Handbook N-P - Fulton County Public Library

Handbook N-P - Fulton County Public Library

Handbook N-P - Fulton County Public Library


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Po<br />

farm and a beautiful home, where he now spends his old days. He is one of the highly influential<br />

men of this neighborhood, and justly deserves the high place he holds in the estimation of his<br />

many friends. Both he and his companion are worthy members of the Methodist Episcopal<br />

Church, but formerly belonged to the Protestant denomination. He, though quite an old man, is<br />

hale and robust, and has promise of many years in which to enjoy the fruits of his early struggles.<br />

[T. B. Helm, <strong>Fulton</strong> <strong>County</strong> Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 34]<br />


Oliver C. Polley was born in New London county, Conn., March 17, 1821. His father,<br />

Oliver C. Polley, Sr., was born in the same county and state Jan. 8, 1794. He married Abigail<br />

Payne, Nov. 30, 1815. She was a native of the same state and was born July 2, 1790, and died<br />

June 10, 1826. They were both of English descent. On Feb. 27, 1828, he was married to Lura<br />

Abell. She was born in Lisbon county, Conn., Sept. 28, 1808, and died April 15, 1869. Soon after<br />

his marriage he emigrated West and settled in Ohio in 1830, where he died Sept. 6, 1842. The<br />

subject of this sketch came from his native state and settled with his parents in Huron county,<br />

Ohio, when he was about eight years of age. He received a common school education, grew to<br />

manhood, and was married Nov. 1, 1846, to Eliza M. Mehrling, the daughter of Peter and Mary<br />

Mehrling, natives of Pennsylvania. The father was born Dec. 2, 1801, and the mother May 31,<br />

1804. they came to Ohio in 1832, and then to Indiana in 1849, where he died Jan. 14, 1874. Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Polley have had five children, only one of whom is now living. Their names are: Mary<br />

E., Oliver P., Andrew, an infant, and George W. The last named is the only living one. George<br />

W. has the management of his father’s farm, and is a worthy young man. Mr. Polley came to<br />

Indiana in 1849 and settled in <strong>Fulton</strong> county, where he bought land, then in the heavily wooded<br />

district along the river. By hard and persistent labor he converted it into a highly cultivated tract<br />

of land. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Polley has lived a<br />

long and useful life, and much credit is due him. He came to the county in an early day, and he<br />

has given much aid to the development of the country. He has always been progressive and has<br />

stood as a firm friend of both church and education. In his declining years his blessings are many.<br />

Surrounded with a good wife, a faithful son, many friends and a good home, he enjoys the fruits of<br />

an exemplary life.<br />

[Elia W. Peattie, <strong>Fulton</strong> <strong>County</strong> History, National Publishing Co., Chicago 1896, p. 118]<br />

POLLOCK, GEORGE [Rochester, Indiana]<br />

See Skating Rink<br />

PONTIOUS, ABRAHAM [Henry Township]<br />


Abraham Pontious. - This gentleman is a native of Stark <strong>County</strong>, Ohio, born November<br />

20, 1831. That being a comparatively new country, the schools were, of a necessity, primitive, and<br />

his educational advantages meager, yet by industry he obtained a very good common school<br />

education. Upon attaining his majority, he went to Elkhart <strong>County</strong>, Ind., where, in the spring of<br />

1853, he was united in marriage to Miss Christina Kreighbaum. Mr. Pontious and lady then came<br />

to this place, and immediately set about clearing a piece of ground on which to build a cabin,<br />

which in a short time was completed. Having thus secured a shelter, they did what they could to<br />

reduce the forest to cultivated fields and to procure the necessaries of life. But they were not long<br />

permitted to enjoy each other’s society, for in the autumn of 1854 an All wise Father saw fit to call<br />

Mrs. Pontious away from earth and her husband’s embrace. However, through the energy of Mr.<br />

P., the forests yielded, and cultivated fields and a good orchard appeared in their stead. To the<br />

union of Mr. and Mrs. Pontious was born one daughter, Sarah, now a resident of Kansas. In the<br />

fall of 1856, Mr. P. was again married, this time to Miss Rachel Pontious, daughter of Isaac and<br />

Magdalena Pontious, who are mentioned elsewhere in this book. She was born in Stark <strong>County</strong>,

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