Black Panther Party of Northern California - Freedom Archives

Black Panther Party of Northern California - Freedom Archives Black Panther Party of Northern California - Freedom Archives
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~. . . GLOBAL VIBWS ` ~I3L,ACK PdW~ .'~'" of t clasaif, groups : off the'°v People iph lix±e A ri the' ~:.r:a : 1'he Black Man Fights ixz Y~ETNAM for the White .Man's~fghtaa:; LYNCH HIMI :,,, '.8 THE WH~TTE~ MAN' S SNF.NIY .~.Inter~riew with Brother Nguyen ::w" . -8~~ .;~,eft :~:Vietnnar -.i.n x~b~'' to . st'~dy vD. _.p~3S ~, `FXail~e~ '`Hfr~. J ~Opo ~7:Qtb+e1' 8 , arr~ also iri` Paris . His mother is stiff.~~i,n' Saigon. Nguyen's "fath~!~tw was wmauled . in 2948 while fighting the , Ak~nch impexialists who peace" . . ded the~~Americsns in Southeast Asia . "The pre~aence of Americans in Vf- . etnam," said Nguyen, "is not justi" Pied by the Geneva accords (which temporarily divided Vietnam into two hectors ---North b South--"until electi~pns) nor by the will of the Vietnanlgse people . `'.' . The ~' .Amo~cfcans are t2~oxe because of the Saigon group who :wants' PO~t eac3 Dt1i,L:AR3 .," Ngu~ren , ~Cescic~ibed- the present gov- e~umen~ :',fin Saigon as . ..~erely . puppets . `' United States. He his peopl8 into three" (1) ~ the:- , pepple who pro~- want peace and who reaa is the cause of wax; le wha live as the o- t~ers a1~t wci'~k fox the National )aberatibn Facoi , ,, "You can see `the presence of~the . thixd gzoup in ~'he villagos st~d+exed by the Ame- ~ica s as frier:dly, Some nights he army comes snd easily occu.. pies the village with the help of most ; of the population . The NLF -,s ;. . . ... . . . F,~tIEND , :-.~_ . .~ __ of Saigon, Viet~aamj~~.~_ .` Eiy MasgiPWC ~ A .H,* , ,1387 . : , bombarded : Da ;l~a~g with artill~rry~~ installed less than ~. kilometer Pram the base . It ,~,s i~ipossible fi~'~ stage` ~ an attack ` this ~~ close ~rw;:h.ou~~. the help .,+~~f the papu] ation .. "The Na~iai~a]:' L:ibe~r~r~fi~'.Front is not simply ~ guerril.fa ~inovement" Nguyett painted aut .. ., When . one studies the otganizactisrn of . the Ari:..F administration 3n liberated areas, . you will see it has the s~tructu~e of a democratic state a" He painted out how the NLr has - . raised the national consc:icrxsness of the various minorities who previously didn'±~ consider themselves a pant of Vietnam . "The effoxts of the NLF, : to give instructiz~n to the minorities in the mountains and bring them the technique of modern agriculture is an examp~,~e of the NLF's ;. concern `for a~a "ch~:> peop~:e~r .~ The Saigon .gogexnment did nothing for the .minoxities . The Ni.,F don't segregate between the minorities and other Vietnamese . As a xesult, -the minorities have consciousness they axe fightimg for the whole o~f Vietnams Before, the mino~rit es 'had no conscious that their country was Vietnam. Foac them also, indePe:xdence from U. S, imperialism is a concern, ~ NoHr- -~ 4hey see that they

