nrlr s(x,ial (-quality, and who are<br />

working for an American race that<br />

will, ill complexion, be neither white<br />

or black, f am afraid they will never<br />

rlndersi-and our plan to create our<br />

ciwll 1 "1ltployment in America and<br />

I 11111d "ntr own New York City ill<br />

1 friv.l .<br />

1Vlrite America, it is later than<br />

vcit I tliilrk .<br />

' I' ll( , k( ,(-tr student; must realize that<br />

the cenlrrries ahead will brilig us an<br />

(o"('r-crowded eountlv . Will there be<br />

rootit for two powerful races working<br />

one against, the other? '1'Iie answer<br />

is n((. Imagine, tile black race powerful<br />

in ambition but weal; in ecomlries<br />

: holdin' positions which white<br />

('11101 Iield, and the whit.(' deprived of<br />

positii -m .,4 while black are at work and<br />

rrlilli"t1 ., of whites ell starvation<br />

~-ircct : or just turn it, around, black<br />

living ill the city of poverty. Here<br />

you have the bloody picture of wholesale<br />

mot, violence before yon that<br />

I fear, alld a"'ainst which we are<br />

wvn "1; i 1l ~~ .<br />

No prcaehing : praying lior presi-<br />

(letili :rl prcx " l;11rlatiorl i-VIII I'MOT,01 tile<br />


passion of huugrv mireasuning men<br />

r1t:ty they he white or black ; when<br />

the lt~~ttr cWlle:-, but can't %. oll see it<br />

is on its way . 'I'o prevent this is<br />

who CVO are wc(rhillg for .<br />

"White America, Listen?"<br />

A gcintl-ation of ambitious black<br />

11tcn :0111 w(nnen, out front the best<br />

colleges, lrlliversitles and Institutions,<br />

citpable of fillizlg- the hi-hesl au11 best<br />

positions ill flu " nation` in industry,<br />

(-(n1tri0re, scwiety an(1 lx,litics, can<br />

You keep tlneni back? If you do so<br />

tllev will :rgilate and 11trow yoitr constil<br />

, utiirrr ill Yonr face. (.'an vote stand<br />

lwf(jrv civilizotion and deny the truth<br />

~of ~(nir c(mstitillioll? What are you<br />

"(1itt- t(o dc, then? 1'ou who ire just<br />

will lip(-it the door (1f opportunity and<br />

rry ii) all ( titer ill . 13ut ladies and<br />

0, cr1t1( "rtwir, what thell if i-liere is not<br />

etrc,ti-11, tnav they Ire white or black,<br />

the rrarvilr- crowd could he of -our<br />

rY+yrt race' . 1Ci11 they stand liv, suffer<br />

and st :irv(" and allow, ill opposite<br />

nice to o pr("par in the midst of their<br />

(li " rrcss<br />

'There 1 ,4 Ilut (111(+ solution, and that<br />

is to pnivide ill owlet for the 131ack<br />

Archbishop Addison shown addressing<br />

the Congress of The Christian<br />

States of America assembled in National<br />

Convocation, in St. Louis,<br />

Mo ., June 10 thru 13, 1969 .<br />

11an's energy, ambition, and passion,<br />

of his own.<br />

'I'lle hlaek mall lnusl ; have a coun-<br />

(of his (,wtt ; a elation in which<br />

11C ('10l foully identify himself .<br />

"Why Should the Black or White<br />

Die?"<br />

ll,is llw black malt as well as the<br />

white , matt served America and the<br />

world'! If:as It(, trot locwtre the burden<br />

,of eiviliz;rli(ul in fills western world<br />

for tl1re( " 1rttildred vears? 11as lie not<br />

coirtnhuk "d cof liis (rest to America?<br />

tit1rcly all 1111- stollds 14, Ills credit.<br />

11ttt t1wrc will trot lie enough room<br />

~111,I lure woe answer is ford a place.<br />

. .,j" ( " have fmind ,i lface ; it is Africa<br />

fl)r the Afric " :1t- at ]ionic and<br />

;ihn,ad ~ ., lfack Melr for thr( "c hull-<br />

1 1rctl vv :ir :s li :tvc ltellwd white rtlen<br />

111til(I _Ii1i( " ric " :1, ,urcl~- and<br />

-1,11t(4111 \01h(' 111('1 .«- ill help black<br />

rr1Cr1 lolrild Afr1C,1 .<br />

11'( " c ;1r1 orrly 11 :tv(- lwacc when we<br />

an , 'ilt,t to all niarlt.hid : acid for that<br />

loi"ncc, :111(1 far the rein (of universal<br />

Ic1r( " , I 11((w nplwal to the soul of<br />

\Vlritc " .111i( " ri( ;i, "Lf:"f 11Y PE0-<br />

111.1, : t :(), . .

