Information Memorandum - Foresight Group

Information Memorandum - Foresight Group

Information Memorandum - Foresight Group


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Investment Objectives of the Fund<br />

To generate capital gains and (if the Investor has so indicated<br />

in his Application Form) to provide such Investors with the<br />

Tax Advantages associated with EIS Investments principally<br />

derived from investing in Solar Power Plants backed by the<br />

RO Scheme.<br />

Investment Restrictions of the Fund<br />

1 In carrying out its duties hereunder in respect of the Fund,<br />

regard shall be had, and all reasonable steps taken, by the<br />

Fund Manager to comply with such policies or restrictions<br />

as are required in respect of EIS Investments in order to<br />

attract the reliefs from taxation under the EIS as may be<br />

prescribed by HMRC from time to time.<br />

2 In particular, but without prejudice to the generality of<br />

the above statements, the restrictions for the Fund are<br />

as follows:<br />

(a) No more than 25% of the Subscription of an Investor (or<br />

£5 million at Fund level) will be invested in any one Investee<br />

Company at full fundraising provided that this shall not<br />

restrict the subsequent merger, acquisition or unitisation of<br />

Investee Companies with other Investee Companies.<br />

(b) Investors should be aware that the Fund’s Investments<br />

will include non-Readily Realisable Investments. There<br />

is a restricted market for such Investments and it may<br />

therefore be difficult to deal in the Investments or to obtain<br />

reliable information about their value;<br />

(c) in the event of a gradual realisation of Investments<br />

prior to termination of the Fund under Clause 15.1, the<br />

cash proceeds of realised EIS investments may be placed<br />

on deposit or invested in fixed interest government<br />

securities or other investments of a similar risk profile.<br />

Proceeds will be paid out on termination of the Fund or in<br />

instalments in advance of termination, as determined by<br />

the Fund Manager.<br />



The charges described below (other than the performance<br />

incentive fee) are payable by Investee Companies and not<br />

directly by the Fund to the Fund Manager. The percentages<br />

shown below will be applied to the amount invested in<br />

Investments made in each Investee Company.<br />

The fund management and annual charges will accrue from the<br />

date of acceptance of the Investor’s Application Form and will<br />

be payable quarterly in advance, with the first payment being<br />

on the date of investment in the relevant Investee Company.<br />

Fees and charges payable to the Fund Manager and<br />

remuneration payments to advisers that are not paid by<br />

Investee Companies will be recouped from the proceeds of sale<br />

of Investments or dividends received.<br />

VAT will be added where applicable.<br />


1 Initial Fundraising Charges<br />

The level of the fundraising charges payable to the Fund<br />

Manager reflects whether or not commission is payable<br />

to financial intermediaries. In certain limited situations,<br />

commission may be paid as described in more detail below:<br />

Fundraising Charge: 2.5% of Subscription<br />

(no commission payable) payable immediately.<br />

Fundraising Charge: 5.5% of Subscription<br />

(commission payable) payable immediately plus<br />

0.5% pa of Subscription<br />

for 4 years payable<br />

annually.<br />

To ensure fairness between Investors different numbers<br />

of Shares will be issued to Investors to reflect the<br />

different charge levels that may be payable in relation<br />

to Subscriptions of individual Investors. Although the<br />

amount of the fundraising charges should not reduce the<br />

EIS Relief available to Investors the fundraising charges<br />

payable by an Investor will reduce the value of the<br />

Portfolio of that Investor.<br />

The Fund Manager will receive the fundraising charges<br />

out of which will be paid all costs of establishing the Fund,<br />

including legal and taxation costs incurred in creating the<br />

Fund, the preparation and issue of this document and<br />

any other direct expenses wholly incurred in establishing<br />

the Fund. The fundraising charges will be settled by<br />

the Investee Companies from the gross proceeds of<br />

Investments to maximise the benefits from tax reliefs<br />

on the full amount invested. Charges payable to the<br />

authorised financial intermediary of an Investor to be<br />

facilitated by the Fund Manager will only be paid by prior<br />

agreement of the Investor and Adviser as noted on the<br />

Application Form.<br />

Authorised financial intermediaries may in certain<br />

situations be permitted to receive commission such as<br />

for execution only clients where no advice or personal<br />

recommendation has been given or for professional<br />

clients. In such permitted situations authorised financial<br />

intermediaries will be paid initial commission, usually<br />

at the rate of 3% of Subscriptions, plus annual trail<br />

commission at the rate of 0.5% of Subscriptions for a<br />

maximum of four years (inclusive of VAT). All commission<br />

will be paid from fundraising charges described above.<br />

If the Investor changes his/her adviser to whom annual<br />

commission is payable he/she should inform the<br />

Administrator of the details of his new adviser who will,<br />

subject to legal and regulatory requirements, be entitled to<br />

receive the annual trail commission instead.<br />

2 Annual Fund Management Charges<br />

Annual management charge 1.75% of the value<br />

of the Portfolio.<br />

Secretarial charge 0.3% of the value of the<br />

Portfolio (subject to an<br />

RPI linked* minimum of<br />

£60,000 in aggregate).

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