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and the names [of gods] over It, and the spirit of a<br />

demon seized Olympias, in the name ofAmmon/ who<br />

went unto her and worked his will with her. Now<br />

Olympias whcn he rose up from her, he said unto her,<br />

she is united "Bchold, thou hast conceived a male child,^ O woman,<br />

"and hc Ammon.^"'<br />

shall shed glory upon thee, and he shall<br />

"avenge thee."<br />

And^ when Olympias awoke from her sleep she<br />

marvelled, and sent for the magician, that is to say<br />

for Nectanebus, and told him what had happened,<br />

and what had befallen her with the god of the<br />

country concerning whom he had spoken. And*<br />

[she said to him], "Now I desire to know him in<br />

"very deed, and I wish thee to finish thy work and<br />

"to bring him' to me, [but tell me beforehand]^ that<br />

"I may make ready, and be to him^ a bride."<br />

Then Nectanebus answered and said unto her,<br />

"Everything which hath happened to thee up to<br />

"this present, O my lady, and everything which<br />

"thou hast seen is a dream, although, in truth, a<br />

"god did come unto thee. But if thou desirest<br />

"that this god should come [p. 8] unto thee in his<br />

"very person, give me a place near unto thee<br />

' Read h^^TJ :? 2 ^^^^ ni-Od'V =<br />

3 See Pseudo-Callisthenes, Bk. i. chap. 6 (Muller, p. 6,<br />

Meusel, p. 709).<br />

* Some word like ffl^fljA" = seems to have fallen out<br />

of the text; compare the Gr. Kai qjiiffiv.<br />

5 Read (D^f-tm^h :?<br />

•^ Suggested by the Greek KayLu eTOi|uoTepa xuj vu)aqpiLU<br />

cpavuj. 7 Read a)?ihfl>-*r =

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