GLOBAL VIEWS - Continued JvIl~ ! ! t '. . . . . . .interview advertisement axe a real paxt of Vietnam, claimed, "Catholie~s, . Buddhists ;: .; Lao dai, Hoa Hoa -wow-these-are`wthe major religious groups)--everyo:re has conscious : the most important for them is to unite against U S- . aggressmon ." Nguyen clarified the misunderstanding concerning he Catholic ; "one thing is, who ;are the Catho :. . lies??? In 1964, at the time of the Geneva accords, Catholic priests in North Vietnam told the Catholics the democratic government was anti,rCatholic : The priests eorav'ineed . The Catholics to go to South'Vietuam these are ther refuggees . The Diem regime convinced Catholics they had to form an anti-communist government to protect themselves . w He told them that an American supported regime was the only kind . cl BLACK POWER : page 9 ~IATi(?NA~ aL~GK ANTI-WAR AI~T1- ..~_I~~~' a~,~ld~N , 100 ~~h Avenua ~ Sui -t e 803 New ~~York, ri .Y :, 1001,1 Phone (212) YUw91313, e~ct,~ `23 . . ..wwwwww w ..wwwww- www ..w- . . ..w-ww ...w .~.~wr.,-ww w ,~ .~rw , wwwwww--w'f'~ ww .~real ..w . ~w.wi .o I that wou].d : a ;. ~hem to P~aci,~+s~, theix ;r.el~gian,, .D~eni ; told them ~, .f A~ne~ica~s, ~e :~t, V~,etna~n ~hexe . nci'alternative to commuw nism,~The Catholics beYieve they had to fight to death for the Americans or be killed by the comes mtani.sts~, But this is city the Catholics,from North Vietnam, Many Catholics from South Vietnam sup" port the National :Liberation Front, "It is im~ortant ;for people in the West to understand the National Liberation Front is opposed to this and not all Catholics . There is a Catholic-group in the National Liberation Front . Brother Nguyen added, "The' Buddhimt~a aspirations are the as the NC,F . The 3uddhists and others actively support the NLF in occupied zones . They enabled the NLF to

GLOBAL VIEWS - Continued<br />

JvIl~ ! !<br />

t<br />

'. . . . . . .interview<br />

advertisement<br />

axe a real paxt <strong>of</strong> Vietnam,<br />

claimed, "Catholie~s, . Buddhists ;: .;<br />

Lao dai, Hoa Hoa -wow-these-are`wthe<br />

major religious groups)--everyo:re<br />

has conscious : the most important<br />

for them is to unite against U S- .<br />

aggressmon ."<br />

Nguyen clarified the misunderstanding<br />

concerning he Catholic ;<br />

"one thing is, who ;are the Catho :. .<br />

lies??? In 1964, at the time <strong>of</strong><br />

the Geneva accords, Catholic priests<br />

in North Vietnam told the Catholics<br />

the democratic government was<br />

anti,rCatholic : The priests eorav'ineed .<br />

The Catholics to go to South'Vietuam<br />

these are ther refuggees . The<br />

Diem regime convinced Catholics<br />

they had to form an anti-communist<br />

government to protect themselves . w<br />

He told them that an American supported<br />

regime was the only kind .<br />

cl<br />

BLACK POWER : page 9<br />

~IATi(?NA~ aL~GK ANTI-WAR AI~T1- ..~_I~~~' a~,~ld~N ,<br />

100 ~~h Avenua ~ Sui -t e 803 New ~~York, ri .Y :, 1001,1<br />

Phone (212) YUw91313, e~ct,~ `23 . .<br />

..wwwwww w ..wwwww- www ..w- . . ..w-ww ...w .~.~wr.,-ww w ,~ .~rw , wwwwww--w'f'~ ww .~real ..w . ~w.wi .o<br />

I<br />

that wou].d : a ;. ~hem to P~aci,~+s~,<br />

theix ;r.el~gian,, .D~eni ; told them ~, .f<br />

A~ne~ica~s, ~e :~t, V~,etna~n ~hexe .<br /> nci'alternative to commuw<br />

nism,~The Catholics beYieve they<br />

had to fight to death for the Americans<br />

or be killed by the comes<br />

mtani.sts~, But this is city the Catholics,from<br />

North Vietnam, Many<br />

Catholics from South Vietnam sup"<br />

port the National :Liberation<br />

Front,<br />

"It is im~ortant ;for people in<br />

the West to understand the National<br />

Liberation Front is opposed<br />

to this and not all Catholics .<br />

There is a Catholic-group in the<br />

National Liberation Front .<br />

Brother Nguyen added, "The'<br />

Buddhimt~a aspirations are the as<br />

the NC,F . The 3uddhists and others<br />

actively support the NLF in occupied<br />

zones . They enabled the NLF to

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