Da-Uba, there are multitudes of<br />

fictitious and concocted words,<br />

phrases, and ideas rapidly repeating<br />

and spreading. Many of these have<br />

been invented hundreds of years ago<br />

and, although discarded by science<br />

and common sense, they are still being<br />

hammered into the consciousness<br />

of the least suspected.<br />

For example : it is stated and constantly<br />

repeated that the "Good<br />

Lord" summoned a'fictitious creature<br />

named "Moses" into a "burning<br />

bush", of all places somewhere in<br />

Southern Asia and gave him some<br />

Commandments, now being used by<br />

the Christians . Who was this imaginary<br />

person, Uba ?<br />

Uba-From all angle of reasoning,<br />

Moses stands as invention to<br />

further the plans and purposes of<br />

the inventor. The same creature is<br />

said to have struck the Red Sea with<br />

a rod and that mass of ocean opened<br />

up to let pass out of Egypt a group<br />

of feigned persons, to some other<br />

part of Asia . It is observed of late<br />

that Marcus Garvey is classified as<br />

a "Black Moses", leaving the intended<br />

inference.<br />

Da-Here is another strange concection<br />

: Europeans changed the <strong>African</strong><br />

name Zimbabwe to "Rhodesia"<br />

and the media of information here<br />

in the West is now naming the<br />

220,000 Europeans there "the Rhodesians"<br />

and classifying the 5,000,-<br />

000 Zimbabweans as "Negroes" and<br />

"Blaclz Rhodesians" . Isn't this an<br />

outright alienation, a planned process<br />

of elimination, Uba ?<br />

Uba-That is a foregone conclusion<br />

. Their action of forming a<br />

government there in which the five<br />

million <strong>African</strong>s there have no say<br />

is as clear as crystal. Their brazen<br />

action, like that of their counts rpart<br />

in South Africa is that of genocide.<br />

Da-But TTba, how can they continue<br />

their barefaced aggression today<br />

with tho T`nited Nations standing<br />

by ?<br />

Uba-What TT.N . ? The U.N. is<br />

owned and controlled by the majority<br />

-permanent members of the Securit<br />

' v Council - China not included .<br />

The group of imperialists and their<br />

10<br />


By DA & UBA<br />

offsprings are not dead but only<br />

wounded as Khruschev warned the<br />

liberated states .<br />

Da-«'hat did that mean to those<br />

free States in Africa, especially those<br />

satellites and "conservative" states<br />

tied to the former enemy and their<br />

offspring, Uba ?<br />

Uba - It did not penetrate the<br />

brainwashed mentality of those conditioned<br />

leaders . Have you ever<br />

checked the first and middle names<br />

c>i those mentioned in the press? Do<br />

' IN-On not discover they are all Europeans<br />

or Christian names ? And those<br />

names are not changed with independence,<br />

except by a few here and<br />

there who are now targets of foreign<br />

agents . It's a slow process to switch<br />

to the need of now-today.<br />

Da-Yes, Uba, that . is understandable<br />

but there was a time when it<br />

took months to travel from Timbuktu<br />

to Mecca . Today, with our jets, it<br />

only takes one-half day . Today with<br />

the printing press, radio and television,<br />

wire service s, it is time to be<br />

in step. It is time we looked out for<br />

ourselves multilaterally . We cannot<br />

afford to sit idle by and permit our<br />

leaders with ostrich mentality, self<br />

ASNAIM<br />


2224-7YN AYE . N. Y. N. Y . 10027 212-2N-3412<br />

" Buba-Lapps Sets<br />

" Dansikis<br />

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" Filaas<br />

-Combs<br />

" Tikis<br />


a low Inobare Available n<br />

r<br />

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OJA ELBE<br />

MOREMI<br />

Traditional West <strong>African</strong> Attire<br />

2351 7th AVENUE<br />

(Bet. 137th & 138th Sts .)<br />

NEW YORK, N. Y. 10030<br />

N<br />

N<br />

glory, ego and self aggrandizement<br />

to jeopardize our preservation.<br />

Uba-What step do you propose<br />

be taken at this stage of reconstruction<br />

in addition to the Organization<br />

of <strong>African</strong> Unity (OAU) with now<br />

42 free States?<br />

Da -Africa has a population of<br />

395,000,000 on the continent and<br />

approximately 100,000,000 in the<br />

Americas . With such a horde who<br />

are now sick and tired of indignity<br />

commonly faced, and standing ready<br />

to redeem themselves, the following<br />

steps should be taken without delay.<br />

1) Delegated agents of <strong>African</strong><br />

States (not satellites nor conservatives)<br />

