Black Panther Party of Northern California - Freedom Archives

Black Panther Party of Northern California - Freedom Archives Black Panther Party of Northern California - Freedom Archives
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DRUM tat investments . And when the U,S, gave and political competitor that it is, T ~s . $17 billion in aid to "rehabilitate" free herself of tie need a~or an "et~Ccl~nic postwar France, it was not out of love umbrella" held in Anglo-Saxon hands,~she ; for France, but because if France had not labished money an3d scientific talent on, . been saved for capitalism she would have developing hex own- A-bomb,' She reasser- been reorganized on "Communist" statist ted sovereignty~cv~er Frend~ territory and lines, and would have wound up as satel- air'spaee that'°shP~`had'~een in na pas3-, ite and ally of Soviet Russia, Lion to assert in' x.949 whets SNi4~fi, NA'~O's As for the Fxench ruling class, it never supreme military ° heed~ua~t~arsi took up wasted a moment's time on gratitude . It resid+snce in the 1~eart of franca, ?~orst understood U, S, capitalist motivations of all, fromi U .S, icapitali m''s iewpoint thoroughly . And, regardless ctf,.j~u~~,,o ;~;,a~i :, -were~F~~aixce's actilons shak~:ng the rickefiy paned to head its political executive~com- international ~on~etary system in Which mittee, French national policy has ex-, t ` the ,~1a~;~^ax . ;~and 'tJ~,e'p+o-und atex~l ~ag"':b+acame pressed what were believed to be French , in~tex'~aa~,~,q~al r.~ rvet ~cu~x~nuies . ruling-class interests . ~ ~ ;~ . .Franca',,s~ .r, aAm'p~~,~an~ . :r 'has ;=' a'lx+eady been ., r ds,.g~,t ''.~ '~'~l k ~ ~~ he ' ~uLu'innb , ~ "The cT+~ll ar's FRCM COMPLIANT ALLY TO COMPETING FOE x,~.t-r~~?~~~' :~~-,~~ =~rfa~tus ab~s'i>lv~!~3',,,U»S ., n~pitalism For many postwax years, Fxench capital- .,:, ;~±~ .,-tM~?} z~e'a~d :f4~' so ~marracge~`3ts~ economic' af- ism relied so heavily on U,S, aid that i'h~,i~~freir,s~~,as ,'~'c ~`l mit~ate ~kbe def~+~3ts i~ti'in- found it expedient to collaborate on po-,, . : xert~~t~.ana'1 `payments .tbrat~ i't incurred olicy . These were the early years of ,, yea~;~, .ra~ter w'year . That~` .~.a,' m'stead''of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization,4 : ., baviz~ tp use 'the gold fxb~n Foit 'Knox to Even after the Euxopean Common Market was .;pay .q~ff ,the defi~pits, U;S' ;.'%~capi~talismof organized, France was a more or less com-`., :used iz~fla~:ed dollars . ~irf' effect, ; it pliant ally . Sut, as the Common Market bought francs with dollars~ "'an~ used 'the ^ solidified, French capitalism began to , .francs to buiy up 1~ucrative p~~nch iii~idusexperience the stimulating advantages of 3 . ~ tri2~1' " eatablishmei~ts . p a market that expanded 'to unprecedented .. ' . ~ .,: ~' ~' ~ .rc~ ~r`-. . : :..~ ,~ scope . Gzadually, Fxance's economic and military dependence on U .S,., capitalism ~c~iminished and finally disappeared. It ~ ~., was then that her natural,'pap3aalist . rolg ~""" ~ p,'.v i as an economic competit;b~ g'an to emerge . ~of' the . U,'S, .'v be- . v'"~t ~: ". r . ,,~ .>rr ~ ., `.~ ;By :~now, French capitalism wfflded, no~E only the weight of Frencf~`~b~ereignty, ,,v s- .fi. ;. f '~ To Be Cc~ntd~#ue'd! . . f :, it ~' . ;F -' but also, i,n some instances, tii~ weight of alf si c df 'the ~ E iropean ~, Comn bn, ;Martcet nations . This~'~she was ablr~` to do because the Treaty of Rome, ~ih ch~ cxeated ; . 'the Common' Market, provided for '~ 'v2tcS,' . ~ As i.s~' well :know, . .:.France 'uti~,i'zed `~Cl e~ veto t~x block I3r`itain's entry -f~into the Common Market . 5Yre did this not, as it is gen- exalhy supposed ; because de Gauile was t., ~, " ; hostile to Angla-Saxons, but because F3xi- ta n was seen : as a jixnior partner .in' an Ang~.o-Saxon ; ; . a:mper''is~h . ; '~o l~t~~ hei iri~ would be to give U,S, ~ capitalism a stxa-' task ^ agent in Common Market :councils, .. . For vaxiaaxs- ;reasons,wtl~' st'~would~~iave been in ; conflict with Fr~ecich cap~tal at 'Xnter- .? ~ , es;~s t . . ' . F~tANCE REASSERTS SOVEREIGNTY . ;DeyGaulle's Fran+cev very logically began . tc~ treat ; U,S,, capitalism''as .,. ti,~ ~ . . .. . . ' . . . . . ' . . . ... . .~ 4 . 7 ..) ' . . Tt (7 .~. G: 3.~ .~ 1 , . . y, } ~'!! :7 :S ..L C~t ~~ i f i ti.4a . .,. .:) . '..v~..I. ;Jt` . .., j': ~ :. . '. ~ ., `R .,rJ'., Page . . . . . . ~''L A y, ~ In f.3 , . . "'~q ;F ~li4y, . . . ~-:, :;v ;--, . . . .l; t. A

