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<strong>OF</strong> LAAND<br />



IN GABI<br />

1<br />


Apart fromm<br />

the classsical<br />

impac ct categoriees<br />

like GW WP, AP, EP P, POCP eetc.,<br />

land use as ann<br />

environmeental<br />

issue iss<br />

widely considered<br />

too<br />

be very im mportant and d constantlyy<br />

gains atte ention in thee<br />

Life Cycle Assessmeent<br />

(LCA) community c (cp. for ex xample LIND DEIJER (20000),<br />


AL. (2007). .<br />

In the softwware<br />

and ddatabase<br />

sy ystem <strong>GaBi</strong><br />

land use parameters s are integrrated,<br />

starting<br />

with thee<br />

version in 2010. The methodolog gy behind iss<br />

based on the disserta ation of Maartin<br />

Baitz (B BAITZ 2002) )<br />

and subseequent<br />

workk,<br />

that was carried c out at the Univ versity of St tuttgart, Chaair<br />

of Buildi ing Physicss<br />

(LBP), Dept.<br />

Life Cyycle<br />

Engine eering (GaBBi;<br />

former Institute for<br />

Polymer Testing an nd Polymerr<br />

Science) aand<br />

PE Interrnational<br />

Gm mbH (cp. BECK,<br />


ET AL. 20100).<br />

According to BAITZ (22002),<br />

a set of indicatoors<br />

has been<br />

defined to o model lannd<br />

use aspe ects in LCAA<br />

and incorpporate<br />

them into the sof ftware. Theese<br />

are:<br />

Eroosion<br />

Resisttance,<br />

Meechanical<br />

Filtration,<br />

Phyysicochemiccal<br />

Filtration n,<br />

Grooundwater<br />

RReplenishm<br />

ment,<br />

Biootic<br />

Production.<br />

These landd<br />

use indica<br />

the LANCAA<br />

the respec<br />

methods c<br />

® ators are calculated<br />

foor<br />

several la and intensiv ve processes<br />

with the e support of<br />

tool (Lannd<br />

Use Indicator<br />

Calcuulation<br />

Tool)<br />

based on n country-sppecific<br />

input<br />

data<br />

ctive land uuse<br />

types (cp.Table ( 2 - Table 8). 8 A detailed<br />

descripttion<br />

of the<br />

an be foundd<br />


ET AL. (2010).<br />

1 f<br />

andd<br />

underlyingg<br />

The valuess<br />

calculatedd<br />

according g to these mmethods<br />

are e then integ grated in thhe<br />

<strong>GaBi</strong> dat tabase andd<br />

software aand<br />

aggreggated<br />

over the proceess<br />

chain to form en nvironmentaal<br />

indicator rs that aree<br />

representaative<br />

for thee<br />

entire life cycle of maany<br />

of the aggregated<br />

a processes in the GaB Bi databasee<br />

system. TThus,<br />

land use can be consideered<br />

as an n additiona al aspect inn<br />

LCA to extend itss<br />

environmeental<br />

impact evaluation.<br />

1<br />

Country-speecific<br />

input daata<br />

for the too ol has been dderived<br />

from the t ISRIC database<br />

(ISRICC<br />

WISE 2002) ) for the inputt<br />

parameterss<br />

of humus coontent,<br />

skeleta al content, decclination,<br />

and effective catio on exchange ccapacity<br />

and from f MITCHELLL<br />

(2003); TYNN<br />

CY 1.1 dataa<br />

set for precipitation,<br />

summmer<br />

precipitati ion and evapo otranspiration. For the input t parameter off<br />

“distance too<br />

groundwaterr”,<br />

a default va alue (0.8-10m) ) is used.<br />

Page 1 / 222

For the calculation<br />

of indicator va alues, indiccator<br />

qualitie es Q have to t be calculated<br />

for the<br />

state andd<br />

land use tyypes<br />

of the land before e transformaation<br />

(t1) du uring use (t2 and t3), and<br />

after rege eneration off<br />

the land ( (t4) (cp. BEECK,<br />


ET AL. 2010).<br />

At this s stage it is assumed,<br />

that thee<br />

occupationn<br />

phase is a static situa ation; conseequently,<br />

fo or all proces sses calculaated,<br />

t2 and t3 have thee<br />

same land use type. FFor<br />

each ind dicator, occcupation<br />

and d transformation<br />

in genneral<br />

are ca alculated ass<br />

follows:<br />

Occupatioon<br />

indicatoor<br />

value = (Q Q(t4, ref)-Q(tt2,3))*area<br />

used*time u of occupattion<br />

Transformmation<br />

indicctor<br />

value = (Q(t4)-Q(tt1))*area<br />

us sed<br />

The resultiing<br />

units of qualities, tr ransformatioon<br />

and occupation<br />

indicator<br />

valuees<br />

as used in <strong>GaBi</strong> aree<br />

shown in TTable<br />

1.<br />

Table 1: Inndicator<br />

unnits<br />

Indicator<br />

Erosion Reesistance<br />

Mechanicaal<br />

Filtration<br />

Physicoch<br />

Filtration<br />

Groundwaater<br />

Replenishmment<br />

Biotic Prodduction<br />

Positive occcupation<br />

inndicator<br />

valu ues can be interpreted as follows:<br />

Eroosion<br />

Resistance<br />

(expr ressed by kkg<br />

of erosio on): kg of soil<br />

eroded iin<br />

addition to naturallyy<br />

occcurring<br />

soil eerosion<br />

due e to the effeects<br />

caused by the prod duction of oone<br />

function nal unit.<br />

Meechanical<br />

Filtration:<br />

am mount of waater<br />

that cou uld not be filtered f due e to the effe ects causedd<br />

by tthe<br />

producttion<br />

of one functional f uunit.<br />

2<br />

kg dry masss<br />