be commissioned to re-establish<br />

and reinforce the "MAU MAU"<br />

with instruction to politely inform<br />

those paid, subsidized and self-interest<br />

operators that the welfare of<br />

"the whole is greater than any of its<br />

parts." Let them know in brotherly<br />

fashion that if the masses go down,<br />

the suction will inevitably pull them<br />

down too .<br />

2) A special meeting of the OAU<br />

be summoned and promptly abolished,<br />

what the imperialists called,<br />

"<strong>African</strong> Nations" and elect one<br />

head of state-a Chief, King, Emperor,<br />

President, the name immaterial.<br />

3) Elect those with childish ambition<br />

as advisors, cabinet officials<br />

and other appropriate functions.<br />

4) Designate a commander-in-<br />

Chief to federalize or <strong>African</strong>ize<br />

all military forces on the continent<br />

-army, navy, air force, police along<br />

with the guerillas. This must be done<br />

with dispatch, since it is now abimdantly<br />

clear that the imperialists<br />

u tt<br />






only respect the lead from the muzzle<br />

of a gun.<br />

It was reported that a field marshall<br />

from Egypt was named Commander<br />

of all <strong>African</strong> Forces. It is<br />

presumed his function was nullified<br />

by the satellites that gave "Rhodesia",<br />

South Africa and Portugal a<br />

free hand to push <strong>African</strong>s around .<br />

Uba-You know these free states<br />

recently merged. They are poor, in<br />

money, know-how and underdeveloped<br />

and having a lot of difficulties .<br />

Da-But, Uba, we have 42 Governments.<br />

Each one maintains Embassies,<br />

Consulates, agencies and<br />

commissions in foreign countries<br />

with rentals, equipments, salaries,<br />

etc ., running into the billions annually.<br />

With this one <strong>African</strong> Government<br />

the expenses of forty-one (41)<br />

states will be saved for securing<br />

peace and progress in Africa .<br />

Uba-The OAU might be moving<br />

in that direction beginning with one<br />

"Africa Hall" in Addis Ababa,<br />

Ethiopia .<br />

Da-Yes, Uba, but this is the "Jet<br />

Age", and marking time is out of<br />

date. Seeing 218,000 Europeans<br />

pushing around 4,000,000 <strong>African</strong>s<br />

in "Rhodesia" ; 3,000,000 kicking<br />

around 16,000,000 <strong>African</strong>s in South<br />

Africa and Portugal "messing"<br />

"<br />

::<br />

Phone 323-8847<br />

Hours : 12 Noon - 8 P.M .<br />

Closed Mondays<br />

;i<br />

u<br />



and ;;<br />


By Bejo<br />

968 BOSTON ROAD<br />

BRONX, N. Y. 10456<br />

(Bet. 164 St . & Teasdale Pl .)<br />

MMUMs " :U.MUMM.-MV:<br />


a<br />

u<br />


Will take you to<br />


-Call-<br />

Nigeria Airways<br />


Telephone 212 OX 7-3875<br />

around in Angola and Mozambique<br />

and outside forces fanning the flame<br />

of fratricide in Nigeria, are not<br />

palatable pills to swallow .<br />

I)o we see the picture staring us<br />

in our faces where Angola, on the<br />

Atlantic and Mozambique on the Indian<br />

Ocean with the enemy in South<br />

Africa digging in?<br />

Uba-The picture is there in evidence<br />

and after everything is said<br />

and done it must occupy the interest<br />

of all <strong>African</strong>s at home and abroad<br />

like the interest of the Jews, from all<br />

parts of the world, in the Palestine<br />

issue. Sons and Daughters of Africa<br />

in strategic position in other parts of<br />

the world "must be smart" and help<br />

to maintain the <strong>African</strong> base more<br />


to handle<br />


Address :<br />

Circulation Manager<br />

S WEST 117th STREET<br />

New York, N. Y. 10026<br />


impregnable than any outside, all<br />

things considered .<br />



HUT<br />

Selling<br />

DRUMS<br />

0<br />

BAGS<br />

0<br />


0<br />


0<br />


BOOKS<br />

Everything from Africa<br />

1156 FULTON STREET<br />

BROOKLYN, N. Y.<br />

(Near Franklyn Ave.)<br />

Phone: 783-8771

INOTr : The following two letters addressed to Mr. Jom.0<br />

Logan, director of "<strong>African</strong> Ambassadors Ball & Dinner<br />

Committee", are released as information only .<br />

The writer of one is the outstanding <strong>African</strong> Statesman,<br />

Hon . Mark W. Mwithaga, member of the Kenya<br />

Parliament, who introduced the measure to "grant<br />

<strong>African</strong> Citizenship to her dispossessed sons and<br />

daughters in the United States and the Caribbean" .<br />

The other is Mr . E. U. Essien-Udom, professor of<br />

political science at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria.<br />

