Rmr - Rocky Mountain Region Porsche Club - Porsche Club of ...

Rmr - Rocky Mountain Region Porsche Club - Porsche Club of ... Rmr - Rocky Mountain Region Porsche Club - Porsche Club of ...


in the zone ... Sean Cridland, RMR-PCA Zone 9 Representative Things are getting busy all over in Zone 9 and my activity has picked up as well. The week after the Zone 9 Meeting in Albuquerque, Sandra and I ventured to New Orleans for the PCA National Meetings and Zone Rep College. The first day of meetings was taken up by the Zone Rep College. The college was led by PCA VP Manny Alban with the guest list being a literal who’s who of PCA national officers and chairs. It was said many times during the day that “though you think you might have been very active in your own region, when you get to the national level it’s mind-boggling to see how much activity it takes to make PCA run efficiently and smoothly.” I can attest to the truth of that statement. I can also attest to the capabilities of the people working at the National level. It’s humbling to be in their presence, let alone to be considered a peer. Much of Zone Rep College covered procedures, financial information, insurance and liability issues, changes to policy, what to expect as a Zone Rep, and myths and urban legends about PCA. The first half of the second day was taken up with the actual Zone Rep meeting. No more tutoring, this was the time to take up the real issues on the Zone Rep list of to-dos. On the discussion list were items such as Parade, Escape, DE rules, and PCA Car Corrals (nee Porscheplatzes). After a brief lunch – during which I sat between PCA Insurance Chair Ken Laborde and PCNA representative Steve Krysil – we went on to the Board of Directors’ meeting. For Saturday night they arranged for us to be on the bleachers of a couple of the Mardi Gras parades. It was really amazing to see all the floats and bands. Every band had its own version of a step! And we caught so MANY beads! To give you an idea of how many beads there were, I practically got knocked out by an entire package of beads that came from somewhere in the sky! Even giving them away, we still ended up bringing a lot home. I have to say that the time in New Orleans was incredibly productive, but also loads of fun. It was hard to believe that we packed in so much of each in only a two and a half day period. After New Orleans I flew to upstate NY for my annual “good-son duty.” My parents are 89 and 93 and I go back each year to help relieve my brother and sisters from their regular care schedules. It was a pretty good couple of weeks with my parents doing as well as can be expected for those venerable ages. But I was also able to get in a little car-stuff when I was there. My sister lives in Saratoga Springs, NY which now has a very nice automotive museum. http://www.saratogaautomuseum.com Though their current main exhibit is centered on much older cars, their sports and racing collection features a 1935 Maserati V8RI, a 1956 Ferrari Indycar, and a 1950 Allard J2. Sure, no Porsches, but these were real pieces of art. Besides, I would get a good dose of Porsche the next day when I drove down to Danbury, Connecticut to the Zone 1 Tech Tactics. Zone 1 has the tech session of all tech sessions, with the list of speakers coming right out of the back page of your Panorama. Talks were given by Tech Committee Chair Peter Smith, PCNA rep Paul Gagliardi, and a host of others with the featured speaker of the day being none other than the legendary Norbert Singer. The session was held at the Farnbacher-Loles shop http://www.farnbacherloles.com which just happens to be in the same building and right next door to the Highcroft Racing shop http://www.patronhighcroftracing.com. What a great day it was. With Zone 1 being the entire Northeast of the USA and Eastern Canada there were many PCA luminaries on hand, including past-president Prescott Kelly, DE Chair Pete Tremper, Executive Director Vu Nguyen, VP Manny Alban, (PCA General Council) David and (Safety Guidelines Chair)Arlene Novack and so on. So it was a good day to learn about Porsches, but also to get to know many of our national staff people a little bit better. The next day it was a long and tight flight back to New Mexico and reality. Being a Zone Rep can be a lot of fun at times, but it’s really about staying on top of the paperwork and keeping track of the Regions and serving you, the members. Parade registration got my attention early and many of the regions are starting to thaw out from the winter and get their regular activities going again. Though the economy is hurting all over, Porsche fans are a dedicated and enthusiastic bunch with a never-say-never attitude. Hence, I look forward to a busy and productive year as I start scheduling my visits to the Regions. I look forward to meeting each of you. See you at an event, Sean The Porsche Wow by Dick Badler I had a scary dream last night. In my dream, I couldn’t sleep. So I padded to the den, turned on the TV and on came an infomercial. It went something like this: Hi, Vince here, for the Porsche Wow. You say you’re bored with driving rice burners and retro muscle cars and semi-obsolete designs from companies that may not be around to service your warranty? You’re tired of getting blown away by pimply faced kids in aero-kitted pavement scrapers with giant trash can exhausts that make them sound like Ferraris? Well, bunkie, your time has come. The Porsche Wow. It slices, it dices… through traffic! Ess-turns making your tires squeal like pigs in a sty? No problem. Our cars corner so hard you’ll soon have neck muscles that look like you play middle linebacker in the NFL. You say you’re verging on road rage from the way those German sport-boxes zip by? On some models we have “launch control.” Switch it on, and you blast off like a Saturn 5 rocket at liftoff. First the car, itself. Every Porsche Wow comes with 60 years of breeding. And I don’t mean like with a purebred dog. I mean purebred performance, honed over 60 years on the racetracks of the world. Does it bite? Only if you enter a corner too fast. Can you feel it‘s pulse? You can feel your own pulse, racing. I’m talking about a new type of genetic engineering. Genetic car engineering. You can’t see it, but you know it’s there. Stomp on the gas. Run through the gears. Excellence is expected. Nothing even comes close. And if you go to our website, right now, you’ll find even more great word-smithing, slogans like “Inner strength,” “A legend in top form,” “Open for enthusiasm” and “Only three figures describe this feeling.” How do we do it? We’re the most profitable car company on earth. Maybe the only profitable car company on earth. We’re actually buying Volkswagen, even though they’re 10 or more times bigger than us. The secret? Charge extra for everything. You want interior-matching floor mats on your $87K MSRP basic Carrera S? That’ll be another $140, please. And we get it. Of course we do. Because we know that you know that speed is a function of money. How fast do you want to go? Remember, you’re not just buying a car. You’re buying a lifestyle. We have a whole other division that sells nothing but clothing, shoes, ties, cufflinks, watches and even suitcases that are specially sized to fit into our funny little trunks. At prices that compliment our cars, because it’s not easy to fit that PorscheWow crest on a logo golf ball. Buy one and you’re a member of the club. A real club. In every city in the US, as well as all the major markets around the world. Join the club and you can explore that performance envelope you’ve been dreaming about. From the comfort and safety of a real race track, where you’re on your own, with no speed limits. No insurance either, but, hey, that’s the price you pay. But wait, there’s more. A Porsche Wow SUV called a Cayenne. This pepper is big. And it’s fast, and it handles well, and it gulps gas, and it costs a lot. It’s a PorscheWow! And, coming this year, a four-seater, the Panamera. No, not Panera. This stud-muffin comes out of the oven for family fun, to and from the bakery. Unlike our two-seater and 2+2 sports cars, you can take another couple with you, and I mean full, life-size people, with real feet. They’ll fit! And they get their own doors! We can only make this offer because we’re sure you’ll be impressed… and impressing… at the stoplight, loading groceries in the Whole Foods parking lot, pulling up to valet parking. Yes, with a PorscheWow the world looks at you. And if you tint your windows they don’t even have to know you’re looking back. Because that’s what you’ll be doing… in the rear view mirror…. I woke up in a cold sweat. It’s a dream, I said to myself. It’s only a dream. Go back to bed. And so I did. 18 April 2009 rmrporschenews