emical<br />

Quality y unit<br />

[kg/(ha* *a)]<br />

[cm/d]<br />

[cmol/kg<br />

[mm/a]<br />

gsoil]<br />

[kg 2 /(m² ²*a)]<br />

Tran nsformation<br />

indic cator unit<br />

[kg/a a]<br />

[cm* m²/d]<br />

[(cmo<br />

[(mm m*m²)/a]<br />

[kg/a a]<br />

ol*m²)/ kgsoil]<br />

OOccupation<br />

unnit<br />

[kkg]<br />

[ccm*m²]<br />

[(ccmol*m²*a<br />

)/<br />

[mmm*m²]<br />

[kkg]<br />

indicator<br />

kgsoil]<br />

Page 2 / 222

Phyysicochemiccal<br />

Filtration:<br />

amount oof<br />

cations that t could not n be fixedd<br />

to the soil due to thee<br />

effeects<br />

causedd<br />

by the production<br />

of oone<br />

function nal unit.<br />

Grooundwater<br />

RReplenishm<br />

ment: amounnt<br />

of groundwater,<br />

which<br />

could not<br />

be replenished<br />

duee<br />

to tthe<br />

effects ccaused<br />

by the<br />

productiion<br />

of one fu unctional un nit.<br />

Biootic<br />

Producttion:<br />

amount<br />

of biomass<br />

not pr roduced due<br />

to the eeffects<br />

caus sed by thee<br />

prooduction<br />

of oone<br />

function nal unit.<br />

Positive traansformatioon<br />

indicator values (perrmanent<br />

impacts)<br />

can be interpretted<br />

as follow ws:<br />

Eroosion<br />

Resisttance:<br />

kg of<br />

soil erodeed<br />

in additio on to naturally<br />

occurringg<br />

soil erosio on per yearr<br />

in the time foollowing<br />

the e regardedd<br />

land use on the us sed land ddue<br />

to the permanentt<br />

trannsformationn<br />

impacts ca aused by thhe<br />

productio on of one functional<br />

uniit.<br />

Meechanical<br />

Filtration:<br />

am mount of wwater<br />

that cannot c be filtered f in tthe<br />

time following<br />

thee<br />

reggarded<br />

land use per da ay on the uused<br />

land due<br />

to the permanent<br />

trransformati<br />

ion impactss<br />

cauused<br />

by the production of one funcctional<br />

unit.<br />

Phyysicochemiccal<br />

Filtration:<br />

amount of cations that cannot<br />

be fixed tto<br />

the soil in the timee<br />

folloowing<br />

the regarded la and use onn<br />

the used land, due to the permmanent<br />

tran nsformationn<br />

imppacts<br />

causeed<br />

by the production<br />

of f one functio onal unit.<br />

Grooundwater<br />

Replenishm ment: amount<br />

of groun ndwater, wh hich cannot be replenis shed in thee<br />

time<br />

following the regard ded land usse<br />

per yea ar on the used<br />

land, ddue<br />

to the permanentt<br />

trannsformationn<br />

impacts ca aused by thhe<br />

productio on of one functional<br />

uniit.<br />

Biootic<br />

Production:<br />

amou unt of biommass<br />

that is<br />

not prod duced in thhe<br />

time following<br />

thee<br />

reggarded<br />

land use per ye ear on the uused<br />

land due<br />

to the permanent<br />

ttransformati<br />

ion impactss<br />

cauused<br />

by the production of one funcctional<br />

unit.<br />

Negative inndicator<br />

values<br />

show the<br />

respectivve<br />

positive impacts.<br />

According to BAITZ (20002),<br />

the re eference situuation<br />

tref is assumed to<br />

be the saame<br />

as the situation s t4.<br />

Page 3 / 222

2<br />

For the following<br />

proccess<br />

groups s, land use indicator va alues have been impleemented<br />

into o <strong>GaBi</strong> andd<br />

are docummented<br />

in thiis<br />

report:<br />

Agrricultural<br />

proocesses<br />

Bauuxite<br />

Coppper<br />

Harrd<br />

coal<br />

Ironn<br />

Ore<br />

Lignite<br />

Oree<br />


TATION<br />

Table 2 - TTable<br />

8 shoow<br />

for the different d couuntries<br />

and process types<br />

the lannd<br />

use types s regardingg<br />

t1-t4, respeectively<br />

tref . The land use u types foor<br />

t1 were chosen<br />

in discussions<br />

wwith<br />

experts s accordingg<br />

to the preedominant<br />

lland<br />

use ty ype in the area wher re the land d occupatioon<br />

takes pl lace out off<br />

geographiccal<br />

maps. TThe<br />

situation ns t4 respecctively<br />

tref we ere also cho osen in exppert<br />

discuss sions on thee<br />

basis of geeographical<br />

maps show wing the nattural<br />

vegeta ation in the specific areea.<br />

For example<br />

it wass<br />

agreed, thaat<br />

a primaryy<br />

rain forest<br />

used as a mining are ea cannot become b a primary<br />

rain forest afterr<br />

the use phhase<br />

again. It was said d that the aarea<br />

is stron ngly disturb bed and cann<br />

host only y secondaryy<br />

vegetation types.<br />

For the agricultural<br />

prrocesses,<br />

no<br />

transformmation<br />

indica ator values are calculaated.<br />

This is s due to thee<br />

fact that thhe<br />

farmland is used a lo ong time for<br />

farming in n contrary to o a mining aarea.<br />

Farmland<br />

can bee<br />

“used” for hundreds of years. That T meanns<br />

it was often o farmla and before the specific<br />

use andd<br />

afterwardss<br />

again. As a further research need<br />

there has to be found an aallocation<br />

method m thatt<br />