~ .' fi1':~ . PF:OTI S DES2RaY PfJRTUGUESE WHI7~ES IN . ~TG4LA SOUTHER N AFR ICA Tbe, guerrsla ogax in Angola has spread .,-~ ., ;A renters dispatch carried in Le Monde tq the, center of .the, country ~~ the New ; ,ah January 2 reports : that a Libera- York fides o~E" rie;' ceml~~r 3q re~~rt.s .~ ~ ., . , .t on Movement spokesman on Radio t3razter haf~ng' =-corii~~ns~ ;'' th~i~ , pper~at%tins ~~ zaville announced that thirty Portuprimar.i~,y> t~c~ ~t~e .:bq~der~vregians for the gnaw bodies were ;left behind in these last six yea~r~, the .Angolan guerrilas engagements y , while the guerrillas lostare reported to have recently scored six dead . major gains in the central region, far Pram their reputed base in Zambia . Violent clashes at several points in the coastal regions of Cabinda in north' Angola have also been recently reported by the Angolan'-Peoples Libexation Movement . NEW WARNING ON WII~EFt WAR IN SOt?1~{EAST AS IA The new year began with a series of warnings than Lyndion Johnson is on the verge of carrying the Vietnam wax into

~ .' fi1':~ .<br />



Tbe, guerrsla ogax in Angola has spread .,-~ ., ;A renters dispatch carried in Le Monde<br />

tq the, center <strong>of</strong> .the, country ~~ the New ; ,ah January 2 reports : that a Libera-<br />

York fides o~E" rie;' ceml~~r 3q re~~rt.s .~ ~ ., . , .t on Movement spokesman on Radio t3razter<br />

haf~ng' =-corii~~ns~ ;'' th~i~ , pper~at%tins ~~ zaville announced that thirty Portuprimar.i~,y><br />

t~c~ ~t~e .:bq~der~vregians for the gnaw bodies were ;left behind in these<br />

last six yea~r~, the .Angolan guerrilas engagements y , while the guerrillas lostare<br />

reported to have recently scored six dead .<br />

major gains in the central region, far<br />

Pram their reputed base in Zambia .<br />

Violent clashes at several points in<br />

the coastal regions <strong>of</strong> Cabinda in north'<br />

Angola have also been recently reported<br />

by the Angolan'-Peoples Libexation Movement<br />

.<br />


AS IA<br />

The new year began with a series <strong>of</strong><br />

warnings than Lyndion Johnson is on the<br />

verge <strong>of</strong> carrying the Vietnam wax into

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