U.S. v. Pablo Orama, Vivian Augustine, a/k/a Vivian Salazar, Ariane ...

U.S. v. Pablo Orama, Vivian Augustine, a/k/a Vivian Salazar, Ariane ...

U.S. v. Pablo Orama, Vivian Augustine, a/k/a Vivian Salazar, Ariane ...


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Case 1:12-cr-20265-DMM Document 27 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/19/2012 Page 1 of TB 12<br />



Case No.<br />


VS.<br />


PABLO OM MA and<br />


a/k/a Sdvivian <strong>Salazar</strong>r'<br />

Defendants.<br />

The Grand Jury charges that:<br />

At a11 times material to this Indictment:<br />

/<br />

18 U.S.C. j 371<br />

42 U.S.C. j 1320a-7b(b)(2)(A)<br />

18 U.S.C. j 982<br />



The Medicare Program<br />

The Medicare Program (liMedicart') was a federaly funded program that provided<br />

free or below-cost health care benefits to certain individuals, primarily the eldtrly, blind, and<br />

disabled. The benefits available under Medicare were governed by federal statutes and regulations.<br />

The United States Department of Hea1th and Human Services CiHHS'), through its agency, the<br />

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (i$CMS'), oversaw and administered Medicare.<br />

lndividuals who received benestsunder Medicare were commonly referred to as Medicare<br />

Ssbeneficiaries.'<br />

Apr 19, 2012

Case 1:12-cr-20265-DMM Document 27 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/19/2012 Page 2 of 12<br />

2. Medicare was a tshealth care benefk programy' as defned by Title 18, United States<br />

Code, Section 24(b) and a Federal health care program, as defined by Title 42, United States Code,<br />

Section 1320a-7b(9.<br />

3. Medicare programs covering diferent types of benefits were separated into different<br />

program 'dparts.' tTm.t A' of the Medicare progrnm covered certain eligible home health care costs<br />

for medical services provided by a home health agency (ç$HHA'), also referred to as a fkprovider,'<br />

to persons who already qualitsed for Medicare and who additionaly required home health services<br />

because of an ilness or disability that caused them to be homebound. Payments for home health care<br />

medical services were typicaly made directly to a Medicare-certiftd HHA or provider based on<br />

claims submited to the Medicare program for qualifying services that had been provided to eligible<br />

beneficiaries.<br />

4. CMS did not directly pay Medicare Part A claims submited by Medicare-certified<br />

HHAS. CMS contracted with diferentprivate companies to administerthe Medicare Part A program<br />

throughout different parts of the United States. In the State of Florida, CMS contracted with<br />

Palmetto Govemment Benefhs Administrators (ûpalmeto'). As administrator, Palmetto was to<br />

receive, adjudicate and pay claims submited by HHA providers under the Part A program for home<br />

health claims. Additionally, CMS separately contracted with companies in order to review HHA<br />

providers' claims data. CMS tlrst contracted with Tricenturion, a Program Safeguard Contractor.<br />

Subsequently, on December 15, 2008, CMS contraded with SafeGuard Services, a Zone Program<br />

Integrity Contrador. Both Tricenturion and SafeGuard Servicts safeguarded the Medieare Trust<br />

Fund by reviewing HHA providers' claims for potential fraud, waste, and/or abuse.<br />

Home health care agencies, pharmacies, physicians, and other health care providers

Case 1:12-cr-20265-DMM Document 27 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/19/2012 Page 3 of 12<br />

that provided services to Medicare benetkiaries were able to apply for and obtain a Medicare<br />

Identification Number or Sçprovider number.' In the application, the provider acknowledged that to<br />

be able to participate in the Medicare program, the provider must comply with a11 Medicare related<br />

laws and regulations. A provider who was issued a Medicare Identification Number was able to file<br />

claims with Medicare to obtain reimbursement for services provided to benefciaries . The Medicare<br />

ldentilcation Number uniquely identifed the provider on billing forms submited to Medicare .<br />

6. The Medicare Part<br />

Part A Coverage and Regulations<br />

Reimbursements<br />

program reimbursed 100% of the allowable charges<br />

for participating HHAS providing home health care services only if the patient qualifed for home<br />

health benefits. A patient qualified for home health benetits only if the patient:<br />

(a) was confined to the home, also referred to as homebound;<br />

(b) was under the care of a physician who specifically determined there was a need for<br />

home health care and established the Plan of Care C$P.O.C.'); and<br />

(c) the determining physician signed a certification statement specifying that the<br />

beneficiary needed intermittent skiled nursing, physical therapy, speech therapy , or a<br />

continued need for occupational therapy; the beneficiary was confned to the home; that a<br />

POC for fumishing services was established and periodicaly reviewed; and that the services<br />

were furnished while the beneficiary was under the care of the physician who established the<br />

