01/2010, 1-15 Januar - Fachinformationsverbund "Internationale ...

01/2010, 1-15 Januar - Fachinformationsverbund "Internationale ...

01/2010, 1-15 Januar - Fachinformationsverbund "Internationale ...


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1987 Kuru, Ahmet T.: A research note on Islam, democracy, and<br />

secularism / Ahmet T. Kuru. - In: Insight Turkey (Ankara),<br />

11 (2009) 4, S. 29-40, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 889165 DGAP: ZD 27<br />

1988 Perry, Michael J.: Liberal democracy and the right to religious<br />

freedom / Michael J. Perry. - In: Review of Politics (Notre<br />

Dame/Ind.), 71 (Fall 2009) 4, S. 621-635<br />

DGAP D 888636 OSI: Zs 378 DGAP: ZD 398 IFA: Z-USA991 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

1989 Boris, Dieter; Schmalz, Stefan: Eine Krise des Übergangs :<br />

Machtverschiebungen in der Weltwirtschaft / Dieter Boris ;<br />

Stefan Schmalz. - In: Prokla (Münster), 39 (Dezember 2009)<br />

4/<strong>15</strong>7, S. 625-644, Lit. S. 642-643<br />

FUB D 888508 OSI: Zu 323 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1990 Scorecards on best and worst policies for a green new deal<br />

/ Niklas Höhne ... [With contrib. from: Sebastian Klaus ...].<br />

Germanwatch. [By order of: WWF ...] - Bonn ..., 2009. - 46 S., Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.germanwatch.org/klima/score09g20.pdf<br />

SWP D 888848<br />

1991 Yu, Yongding: China's policy responses to the global financial<br />

crisis : Richard Snape Lecture, 25 November 2009, Melbourne /<br />

Yu Yongding. - Melbourne: Australian Government, Productivity<br />

Commission, 2009. - 20 S., graph. Darst. -<br />

ISBN 978-1-74037-295-4<br />

http://www.pc.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/92595/2009-yo<br />

ngding.pdf<br />

SWP D 888859<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

1992 Busch, Klaus: Weltwirtschaftskrise und Wohlfahrtsstaat :<br />

Lösungskonzepte zum Abbau ökonomischer und sozialer<br />

Ungleichgewichte in der Weltwirtschaft, in Europa und in<br />

Deutschland ; Langfassung / Klaus Busch. - Berlin:<br />

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2009. - 40 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (<strong>Internationale</strong> Politikanalyse) - ISBN 978-3-86872-227-7<br />

Außerdem erschienen: Gekürzte Fassung. - Berlin:<br />

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2009. - 23 S.<br />

http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/id/ipa/06838.pdf<br />

SWP D 888360<br />

1993 Busch, Klaus: Weltwirtschaftskrise und Wohlfahrtsstaat :<br />

Lösungskonzepte zum Abbau ökonomischer und sozialer<br />

Ungleichgewichte in der Weltwirtschaft, in Europa und in<br />

Deutschland / Klaus Busch. - Berlin: FES, 2009. - 23 S., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 22-23 - (<strong>Internationale</strong> Politikanalyse) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-86872-228-4<br />

Außerdem erschienen: Langfassung. - Berlin:<br />

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2009. - 40 S.<br />

DGAP D 888344 DGAP: DG B<strong>01</strong>543s<br />

1994 A cross-country comparison of rural income generating<br />

activities / Benjamin Davis ... - In: World Development (Oxford),<br />

38 (<strong>Januar</strong>y 2<strong>01</strong>0) 1, S. 48-63, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 889090 SWP: X. 704 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1995 Stangl, Anna; Nerb, Gernot: [World economic climate and<br />

expectations] / authors: Anna Stangl ; Gernot Nerb. - In: CESifo<br />

World Economic Survey (München), 8 (November 2009) 4, 23 S.,<br />

zahlr. graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

http://www.cesifo-group.de/pls/guestci/download/CESifo%20Worl<br />

d%20Economic%20Survey%202009/WES-4-09.pdf<br />

SWP D 888433<br />

SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials<br />

1996 Arezki, Rabah; Brückner, Markus: Oil rents, corruption, and<br />

state stability : evidence from panel data regressions / Rabah<br />

Arezki and Markus Brückner. - Washington/D.C.: International<br />

Monetary Fund, 2009. - 29 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (IMF Working<br />

