Handbook N-P - Fulton County Public Library

Handbook N-P - Fulton County Public Library

Handbook N-P - Fulton County Public Library


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Ne<br />

would open a first class meat market and grocery store. Mr. Nelson will attempt to have his new<br />

store in operation by Saturday November 19. The store at the present time is being redecorated by<br />

Mr. Nelson, who will carry only standard brands of groceries.<br />

[The News-Sentinel, Friday, November 11, 1927]<br />


N. O. Nelson, who for the past three years has been engaged in the brocery business in<br />

this city, has been appointed manager of the Miami Produce Company which has its offices and<br />

plant in the old Beyer Brothers Building on East Ninth Street. Joe Howell, who has been in<br />

charge of the Miami branch here for the past 18 months, has been transferred by the company.<br />

Mr. Nelson is in Peru attending a three day school for Miami company branch managers.<br />

[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, June 26, 1928]<br />

NEPERA PORTRAIT AND PHOTO CO. [Rochester, Indiana]<br />

[Adv] The “Nepera” Portrait and Photo Co., Rochester, Ind., Are a fixture in Rochester,<br />

not for a month, but to make it our home and do business with its appreciative citizens who want<br />

fine and artistic picture or portrait work. - - - H. H. McINTIRE, Manager.<br />

[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, May 6, 1898]<br />

NEVOTA, JAMES [Rochester, Indiana]<br />

See: Rochester Bands<br />

NEW, ISOM R. [Rochester, Indiana]<br />

[Adv] Buggies and Surreys. About March 1st I will open a room in the Arlington Block<br />

with the finest line of Buggies, Surreys and Light Harness ever shown in Rochester MILLER &<br />

ZARTMAN will also make my place headquarters for the sale of the McCormick Harvesting<br />

Machinery, Corn Shredders, Threshers, Clover Hullers, etc. Give us a call before buying. ISOM R.<br />

NEW.<br />

[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, February 21, 1900]<br />

NEW, ROBERT A. [Green Oak, Indiana]<br />


Robert A. New, merchant, Green Oak, born in Jefferson <strong>County</strong>, Ind., November 15,<br />

1838. He is the son of Jethro and Elizabeth (Ross) New, who were natives of Kentucky, the<br />

former born October 31, 1815, and the latter December 3, 1816. The subject of this sketch was<br />

brought by his parents to this county when a mere infant. After remaining for a period of six<br />

years, they removed to Logansport, where Mr. New received his education. He opened a general<br />

merchandise store at Green Oak in 1869, and is now carrying a full and complete stock at the old<br />

stand. He has also been acting as Postmaster since 1872. The event of his marriage took place<br />

December 31, 1874, to Nancy J. Goodwin, who was born in Madison <strong>County</strong>, Ind., March 24,<br />

1842. Her parents, William and Elizabeth (Hauver) Goodwin, were born in Virginia, the former<br />

October 15, 1799, and the latter April 15, 1799. Mr. New has, through his upright habits, fair<br />

dealing and courteous conduct, gained the patronage and esteem of a large circle of friends and<br />

acquaintances.<br />

[T. B. Helm, <strong>Fulton</strong> <strong>County</strong> Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 30]<br />

NEW, THOMAS J. [Green Oak, Indiana]<br />


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