P.O.C.<br />

The Defendants and their Company<br />

Superstar Home Hea1th Care, lnc. Csuperstar') was incomorated on or about April

Case 1:12-cr-20265-DMM Document 27 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/19/2012 Page 4 of 12<br />

18, 2006, and did business in Miami-Dade County, providing home health services to Medicare<br />

benesciaries. Superstar applied for and received Medicare Identication Number 10-9473 .<br />

8. On or about April 24, 2009, defendant VIVIAN AUGUSTINE, a/k/a dsvivian<br />

<strong>Salazar</strong>,' became the vice-president, director, and registered agent , of Superstar. On or about<br />

December 7, 2009, AUGUSTINE, underthe name çdvivian <strong>Salazar</strong> ,' became president and director<br />

of Superstar.<br />

Defendant PABLO ORAMA had an ownership interest in Superstar .<br />

10. Individual 1 was employed by Superstar from on or about August 1 1 , 2010, until on<br />

or about January 30, 2012.<br />

COUNT 1<br />

Conspiracy to Pay HtaIth Care Kitkbacks<br />

(18 U.S.C. j 371)<br />

Paragraphs 1 through 10 of the General Allegations sedion of this lndictment are re-<br />

aleged and incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein.<br />

2. Beginning on or about August 20, 2010, and continuing through on or about April<br />

3, 2012, in Minmi-Dade County, in the Southern District of Florida, and elsewhere, the defendants ,<br />

PABLO ORAMA and<br />


a/k/a dvivian <strong>Salazar</strong>,'<br />

did wilfuly, that is, with the intent to further the object of the conspiracy, and knowingly combine,<br />

conspire, confederate and agree with each other, and others known and unknown to the Grand Jury ,<br />

to commit an offense against the United States, that is, to violate Title 42, United States Code ,<br />

Section 1320a-7b(b)(2)(A), by knowingly and willfuly offering and paying any remuneration,<br />

including kickbacks and bribes, directly and indirectly, overtly and covertly, in cash and in kind , to<br />


Case 1:12-cr-20265-DMM Document 27 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/19/2012 Page 5 of 12<br />

aperson to induce such person to refer an individual to a person for the furnishing and arranging for<br />

the fumishing of an item and service for which payment may be made in whole and in part by a<br />

Federal health care program, that is, Medicare.<br />

Purpose of the Conspiracy<br />

It was the purpose of the conspiracy for the defendants and their co-conspirators to<br />

unlawfuly enrich themselves by: (1) paying kickbacks and bribes to ensure that Medicare<br />

benefciarieswould serve as patients at Superstar, and (2) by submiting claims to Medicare for home<br />

health services that Superstar provided to those beneficiaries.<br />

M anner and M eans of the Conspiracy<br />

The manner and means by which the defendants and their co-conspirators sought to<br />

accomplish the object and purpose of the conspiracy included, nmong others, the folowing:<br />

1. PABLO ORAM A, VIVIAN AUGUSTINE, and others offered and paid kickbacks<br />

and bribes to individuals for recruiting Medicare beneficiaries to receive medical services from<br />

Superstar.<br />

PABLO ORAM A and VIVIAN AUGUSTINE gave lndividual 1 cash to pay<br />

kickbacks and bribes to Medicare beneticiaries for receiving medical services through Suptrstar .<br />

PABLO ORAMA and VIVIAN AUGUSTINE caused Superstar to submit claims<br />

to Medicare for home health services purportedly rendered to Medicare benesciaries .<br />

4. PABLO OM MA and VIVIAN AUGUSTINE eaused Medicare to pay Superstar<br />

based upon home health services purportedly rendered to Medicare beneficiaries .<br />

Overt Acts<br />

ln furtherance of the conspiracy, and to accomplish its object and pupose, at least one of the

Case 1:12-cr-20265-DMM Document 27 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/19/2012 Page 6 of 12<br />

co-conspirators commited and caused to be committed , in the Southem District of Florida, at least<br />

one of the folowing overt acts, among others:<br />

On or about November 2, 201 1, VIVIAN AUGUSTINE gave lndividual l<br />

approximately $7,900 in cash to pay kickbacks to Medicare beneficiaries for serving as patients at<br />

Superstar.<br />

On or about November 3, 201 1,VIVIAN AUGUSTINE gave lndividual 1<br />

approximately $1,600 in cash to pay kickbacks to Medicare beneficiaries for serving as patients at<br />

Superstar.<br />

On or about November 4,201 1, VIVIAN AUGUSTINE gave Individual 1<br />

approximately $3,000 in cash to pay kickbacks to Medicare beneficiaries for serving as patients at<br />