Paper; WP/09/267)<br />

http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/wp/2009/wp09267.pdf<br />

SWP D 888425<br />

II.17 World wide / Weltweit / Universel<br />

1997 Guidance on water and adaptation to climate change /<br />

Economic Commission for Europe, Convention on the Protection<br />

and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International<br />

Lakes. - New York/N.Y. ...: United Nations, 2009. - 144 S., Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (United Nations Publication; No.<br />

09.II.E.14) - (ECE/MP.WAT/30) - ISBN 978-92-1-117<strong>01</strong>0-8<br />

http://www.unece.org/env/documents/2009/Wat/mp_wat/ECE_M<br />

P.WAT_30_E.pdf<br />

SWP D 888788<br />

1998 Water wars - In: World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.),<br />

26 (Winter 2009-10) 4, Special Issue, S. 1-112<br />

SWP D 888935 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

1999 Technology roadmap: wind energy / International Energy<br />

Agency. - Paris, 2009. - 52 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab.<br />

http://www.iea.org/Papers/2009/Wind_Roadmap.pdf<br />

SWP D 888760<br />

SH07 Secondary sector / Industry<br />

2000 Saage-Maaß, Miriam: Transnationale Unternehmen im<br />

nationalen und internationalen Recht / Miriam Saage-Maaß. -<br />

In: Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte (Schwalbach/Taunus),<br />

3 (2009) 2, S. 102-122<br />

SWP D 888543 SWP: X. 894 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SH10 Public finance<br />

20<strong>01</strong> Andrews, Matt: Good government means different things in<br />

different countries / Matt Andrews. - In: Governance (Oxford),<br />

23 (<strong>Januar</strong> 2<strong>01</strong>0) 1, S. 7-35, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 33-35<br />

FUB D 888557 OSI: OSI NN Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SI03.02 Information technology<br />

2002 Elliott, David: Weighing the case for a convention to limit<br />

cyberwarfare / by David Elliot. - In: Arms Control Today<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 39 (November 2009) 9, S. 21-27<br />

SWP D 888<strong>15</strong>9 SWP: Y. 828 DGAP: ZD 374 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ ACT<br />

Öff.StaO: 18<br />

SI03.05 Military technology / Weapon systems<br />

2003 Withington, Tom: The SAM busters : briefing: SEAD/DEAD /<br />

Tom Withington. - In: Jane's Defence Weekly (Coulsdon),<br />

47 (1-6 <strong>Januar</strong>y 2<strong>01</strong>0) 1, S. 26-31<br />

SWP D 888584 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW<br />

Öff.StaO: 11<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

2004 Bauhardt, Christine: Ressourcenpolitik und<br />

Geschlechtergerechtigkeit : Probleme lokaler und globaler<br />

Governance am Beispiel Wasser / Christine Bauhardt. -<br />

In: Prokla (Münster), 39 (September 2009) 3/<strong>15</strong>6, S. 391-406,<br />

Lit. S. 404-405<br />

FUB D 888476 OSI: Zu 323 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

2005 Birdsall, Nancy; Von der Goltz, Jan: It's one climate policy out<br />

there - almost / Nancy Birdsall and Jan von der Goltz. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Center for Global Development, 2009. - 36 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., zahlr. Tab. - (Working Paper / Center for Global<br />

Development; 195)<br />

http://www.policypointers.org/Page/View/10386<br />

SWP D 888371<br />

2006 Copenhagen climate talks - In: Beijing Review (Beijing),<br />

53 (<strong>Januar</strong>y 7, 2<strong>01</strong>0) 53, S. 10-22<br />

SWP D 889043 SWP: Y. 1024 OSI: ZS 544 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

2007 Ehrenfeld, Wilfried: Nach Kyoto : internationale Klimapolitik vor<br />

ökonomischen Herausforderungen / Wilfried Ehrenfeld. -<br />

In: Wirtschaft im Wandel (Halle/Saale), <strong>15</strong> (16.12.2009) 12,<br />

S. 506-5<strong>15</strong><br />

SWP D 888132 SWP: Y. 1104<br />

2008 Getting warmer : A special report on climate change and the<br />

carbon economy - In: The Economist (London), 393 (December<br />

5-11, 2009) 8660, S. 1-22<br />


DIE: ZA027 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT IAS: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>01</strong>/2<strong>01</strong>0 111 2<strong>01</strong>0.<strong>01</strong>.29

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