Avicel-plus® GP 3522 Stabilizer - FMC Corporation

Avicel-plus® GP 3522 Stabilizer - FMC Corporation Avicel-plus® GP 3522 Stabilizer - FMC Corporation


Avicel-plus® GP 3522 Stabilizer (61027000) Date: 07/16/2009 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT EYES AND FACE: Whenever airborne dust concentrations are high, appropriate protective eyewear, such as mono-goggles, should be worn to prevent eye contact. RESPIRATORY: Whenever dust in the worker's breathing zone cannot be controlled with ventilation or other engineering means, workers should wear respirators or dust masks approved by NIOSH/MSHA, EU CEN or comparable certification organization to protect them against airborne dust. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: No special clothing is required. GLOVES: No special gloves are required. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES ODOR: Odorless APPEARANCE: Light tan to tan dry powder AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE: Not applicable BOILING POINT: Not applicable COEFFICIENT OF OIL / WATER: (Octanol/Water) Not available EVAPORATION RATE: (Butyl acetate = 1) Not applicable FLASH POINT: Not applicable MELTING POINT: Not applicable OXIDIZING PROPERTIES: Not applicable PERCENT VOLATILE: Not available pH: 5.5 - 8.5 SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Not available SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Not available VAPOR DENSITY: (Air = 1) Not applicable VAPOR PRESSURE: Not applicable COMMENTS: EXPLOSIVE PROPERTIES: Microcrystalline cellulose: St-1 MINIMUM IGNITION TEMPERATURE: Microcrystalline cellulose: 420°C 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY CONDITIONS TO AVOID: None known Page 4 of 9

Avicel-plus® GP 3522 Stabilizer (61027000) Date: 07/16/2009 STABILITY: Stable HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: None known. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION EYE EFFECTS: May be irritating to the eyes. SKIN EFFECTS: May be irritating to the skin. DERMAL LD50: No data available for the product. MCC: > 2,000 mg/kg (rabbit) ORAL LD50: No data available for the product. Sodium alginate: > 5,000 mg/kg (rat) MCC: > 5,000 mg/kg (rat) Calcium chloride: 1,000 mg/kg (rat); 1,940 mg/kg (mouse); 1,384 mg/kg (rabbit) INHALATION LC50: No data available for the product. Sodium alginate: > 4.72 mg/l (1 h) (rat) MCC: > 5.05 mg/l (4 h) (rat) Maximum attainable concentration - zero mortality SENSITIZATION: No data available for the product. Not expected to cause skin sensitization based on the components. Sodium alginate: (Skin) Non-sensitizing (guinea pig) ACUTE EFFECTS FROM OVEREXPOSURE: This product is expected to have low oral, dermal and inhalation toxicity. It may be irritating to the eyes and skin. It is expected to be nonsensitizing to the skin. Inhalation of calcium chloride causes irritation of the nose and throat. Ingestion causes irritation of mouth and stomach. Contact with eyes, particularly by dust, causes irritation and possible transient corneal injury. Contact of solid with dry skin causes mild irritation, while strong solutions cause marked irritation or burns. Cases have been reported, among workers packing dry calcium chloride, of irritation accompanied by erythema and peeling of facial skin, lacrimation, eye discharge, burning sensation and pain in the nasal cavities, occasional nose bleeding and tickling in the throat. Cases of perforation of the nasal septum have also been reported. CHRONIC EFFECTS FROM OVEREXPOSURE: No data available for the product. Ninety-day feeding studies with microcrystalline cellulose/sodium carboxymethylcellulose blend, in laboratory animals, at levels up to and including 50,000 ppm showed no significant toxicological effects as well as no adverse fetal effects. The maternal/fetal NOELs were > 50,000 ppm. Microcrystalline cellulose/sodium carboxymethylcellulose blend was negative in a battery of standard genotoxic tests. Microcrystalline cellulose is considered an inert dust, which is not toxic to the lungs when exposures are properly controlled. Page 5 of 9

<strong>Avicel</strong>-<strong>plus®</strong> <strong>GP</strong> <strong>3522</strong> <strong>Stabilizer</strong> (61027000) Date: 07/16/2009<br />


EYES AND FACE: Whenever airborne dust concentrations are high, appropriate<br />

protective eyewear, such as mono-goggles, should be worn to prevent eye contact.<br />

RESPIRATORY: Whenever dust in the worker's breathing zone cannot be controlled with<br />

ventilation or other engineering means, workers should wear respirators or dust masks approved by<br />

NIOSH/MSHA, EU CEN or comparable certification organization to protect them against airborne<br />

dust.<br />

PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: No special clothing is required.<br />

GLOVES: No special gloves are required.<br />


ODOR: Odorless<br />

APPEARANCE: Light tan to tan dry powder<br />


BOILING POINT: Not applicable<br />

COEFFICIENT OF OIL / WATER: (Octanol/Water) Not available<br />

EVAPORATION RATE: (Butyl acetate = 1) Not applicable<br />

FLASH POINT: Not applicable<br />

MELTING POINT: Not applicable<br />

OXIDIZING PROPERTIES: Not applicable<br />

PERCENT VOLATILE: Not available<br />

pH: 5.5 - 8.5<br />

SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Not available<br />

SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Not available<br />

VAPOR DENSITY: (Air = 1) Not applicable<br />

VAPOR PRESSURE: Not applicable<br />


EXPLOSIVE PROPERTIES: Microcrystalline cellulose: St-1<br />

MINIMUM IGNITION TEMPERATURE: Microcrystalline cellulose: 420°C<br />


CONDITIONS TO AVOID: None known<br />

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