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I supposc rhjs is hos j' 5hould bedriven<br />

I<br />

vaoms rr mar rem bu, rorcchc onh<br />

I developrd rhe 05r rillv rrid spe.iil ro bL<br />

I manhandl.d over rhe Inos',,e&h€,ous<br />

rhe only 9s9 rauy sh€llto €ler be sold by the<br />

I Alri..n r.ra,n h,n fl.n in rhe [rnwleds€<br />

factory is k.o.king our i few.orn€rins shots<br />

Fi6l rime throu8h hed6wdl6ar un.onvin.ins<br />

speed, l..din8 the lensman locondud. thar his<br />

thal6rnrrealmen.visdeliberatelywri(r€n I'horoshop skillswould befiesourceof lhe<br />

into irs 8€neli..od€, whit wejewilnesin8 a(ion lot lhis pankular shoo(. llow4er, on (h.<br />

appers.ompler€lrourras€ous Ri.hird Iurhill, rcond nur w heara f!€nzied yelt frcm b{hind<br />

whose iob it is to look alerand.hedh rhis, the a!s Rai dle drd a rurry ofwheehpin ln the<br />

a<br />


-l<br />

4lt<br />

a<br />

200 met€s he has (o tEvel ro rach rh€.om€( on<br />

which th€ shot willb€ taken theengine<br />

o€scndos rwk€ and rhenosebobs in r€coSnirion<br />

of two s€a'dans€s. w€ll into third s.d h€ theo<br />

sreeB th€ car viokndy aw.y liom rhe diKdon of<br />

rh€ tum, ba.ks otr $e throttle leavin8this unique<br />

piee of PoMh. histoiy vinrilly Fipendiolai ro<br />

the Eloii€d corM. popsthe bpsop.n wnh a<br />

biefslugftom rh.:l2-litE flit.six ind leaves

himelion the locktops a 8pod thiny fQl beforc<br />

I nftr iR olMtchins a kua@l€d<br />

sondinavian fli€k, the abtupt chante ofdircction,<br />

the aisp firci(le op€nings and delidous aSitation<br />

involwd in nakinE a or do emethinS il really<br />

shouldn'r But this is somaiint dE I halt blown<br />

sufilcienr hot aii op Firhadi backid€ in 1h6e<br />

paSes to nol wish lo ldbour rhe poi any funhet<br />

-.--\-...-<br />

but he is on fi€ u5q side.It s@m.ntirel) firing<br />

tlar this spedal (al is ddv€t by smone wirh lhe<br />

So howdid it.ome lo b€ h6eiWell, we donl<br />

know qadly: se that ir's wn€d by an<br />

AD€n(an enth$id and is rKkoned to be th€<br />

only959 Dabr3hellnot in fadory@neBhip. h<br />

b aho nol qun€ whar n appeau. You l€am<br />

someftins nd ery day, and roday's l€sron i5<br />

\\\\\<br />

959 road and rally cars<br />

lharin 1985, $eca^ that entered the laritDakar<br />

wei€ nor equipped wilh th€ 95t's 2.851i$etwin<br />

luibo flar'six b(ause il w6n r qlil€ <strong>read</strong>y<br />

lns<strong>read</strong> it used a re8llar l.2lnR nomally<br />

