Serge Aubry - Physics Department . Technion

Serge Aubry - Physics Department . Technion Serge Aubry - Physics Department . Technion
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Suppression of Energy Diffusion in<br />

Random Nonlinear Systems<br />

Haifa June 2008<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong><br />

LLB,CEA Saclay, France<br />

Coll. G. Kopidakis, S. Komineas, S. Flach<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


What is the long time behavior of an initially localized wavepacket<br />

1-Does it spread to zero amplitude (diffusion)?<br />

2- does it remain localized (absence of diffusion)?<br />

3- Does a part of the energy spread and another part remains localized?<br />

The answer is known in linear systems<br />

Diffusion if the linear spectrum is continuous<br />

Absence of diffusion when the linear spectrum is purely discrete<br />

(for example in disordered systems with Anderson localization)<br />

Nonlinear systems?<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


I-Nonlinear spatially periodic systems:<br />

(with no disorder)<br />

Incomplete diffusion of a wavepacket<br />

Possible formation of Discrete Breathers<br />

(spatially localized time periodic solutions)<br />

Sievers and Takeno 1988 (ILM)<br />

Campbell and Peyrard 1990 (Discrete Breathers-DBs)<br />

Generic Nonlinear Excitations (non restricted to<br />

special integrable models)<br />

in 1D, 2D, 3D… periodic arrays of nonlinear oscillators<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


Examples: Klein-Gordon systems 1,2 or 3D<br />

(anharmonic oscillators coupled by harmonic springs<br />

FPU systems (with gapless accoustic phonons)<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


nonlinear springs<br />

The system at infinity behaves like linear and generate<br />

an effective frequency dependant damping on the dynamics<br />

Filtering the resonant components<br />

(Consequence:no damping for Discrete Breathers)<br />

Discrete Breathers may be dynamical ATTRACTORS<br />

in INFINITE Hamiltonian systems

Initial wavepacket<br />

Time periodic<br />

solution<br />

Initial<br />

Spontaneous Formation of a<br />


no radiation<br />

Limit<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


Sievers and Takeno (1988):<br />

from a initial localized wavepacket<br />

radiation<br />

Chaotic or « quasiperiodic »<br />

transient<br />

Transient<br />

radiation<br />

A large part of the initial energy<br />

remains localized as a DB, the rest<br />

spreads to zero at infinity<br />

The second moment diverges but<br />

the participation number does not

Existence proofs od Discrete Breathers (spatially localized<br />

Time periodic solutions)<br />

Existence Proofs of DBs in many nonlinear models<br />

1- by the Principle of Anticontinuity<br />

(MacKay SA 1994 Klein-Gordon<br />

2- Bambusi 1996<br />

3- Livi Mackay Spicci 1997 dimer FPU<br />

4- SA 1998<br />

5- SA, Kopidakis and Kadelburg 2001 (Variational)<br />

Arioli Gazola<br />

6- G. James 2003<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


II- Exact Time Periodic Solutions (Intraband Discrete Breathers)<br />

in Random and Nonlinear Systems<br />

(with linear Anderson lOCALIZATION)<br />

Kopidakis <strong>Aubry</strong> 1999-2000<br />

Random systems: When the linear spectrum is discrete.<br />

(Anderson localization) no linear phonon radiation is possible<br />

Existence Proofs of Intraband DBs (IDBs)<br />

Theorem: Albanèse and Frohlich 1991<br />

Anderson modes persist in nonlinear models as time periodic<br />

solutions with frequencies in a fat Cantor set.<br />

Numerical Calculations (at computer accuracy) of intraband<br />

Discrete Breathers : KA 1999-2000<br />

1- Quasi-continuation in L 2 : Each Anderson mode generates a family<br />

of IDBs with frequency in a FAT CANTOR SET (with nonvanishing measure)<br />

2- Continuation in L ∞ : Each Anderson mode becomes an extended multiDB<br />

with infinite energy<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


Fat Cantor Set<br />

(finite Lebesgue measure)<br />

(Pseudo)continuation of an Anderson mode<br />

at nonvanishing amplitude (scheme)<br />

Nonlinear modes disappears in a small frequency gap at each resonance<br />

Nonlinear <strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong> modes , LLB, avoid FRANCE<br />

resonances<br />


Numerical Calculation of Localized Time periodic<br />

Solutions<br />

Using the Nonlinear Response Manifold to a Localized Time<br />

Periodic Driving Force<br />

Calculate the time periodic solution u n(t) at frequency<br />

versus the driving force F (using Newton method)<br />

F small linear response.<br />

The response is smooth for most<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