My dear Jomo,<br />

I have to thank you for your letter of 19th June,<br />

'69, which reached me on 1st July, 1969, and the<br />

magazines which you enclosed therein, which I must<br />

confess, enthrilled me a lot .<br />

You may not believe it, I was somehow set to thinking<br />

how unworthy I am to be selected by your organization<br />

to receive this year's "Black Power Law Award",<br />

set for the 26 October, 1969, in New York City . But<br />

then, my philosophy on the rebirth of the <strong>African</strong><br />

peoples' lost shining shrines the world over could not<br />

allow me otherwise than to accept the Award . I accept<br />

the selection and of course the Award with open arms<br />

and joy.<br />

When I first thought of the need for Africa to allow<br />

her dispossessed sons and daughters, now scattered all<br />

over the world and mainly in America, was when I was<br />

on a study tour of the United Kingdom. There I met<br />

a lot of my brothers and sisters. And after interviewing<br />

a number of them, I could not help thinking of<br />

the ways of getting them back to their motherland,<br />

Mother Africa .<br />

I held and still hold a strong belief that not one of<br />

you or your forefathers left this continent of one's<br />

accord, but as slaves in shackles, manacles and fetters<br />

of the white empire builders . This was a criminal act<br />

against nature, humanity, and morality. It was a<br />

criminal act which has to be deplored each day of our<br />

life by all those who have pride in their being black<br />

people ; by all those who feel that time is ripe for<br />

Africa and her peoples wherever they may be the<br />

world over, to rebuild the destroyed shrines . It is in<br />

this field and this position that I find you and my<br />

other brothers and sisters on that part of the globe.<br />

All other peoples on the basis of their race, are busy<br />

trying to organize their true places in this world. Yes,<br />

the Arab world mobilization, the French intentions to<br />

reach Canada and other parts of the globe ; the Irish<br />

reunionization, the Jewish mobilization and Zionism,<br />

the European and of course the white man's scramble<br />

for the Space. Where is the Black man's position?<br />

Merely gaining freedom and independence is not all.<br />

It must be accompanied with absolute recognition of<br />

his position and his origin.<br />

We must organize to unite wherever we may be, for<br />

it is not until then, that we can regain our pride, our<br />

12<br />


rightful position, our destroyed shrines, indeed, our<br />

heritage. We must organize for absolute freedom to<br />

move and settle where we elect in our Mother Africa .<br />

This is what our States must continue to be told now<br />

and again .<br />

You on that part of the world can rest assured of<br />

positive victory in the end, now that you have taken<br />

the heavy burden on your shoulders to get all with you<br />

in that land to search for HARAMBEE (Jomo Kenvatta's<br />

Kenyan motto for togetherness) with their<br />

brothers and sisters in Mother Africa . You are not<br />

alone, and you'll never be alone.<br />

It was because you were not, are not, and will not<br />

be alone that I took the initiative and had the courage<br />

to table my motion in our National Assembly, to enable<br />

all Afro-Americans and the Caribbean Islanders to<br />

become automatic citizens of Kenya and other States<br />

of the Organization of <strong>African</strong> Unity. I maintain this<br />

is necessary ; I maintain this is inevitable . And I was<br />

filled with joy when I received hundreds of letters from<br />

that part of the world by individuals and organizations<br />

appreciating my efforts . Indeed even the East <strong>African</strong><br />

Students Union wrote me a wonderful note on the<br />

platter, and I dare say, all those appreciative notes<br />

meant the opening of new horizons for organizing all<br />

our peoples here and there to get to understand one<br />

another more than ever before.<br />

Get to work together in all spheres more than ever<br />

before ; get to struggle together to rebuild the destroyed<br />

