Black Panther Party of Northern California - Freedom Archives

Black Panther Party of Northern California - Freedom Archives Black Panther Party of Northern California - Freedom Archives
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BLACK MARK. .;TER - continued Pa e . ., . DR . SPOCK AND OTHER PROMINENT WHITE AMERICAN ANTIWAR FIGURES TNDICTED Thw White American government has launched its first major attack on c~ltwte Amexica T s movemex~~t against ;,the Vietnam war . A federal grand jury indicted five prominent opponents of the war January 5, , : .,,, f ~: ; . ,~,~~ V The five were charged with "cons~lri~ing to councel young men to violate ache draft laws ." They face up to five years in prison and fines of v~10,000 each if convicted . The govern~t~n~ .~ ~ m~a:nc~ .,- .x.~, t~xrar,ize arid` intimidate -.the .white peace movement chose for it$ :rvi.~t; s~,;,5oi~e ;o~ ~~h .e t~c5st wYdely'-~)e~lowiz :, ;arid~xespectab~ ;,figures associatedr} : the~r:~der,ate . wing . o~`' ~he° rno~i~me~ t . r~:; ;- Most famous of those indicted were ~'17Y j ~=~ Betrj'smir~~~Spock, : t,he, ;a3l~hp~ , anti pe;- . diatrician, and Willian Sloane Coffin Jr : CYl~pl'ai~t` of yaYe yniversit~~.. . Accord ~x i A,~ ?' -~>:~e,~ ~,~inc~ictmg~ , ~ , } the five agreed to " sponsox a , tat~t:ian-"w~'c~e~'~ craft resi~s;;ta~.ce ; pr-,agzy~,m. . that~oul,d wiac~.ude. 't~xsr~.ipting .the induction centers, ,, making pzil'S7