addresses this issue.<br />

Table 2: LLand<br />

use tyypes<br />

for agricultural<br />

pprocesses<br />

Coountry<br />

BBrazil<br />

Caanada<br />

Frrance<br />

Geermany<br />

t1<br />

Farmland<br />

(no commplete<br />

surf face vegetation)<br />

Farmland<br />

(no commplete<br />

surf face vegetattion<br />

Farmland<br />

(no commplete<br />

surf face vegetation)<br />

t2, t3<br />

Fa armland (no complete<br />

surface vege etation)<br />

Fa armland (no complete<br />

surface vege etation)<br />

Fa armland (no complete<br />

surface vege etation)<br />

Farmland<br />

(no commplete<br />

Fa armland (no complete<br />

t4, tref t<br />

Tropical savannah s<br />

Wood: Co oniferous<br />

woodlands<br />

Wood: Mixed<br />

tree<br />

woodlands<br />

Wood: Mixed<br />

tree<br />

Page 4 / 222

NOTE:<br />

Coountry<br />

Maalaysia<br />

Thhailand<br />

Unitedd<br />

States of<br />

Ammerica<br />

“Wood” in this docume ent is definedd<br />

to be natur ral, non processed<br />

and nnaturally<br />

grow wn woodlandd<br />

“Forest” inn<br />

this docum ment is definned<br />

to be ar rtificially plan nted wood ddeemed<br />

to be<br />

processedd<br />

artificially<br />

Table 3: LLand<br />

use tyypes<br />

for Ba auxite extraaction<br />

sites s<br />

Coountry<br />

Auustralia<br />

BBrazil<br />

Table 4: LLand<br />

use tyypes<br />

for Co opper extraaction<br />

sites s<br />

Couuntry<br />

Argentina<br />

Ausstralia<br />

CChile<br />

Indoonesia<br />

Swweden<br />

Table 5: LLand<br />

use tyypes<br />

for Ha ard coal exttraction<br />

sit tes<br />

Coountry<br />

t1<br />

surf face vegetation)<br />

Wood d: (Sub-) troppical<br />

Fa armland (no complete<br />

Rainforest<br />

surface vege etation)<br />

Wood d: (Sub-) troppical<br />

Fa armland (no complete<br />

Rainforest<br />

surface vege etation)<br />

Farmland<br />

(no commplete<br />

surf face vegetattion<br />

t1<br />

Wo ood: Deciduoous<br />

wood dlands, unspeecific<br />

Wood d: (Sub-) troppical<br />

Rainforest<br />

t1<br />

Temperate<br />

savannaah<br />

Temperate<br />

savannaah<br />

Se emi-desert<br />

Wood: (Sub-) tropiccal<br />

Rainforest R<br />

Forest: Coniferous C foorest<br />

t1<br />

t2, t3<br />

surface vege etation)<br />

Fa armland (no complete<br />

surface vege etation)<br />

t2, t3<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

t2, t3<br />

Mining area<br />

Mining area<br />

Mining area<br />

Mining area<br />

Mining area<br />

t2, t3<br />

t4, tref t<br />

woodlands<br />

Wood: (Sub b-) tropical<br />

Rainfo orest<br />

Wood: (Sub b-) tropical<br />

Rainfo orest<br />

Wood: Mixed<br />

tree<br />

woodlands<br />

t4, tref t<br />

Forest steppe s<br />

Fallow gro ound (no<br />

surface ve egetation)<br />

t4, tref f<br />

Semi-des sert<br />

Semi-des sert<br />

Semi-des sert<br />

Falloow<br />

ground (n no surface<br />

vegetatio on)<br />

Tundra a<br />

t4, tref t<br />

Page 5 / 222

Coountry<br />

AAustralia<br />

BBosnia<br />

Brazil<br />

CCanada<br />

Chile<br />

China<br />

Coolombia<br />

India<br />

Inddonesia<br />

Italy<br />

Korea<br />

MMalaysia<br />

MMexico<br />

Neww<br />

Zealand<br />

Phhilippines<br />

Russian<br />

Federationn<br />

Wo ood: Coniferoous<br />

woodlands<br />

Spain<br />

Souuth<br />

Africa<br />

Uniteed<br />

Kingdom<br />

Wo ood: Deciduoous<br />

wood dlands, unspeecific<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawwn<br />

Wood d: (Sub-) troppical<br />

Rainforest<br />

Wo ood: Coniferoous<br />

woodlands<br />

Gras ssland, meaddow<br />

Gras ssland, meaddow<br />

Wood d: (Sub-) troppical<br />

Rainforest<br />

Wo ood: Monsooon<br />

woodlands<br />

Wood d: (Sub-) troppical<br />

Rainforest<br />

Forest:<br />

Mixed tree forest<br />

Wood d: (Sub-) troppical<br />

Rainforest<br />

Wood d: (Sub-) troppical<br />

Rainforest<br />

Semi-desert<br />

S<br />

Wo ood: Mixed trree<br />

woodlands<br />

Wood d: (Sub-) troppical<br />

Rainforest<br />

Gras ssland, meaddow<br />

Temp perate savannnah<br />

Farmland<br />

(no commplete<br />

surf face vegetation)<br />

United Staates<br />

of Amerrica<br />

Wo ood: Deciduoous<br />

t1<br />

t2, t3<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

t4, tref t<br />

Forest steppe s<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Fallow gro ound (no<br />

surface ve egetation)<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Fallow gro ound (no<br />

surface ve egetation)<br />

Fallow gro ound (no<br />

surface ve egetation)<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Fallow gro ound (no<br />

surface ve egetation)<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Non continu uous urban<br />

influence ed area<br />

Fallow gro ound (no<br />

surface ve egetation)<br />

Semi-d desert<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Fallow gro ound (no<br />

surface ve egetation)<br />

Forest: Co oniferous<br />

fore est<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Semi-d desert<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Page 6 / 222