dpiBted motoi witb a maSnsiun @nkca* to<br />

shaw sne weidt.nd Rdu(ed comPRsion to<br />

pcpate il foi a diet oa oPeI Aft.an tu€l.11'€<br />

ch6sb $as ef€ctivrly. manually op€tated<br />

v€Nion of$e toad car's PSK (Cem.n acontm<br />

for PoFch€ conllol clukh) wirh rht abilityto<br />

aher the biqu. split frcnl to iear and the locLn8<br />

fadorofborh frcnt and r€ai diffeRntials. Ea.h is<br />

adiusled by a lar8e bakelite ktob, l€avin8 the<br />

c.bin lookin8 nore like fte Flyint Dutchman<br />

I have Dftr dri!€n a 9t9 befoE and haw a<br />

d<strong>read</strong>ful seos of forebodin8 in adr"n.€ of h<br />

ruilringour ro be a .omPIere shambl$ Somehw<br />

$r haw nana8ed lo conven€ rcid .nd Elly<br />

va'iant! if only it wd posible ro magk the L€<br />

Itans 961 - rheonly959 to hir the rn(k.wdd<br />

hft the complet€ olledon ()fall the can I fel<br />

I knM .ll abour wilhoul eve! havinS sat b€hind<br />

$€ wheel, this is lhe one As a rftnater I <strong>read</strong><br />

vin!.llyeryrcd print€d abolt ir and l€arned<br />

$at, as hras rhe 959 was concemed, yoLr dt'e in<br />

one oflwo canps. You eith{ consid.d n<br />

$ulle$ nqtioan F40, or lowd $e fad lhat<br />

6(h€r$an mak€ a tacinScrfor$e road,<br />

PoMhe had bken theoPPonuniry ro show us<br />

wb€r fie futurc lay. llsr N? should foB€l, th€<br />

Clnenl 99? Tu6o has a twin lutbGhatS€d ,la! slt<br />

with i!$ ond€r 500bhp. fte Ferai s99 CTB t<br />

spfcin.adon hd nolhinS to do with a $vin<br />

|(jlbo d v8 slott€d b€ts€€n driw and back axl€. I<br />

lolrd whar the r59 $md for<br />

I was and still an fakitaled by the srory of ils<br />

cnppli!8 de€lopm€tt cosrt of whar ea.h c.r<br />


N€d lh€ compaiy at the €nd of lhe prccss<br />

(Rpuledly t390,000) .nd wby s l@ p@ple wer<br />

had the danrc to drik the spon model whose<br />

l(Mr nais, 515bhp 6nd Rprogrammed<br />

transmi$ion l@l n midty dop to the filo,br<br />

(hdlb and b€t/ond n for ourrish( sped, dockin8<br />

2lomph at Nardo ors l'm told, b6auf lve<br />

cenainly na€r drkn one oflh6€.<br />

Blr dShr now l'msitrinS in a silrri t59. hs<br />

odom€ft shM a lirleover 6000 ni16 aDd in<br />

cabir l@k and fRh shomon ftdh The<br />

b!€undy silvet combinadon rh.r look€d so<br />

hidous in the photos isn't anlrhirS lik€ 6s<br />

alaming in fien€sh P€ople sl.red th€orfor<br />

b€ingroo DUCh lik€ a 9ll inside bu ll@th€<br />

fa( riat only rhe tained er can spor the marry<br />