54th Porsche Parade Keystone, CO - June 29th to July 4th PARADE COMMITTEE REQUEST by Kathy and Walt Fricke The Parade committee would like to ask as many of our regional members who are able to continue to register for the 54th Porsche Parade. It is a once-ina-ten year opportunity to experience a Porsche Parade, right here in our own backyard. This is a show you will not want to miss. Our registration to date has exceeded even our expectations. But there is still room left for you to register and be a real part of your Region’s show. When you register for Parade 2009 online, you must first have access to the PCA National website. Some of you may already have access to www.pca.org and have a password set up for its access. For those of you who do not, please contact Vu Nguyen, PCA Executive Director at vun@pca.org He will assist you in gaining access to the National site, where you will be registering for our 2009 Porsche Parade. I highly recommend that you copy the Entrant Schedule for the 2009 Porsche Parade from our Parade website. It will help you during the registration process. You can find the full Parade schedule on www.porscheparade2009.com at the Schedules tab. There you will see the four major Competitive Events, Special Activities and Banquets plus all the corresponding dates and times for your convenient selection. The Parade registration process will take you approximately 30 minutes. However, I will tell you that several of the Parade events are already sold out. You will see a lock symbol next to the Parade events and tours that have reached their limit. The 54th Porsche Parade registration fee is $165.00, and covers basic admittance to the Parade for the entrant, a co-entrant, and one car. The co-entrant may be an unaffiliated PCA member, but must share the same car with an entrant. An exception applies if the registered Porsche is not legal for street use, in which case a second Porsche may be registered for use in the TSD rally only. Once you complete the Parade registration process, you will receive a confirmation from the registrar and the Parade code that you will need to use in selecting your Keystone Parade lodging. Do not try to book Parade lodging prior to Parade registration. Whether you choose a hotel or a condominium, you will need this Parade access code to obtain the Parade rates. Check our regional Parade website for a lodging map of the Keystone area www.porscheparade2009.com. We have more than adequate numbers of lodging possibilities. The above are but a few of the basics for you to think about. If you do not have Internet access, call Kathleen Lennon, Parade Registrar, at 719-487-2842 or 719-330-1525 and request that a paper registration form be mailed to you. Kathleen and I hope these hints and things to think about will help you with your registration for the 2009 Parade. Walt and I will also be available to answer any of your Parade questions. Our e-mail is katfricke@msn.com or call 303-499-6540. Welcome to the 2009 Porsche Parade and please register. It is your ticket to a wondrous experience that you will never forget. Kathy and Walt Fricke - Parade Chairs rmrporschenews Porsche Escape 2009 PCA Event- DAYTON, OHIO Porsche Escape 2009 at the Birthplace of Aviation is nearly ready for registration. The Ohio Valley Region is the host this year for the fifth Escape, another great PCA event. The Escape is located in and around Dayton OH, focusing on the tie-in of aviation and cars. There will be tours of covered bridges, colorful towns, the only Frank Lloyd Wright house in Ohio, and of course, aviation (Escape to the Birthplace of Aviation). Our venues for dinners include two distinct automotive collections, the original Dayton Packard dealership collection of over 50 cars, and Taj Ma Garaj a unique personal collection of all things created by Dr. Porsche in a wonderful eclectic facility-an event in itself! The car display will be held at the wonderful Carillon Park which houses the original Wright B&n bsp;Flyer and many other historic homes in a lovely park setting. They have arranged exclusive behind the scenes tours at the National Museum of the United States Air Force in addition to allowing plenty of time to tour the NMUSAF independently. They have also arranged private tours of the original (restored) home of Orville Wright. A bit of Dayton history, tied to speed through Porsche. So what is Escape? It is a shorter event than Parade without the emphasis on competition. It allows members to members another opportunity to experience PCA at a broader level. You can meet new friends from different areas, and share the Porsche experience. April 2009 19