Coountry<br />

Veenezuela<br />

Viiet<br />

Nam<br />

Table 6: LLand<br />

use tyypes<br />

for Iro on ore extraaction<br />

sites s<br />

Coountry<br />

Auustralia<br />

BBrazil<br />

Caanada<br />

Table 7: LLand<br />

use tyypes<br />

for Lig gnite extracction<br />

sites<br />

Coountry<br />

Austria<br />

Auustralia<br />

Bosnia<br />

Buulgaria<br />

Caanada<br />

Czechh<br />

Republic<br />

Frrance<br />

Germany:<br />

Lausitz<br />

Germany:<br />

Middle-<br />

Geermany<br />

wood dlands, unspeecific<br />

Wood d: (Sub-) troppical<br />

Rainforest<br />

Wood d: (Sub-) troppical<br />

Rainforest<br />

Semi-desert<br />

S<br />

Wood d: (Sub-) troppical<br />

Rainforest<br />

Wo ood: Coniferoous<br />

woodlands<br />

Forest:<br />

Coniferous forest<br />

Wo ood: Deciduoous<br />

wood dlands, unspeecific<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawwn<br />

Forest:<br />

Coniferous forest<br />

Farmland<br />

(no commplete<br />

surf face vegetation)<br />

Farmland<br />

(no commplete<br />

surf face vegetation)<br />

Forest:<br />

Coniferous forest<br />

Forest:<br />

Coniferous forest<br />

Farmland<br />

(no commplete<br />

surf face vegetation)<br />

Germanyy:<br />

Rhinelandd<br />

Farmland<br />

(no commplete<br />

t1<br />

t1<br />

t1<br />

t2, t3<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

t2, t3<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

t2, t3<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

t4, tref t<br />

Fallow gro ound (no<br />

surface ve egetation)<br />

Fallow gro ound (no<br />

surface ve egetation)<br />

t4, tref t<br />

Semi-d desert<br />

Fallow gro ound (no<br />

surface ve egetation)<br />

Tundra<br />

t4, tref t<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Forest steppe s<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Page 7 / 222

Coountry<br />

Greece<br />

Huungary<br />

India<br />

Maccedonia<br />

Maalaysia<br />

Poland<br />

Roomania<br />

Russiann<br />

Federation<br />

Sloovakia<br />

Sloovenia<br />

SSpain<br />

Thhailand<br />

Turkey<br />

Unitedd<br />

States of<br />

Ammerica<br />

Yuggoslavia<br />

Table 8: LLand<br />

use tyypes<br />

for Ore<br />

extractioon<br />

sites<br />

Coountry<br />

Auustralia<br />

Auustralia<br />

Auustralia<br />

Auustralia<br />

surf face vegetation)<br />

Forest F steppee<br />

Forest:<br />

Coniferous forest<br />

Wo ood: Monsooon<br />

woodlands<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawwn<br />

Wood d: (Sub-) troppical<br />

Rainforest<br />

Forest:<br />

Coniferous forest<br />

Perma anent crops ( (field,<br />

little su urface vegettation)<br />

Perma anent crops ( (field,<br />

little su urface vegettation)<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawwn<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawwn<br />

Gras ssland, meaddow<br />

Wo ood: Monsooon<br />

woodlands<br />

Forest F steppee<br />

Wo ood: Deciduoous<br />

wood dlands, unspeecific<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawwn<br />

Ore O<br />

t1<br />

ZnPb bCd-ore<br />

Titanium-ore,<br />

sand basis, b TiO2<br />

50% 5<br />

Titan nium-ore<br />

Zircon nium sand<br />

t1<br />

t2, t3<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Mining area a<br />

Temperat te savannah<br />

Temperat te savannah<br />

Temperat te savannah<br />

Temperat te savannah<br />

t2, t3<br />

t4, tref t<br />

Semi-d desert<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Fallow gro ound (no<br />

surface ve egetation)<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Fallow gro ound (no<br />

