Black Panther Party of Northern California - Freedom Archives

Black Panther Party of Northern California - Freedom Archives Black Panther Party of Northern California - Freedom Archives
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+::~~LOE3AL VIEWS - +~ : ~tix1 "xed . .` .,. . . , .,BhACK POWER I PAGE Yp .~ . p : b . Interview bombard Da Naf~g an~~ . t-he Presiden-~ ""~ tial Palace . The Buddhists in American-occupied areas cannot openly demonstrate against the U,S,, but they woxk hand i~a hand with the NLF -----they complement each other ." As we know, the classic imperialist trick is to divide and conquer . "Throughout history," said Nguyen, "Vietnam has been one nation, But he added, . . , . . ,"Reunification of the' North and South . is-not an immediate 'objective of the T~Fational Libera=~ t ~.on Frtpr,~t . . The immediate obj ective is to get the United States of ,Amexica out of Vi.etl~am, ' ~ After they ~. get the U,S, out, they will be able :: to_,~~r~i .Ey r . -" ~ ." Unity . ..ia necessary for V ~';..'~~~x~~~_ . .,The---~conocuic resources of the North and- .Sxnxti~z~ -comp-1"+emerrt - .- Each other, The North has minerals and the South has farming," In conclusion, Srather Nguyen said, "It is inadmissa?cxle that c~~hite Americans should be racist in these times . The American system ltas been built to contain black peopleo F31ack People cannot be uc?ccessful if they remain in the bonds set by the white power structure . I can't understand how Black people can gain their freedom th ; : ~ L+.:~"~. :ze nose-viol,enee . of Marts Luther King . . , It . a~ ;~.-,necessary that ,all oppxessed peoples support each , other' arld,form an anti-imperialist b~c+~ck atld fight U S, ,,aggression ana taa~: r. lackQys, . . . : . . :~" , ~~~~~c~s~ crow ~ : ~~ ; SS~~S a~.otr c.rer; rtn rarr. 2~9 ~;ast, 46th Street, New York, N . X., 10(127 Pleas+: enrnt2 me a,5 a sabscriber 1'nr: Qi~.lvguc~~ A BLACK .1417~t3AxI1VE for Bf .ACK 'PFC11'f .E Black Art Articles feevtews $ nz va~ b42 Lacuna SC . San, Cali f E39a~k Diaio~u~ *DemrKKKraCy" : The main subject taugJxt in Aaw-ican o++d $otrth African schools (from B hernia)

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