DRUM . . . taHtAT . .IS. de F~1t~L.LE AFTER , , . . f. >~reat` man~i,';Amer~tcans~ ; ` ncft~din~,,.,: odder ~~, ly ~nougl marry, : oho have a' ri~aic~ .time, mak~a: ing ~'~ ends ' J ,meet ; . ;are c~otr~ed~. ; ak~out ,~~ de~ Gfull~'s t, ~'.~zu~r go~-+3." bad` couarse, t3~e gofd~ i'~ Eor~' ~nox isn't "our gold .'! ;Tk~atr is,°'r it'dge~n't belong to the counter J : r : .,ryt. . ~s~~workers .' 'f~ou .might say the U,S, gold s ,>hc~xd . "is ` the collective property of, ;the- {~d5 ;' capitalist class, But even this .ti~ s;~~~te', is -far from clear, Fact' is, that gold r hoard is mortgaged, not up to the halt, but way `' over the hilt, the mortgagees, Ftane~' is ,o,~,e r~~' We're not so naive as to think.,$; ; .l .~;ne,. .of "xeasbning will have amy effect a~t ~~11' ., :ov people who axe enraged ovex d :, .~uulle''s policy of buying gold with U,. ~,o lars : they'll ; come right bacf anc~ tel.;l ~s ., thia is a lot of hogwash if not dow:} right unpatr~iot~,c that the United State I~~ ~ ~rfought' ' two`~waxs ; . to save the Frer~ r_~t~on . fri~m' .~ :'rktin~~~.Qm,, , . . . . . and that , . . Fxa~~~ .~ : ow~ .y , , rus r , : . a ~ , .r . Wor,~,cl . l~ax I debt'~~oi~ &~ . t~~~~ . 1 ic~:~ :, ~ a ffifnciQTatIS r; ~.,a~d inte~rles't . "!.I~ ~'ran~Q~'ca~iriues to de~tand gold"'foz ~~dah i~.~,.-c5w-dollars spent in France by . . ,Ame" .E.ican tourists and businessmen, de Gaullg .seems to despise,j!, . ; .;~d~.torialized the' Tn~ dianapolis Stax , Dec . I, "the Uniteq States =should retaliate promptly by an- :~orancing to France and to the world that xao demand for gold will be honored unti :~. France pays her dQbts to the United States ." WHY DE GAUGLE BEHAVES AS I-~E DOES Indeed, many U.S, capitalist spokesmen-. edi~'wors, politicians in Congress, and others---are getting quite a head of steam over President de'Gaulle's policies . De Gaulle, it ' said, is a man obsessed with hatred of everything Anglo-Saxon, Ccangxessman Pucinski is convinced that "dn Gaulle is a sick man," "His attacks cn ?;he United States, his attacks on Englat2d, his attacks on Canada, his attacks cn the efforts of England to become a member of the Common Market, his anti- °.'Lbri sic outbuurs s," r~ucinski added, "all indicate that here is a man who has lost all sense of perspective and all sense of j ~.dgment . " J FJ u v) l'- '. r? Pa~e . .a . . . . . d-r " . , , . .Jl .r~ " s .. . : ,r : +r.l : . . 7 . : r, . . ; . I °,J ~~~1 -'people who personalise '~~ontq~gorax~ history . , in this way, May' evc~l~e applause ;'' but "they ,~orztx b~te nzot~hirij' 'to pu1~,13C~s:zxn-~~~': :-~e~standlr~g t ' > ":~De;r~cau~lle `is a .r~big;'.~ .' ~t~o-~ .>~~ r " . . ~: ical figure TT ~ . : :he hss ,succeeded zif~-~ coricentrati,a~ ,! . a ., greet :`:-cteal. .~ ,, power in . the office ; ~~f Presixierx~E`, Bu~, ..he is far from`be~.rr~, the almif~ty, Btiti].;~~,headed ty rant, whc~ . .,i,s . draggingt an , .` ~'enCh ±. nation ~l,:png, , . with Him as he se~;ks ; pex ° + . sonal rever~ge ~~ ;~ .~at: rsbme of his ,U,,S .,-cx~ . .. ..' tidst .`-accuse hin, ; af .~ a being .. on; , : ;~m:. ~©n r ;r_? trary ~fe" Gaulle has` behind hx~n` :quietly, but nevertk~~~ess fe~vently ahpl~!~ding.-his ' +-s+., efforts, a , ;.solid :z~a~ority of yhe Fr:,ench -~

BLACK MARK. .;TER - continued<br />

Pa e . ., .<br />


Thw White American government has launched its first major attack on c~ltwte<br />

Amexica T s movemex~~t against ;,the Vietnam war . A federal grand jury indicted<br />

five prominent opponents <strong>of</strong> the war January 5, , : .,,, f ~: ; . ,~,~~ V<br />

The five were charged with "cons~lri~ing to councel young men to violate ache<br />

draft laws ." They face up to five years in prison and fines <strong>of</strong> v~10,000 each<br />

if convicted .<br />

The govern~t~n~ .~ ~ m~a:nc~ .,- .x.~, t~xrar,ize arid` intimidate -.the .white peace movement<br />

chose for it$ :rvi.~t; s~,;,5oi~e ;o~ ~~h .e t~c5st wYdely'-~)e~lowiz :, ;arid~xespectab~ ;,figures<br />

associatedr} : the~r:~der,ate . wing . o~`' ~he° rno~i~me~ t . r~:; ;-<br />

Most famous <strong>of</strong> those indicted were ~'17Y j ~=~ Betrj'smir~~~Spock, : t,he, ;a3l~hp~ , anti pe;- .<br />

diatrician, and Willian Sloane C<strong>of</strong>fin Jr : CYl~pl'ai~t` <strong>of</strong> yaYe yniversit~~.. .<br />

Accord ~x i A,~ ?' -~>:~e,~ ~,~inc~ictmg~ , ~ , } the five agreed to " sponsox a , tat~t:ian-"w~'c~e~'~<br />

craft resi~s;;ta~.ce ; pr-,agzy~,m. . that~oul,d wiac~.ude. 't~xsr~.ipting .the induction centers, ,,<br />

making pzil'S7

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