surface ve egetation)<br />

Semi-d desert<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

Moorland,<br />

lawn<br />

t4, tref<br />

Mining aarea<br />

Sem mi-desert<br />

Mining aarea<br />

Sem mi-desert<br />

Mining aarea<br />

Sem mi-desert<br />

Mining aarea<br />

Sem mi-desert<br />

Page 8 / 222

Coountry<br />

BBrazil<br />

Caanada<br />

Caanada<br />

CChile<br />

CChina<br />

CChina<br />

Geermany<br />

Geermany<br />

Geermany<br />

Inddonesia<br />

Noorway<br />

Soutth<br />

Africa<br />

Soutth<br />

Africa<br />

Soutth<br />

Africa<br />

Swweden<br />

Unitedd<br />

States of<br />

Ammerica<br />

Ore O<br />

Chrom mium ore<br />

Nickel<br />

ore<br />

Zn/C Cu-ore<br />

Co opper-<br />

molybd denum ore<br />

Dolomite<br />

CaM Mg[CO3]2<br />

Rare-ea arth metals<br />

- iron<br />

Colem manite-ore<br />

Na atural<br />

Aggregate/<br />

Coars se-gravel<br />

extr raction<br />

Quar rtz sand<br />

(silic ca sand)<br />

Tin<br />

ore<br />

Quar rtz sand<br />

(silic ca sand)<br />

Antimo ony / gold<br />

Manga anese ore<br />

Silicon n dioxide<br />

Lead- -zinc ore<br />

Molybdenum<br />

t1<br />

Wood: (Sub-)<br />

tropical<br />

Rain nforest<br />

Wood: Coniferous C<br />

wood dlands<br />

Wood: Coniferous C<br />

wood dlands<br />

Semi i-desert<br />

Grassland,<br />

meadow<br />

Grassland,<br />

meadow<br />

Farmland (no ( complete e<br />

surface vegetation) v<br />

Mining aarea<br />

Moor rland, lawn<br />

Farmland (no ( complete e<br />

surface vegetation) v<br />

Mining aarea<br />

Moor rland, lawn<br />

Farmland (no ( complete e<br />

surface vegetation) v<br />

Mining aarea<br />

Moor rland, lawn<br />

Wood: (Sub-)<br />

tropical<br />

Rain nforest<br />

Forest: Coniferous C<br />

fo orest<br />

Temperat te savannah<br />

Temperat te savannah<br />

Temperat te savannah<br />

Forest: Coniferous C<br />

fo orest<br />

Wood: Deciduous D<br />

woodlands s, unspecific<br />

t2, t3<br />

t4, tref<br />

Mining aarea<br />

Fallo ow ground<br />

(no o surface<br />

veg getation)<br />

Mining aarea<br />

Tundra T<br />

Mining aarea<br />

Tundra T<br />

Mining aarea<br />

Sem mi-desert<br />

Mining aarea<br />

Fallo ow ground<br />

(no o surface<br />

veg getation)<br />

Mining aarea<br />

Fallo ow ground<br />

(no o surface<br />

veg getation)<br />

Mining aarea<br />

Fallo ow ground<br />

(no o surface<br />

veg getation)<br />

Mining aarea<br />

Tundra T<br />

Mining aarea<br />

Sem mi-desert<br />

Mining aarea<br />

Sem mi-desert<br />

Mining aarea<br />

Sem mi-desert<br />

Mining aarea<br />

Tundra T<br />

Mining aarea<br />

Moor rland, lawn<br />

Page 9 / 222

Coountry<br />

Unitedd<br />

States of<br />

Ammerica<br />

Unitedd<br />

States of<br />

Ammerica<br />

Table 9 too<br />

Table 13 show the respective r land use productivity<br />

p in m²/kg product<br />

in th he differentt<br />

countries aas<br />

well as tthe<br />

data so ources the vvalues<br />

are gathered g fro om. The inpput<br />

for the agriculturall<br />

processes is calculateed<br />

using the e <strong>GaBi</strong> moddels<br />

for the respective crops. Therre,<br />

the crop p output perr<br />

hectare is given and therefore<br />

the e used m² pper<br />

kg crop can be calc culated.<br />

Table 9: LLand<br />

use prroductivity<br />

y Agriculturre<br />

Coountry<br />

BBrazil<br />

Caanada<br />

Frrance<br />

Geermany<br />

Geermany<br />

Geermany<br />

Geermany<br />

Geermany<br />

Maalaysia<br />

Thhailand<br />

Thhailand<br />

Unitedd<br />

States of<br />

Ammerica<br />

Unitedd<br />

States of<br />

Ammerica<br />

Ore O<br />

Phosp phate rock<br />

mine m<br />

Rare-ea arth metals<br />

Crop<br />

Sisal<br />

Canola<br />

Flax<br />

Hemp seed<br />

Hemp straw<br />

Wi inter rapeseeed<br />

Win nter wheat, coorn<br />

Winter<br />

wheat strraw<br />

Oil palm-plantattion<br />

Na atural Rubbeer<br />

plantation(latex)perrennial<br />

Na atural Rubbeer<br />

plantation(seed)<br />

perennial<br />

Corn<br />

Soja<br />

t1<br />

Wood: Deciduous D<br />

woodlands s, unspecific<br />

Wood: Deciduous D<br />

woodlands s, unspecific<br />

Land use [m [<br />

crop]<br />

2 /kg<br />

]<br />

2,37E-0 01<br />

6,06E+ 00<br />

1,46E+ 00<br />

2,50E+ 00<br />

8,00E-0 01<br />

2,50E+ 00<br />

1,08E+ 00<br />

5,54E-0 02<br />

5,09E-0 01<br />

2,90E+ 00<br />

8,06E-0 01<br />

8,50E-0 01<br />

4,05E+ 00<br />

t2, t3<br />

t4, tref<br />

Mining aarea<br />

Moor rland, lawn<br />

Mining aarea<br />

Moor rland, lawn<br />

Reference<br />














Page 10 / 222

Table 10: Land use pproductivit<br />

ty Bauxite<br />

Coountry<br />

Auustralia<br />

BBrazil<br />

The valuess<br />

for the lannd<br />

use in m² ²/kg for coppper<br />

were ta aken from th he indicatedd<br />

sources. Additionally<br />

A y<br />

they are mmultiplied<br />

with<br />

the respective<br />

metaal<br />

contents of the different<br />

kinds oof<br />

copper. The T copperr<br />

content varies<br />

dependding<br />

on the location of the mine.<br />

Table 11: Land use pproductivit<br />

ty Copper<br />

Coountry<br />

Arggentina<br />

Auustralia<br />

CChile<br />

Inddonesia<br />

Swweden<br />

Product<br />

Bauxite<br />

Bauxite<br />

Product<br />

Copper<br />

Copper<br />

Copper<br />

Copper<br />

Copper<br />

Land use [m [<br />

bauxit<br />

2 /kg<br />

te]<br />

1,85E-0 04<br />

1,30E-0 04<br />

Land use [m [<br />

coppe<br />

2 /kg<br />

er]<br />

1,36E-0 02<br />

1,36E-0 02<br />

1,36E-0 02<br />

1,46E-0 02<br />

1,21E-0 02<br />

Reference<br />

MORI (<br />

MORI (<br />

Reference<br />



XSTRATA A (2005),<br />

XSTRATA A (2007)<br />



XSTRATA A (2005),<br />

XSTRATA A (2007)<br />



XSTRATA A (2005),<br />

XSTRATA A (2007)<br />



XSTRATA A (2005),<br />

XSTRATA A (2007)<br />


1998)<br />

1998)<br />

(2006A),<br />

(2007A),<br />

(2006A),<br />

(2007A),<br />

(2006A),<br />

(2007A),<br />

(2006A),<br />

(2007A),<br />

(2006A),<br />

(2007A),<br />


XSTRATA A (2005),<br />

XSTRATA A (2007)<br />

Page 11 / 222

Table 12: Land use pproductivit<br />

ty Hard Coaal<br />

Coountry<br />

AAustralia<br />

BBosnia<br />

Brazil<br />

CCanada<br />

Chile<br />

China<br />

Coolombia<br />

India<br />

Inddonesia<br />

Italy<br />

Korea<br />

MMalaysia<br />

MMexico<br />

Neww<br />

Zealand<br />

Phhilippines<br />

Russian<br />

Federationn<br />

Spain<br />

Souuth<br />

Africa<br />

Uniteed<br />

Kingdom<br />

United Staates<br />

of Amerrica<br />

Veenezuela<br />

Viiet<br />

Nam<br />

Product<br />

Hard Coal<br />

Hard Coal<br />

Hard Coal<br />

Hard Coal<br />

Hard Coal<br />

Hard Coal<br />

Hard Coal<br />

Hard Coal<br />

Hard Coal<br />

Hard Coal<br />

Hard Coal<br />

Hard Coal<br />

Hard Coal<br />

Hard Coal<br />

Hard Coal<br />

Hard Coal<br />

Hard Coal<br />

Hard Coal<br />

Hard Coal<br />

Hard Coal<br />

Hard Coal<br />

Hard Coal<br />

Land use [m [<br />

hard co<br />

2 /kg<br />

oal]<br />

1,30E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,30E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,20E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,40E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