diffeel(es. Tle insrtumenr dusrerwith l4okm/h<br />

sp€edomes and qrp6urc monitoi lt€<br />


2 85.lto nal*lr fi6rg6s a r-cmlhg rvlh w.Lr. wfi tourvalya<br />

lochrology and two tuftochar$r8 [ prcduc€G 450bhp<br />

added emR console wirh Nvo rcrary coturols for<br />

rhe danpeR and the transrnission To me it<br />

do6D1 ieel thai daied, and the sear h identicl to<br />

the heavily sid€-bolstered r€tsion nned to the<br />

lt87 Clubsport,<br />

'rh€ fiNi potential disappointn€nt b awid raj<br />

. l.ck oisrnidGline sp€ed So following Pjchad<br />

in the rally c l drolr fie 959 slNly ht an eas),<br />

car ro ddw, 1he €din8 is @rsisred and ibe<br />

coorolr ferl h e differcnt to $ose oia 964<br />

model Caftd, .li,trou8h I cn'l s€? why th€y<br />

chosr to uF a 928 steednt vheel, Another lu.rye<br />

pariry wilh lhe 911 Clubspon: peftaps lhey iust<br />

had a f€s bolloads lyinS areund.<br />

You can ke why sone @ntemporary tesk<br />

thoudr roNche had iaken a dangerous<br />

enSrneedry rcure wilh thk ca. h doan i drir<br />

like rhe superh€ated 9ll Tu6o d qp€ct. ft€<br />


im wN ro showds t.dlrolory flen il thrt<br />

was achided at thcdpcnse ol lhedtiver's<br />

anusemenr - and rhe 959 do.s fe€laloof xs<br />

sleedng is li8hr ind lescommui(ativ€ th.r r<br />

996lurbot Ihe bskc ptdalfeels homndolsll<br />

ovd seno.d ind for soDtoD. wean.d on<br />

nrod{n rulbo innallations, rhere is lnlle rJlir\<br />

berwe.n thrcule inpur and i flkktrin8l)oo:r<br />

8a!Sc lhse is onlyon. orhr.if l\t drnln rhir<br />

save th. nnn. f{lin8 oihlkn)8ing t{) Jn.n'irl\<br />

dnFrit. {hool of sNns dr d.ftlolrln.nt. ind<br />

thil wrs rh. (:irkNr SIl h tdJ PlQos.fLrlly sr<br />

out ro blur cotuNni.at,on b.tw{n dlilerand<br />

vchi.lt in rhe nime ofmdimrm, fatisue.irec<br />

sl)cd lh. ovetridinS imfRsion ofthose fi^t<br />

fr\! nriles in the t5, {as lhat il was lar nxtre<br />

onnonabl€. and nruch quid{th rhl<br />

r'quivilenl .ontdn Bniry (:.urcri<br />

Sary car 6 iined w h a 3 s'rilre llat sx prodrc iq<br />

350bhp lhro0qh a na^ ca ly sh0n ral o d qearo0x<br />

959 road and rally cars<br />

r\rd b.lo\r i(r(roqr , or i liSht throttl. ,r.<br />

')i,lc.ls no qui.kcr thnr lh€ ( nIocn Nl,n.r.{L<br />

Irur rlr{.ifitx lrl. r Esndmolhcr utrd.rg.LnL<br />

h.r rln li'J,hrn rlrn rw.nN lefokl dc!s:)<br />

b.tiN d.inB rh,rs\ ir 1.a1lyshouldn t bc..'r'.'b.<br />

ol llur rhr, \n nt{rldtr1lbl8.r. dlls ls I or<br />