Superstar.<br />

Onor aboutNovember 22, 201 1, PABLO ORAMA gave lndividual 1 approximately<br />

$4,400 in cash to pay kickbacks to Medicare beneiciaries for serving as patients at Superstar.<br />

5. On or about November 30, 201 I,PABLO ORAMA gave Individual 1 approximately<br />

$9,600 in cash to pay kickbacks to Medicare beneficiaries for serving as patients at Superstar .<br />

6. On or about December 16, 201 1, VIVIAN AUGUSTINE gave lndividual 1<br />

approximately $7,800 in cash to pay kickbacks to Medicare beneficiaries for serving as patients at<br />

Superstar.<br />

gave lndividual 1<br />

approximately $3,200 in cash to pay kickbacks to Medicare beneficiaries for serving as patients at<br />

Superstar.<br />

On or about January 6, 2012, VIVIAN AUGUSTINE<br />

8. On or about Janumy 2012, VIVIAN AUGUSTINE gave Individual 1

Case 1:12-cr-20265-DMM Document 27 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/19/2012 Page 7 of 12<br />

approximately $2,400 in cash to pay kickbacks to Medicare beneficiaries for serving as patients at<br />

Superstar.<br />

All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 371 .<br />

COUNTS 2-14<br />

Payment of Kiekbaclts in Connection with a Federal HeaIth Care Program<br />

(42 U.S.C. j 1320a-7b(b)(2)(A))<br />

1. Paragraphs 1 through 10 of the General Allegations section of this Indictment are re-<br />

aleged and incorporated by reference as though fuly set forth herein .<br />

On or about the dates enumerated below as to each count, in M iami-Dade County ,<br />

in the Southern District of Florida, and elsewhere, the defendants as specified below , did knowingly<br />

and willfuly ofer and pay any remuneration, that is, kickbacks and bribes , in cash and in kind, that<br />

is, in the form of cash or other consideration, directly and indirectly, overtly and covertly , to a<br />

person, to induce such person to refer an individual for the furnishing and arranging for the<br />

furnishing of any item and service for which payment may be made in whole or in part by Medicare ,<br />

as set forth below:<br />

Count Defendantts) Approximate Approximate Person<br />

Date Kickback Amount Paid<br />

2 VIVIAN AUGUSTINE 1 1/03/201 1 $3,000 M,G. .<br />

3 VIVIAN AUGUSTINE 1 1/03/201 1 $1,600 W j?(<br />

4 VIVIAN AUGUSTINE 1 1/04/2011 $1,200 M.R.<br />

5 PABLO ORAMA and 1 1/09/201 1 $1,600 J.C.H.<br />


6 PABLO ORAMA 1 1/22/2011 $3,000 J.C.H.<br />

7 PABLO ORAMA 11/30/201 1 $1,000 Y.P.R.<br />

8 PABLO ORAMA 1 1/30/201 1 $1,500 J.A.<br />


Case 1:12-cr-20265-DMM Document 27 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/19/2012 Page 8 of 12<br />

Count Defendant Approximate Approximate Personts)<br />

Date Kickback Amount Paid<br />

9 VIVIAN AUGUSTINE 12/16/201 1 $1 ,000 O.A.<br />

10 VIVIAN AUGUSTINE 12/19/2011 $3 ,000 C,A,H.<br />

1 1 VIVIAN AUGUSTINE 12/22/201 1 $2 ,600 I.P.<br />

12 VIVIAN AUGUSTINE 01/06/2012 $1,500 J .C.H.<br />

13 VIVIAN AUGUSTINE 01/13/2012 $1 ,300 I.P.<br />

14 VIVIAN AUGUSTINE 01/19/2012 $1 ,000 E.C.<br />

In violation of Title 42, United States Code, Section 1320a-7b(b)(2)(A), and Title 18 , United<br />

States Code, Section 2.<br />


(18 U.S.C. j 982 (a)(7)<br />

The alegations contained in this Indictment are realeged and incomorated by<br />

reference as though fuly set forth herein for the purpose of aleging forfeiture to the United States<br />

of America of certain property in which defendants , PABLO ORAM A and VIVIAN<br />

AUGUSTINE, have an interest.<br />

Upon conviction of any violation of Title 18, United States Code , Section 371, or<br />

Title 42, United States Code, Section l 320a-7(b), as aleged in Counts1 through 14 of this<br />

Indictment, the defendants, PABLO ORAMA and VIVIAN AUGUSTINE , shal forfeit to the<br />

United States, any property, real or personal, that constitutes or is derived , directly or indirectly, from<br />

gross proceeds traceable to the commission of the offense, pursuant to Title 18 , United States Code,<br />

Sections 982 (a)(7).<br />

Al1 pursuant to Title 18, United States Code, Section 982(a)(7) and the procedures set forth<br />