2,90E-0 04<br />

1,70E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,20E-0 04<br />

Reference<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

Page 12 / 222

Table 13: Land use pproductivit<br />

ty Iron Ore<br />

Coountry<br />

AAustralia<br />

Brazil<br />

CCanada<br />

Table 14: Land use pproductivit<br />

ty Lignite<br />

Coountry<br />

Austria<br />

Auustralia<br />

Bosnia<br />

Buulgaria<br />

Caanada<br />

Czechh<br />

Republic<br />

Frrance<br />

Germany:<br />

Lausitz<br />

Germany:<br />

Middle-<br />

Geermany<br />

Germanyy:<br />

Rhinelandd<br />

Greece<br />

Product<br />

Iron Ore<br />

Iron Ore<br />

Iron Ore<br />

Product<br />

Lignite<br />

Lignite<br />

Lignite<br />

Lignite<br />

Lignite<br />

Lignite<br />

Lignite<br />

Lignite<br />

Lignite<br />

Lignite<br />

Lignite<br />

Land use [m [<br />

iron or<br />

2 /kg<br />

re]<br />

9,21E-0 04<br />

9,21E-0 04<br />

9,21E-0 04<br />

Land use [m [<br />

lignite<br />

2 /kg<br />

e]<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,30E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,30E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

Reference<br />

BILLITON (<br />


RIO TINTO O (2006)<br />

RIO TINTO O (2008)<br />

BILLITON (<br />


RIO TINTO O (2006)<br />

RIO TINTO O (2008)<br />

BILLITON (<br />


RIO TINTO O (2006)<br />

RIO TINTO O (2008)<br />

Reference<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

(2006B),<br />

(2007B)<br />

(2006B),<br />

(2007B)<br />

(2006B),<br />

(2007B)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

Page 13 / 222

Coountry<br />

Huungary<br />

India<br />

Maccedonia<br />

Maalaysia<br />

Poland<br />

Ruumania<br />

Russiann<br />

Federation<br />

Sloovakia<br />

Sloovenia<br />

SSpain<br />

Thhailand<br />

Turkey<br />

Unitedd<br />

States of<br />

Ammerica<br />

Yuggoslavia<br />

The valuess<br />

for the land<br />

use in m²/kg m for ore<br />

were tak ken from th he indicatedd<br />

sources. Additionally<br />

A y<br />

they are mmultiplied<br />

with<br />

the resp pective mettal<br />

contents s of the diff ferent kindss<br />

of ore. Th he contentss<br />

vary depennding<br />

on thee<br />

locations of the minees.<br />

Table 15: Land use pproductivit<br />

ty Ore<br />

Coountry<br />

Auustralia<br />

Auustralia<br />

Product<br />

Lignite<br />

Lignite<br />

Lignite<br />

Lignite<br />

Lignite<br />

Lignite<br />

Lignite<br />

Lignite<br />

Lignite<br />

Lignite<br />

Lignite<br />

Lignite<br />

Lignite<br />

Lignite<br />

Product<br />

ZnPbCd-oree<br />

Titaniu um-ore, sandd<br />

basis,<br />

TiO2 50%<br />

Land use [m [<br />

lignite<br />

2 /kg<br />

e]<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,40E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