shrine . It is my sincere hope that I will be able to<br />

meet many of them if I can come to America. I should<br />

like to see and meet the people I have so much affection<br />

and love for . I should like to meet them in that part<br />

of the world they were forced to. I should like to meet<br />

the brothers and sisters I want to see allowed to return<br />

to their Mother Africa as and when each one of them<br />

feels the need to do so .<br />

In the meantime, I send my warm regards to all<br />

your co-workers, associates, activists, and sympathizers .<br />

I send them salutations for the most sacred and glorious<br />

struggle you and them are carrying out. I dare add<br />

that persistence in struggle means victory .<br />

And until I hear from you, I remain,<br />

My dear Mr . Logan,<br />

In Internaional Brotherhood<br />

of the Black Peoples,<br />


Nakuru Town Constituency<br />

The delay in acknowledging your letter of 19 June,<br />

1969 is very much regretted . I was pleased to learn<br />

for the first time of <strong>African</strong> American For Friendship<br />

& Retainment of our Image Culture & Arts. Naturally,<br />

I welcome the formation of your organization realizing<br />

the continuing need for black people in Africa and the<br />

Western world to maintain and intensify our contacts .<br />

I am therefore pl-ased to know that I have been unani-<br />




The IIIree dt1v 15111 I nterllational<br />

('olIveIItIoII . (1f the I i\ 1 .1 c\ AfricoII<br />

('olmt11lnitie, opened scss10H<br />

111, die 1' :(rcllt Boils of the \vorld orlllllliztttic111,<br />

lltMt ('olunobla Avclouc,<br />

I'IIilaclelIdlia, 1'11 . 41,11 Anellst 2titll<br />

till-11 :3 .1,4 . 1969 aMid c'l0.0l ill tilt :tt-<br />

]tloslollere (if calln . There were 11(1<br />

r:1IIC(Il" 11(1 wr1IIIIII t . , 0V('1' 4lthelal<br />

posit ioli :1, 11,nal . It 11'as do lfcrela t(1<br />

cola-loses (1.f other ~ronloill!,:' . . "file<br />

t(l(1k file form of 11<br />

tl1( . Africatl Ir :lditi(x1,11 custom ttlld<br />

closed lsitll "Il :tr;tlnl>(~c', 1111 Afric :111<br />

slo'au c1t: .,111111i11~r t(,(,et}1er.<br />

I)ele",tti1'l11, from ( , m-ve,v I)iVi-<br />

,icllt ; lit till , I - 111tccl tihltcs altcl Ja-<br />

t1111ic-a, West IIldics ; ali(I reltrescltt :ttives<br />

from (oilier loc ;I1 or .~ :tlliz :ltio]ls<br />

(if Africml clescc-ltdellts ,:11 do%v1l<br />

to-Alter and devised :1,11(1 ]ileat1 .<br />

to further the "<strong>African</strong> li(Ylelllptioll<br />

Pro-l"ttll " as legislated 11v rcpre-entafivcs<br />

fr(tin the Afrienli .11'orlcl ('(011-<br />

1111111ities ill previous ( ( ollv('11tic111- .<br />

Arltolt - 1,111 distili ;"tli .llcd llartici-<br />

In1l1t . wire : Mr. 11are11s (ion-vv, Jr .<br />

(1f Kill". ,toll, J :1I11aiva, West 111(lies ;<br />

1I r. Allist afa IIasliiill . Prv .idellt of<br />

file Africn11-A111eric :l11 1'cpalriatioll<br />

Assoriatloll of 1'11ilndelpllia : 111%<br />

I ;okert I, . l11-(tel . leader (1f the<br />

I)ctcrn1111atiot1, I'Lell :tration altd Re-<br />

11 :1tri :tticIt1 ( ' (1IItIlkiItee , ,1f ilif,1r11in .<br />

IIIvIiIcIItIY, NIr. Ibex-l< \vtls elected<br />

AS,ist :tlit Sow retarv (wlleral of the<br />

1'111v+ rsal Africat1 11"oirlcl o n."tlliz :ltio11,<br />

f(1ultdcd li v file (list in-nislled<br />

:uld (IC1otmic suit (1f Africa, file late<br />

Il(o1 . 1krells (iltrvcv ill 1IIl t . All<br />

Miler officials rvl 1,1 nted to office "with<br />

the dcd1vafed I , 1csidvI1t-(iclicrA, Kr.<br />

Tho11tas 11 ' . Ilarve.N . , «olio presided .<br />

]tlously selected for the tllird l,)l>(ek I'(iwer Award fit .<br />

I'ollticttl Science.<br />

()hvionsIv, to 11e -1ven sm-11 :I hig1t 1lcolor is very<br />

-rtltifvill- tlltlt(nl ;gl1 it also 11-it ;ltvs the r1tind of the<br />

rrcillic]tt Who lleces,tlrils tlu1st Wonder wllat eolltrilnl-<br />

1 iou lie lms ltmde 1,(1 cleservv it . A . I 11111st defer to<br />

y(nlr Vigil se11Ne of lid-11tellt, 1 -l :ldls w-ccllt till .-,<br />

a11;1nl, llopin". t1lat ill ,0111e \s :1v, lust ( Icarls (111vi0ns<br />

1,(1 1111 T liti(Lltt Itnvo 1luldo u slio11t colltrlI111tioll to the<br />

:tdvall(-elllent (1f und( , 1 - ,I :l11d11 I 'll (1,f ollr volllvIolHlral,N<br />