\firh r lsi(r.( tr.rt lrtrbo llirar\ r,r1r\r.int<br />

.l it)hht.r 6n\rrfnr ind l7(r lh tl ,n rLitutu..r<br />

1ioL\frr l( r.nL s Ln n pos.r<br />

l!Lrhhf f.r n!n[ rvhi.h N.r b\ rr\i. ]<br />

n,rn\l.rnl\ \ frt.fstvf<br />

Boi\r \Irn\ l(n! iboul,l00l)nnr l'tr h\<br />

1turryn rhr ll.\l lLrbo is sfinrin8hid rnJ r.<br />

nuNbrA nu1lhil:1001b tl is.rLI., \,nrl,rbl.<br />

lrir lrui\surir'..d.rr.dh.rlrr 1f. .{.<br />

I Llirtr. trnlik. nt cnr')ll lur|l\ (h^r<br />

1...\.^ \o ii rnis!r, lla');') \.rrf<br />

'.qu.tu.rl<br />

.,n,j (hrir<br />

thrsiiS i$r I .&1d \ srl.rlr 1, r,. \(t<br />



Irhrln \(trkin8lh..ir [.]\ v.r11!.^ lsl hLrl<br />

sh,rr h,rt)txiN.{ rftrdd'1000rtnn \Lhrn r[.<br />

{.on(ldt1nl.s lo joitr llr.l)rn} L.rv.s t<br />

sBr.hl.$ \i)u rrr Iir in s...nd ger.of I \li8hl<br />

indinr, rh. Nnt.,)0.t,lh. roi(l rs<br />

'ltrolll.s,nc<br />

bon. dN bur l $rt)L.l lh. tr1bb.r iiil thil ln\h<br />

'lh.')5') nd Srs l(, ilN hr.rk tri(li{nr rl ei.h<br />

Lvhc.l - luvirg l,unistnr.r bl.tk !n!(18.s i\<br />

.vnl.n..ollh.drinLrD bef(mllrinAh.]ltrd<br />

?0004nn |igutusslxN $rl tlr..ir nurld l).<br />

.rpiblr olhirrinS60mt)h id I6{.ind xnrrrlrh<br />

nr 8 8se. lb m. illdel\e\td qo.k.r And {irh<br />

borh ruLDs blownrg n nukes in rshrLkn ol<br />

noisc - which is n.rngd be.iua ld h..n lt{ ki<br />

brhew rhal rhe 95t wA rrrr s lerl<br />

so ittrl h.w n thc rilly..u [.q]il8t)nt.i $tLl<br />

in rhe ni$e oftrrsrN.rlidr dr.orignriLDiS<br />

rngin. blrtrk h$ b.$ Fnoved rnd nr ils Dli.. n

,r I i lr1 riohlt,il,,rl(\ Ly,r{n{Lhr(trrgli.rk1<br />

,'l(ii/r(lg.,r r.rnANi\ir!,r ,Lr\ n nr in lihh t)l<br />

il,,rr l.l(rfrt)h \r\r[1r.(1 \ tl! r)[{r,grit)hs,<br />

lln l,d.r\l( n ,rl{11 ,tri (\i,\ .r rl | \x$<br />

krrrttrtL n,.N( ir \ri n A[l tr rv ( irI rh. !1rir]Ns<br />

urri l\rLrnrln rhr! \tlr.n l,![n l{[\Lh)vrIn<br />

rlr. r')s5rlrn1h.frrnh,nrr,nl,(l,rfrdli\<br />

arbr.r r, L rrl \L,n r\.itrhiirN (inl t\!(l(11(<br />

.,r h [n)lr ( rl' lln tor .(r \rl]oLtr .nl I nr \tr.<br />

t]l lil h. r\llr^]rinA!rrn(jlir!rirll lrrr]l<br />

hulkh. rl \|lrlL\ h.linf ,r (Lorbl{ .\t!.$.<br />

.itit).,rml lnD,i tr ,,l rh. Rrlu rl,nir (i,nh !. \<br />

wh.r ,'n,rlnrlxflror tl.r1 (i \n r|lrrgh<br />

Inr,n^r rh.itr'B r,r 5t)nr(osril ro\r b.\.r(1lh.ir<br />

rs.rlrl..ilr..r n\,)r l..r ! bulkrs gii|rnr in<br />

IL,nr.rr1.v.r r|lrrgh 1h1. \ ntrnh l,rmilir,)lL<br />

s\11(hg..rr, \ou..in k1.!fh.r( rnoi(( (hr.l ld,l.ml<br />