54th <strong>Porsche</strong> Parade<br />

Keystone, CO - June 29th to July 4th<br />

PARADE COMMITTEE REQUEST by Kathy and Walt Fricke<br />

The Parade committee would like to ask as many <strong>of</strong><br />

our regional members who are able to continue to<br />

register for the 54th <strong>Porsche</strong> Parade. It is a once-ina-ten<br />

year opportunity to experience a <strong>Porsche</strong> Parade,<br />

right here in our own backyard. This is a show<br />

you will not want to miss. Our registration to date<br />

has exceeded even our expectations. But there is<br />

still room left for you to register and be a real part<br />

<strong>of</strong> your <strong>Region</strong>’s show.<br />

When you register for Parade 2009 online, you must<br />

first have access to the PCA National website. Some<br />

<strong>of</strong> you may already have access to www.pca.org<br />

and have a password set up for its access. For those<br />

<strong>of</strong> you who do not, please contact Vu Nguyen, PCA<br />

Executive Director at vun@pca.org He will assist<br />

you in gaining access to the National site, where you<br />

will be registering for our 2009 <strong>Porsche</strong> Parade.<br />

I highly recommend that you copy the Entrant<br />

Schedule for the 2009 <strong>Porsche</strong> Parade from our Parade<br />

website. It will help you during the registration process. You can find the full Parade schedule on<br />

www.porscheparade2009.com at the Schedules tab. There you will see the four major Competitive Events,<br />