.itn :ltiosll .<br />

I %risll t(1 tIt :tuk You, 111c Em ,cltfive and Illonolx'rs (1.f<br />

~~i1111 , "I"'Alliz .Iti,nl ,for till, verv Ill(olghtf111 :111(1 kllld<br />

-cstllrc . I hope that . tile 1)1r1(ls llctweell onlr people,<br />

Ph .3to : :Mr . : rtrslafrl flashim . Precirlent<br />

of the "Africa -American Rep,"itrialion<br />

Association ."<br />

'I'Ite dominati11- 1-"1(c dc ;ilt \sith<br />

11v 111c assclttlclY the - licl(alriu-<br />

ti(no I'll[", lwhldarlv k114m - 1t os ill(-<br />

- Mx Bill 11 N N'11 ;5", s11111nitted to.<br />

ille ('(,11-rcss (,f tltc 1 , 1111cd titatcs 1>.v<br />

('( ;llgte 111x11 Ito11erl Nix, :111 Africull<br />

Allu-ricnt1, (lit 11(-half (1f his coll~titllcltts<br />

Ili I'11i1a4Icllll1ia .<br />

The kill call ; upon the escclttise<br />

:1,11,(1 le-ishttivc kldics to t1l>11r(~lni ;itc "<br />

tltrcn1-11 lr;~i,lmiwll fnlul ., 1s111Wn 1,l.<br />

reporation, 1 , 411. :31)11 rears of c(otl-<br />

I)ukorv fret° laltor au(hservlces un(lc-r<br />

s111,l :lifer sl ;lvcrv . The fluid . re-<br />

Inested or denumded will enable the<br />

( otfspri]i-s (1f the .laves, who voluntarilY<br />

desire 1,(1 return to file laud of<br />

111cir fatllers to (ht so without lnlrdallip<br />

¬111,1 L(rill-. tell elld tc, three celltttric"s<br />

of :1!,;itallorl, frnstratiou and<br />

11i.m , coltfrotltaticut .<br />

The l)ocly 1111 ;111iuionl-dY c11chn-sed<br />

11w, third effort 1,.o settle this 3110<br />

vc :lr mlfinished business . (The first<br />

" 11el1 Dill was tow "Bi111o~ Bill," 1939<br />

\si111 siz lildholt 1lackers ; the second<br />

\C :1s the "l .al(ger kill," 1(148 . Both<br />

f ;iilcd t(1 :m , akcll the American eon-<br />

.( ie11(-c . ) Never the less, the coloventiont<br />

c;dl, tllxnl people (If goo(1N+"ill<br />

1N1 - 1,() 71 " Aist ill this peaceful and<br />

rcas(n] ;d11e appe :11 to assist ill fnrthcrilt!a<br />

I11e iltalienahle rig,-lit of self-<br />

(Icterltti11t1tioll chosen l1Y those who<br />

(Ic " irc to 1'eltll'll ill Afri("al .<br />

1'110 11oa1141ate especially calls on<br />

all org-altizalimts (if Afrietm people<br />

(people of <strong>African</strong> Mood and des(<br />

-( , 11t, ltla(-k people) religious, froler11<br />

:11, 1)(11111cal vt al to to+tively slipport<br />

the "Six bill 11 . li . on<br />

I(cllalf (1f fit(, .( , ewlcerned .<br />

llr. AI1ircus Garvey, Jr, the prinilril<br />

sllc aker, like Iii, father bluntly<br />

Mill directly m(arlled that hhlck pe(}<br />

I(le :It-( , sons 1111(1 dau-lttel°, of Africa<br />

It 11d as mill t 11ev 11 :1 vo the same prol1-<br />

Iv11ls . "fife sollitiolt ((f ilw,c, he eln<br />

1111t1sizel, 11l11st be 1t.snmed I) v all<br />

A1'ric,111, _ 1141 (1114 , else . <strong>African</strong>s<br />

abroad umst return to the 4fotller-<br />

1 :111d Help drive (1111- the eltelnv. And<br />

" illcc till evidence have Shown that<br />

ri-,ht :111(1 peaec are ]tilt seelll'el from<br />

:tllV f(ath1-1'v Iced 4}f vase, \ve lllllst<br />

I,e prclnred Ill (lie" fill- frccdo111 and<br />

scvnlriy .<br />

separated I1hVsicrtlly hilt not .I)ii-itually 11v the Athinlic<br />

()ce:m, will -rots ,trom ,ur and stron!~(~r 111 lire years<br />

:tl]c :td . I ltop' 111 .0 tllllt the Fiftll A111l11td Aticarl<br />

Attollasstlilor's Hall and 11iniker will be a great success .<br />

11~ (1t11~ regl-rut is float. I shall not 11c there lilt vsically<br />

lint will I1. . Ivith vo il ill spirit . 11et1mv11ile, I :1111 eolltactill-<br />