Case 1:12-cr-20265-DMM Document 27 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/19/2012 Page 9 of 12<br />

at Title 21, United States Code, Section 853, made applicable by Title 18 , United States Code,<br />

Section 982(b).<br />

t / O.L $<br />

A<br />



h<br />

. M L S<br />


9<br />



Case 1:12-cr-20265-DMM Document SOUTHERN 27 Entered DISTRICT on OF FLSD FLORIDA Docket 04/19/2012 Page 10 of 12<br />


V*.<br />

PABLO ORAMA and<br />


a/k/a 'vivlan salazlr,'<br />

Coud Division: (select one)<br />

Defendants. l<br />

Y FTL Miami wKe<br />

IB West FTp<br />

I do hereby certify that:<br />

2 .<br />

3.<br />

4 .<br />

CASE NO.<br />


Supeoeding Case Information:<br />

New Defendants) Yes No<br />

Number of New Defendants<br />

Total number of counts<br />

I have carefuly considered the alegations pf the indictmqnt the number qf defendants the number of<br />

probable witnesses and the Iegal complexlties of the IndlctMent/lnformatlon atached hereto.<br />

I am Mware that the information supplied Mn thij qtatement wil be relied upon b ythe<br />

Ju d qes<br />

of this<br />

Coud In setti n qtheir<br />

calendars and schedulng crlmlnal trlals underthe mandate ofthe<br />

Speed-y Trial Act,<br />

Title 28 U.S. C'. Section 3161 .<br />

Interpreter: List Ianguage and/or (Yes dialec or Nj Mn<br />

This case wil take B<br />

6. If Has this case been previoussy filed in this District Court? (Yes or No) Nn<br />

yes:<br />

Judge: Case No.<br />

(Atach H copy 9f dispositive grdej<br />

as a complalnt been filed ln thls mater? (Yes or No) Mon<br />

lf<br />

Maglstrate yep:<br />

Case No. 12-MJ-02447-RLD<br />

Related Misc#laneous numbers:<br />

Defendants) ln federal custody as of<br />

Defendants) In state custody as of<br />

Rule 20 from the District of<br />

Is this a potential death penalty case? (Yes or No)<br />

*penalty Sheetls) atached<br />

days for the padies to try.<br />

Please check appropriate category and type of offense Iisted below:<br />

(Check only one) (Check only one)<br />

0 to 5 days X P#ty<br />

6 to 10 days Mlnor<br />

11 to 20 days Mlsdem.<br />

21 to 60 days Felony<br />

61 days and over<br />

Doesthis case or gi inatefrom a matter pending in the Nodhern Region of the U.S. Attorney's Office prior<br />

G0 3? Yes X No<br />

to October 14, 2<br />

Does this case ori inate from a matter pending in the Central Region of the<br />

to September 1 , 2107?<br />

Yes x No<br />

U.S. Atorney's Ofice prior<br />

ER MO ALES<br />


Fl orlda Bar No./court No. A5500886<br />

REV 4/8/08

Case 1:12-cr-20265-DMM Document 27 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/19/2012 Page 11 of 12<br />

Defendant's Name: PABLO ORAMA<br />

Case No:<br />

Count #: 1<br />

Conspiracy to Pay Health Care Kickbacks<br />

Title 1 8, United States Code, Section 371<br />

* Max. Penalty: Five (5) years' imprisonment<br />

Counts #: 5 - 8<br />




Payment of Kickbacks in Connection with a Federal Hea1th Care Program<br />

Title 42, United States Code, Section 1320a-7b(b)(2)(A)<br />

*Max. Penalty: Five (5) years' imprisonment as to each count<br />

Count #:<br />

*Max. Penalty:<br />

Count #:<br />

*Max. Penalty:<br />

* Refers only to possible fine, does not include possible restitution , special assessments, parole<br />

terms, or forfeitures that may be applicable.

Case 1:12-cr-20265-DMM Document 27 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/19/2012 Page 12 of 12<br />




Defendant's Name: VIVIAN AUGUSTINE. a/k/a idvivian <strong>Salazar</strong>'<br />

Case No:<br />

Count #: 1<br />

Conspiracy to Pay Health Care Kickbacks<br />

Title 18, United States Code, Section 371<br />

# Max. Penalty: Five (5) years' imprisonment<br />

Counts #: 2 - 5, and 9 - 14<br />

Payment of Kickbacks in Connection with a Federal Health Care Program<br />

Title 42, United States Code, Section 1320a-7b(b)(2)(A)<br />

*Max. Penalty: Fivqls.) yç>p' imprisonmelg as to each count<br />

Count #:<br />

*Max. Penalty:<br />

Count #:<br />

*Max. Penalty:<br />

# Refers only to possible fine, does not include possible restitution , special assessments, parole<br />

terms, or forfeitures that may be applicable.

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