(u$nrrL rr (1.(l rh. |,r r\ h r l,r ,)rkl wdg.B<br />

959 road and rally cars<br />


\LrrLrr \ L.ilrL<br />

lj rr!! rfr!<br />

\L.L rtL. , ), i \ , 11 (L \\ L.r, L LLLI, 1., ,.1<br />

Irr.trtrntr!,,lr t'<br />

!\\1,, \N.r: t r i,.r ,, n rlunr<br />

r\l,.intrrr\ , r.tr, rri jir\.rl'\<br />

lr..1<br />

!r{\ L:,lnr 1!r r,l\\,<br />

',LfL<br />

, ||tr.IrrILr.! \rLtrL L,,l\l\,(l \h\rrlrr.trt<br />

r rf rlriL\L! r r .nnlrrrrrl<br />

i\. r !,rhtrriLr .srIn{]rL irrrrr.s<br />

\ rr!\,! i LI ( r\\ r.rL,\<br />

lrif L r.fr ,i.r . LN L r, Lr !.i[rL i i li^ r,i]<br />

li{ rnr I \,1lr,rh\. r.r(t r\1.\Lrr|rj.(L\<br />

,i.rrh.. u.tr^.n rirLth rtrn \ \ n(, i<br />

t).inf<br />

rr.fi. \ ir lif t! Ls.LL 1, Ll,\tlL' r.<br />


o<br />

.o'<br />

i L' lL' \ \rn lrrirln<br />

n.r \Ln<br />

'1)rLL.r<br />

\,r n.\rtr !\\r rli.iL L\rLlLritJ,ri(lh\<br />

r\li.tr ,.s\litrL. rr Lr'ln.Ll- llhLri(.\l<br />

, i,,i t,,l !) rn. rtr,11.(r LJ,\rgrhLrLtlr<br />

,i L t i\,{(lniL . r\irrLitlr,rhriIrh.nrlis<br />

t., \.A, rf.rl,., lrLirrl,li(\.Lb,nL!. !Nt<br />

\\lj.jL rLl.\.,,nr(fr.\'( { r\.Nrllr'glj ll\<br />

rlrt rr f( r I rsri\i]r r.rlrLtri.rnlll'rh. r.rl<br />

n1Llt(lr,rn 1\\1,1s ifllr.lsi ir( uh0<br />

jriL, rltr iij rnL.r,llr.nrli1 rlxrru,l r!<br />

.rrL tL)ln ! !.\.,,rrni rr n.trs,n .tn {'|. til<br />

\,rL L I nll {r rl I r.r Ll fri 1 rL\l ,LL' 1. n.tr.<br />

Iirr rli !) .ri 1.ii rhf riL \ t I \ ({'tf rtg rfgLr<br />

Lr tr,,rLlJr.lLtrl.rrr. ll!'sL\n.nrll!l\<br />

fr.Ltr L!,rLLlLr.rlh\ r{L.r \ n.r rl.i a\ \r.irUL\<br />

,l,l.rrLLn(ri! \Lrtrn ni.r L'Ltrrr!n rii rit, l<br />

,1{ 111,r,(Lu \ J\ LrLrr\lt,nLlrLL,Lr\(11 (ln\l<br />

lnrtn\nuxti !f,r \]l.!L irL,] r1r.<br />

Lr frrn .irtrl Lr.Ll lLL irti, I rr.L.r nl tlLr rrlrL rr<br />

tr rlrl! ,..1 !.rtr \l<br />

!, r!{lr irlin l r'\.inr'(.r.. r.i inr r' \<br />

.igrLllr \rl.rlLr\ ri.r.r tr r.n.r (!tr,I r!<br />

'|,,<br />

l\1\\ llir \.b.r Lr..rlr,,1 \ rlrL ruti r i,r,i ril)<br />

ri.trl nL{rt.tr.r \ li,rlL,tr! l).i.hrltr\rlr lr\.rll<br />

.r nr.rll,r ,n (ortr\r \irli l iL )it r.rru,r \ !rt\<br />

Ll,\.f Ll r',il L r.r \nr l,rr nrn trr .L rLl r lll<br />

lnr l,r \|rrL rL, 1lr. ! lr"t ir\ \ (t r .riL<br />

r).l,trn].ftrr ll.rLslrr, l[,r n.rf rtrr,l ilt]tr'<br />

LArilif\1lr.LIr,t, ralr\.L.t,rr.r'1,1\r\ rxl Lr<br />

n]\ nr itrL<br />

l(.rr\ llr. J5, .b t|l rrrAr ng I lrinL<br />

\Ynrnln(.,.! 1)l n\ gfitrr.{ri i

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