11 frieltd who will :ttlcltd the lull mid Dinner<br />

and receive the Awanl oil lnY 11e11alf.<br />

Witll :111 he-t ~sis'lw " .<br />

Yours fl-ti termtll v,<br />

I? . 1 ' . Ea,1 t:N-1 - 11(01<br />

ProP .sur of 1'olilir(11 ScY-lire<br />

Septe11111er, 1969 ( - nivcrsity (1f I l(adm1, \ i!g,,ria

Note : Following is the new statement of policy announced<br />

to the people by President Kenneth Kaunda.<br />

"First o£ all, I want to say to the mining companies<br />

that I am very disappointed at the virtual lack of<br />

mining development since Independence . Apart from<br />

very small developments at Kalengwa and Mimbula<br />

Fitula and some further development at existing mines,<br />

we have seen nothing . The companies claim that the<br />

royalty system has been against new development.<br />

Nevertheless, I think they have not done enough<br />

towards further development of the country in which<br />

they make their great profits . Let me also say that I<br />

do not agree with the Mining Companies that Royalties<br />

have been the obstacle to the development of the industry.<br />

I have been following their accounts and I<br />

know very well that they could have embarked upon<br />

further expansion, if they chose to devote part of their<br />

profits for this purpose. Instead of re-investing they<br />

have been distributing over eighty per cent of their<br />

profits every year as dividends."<br />

Having gone into the matter very thoroughly in my<br />

capacity as Minister of Mines, I now hold even stronger<br />

views than I did last year. You are all familiar as to<br />

how Cecil Rhodes and his clique in the "British South<br />

Africa Company", at the beginning of the century,<br />

acquired mineral concessions from our Chiefs. On Independcnee<br />

we took over the mineral rights which were<br />

held by the "British South Africa Company" . However,<br />

in practice this meant nothing except that we<br />

were able to levy a royalty on the extraction of minerals<br />

frcm our own soils.<br />

We found that all areas which were rich in mineral<br />

deposits were passed on in perpetuity by the "British<br />

South Company" to the two major Mining Groups -<br />

the "Anglo-American Corporation" and the "Rhodesian<br />

Selection Trust" which is now the "Roan Selection<br />

Trust" .<br />

Conspiracy Revealed in Operation<br />

If yon examine a geological map o£ Zambia you will<br />

find that most of the northern area of the country, the<br />

Copperbelt and the North-Western Province, is shared<br />

between these two groups . These groups hold the mining<br />

rights in perpetuity, i.e . forever and ever . All we<br />

obtained in Independence was the right to charge a<br />

royalty on the value of the minerals which were extracted<br />

from our soils . However, in order to charge<br />

the royalty we had to wait for the pleasure of the<br />

Alining Companies to develop a mine. Since they had<br />

the mining rights in perpetuity they were not particularly<br />

in a hurry to embark upon further development<br />

. «as a people's Government, had legally no<br />

power to force them and no power to take away their<br />

mining rights and offer them to other groups which<br />

were willing and able to commence new mining developments<br />

.<br />

Regardless of whether we needed development very<br />

badly we could not safeguard against a possible drop<br />

14<br />


in the price of copper and consequent loss of Government<br />

revenues which would bring a halt to our development<br />

plans, present and future. We could not<br />

tell the Mining Companies : you either develop the<br />

areas which you have or we shall take them away from<br />

you and give them to somebody else who is willing to<br />

do so . We could not even tell them we shall take them<br />

away and develop them ourselves in the interest of the<br />

Nation .<br />

The Constitution which was handed down to us by<br />

our previous "Colonial masters" made sure that we did<br />

not have this power .<br />

Clause 18 of the Constitution was inserted for this<br />

specific purpose . And what is worse, Clause 18 could<br />

not be repealed by an Act of Parliament but only by<br />

a B(,ferendum, and in order to win the Referendum<br />

the Government, as I explained earlier, had to get a<br />

"ES vote from at least fifty-one per cent of all the<br />

voters registered on the Voters Roll .<br />

Now that the Nation has given me the mandate<br />

through the Referendum, I am able to announce farreaching<br />

Mining Economic Reforms which will set<br />

this Nation well and truly on the road to its Economic<br />

Independence.<br />

Steps Toward Economic Independence<br />

In the interest of the Nation and depending on the<br />

mandate that it gave me on the 17th Time, 1969, I<br />

hereby proclaim that all rights of ownership or partial<br />

ownership of Minerals must revert to the State. These<br />

include :<br />

The "'North Charterland Concession" which<br />

covers almost the entire Eastern Province and<br />

is owned by LONRHO.<br />

(2) The "Rhodesia Katanga Concessions" around<br />

the Mkushi area and which is partially owned<br />

by a British Company called the "Tanganyika<br />

Concessions".<br />

The Big Concession which is partially owned<br />

by the "<strong>African</strong> Gold and Base Metal Holdings",<br />

an affiliate of the "Anglo-American<br />

Corporation" .<br />

(4) 6 x 10 square mile areas partially owned by<br />

"Bechuanaland Exploration Company" .<br />

3 x 10 square mile area which are partially<br />

owned by the "Kafue Development Company"<br />

.<br />

Rhodesia Railway Farms and the Kwimbe<br />

Farm and Nyamokolo Farms entirely owned<br />

by the "London Missionary Society" .<br />

These Concessions gave the holders the right to all<br />

minerals in the areas . In addition, they gave them the<br />

right to explore and mine these minerals for their own<br />

account without even paying Royalty to the State.<br />

Furthermore, they gave them the right to grant mining<br />

rights to others and charge a Royalty for their own<br />