Projection of<br />

NLRM<br />

KA 2000<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


RDNLS: a straightforward proof of existence<br />

for Time Periodic Extended States<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


Periodic solutions<br />

are extrema of<br />

When the ground-state corresponds to a<br />

(linearly stable) extended solution (but many other extrema)

III- Exact Quasiperiodic Solutions<br />

in Random Nonlinear Systems<br />

Some exact Results<br />

Fröhlich Spencer Wayne (1986) for<br />

random Hamiltonian Systems with pair interactions<br />

Bourgain Wang (2008) for RDNLS<br />

W. Craig yet unpublished (?) for RDNLS<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


Anderson Representation of DNLS<br />

norm current p —> p’<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


New complex variables

Almost Periodic Solutions:<br />

Fröhlich, Spencer, Wayne (1986)<br />

Assume<br />

C p,p’ depends only on µ p and µ p’ (pair interactions)<br />

Then, with large probability, there are quasiperiodic lattice<br />

vibrations of finite total energy which lie on some infinitedimensional,<br />

compact invariant tori in phase space.<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


Quasiperiodic Periodic Solutions:<br />

Bourgain Wang (2008)<br />

In random DNLS, there are quasiperiodic solution<br />

corresponding to finite dimension invariant tori<br />

Almost periodic Periodic Solutions:<br />

Walter Craig (private communication)<br />

In random DNLS, there are « many » almost periodic solutions<br />

corresponding to infinite dimension invariant tori<br />

(use of Nash-Moser method?)<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


Assume p random in interval B<br />

Probability of resonance at lowest order (leading order)<br />


The probability to find an initial wave packet which<br />

evolves almost periodically, is large and goes to one as<br />

the norm of the wave packet goes to zero<br />

What about the wavepacket which are initially resonant?<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


quadratic<br />

IV Rigorous Results for DNLS Hamiltonians<br />

proving the absence of complete diffusion of<br />

a large enough Wavepacket<br />

with invariance by phase rotation<br />

(implies norm l 2 conservation)<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


Nonlinear higher order<br />

H NL > 0 strictly positive<br />

(or negative)

Assume the wavepacket spreads uniformy to zero:<br />

(lim t=∞ ||Ψ|| ∞ =0 ),<br />

then at infinite time the nonlinear contribution H NL to the<br />

energy is zero since<br />

and the norm ||Ψ|| 2 is time constant. Then<br />

energy cannot be<br />

conserved and consequently the wave packet cannot<br />

spread uniformly to zero.<br />

Since the higher order nonlinear energy grows faster<br />

than the norm the wavepacket cannot spread uniformly<br />

to zero when its amplitude is large enough<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


A family of models without diffusion<br />

(random or not random) :<br />

DNLS Models with Dispersionless Linear Phonons<br />

H L is time constant, then H NL is time constant<br />

Any initial l 2 wavepacket cannot spread to zero<br />

independantly whether there is disorder or not<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


Example:<br />

What is the behavior of a wavepacket if no spreading to zero<br />

is possible.<br />

(periodic case: independant of n:<br />

generation of mobile Discrete Breathers (« Discrete<br />

Compactons ») which radiates wavelets and stops<br />

(numerically observed for periodic systems by S. Flach)<br />

Consequence: The limit profile is quasiperiodic.<br />

Random case: Same conjecture<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


In the Anderson base same model, the random DNLS<br />

Model belong to this family of<br />

NONdiffusive Hamiltonian except that operator L<br />

(though it is diagonal), is not proportional to unity<br />

but is random.<br />

Why extra randomness would generate diffusion?<br />

Conjecture: for RDNLS, the limit profile of any<br />

initially localized wavepacket should be or<br />

become quasiperiodic<br />

(as an infinite dimension invariant torus).<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