1,70E-0 04<br />

1,50E-0 04<br />

Land use [m<br />

ore]<br />

2 /kg<br />

4,46E-03<br />

2,43E-02<br />

Reference<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

WEYER<br />

Reference<br />



XSTRATA A (2007),<br />

XSTRATA A (2005)<br />



(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2001)<br />

(2006A),<br />

(2007A),<br />

(2006A),<br />

(2007A),<br />

XSTRATA A (2007),<br />

XSTRATA A (2005)<br />

Page 14 / 222

Coountry<br />

Auustralia<br />

Auustralia<br />

BBrazil<br />

Caanada<br />

Caanada<br />

CChile<br />

CChile<br />

CChina<br />

Product<br />

Titanium-oree<br />

Zirconium<br />

sannd<br />

Chromium C orre<br />

Nickel ore<br />

Zn/Cu-ore<br />

Coppe er- molybdenum<br />

ore<br />

Copper ore<br />

Dolomite<br />

CaMg[CCO3]2<br />

Land use [m<br />

ore]<br />

2 /kg<br />

4,62E-02<br />

4,05E-02<br />

2,14E-02<br />

3,89E-03<br />

3,24E-03<br />

1,60E-02<br />

1,55E-02<br />

1,58E-04<br />

Reference<br />



XSTRATA A (2007),<br />

XSTRATA A (2005)<br />



XSTRATA A (2007),<br />

XSTRATA A (2005)<br />



XSTRATA A (2007),<br />

XSTRATA A (2005)<br />



XSTRATA A (2007),<br />

XSTRATA A (2005)<br />



XSTRATA A (2007),<br />

XSTRATA A (2005)<br />



XSTRATA A (2007),<br />

XSTRATA A (2005)<br />



XSTRATA A (2007),<br />

XSTRATA A (2005)<br />



(2006A),<br />

(2007A),<br />

(2006A),<br />

(2007A),<br />

(2006A),<br />

(2007A),<br />

(2006A),<br />

(2007A),<br />

(2006A),<br />

(2007A),<br />

(2006A),<br />

(2007A),<br />

(2006A),<br />

(2007A),<br />

(2006A),<br />

(2007A),<br />

XSTRATA A (2007),<br />

XSTRATA A (2005)<br />

Page 15 / 222

Coountry<br />

CChina<br />

Geermany<br />

Geermany<br />

Geermany<br />

Inddonesia<br />

Noorway<br />

South<br />

Africa<br />

South<br />

Africa<br />

Product<br />

Rare-earth<br />

metalss<br />

- iron<br />

Colemanite-or<br />

C<br />

re<br />

Nat tural Aggregaate/<br />

Coarse-gravel<br />

extrraction<br />

Quartz z sand (silicaa<br />

sand)<br />

Tin ore<br />

Quartz z sand (silicaa<br />

sand)<br />

Antimony<br />

/ goold<br />

Manganese M ore<br />

Land use [m<br />

ore]<br />

2 /kg<br />

1,90E-02<br />

1,58E-04<br />

1,58E-04<br />

1,58E-04<br />

3,50E-02<br />

1,58E-04<br />

1,85E-02<br />

2,09E-02<br />

Reference<br />



XSTRATA A (2007),<br />

XSTRATA A (2005)<br />



XSTRATA A (2007),<br />

XSTRATA A (2005)<br />



XSTRATA A (2007),<br />

XSTRATA A (2005)<br />



XSTRATA A (2007),<br />

XSTRATA A (2005)<br />



XSTRATA A (2007),<br />

XSTRATA A (2005)<br />



XSTRATA A (2007),<br />

XSTRATA A (2005)<br />



XSTRATA A (2007),<br />

XSTRATA A (2005)<br />



(2006A),<br />

(2007A),<br />

(2006A),<br />

(2007A),<br />

(2006A),<br />

(2007A),<br />

(2006A),<br />

(2007A),<br />

(2006A),<br />

(2007A),<br />

(2006A),<br />

(2007A),<br />

(2006A),<br />

(2007A),<br />

(2006A),<br />

(2007A),<br />

XSTRATA A (2007),<br />

XSTRATA A (2005)<br />

Page 16 / 222

Coountry<br />

South<br />

Africa<br />

Swweden<br />

Unitedd<br />

States of<br />

Ammerica<br />

Unitedd<br />

States of<br />

Ammerica<br />

Unitedd<br />

States of<br />

Ammerica<br />

Product<br />

Silicon S dioxidde<br />

Lead-zinc L oree<br />

Molybdenumm<br />

Phos sphate rock mmine<br />

Ra are-earth mettals<br />

Land use [m<br />

ore]<br />

2 /kg<br />

1,58E-04<br />

3,69E-02<br />

1,02E-04<br />

1,21E-02<br />

4,13E-03<br />

Reference<br />



XSTRATA A (2007),<br />

XSTRATA A (2005)<br />



XSTRATA A (2007),<br />

XSTRATA A (2005)<br />



XSTRATA A (2007),<br />

XSTRATA A (2005)<br />



XSTRATA A (2007),<br />

XSTRATA A (2005)<br />



(2006A),<br />

(2007A),<br />

(2006A),<br />

(2007A),<br />

(2006A),<br />

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XSTRATA A (2007),<br />

XSTRATA A (2005)<br />

Page 17 / 222

3<br />

In the exaample,<br />

results<br />

and re espective iinterpretatio<br />

on approac ches are ppresented<br />

for f Erosionn<br />

Resistancee<br />

(Transformation)<br />

and d Biotic Prooduction<br />

(O Occupation) ). Indicator values are e shown forr<br />

the extracttion<br />

of 1 t off<br />

lignite in Spain S and 1 t of lignite in Malaysia a. The respeective<br />

indica ator values, ,<br />

scaled to 1 kg, can bee<br />

found in th he <strong>GaBi</strong> dattabase.<br />

Figure 1:<br />


[kg/a]<br />

1,660E‐02<br />

1,440E‐02<br />

1,220E‐02<br />

1,000E‐02<br />

8,000E‐03<br />

6,000E‐03<br />

4,000E‐03<br />

2,000E‐03<br />

0,000E+00<br />

Erosion RResistance<br />

transformmation<br />

indicator<br />

values<br />

for thee<br />

extraction n of 1 t off<br />

lignite in Spain and Malaysia<br />

(Q(t4)-Q(t1) ))*area usedd.<br />

Erosion<br />

RResistannce<br />

(Transformmation)<br />

Lignite SSpain<br />

Liggnite<br />

Malaysiaa<br />

Transformaation<br />

exammines<br />

the pe ermanent immpacts<br />

cau used by a la and use. It is calculate ed with thee<br />

following foormula:<br />

Figure 1 s<br />

lignite in S<br />

values are<br />

lignite an a<br />

year in the<br />

the transfo<br />

between th<br />

for the land<br />

is a moor 3<br />

hows the EErosion<br />

Res sistance traansformation<br />

n indicator values for tthe<br />

extraction<br />

of 1 t off<br />

Spain compared<br />

to the e indicator vvalues<br />

for the<br />

extractio on of 1 t liggnite<br />

in Malaysia.<br />

Bothh<br />

positive, wwhich<br />

means s there is a negative im mpact on the<br />

environmment.<br />

In Spa ain for 1 t off<br />

amount of 00.0023<br />

kg soil<br />

is additioonally<br />

erode ed to the na aturally occcurring<br />

soil erosion perr<br />

e time followwing<br />

the reg garded land use on the e used land due to the permanent t impacts off<br />

ormation. In Malaysia this<br />

amountt<br />

sums up to o 0.0143 kg g. The reasoon<br />

for the discrepancy<br />

d y<br />

he lignite exxtraction<br />

im mpacts in Sppain<br />

and Malaysia M is due d to the ddifferent<br />

lan nd qualitiess<br />

d use typess<br />

in the situa ation t1 and t4. In Spain n the land use<br />

type for t1 is grassla and, for t4 itt<br />

landscapee<br />

that repres sents falloww<br />

land with some vege etation. Thee<br />

quality diff ferences off<br />

the two situuations<br />

are not as grav ve as for MMalaysia:<br />

There,<br />

the lan nd use type for t1 is (su ub-) tropicall<br />

3<br />

not repres senting hill orr<br />

raised moors,<br />

but deple eted land.<br />

Page 18 / 222

ainforest and for t4 it is fallow w ground, representin ng a waste eland with very few vegetation. .<br />