benefit.<br />

And Not Only That But<br />

We have been trying since Independence to negotiate<br />




The theatre that held the attention<br />

of the <strong>African</strong> Community of Harlem<br />

during the thirties and mysteriously<br />

closed down has now returned<br />

triumphantly as the "New Lafayette<br />

Theatre" at 138th Street and 7th<br />

Avenue in New York City .<br />

With the resumption of pride and<br />

self-determination believed to have<br />

been inspired by the Garvey Wave,<br />

the Community then witnessed independent<br />

creation of plays with matchless<br />

acting never seen before in<br />

America .<br />

Many of the actors starred in<br />

"Shuffle Along," "Black Birds,"<br />

"How Come" attracted world attention.<br />

'1 'o obtain standing space only,<br />

tickets had to be secured three weeks<br />

in advance, especially that of "How<br />

Come," which many reported they<br />

saw three times. The fans had been<br />

so numerous that producers from<br />

other areas shrewdly picked out the<br />

stars, sandwiched them with their<br />

own and pulled the fans away, as<br />

with the case of the "Black Yankees"<br />

in Harlem .<br />

Black people are born actors and<br />

the future of the "New Lafayette<br />

Theatre" is undoubtedly bright, if<br />

self dependents and indigenous service<br />

continue to be the outlook as<br />

the present show indicated.<br />

with the holders to purchase back these Concessions in<br />

the interest of the Nation . We were faced with demands<br />

amounting to as high as half a million kwacha<br />

and this only for some of them .<br />

Example (a) . Litunga's Rights. The Litunga holds<br />

rights to determine conditions of prospecting licences,<br />

mining leases, etc ., and to claim Royalty on minerals<br />

in certain areas . . . I have to terminate these rights<br />

completely and without compensation . The rights of<br />

the Litunga should not be different to those of our<br />

other traditional Rulers . The rights of the Litunga<br />

are not different to those of the Nation, and I, and my<br />

Government are the elected custodians of the interests<br />

of the Nation . The Litunga can rest assured, however,<br />

that we shall exercise these rights in the best interests<br />

of the Nation as a whole.<br />

(b) Exclusive Prospecting Licences. These confer<br />

the right to prospect for the discovery of minerals in<br />

specified areas. There are a number of such licences<br />

in existence, most of them extending up to the end of<br />





Two months ago press reported<br />

that Justin-Marie Bomboko, Foreign<br />

Minister of the Kongo (Kinshasa),<br />

called on Andrei A . Gromyko, Foreign<br />

Minister of the Soviet Union<br />

and exchanged views on developing<br />

greater relation between the two<br />

countries .<br />

During the Kongo conflict over<br />

Neo-colonists battle to retake the<br />

Kongo, under the watchful eyes of<br />

U.N . troops, the then manacled Kongo<br />

Officials were pressured into asking<br />

the Socialist States to remove<br />

their Diplomatic Missions . And what<br />

was most comical of all, in the frantic<br />

efforts of those with designs on Africa,<br />

was to request the U. A. R .<br />

(Egypt), a sister <strong>African</strong> State to<br />

leave too, leaving only NATO and<br />

satelites in charge .<br />

Not long after a "Lumiunba College<br />

of Technology" was established<br />

in Russia, a concrete gesture as<br />

things stood ; since, when independence<br />

declared there were only four<br />

(4) college trained Kongolese in a<br />

population of sixteen million .<br />



The Rev. Dr . Franklin Clark Fry,<br />

President of the 3,000,000 members<br />

of the Lutheran Church, sent the<br />

following message to the "White Society"<br />

of America in January : "A<br />

racial emergency of gigantic proportion"<br />

coming ; "More destructive and<br />

bloody uprisings that are no longer<br />

going to be confined to the ghetto<br />

areas but will be carried into white<br />

areas" .<br />

"Unpleasant as it is for me to say<br />

and for you to hear, the United<br />

States confronts a time of spiraling<br />

and spreading violence . . . unless a<br />

massive improvement of the lot of<br />

`negro' ghettos (<strong>African</strong> Communities)<br />

come quickly ."<br />

"Frighteningly outspoken <strong>African</strong><br />

Americans are more and more expressing<br />

their willingness to die, for<br />

what they believe is right, and not<br />

unwilling to have others die with<br />

them."<br />

The seed of conflict sprouted in<br />

1619 A.D . on the "Good Ship<br />

Jesus", watered and now grown to<br />

the tree of danger . "Helping slum<br />

residents as proposed is saying to<br />

those driven into frustration : We are<br />

not concerned with your hopes, aspirations<br />

nor your outlook . . . This<br />

is what we plan for you, an irritating<br />

gesture, the germ of conflict .<br />

1970 . I am going to allow these licenses to cover their<br />

,11111 course but the holders will have to accept the new<br />

conditions that I shall impose upon them. The most<br />

important condition is that the State will have the right<br />

to take up (at least) fifty-one percent of the shares in<br />

any mine that may be established as a result of a discovery<br />

of Minerals .<br />

(c) Special Grants and Mining Locations . These<br />

are the rights that Cecil Rhodes and his successors, the<br />

"British South Africa Company", have passed on<br />

mainly to the two Mining Groups in Zambia to enjoy<br />

in perpetuity, i.e., forever and ever.<br />

These Special Grants cover vast areas of the country.<br />

Some of them have been lying idle, and the holders of<br />

the Special Grants did not even make an attempt to<br />

explore in these areas for the existence of Minerals .<br />

Some of them are in the process of being explored<br />

now ; others have been explored and Minerals discovered<br />

. (Continued in next issue)




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