V Diffusion of a Wavepacket in nonlinear random<br />

Arrays: Early numerical investigation<br />

When linear modes are localized (Anderson localization)<br />

no diffusion but nonlinearity couples the linear Anderson modes<br />

Then, energy diffusion?<br />

Many early works conclude subdiffusion!<br />

Bourbonnay-Maynard (1990) (random FPU)<br />

Shepelyansky (1994), Molina (1997)…. (DNLS)<br />

Snyder-Kirpatrick(random FPU) (2006)<br />

Pikovsky-Shepeliansky(2008)<br />

Numerical investigation of the second moment versus time<br />

Diffusion is subcritical t α<br />

where α ~ 2/5 (Shepelyansky) … 0.27 (Molina) etc....<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


Subdiffusion was claimed only on<br />

the base of the second moment divergency<br />

(not clear numerically poorly defined exponents)<br />

Remark: Divergency of the second moment does not<br />

implies diffusion at all!!!!!<br />

Counter example: The second moment of a wavepacket<br />

in a linear harmonic chain of atoms coupled by<br />

random springs diverges as t 1/2<br />

but there is no diffusion because of Anderson localization<br />

Coll: Analytic estimations R. Schilling, S. Lepri and SA<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


There are initial conditions with no diffusion at all<br />

For example: Intraband discrete breathers<br />

Almost no diffusion (?) for small amplitude initial<br />

wavepacket or close to anticontinuous limit<br />

Quasiperiodic solutions?<br />

There are initial conditions with apparently initially<br />

strong diffusion (with strong chaos Shepelyansky)<br />

The most studied!!!<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


Conjectures for Infinite Nonlinear Arrays with linear Anderson<br />

Localization (purely discrete spectrum with no mobility threshold)<br />

There are two kinds of Initial Conditions which both may be obtained<br />

both with finite probability<br />

1- Solutions which are purely quasiperiodic from the begining (infinite<br />

dimension invariant tori). Their probability goes to 1 at small norm<br />

or close to the anticontinuous limit or close linearly stable IDB<br />

solutions.<br />

2-Solutions which are initially Chaotic but slowly converge to a<br />

quasiperiodic profile. Self-organization profile.<br />

Initial resonances are spontaneously removed by energy radiation<br />

through non excited Anderson modes which may generate a long tail.<br />

No Diffusion at all for any initial l 2 wave packet.<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


VI-New Numerical Investigations<br />

G. Kopidakis, S. Komineas, S. Flach and SA (PRL (2008))<br /><br />

Random DNLS Hamiltonian(2 invariants)<br />

Random Quartic Klein-Gordon Hamiltonian (1 invariant)<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


Very similar behaviors

Energy density profile in the Anderson space<br />

(Quartic KG model)<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


Few Anderson modes are and remains strongly excited<br />

V=0.25<br />

β=1<br />


<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


t=1.2. 10 8 red<br />

Profile (log)<br />

In Anderson space<br />

(Quartic Klein Gordon model<br />

W=4<br />

In real space:<br />

random DNLS<br />

t=10 7 black<br />

t=2. 10 8 red

Participation number of norm distribution for the random DNLS model<br />

for different amplitudes of the single site initial wave packet<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


Participation number of norm distribution in Anderson space<br />

for the random DNLS model and for different amplitudes of<br />

the single Anderson mode initial wave packet<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


3 orders of magnitude<br />

longer time of evolutions<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


Second moment<br />

Participation number<br />

The second moment<br />

versus time seems to diverge.<br />

The participation number<br />

does not!<br />

e n = energy density in<br />

Anderson space for KG<br />

e n =|Ψ n | 2 for DNLS

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


Time Fourier transform<br />

of the participation number<br />

The limit profile tends<br />

to be quasiperiodic!<br />

Same result for the time<br />

Fourier transform at a<br />

single central site

Numerical arguments for KAM tori as limit profile<br />

of an initially localized wavepacket<br />

1-The participation ratio of the energy distribution does not<br />

diverge.<br />

2- The amplitude of the at any site does not decay to zero<br />

though it oscillates indefinetely.<br />

3-The largest Lyapounov exponent initially drops by 2 or 3<br />

orders of magnitude while the wavepacket does not spread to<br />

small amplitude. It continues to decay but slower and slower.<br />

4- Simultaneously, the Fourier spectrum of the atomic motion<br />

near center from broad band becomes narrow band with thin<br />

line widths<br />

Conclusion: The attractor of the system (limit profile)<br />

might be a KAM tori ?<br />

but very slow convergence (Arnol’d diffusion?)<br />

What about the evolution for times beyond those numerically available?<br />

Need a mathematical proof?<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


Scenario for the Absence of spreading<br />

Limit profile at t= + ∞ of the energy density with long tail<br />

is quasiperiodic (nevertheless the second moment may diverge??!!!))<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