Special Activities and Banquets plus all the corresponding dates and times for your convenient selection. The<br />

Parade registration process will take you approximately 30 minutes. However, I will tell you that several<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Parade events are already sold out. You will see a lock symbol next to the Parade events and tours<br />

that have reached their limit.<br />

The 54th <strong>Porsche</strong> Parade registration fee is $165.00, and covers basic admittance to the Parade for the entrant,<br />

a co-entrant, and one car. The co-entrant may be an unaffiliated PCA member, but must share the<br />

same car with an entrant. An exception applies if the registered <strong>Porsche</strong> is not legal for street use, in which<br />

case a second <strong>Porsche</strong> may be registered for use in the TSD rally only.<br />

Once you complete the Parade registration process, you will receive a confirmation from the registrar and<br />

the Parade code that you will need to use in selecting your Keystone Parade lodging. Do not try to book<br />

Parade lodging prior to Parade registration. Whether you choose a hotel or a condominium, you will need<br />

this Parade access code to obtain the Parade rates. Check our regional Parade website for a lodging map<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Keystone area www.porscheparade2009.com. We have more than adequate numbers <strong>of</strong> lodging<br />

possibilities.<br />

The above are but a few <strong>of</strong> the basics for you to think about. If you do not have Internet access, call Kathleen<br />

Lennon, Parade Registrar, at 719-487-2842 or 719-330-1525 and request that a paper registration form<br />

be mailed to you.<br />

Kathleen and I hope these hints and things to think about will help you with your registration for the 2009<br />

Parade. Walt and I will also be available to answer any <strong>of</strong> your Parade questions.<br />

Our e-mail is katfricke@msn.com or call 303-499-6540.<br />

Welcome to the 2009 <strong>Porsche</strong> Parade and please register. It is your ticket to a wondrous experience that<br />

you will never forget.<br />

Kathy and Walt Fricke - Parade Chairs<br />

rmrporschenews<br />

<strong>Porsche</strong><br />

Escape 2009<br />

PCA Event- DAYTON, OHIO<br />

<strong>Porsche</strong> Escape 2009 at the Birthplace <strong>of</strong><br />

Aviation is nearly ready for registration. The<br />

Ohio Valley <strong>Region</strong> is the host this year for<br />

the fifth Escape, another great PCA event.<br />

The Escape is located in and around Dayton<br />

OH, focusing on the tie-in <strong>of</strong> aviation and<br />

cars. There will be tours <strong>of</strong> covered bridges,<br />

colorful towns, the only Frank Lloyd Wright<br />

house in Ohio, and <strong>of</strong> course, aviation (Escape<br />

to the Birthplace <strong>of</strong> Aviation).<br />

Our venues for dinners include two distinct<br />

automotive collections, the original Dayton<br />

Packard dealership collection <strong>of</strong> over 50 cars,<br />

and Taj Ma Garaj a unique personal collection<br />

<strong>of</strong> all things created by Dr. <strong>Porsche</strong> in a<br />

wonderful eclectic facility-an event in itself!<br />

The car display will be held at the wonderful<br />

Carillon Park which houses the original<br />

Wright B&n bsp;Flyer and many other historic<br />

homes in a lovely park setting.<br />

They have arranged exclusive behind the<br />

scenes tours at the National Museum <strong>of</strong> the<br />

United States Air Force in addition to allowing<br />

plenty <strong>of</strong> time to tour the NMUSAF independently.<br />

They have also arranged private<br />

tours <strong>of</strong> the original (restored) home <strong>of</strong> Orville<br />

Wright. A bit <strong>of</strong> Dayton history, tied to speed<br />

through <strong>Porsche</strong>.<br />

So what is Escape?<br />

It is a shorter event than Parade without the<br />

emphasis on competition.<br />

It allows members to members another opportunity<br />

to experience PCA at a broader<br />

level. You can meet new friends from different<br />

areas, and share the <strong>Porsche</strong> experience.<br />

April 2009<br />


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