ESENER-PSR 2009 - European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

ESENER-PSR 2009 - European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

ESENER-PSR 2009 - European Agency for Safety and Health at Work


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1.2 The unit of enquiry: Company vs. establishment<br />

1.2.1 Definitions<br />

Having a well defined unit of enquiry <strong>for</strong> d<strong>at</strong>a-collection is an indispensable prerequisite <strong>for</strong><br />

any survey – be it on the n<strong>at</strong>ional or the multi-n<strong>at</strong>ional level. For the <strong>ESENER</strong>, there<strong>for</strong>e a<br />

common definition of the unit of enquiry had to be used which is equally applicable to all 31<br />

countries involved in the study. For surveys among organis<strong>at</strong>ions, the unit of enquiry can<br />

generally be either the “establishment” or the “company”.<br />

The distinction between “company” <strong>and</strong> “establishment” is not an easy one. There<strong>for</strong>e, a<br />

common base of underst<strong>and</strong>ing should be established with regard to the quite disturbing<br />

variety of different terms – such as enterprise, company, firm, establishment, workplace, local<br />

unit etc. - which are in use <strong>for</strong> the denomin<strong>at</strong>ion of the unit of enquiry.<br />

A company is defined as a legal unit where commercial activities of any kind (production,<br />

sales, services etc.) are being practiced.<br />

The terms enterprise <strong>and</strong> firm are often used synonymously with “company”. Yet, some<br />

authors st<strong>at</strong>e th<strong>at</strong> an enterprise comprises only “larger” companies which have more than one<br />

employing unit under common ownership or control (Groß 2003: 10). According to this<br />

narrower definition, an enterprise would always be a multi-site company. But as this distinction<br />

is obviously not common place, both terms are used synonymously in this report.<br />

An establishment can be defined as “…the local unit or the reporting unit where work takes<br />

place” (Groß 2003: 10). In companies which consist of one local unit only (single-site<br />

companies), there is no factual difference between the terms company <strong>and</strong> establishment:<br />

each single-site company is <strong>at</strong> the same time an establishment. Yet, the distinction between<br />

company <strong>and</strong> establishment is significant <strong>for</strong> so called multi-site companies, i.e. companies<br />

whose activities are not bound to a single site or geographical loc<strong>at</strong>ion but take place in<br />

several sites/loc<strong>at</strong>ions. In such companies, each site of activity which is not legally<br />

independent is counted as an establishment. Examples are banks with their various branch<br />

offices, chains of supermarkets, car factories with different production sites etc. Un<strong>for</strong>tun<strong>at</strong>ely<br />

there are a couple of cases where this distinction is not easy. E.g. in some cases there are<br />

units which are organiz<strong>at</strong>ionally closely connected with others <strong>and</strong> which may even share an<br />

in large parts common firm name, but are nevertheless <strong>for</strong>mally legally independent. Strictly<br />

speaking, such units are not to be regarded as establishments of multi-sites, but as companies<br />

of their own.<br />

The terms workplace <strong>and</strong> especially local unit are often used synonymously with<br />

establishment. But while the usage of local unit as synonym <strong>for</strong> establishment is widely<br />

acknowledged (e.g. several N<strong>at</strong>ional St<strong>at</strong>istical Offices use this term <strong>for</strong> their establishment<br />

st<strong>at</strong>istics), in some public<strong>at</strong>ions workplace is referring to sub-units within establishments,<br />

there<strong>for</strong>e we avoid the usage of this term here in this report.<br />


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