Tail generation<br />

by weak excitation<br />

of Anderson modes

Finite size effects (numerically tested)<br />

For small system, the wave packet cannot spread out.<br />

No long tail can develop. Radiated energy from resonances<br />

remains confined and interacts again with the core of the wavepacket.<br />

Initial Chaos persists forever there is (roughly) energy equipartition<br />

after long enough time (unless the initial solution generates<br />

a KAM torus)<br />

For an infinite system the energy of the initial wave packet is not extensive<br />

and corresponds to zero temperature. It cannot thermalize.<br />

For an FINITE system, initial chaos of the wavepacket (if<br />

any) persist at any time while it spontaneously disappears<br />

for an INFINITE system. Then, the wavepacket<br />

slowly converges to a nonvanishing quasiperiodic limit<br />

profile.<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


Warning about the problem of reliability of numerical simulations for Long<br />

Time Evolution (Arnol’d diffusion regime)<br />

1-Nonlinear terms are responsible for energy exchanges between the Anderson<br />

modes. At small amplitudes, the system becomes nearly integrable because<br />

nonlinearities are weak. Thus, numerical noise becomes relatively important (with<br />

respect to the nonlinear terms) and could play the essential role for generating<br />

(small) energy diffusion.<br />

-2 A well-known similar problem of « Arnol’d diffusion » was encountered for the<br />

numerical integration of solar planetary systems. The problem was solved by using<br />

secular equations involving only slow variables (orbits parameters).<br />

With such techniques Jacques Laskar could integrate with controlled accuracy<br />

over 5. 10<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


9 years solar system models using a step size of 200-500 years that is<br />

about only 107 integration steps (see J. Laskar Icarus 196 1-15 (2008)) (while<br />

ordinary techniques would require a step size of only 8 days!) and very short<br />

(reliable) runs.

Similarity with the problem of Chaotic diffusion in the<br />

Solar System.<br />

It is generally believed that at the beginning, the planet<br />

motions in the solar system were rather chaotic.<br />

After a long time, collisions and planet escapes spontaneously<br />

regularized the motions of the left planets to become<br />

« almost » quasiperiodic as today.<br />

However, weak chaos still persist today from the original one.<br />

It has been proved numerically for the motion of<br />

some planets like Mercury (e.g. see J. Laskar Icarus 196 1-<br />

15 (2008) and refs. ) using sophisticated methods where the<br />

numerical errors could be carefully controlled.<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


VII Summary and concluding remarks<br />

The possible divergency of the second moment does not implies energy spreading<br />

as believed in early publications.<br />

Numerical observations (over times which are not too long<br />

for the above reasons) shows<br />

1- There are initial conditions with practically no diffusion from the beginning<br />

(quasiperiodic?) and others which looks (initially) chaotic.<br />

2- the participation number does not (clearly) diverge in any case. Moreover,<br />

it is rigorously proven it cannot diverge in DNLS models with norm conservation<br />

and large enough amplitude wave packet.<br />

3- The same qualitative behavior for the spreading of an initially localized<br />

wavepacket in DNLS models with norm conservation and quartic KG models<br />

without norm conservation<br />

4-Conjecture: Unless the wavepacket corresponds initialy to a quasiperiodic<br />

solution, it converges (slowly) to a limit profile which is a quasiperiodic and<br />

spatially localized solution (KAM torus).<br />

This profile may not have second moment or may have a second moment?<br />

(open question)<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


Conjectures:: There should be absence of diffusion for any initially<br />

localized wave packet in any nonlinear model at any dimension<br />

with purely discrete linear spectrum (Random, quasiperiodic or else)<br />

There is diffusion (at least partial in case of time periodic Discrete Breather<br />

formation) in all models for which the linear spectrum has an absolutely<br />

continous component.<br />

There is diffusion as soon the model is a at non vanishing temperature<br />

or if it submitted to a random noise (with broad spectrum)<br />

Numerical problem with random FPU model: The linear localization<br />

length diverges at low frequency. The long tail already exists in the linear<br />

case (diverging second moment) and cannot be considered as an<br />

effect of nonlinearity<br />

<strong>Serge</strong> <strong>Aubry</strong>, <strong>Aubry</strong>,<br />


Final Comments

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