Concerningg<br />

impact faactors<br />

for er rosion, rainfforest<br />

does s have a ve ery high land<br />

quality, wasteland w a<br />

lower one. Therefore, , the differe ence betweeen<br />

the two qualities is s bigger thaan<br />

for the extraction<br />

off<br />

lignite in Spain.<br />

[kg]<br />

8,000E‐02<br />

7,000E‐02<br />

6,000E‐02<br />

5,000E‐02<br />

4,000E‐02<br />

3,000E‐02<br />

2,000E‐02<br />

1,000E‐02<br />

0,000E+00<br />

Bioticc<br />

Production<br />

(OOccupattion)<br />

Lignite SSpain<br />

Liggnite<br />

Malaysiaa<br />

Figure 2: Biotic Prodduction<br />

oc ccupation indicator<br />

va alues for the<br />

extractiion<br />

of 1 t of o lignite inn<br />

Spain andd<br />

Malaysia<br />

Occupationn<br />

examiness<br />

the direc ct impacts a land use e has durin ng its use<br />

according to the followwing<br />

formula a:<br />

time. It is<br />

Occupationn<br />

indicator vvalue<br />

= (Q(t t4, ref)-Q(t2,3))*area<br />

used*time<br />

of oc ccupation.<br />

So the statte<br />

after the regeneratio on of the lannd<br />

is compa ared with the<br />

state during<br />

land use e.<br />

calculatedd<br />

Figure 2 shhows<br />

the BBiotic<br />

Production<br />

occuppation<br />

indica ator values for the production<br />

of 1 t lignite inn<br />

Spain commpared<br />

to thhe<br />

indicator values for tthe<br />

extraction<br />

of 1 t lignite<br />

in Malaaysia.<br />

Both graphs aree<br />

positive, thhat<br />

means there<br />

are ne egative enviironmental<br />

impacts. i<br />

The extracction<br />

of 1 t lignite in Sp pain avoidss<br />

the produc ction of 0.0691<br />

kg biommass;<br />

in Malaysia<br />

thiss<br />

amount onnly<br />

sums up to 0.0136 kg. k The reaason<br />

is again<br />

mainly to be found inn<br />

the differe ent land usee<br />

types for tthe<br />

situationns<br />

t4 and t2 2,3. The situuation<br />

in t2,3 3 is for both h sites miniing<br />

area. Obviously, O a<br />

mining areea<br />

does noot<br />

have goo od land quaality<br />

parame eters. For Spain S the ssituation<br />

in t4 again iss<br />

moorland, for Malaysia<br />

it is fallow w ground representing<br />

wasteland, meaning thhat<br />

in the ex xample, thee<br />

regeneratioon<br />

potential<br />

of the land d in Spain iis<br />

higher than<br />

the Mala aysia one. SSo<br />

the moo orland doess<br />

still have hhigher<br />

qualiity<br />

paramet ters than wasteland,<br />

and a subsequ uently the iindicator<br />

va alues of thee<br />

Biotic Prodduction<br />

for 1 t lignite in Spain are higher than n the indicator<br />

values ffor<br />

the extra action of 1 t<br />

lignite in MMalaysia.<br />

Page 19 / 222

4<br />



With the inntegration<br />

oof<br />

consisten nt land use information n in the GaB Bi databasee,<br />

for the fir rst time it iss<br />

possible too<br />

examine aand<br />

to quan ntify the effeects<br />

a prod duct or a pro ocess has oon<br />

the land d used. Thee<br />

informationn<br />

produced refers to land l qualityy<br />

parameters<br />

and is summable s aand<br />

scalable<br />

over thee<br />

whole proccess<br />

chain.<br />

However, aas<br />

this is thhe<br />

first inclusion<br />

of succh<br />

land use information n into a dataabase,<br />

there e are somee<br />

limitations to be mentioned:<br />

Lannd<br />

use inforrmation<br />

is only<br />

includedd<br />

in land co onsuming un nit processees.<br />

Enttry<br />

data is often deriv ved from ddatabases<br />

where w only country sppecific<br />

valu ues can bee<br />

gatthered.<br />

Morre<br />

site spec cific values would serv ve the accur racy of the results. Ne evertheless, ,<br />

theese<br />

values aare<br />

often dif fficult to obttain.<br />

Alloocation<br />

of transformation<br />

effects especially for f agricultu ural processses<br />

is not done d so farr<br />

andd<br />

is subject to further re esearch.<br />

Still the baackground<br />

data provid des valuablee<br />

informatio on which can<br />

be usedd<br />

to compa are differentt<br />

products oon<br />

a countryy<br />

scale. For<br />

the compaarison<br />

of ex xactly located<br />

foregrouund<br />

process ses or landd<br />

uses, indiccator<br />

valuess<br />

can be ca alculated ussing<br />

LANCA<br />

and can be includeed<br />

into unit processes. .<br />

This proceedure<br />

allowss<br />

for a detailed<br />

comparrison<br />

of loca ations.<br />

In conclussion,<br />

the land<br />

use dat tabase in G<strong>GaBi</strong><br />

gives the user a good starrting<br />

point in order too<br />

determine the main coontributors<br />

to land usee<br />

effects. Du ue to further<br />

developmment<br />

of the method, m thee<br />

tool and ddue<br />

to incrreasing<br />

dat ta availabiliity,<br />

same as a other LC CA data, laand<br />

use data<br />

will bee<br />

periodicallyy<br />

updated too<br />

ensure up p-to-dateness<br />

of results.<br />

Page 20 / 222

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