InterLab System User Manual

InterLab System User Manual InterLab System User Manual


4.4.4. Full screen / slide show mode InterLab System - User Manual This screen will appear when you click [Slide show] button. Full screen is the mode where you can preview the image(s) and you can control: Size of the image. Rotation of the image. Changing the photo (on previous or next). Switching on slide show. Back to previous window. Slide show is a mode where image fills entire screen and one image is displayed for about 3 seconds. After this time lapse next image will be displayed. To back to full screen mode just click ESC key from the keyboard. 110

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4.4.4. Full screen / slide show mode<br />

<strong>InterLab</strong> <strong>System</strong> - <strong>User</strong> <strong>Manual</strong><br />

This screen will appear when you click [Slide show] button. Full screen is the mode where you<br />

can preview the image(s) and you can control:<br />

Size of the image.<br />

Rotation of the image.<br />

Changing the photo (on previous or next).<br />

Switching on slide show.<br />

Back to previous window.<br />

Slide show is a mode where image fills entire screen and one image is displayed for about 3<br />

seconds. After this time lapse next image will be displayed. To back to full screen mode just click<br />

ESC key from the keyboard.<br />


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