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"come these nations, neither will I conquer them with<br />

"warriors' and soldiers, but by the strength [p. 4]<br />

"of will and by keeping silence. I, however, tell<br />

"thee that one lion is able to vanquish a herd of<br />

"deer,^ and that one wolf can put to flight a multitude<br />

"of sheep. Do thou, however, go to thy station<br />

"with thy soldiers, and I will put to rout the nations<br />

"which are [coming] against me—whether they<br />

"come by sea, or whether they come^ by land<br />

"with one single word".<br />

And it came to pass after these things thaf<br />

Nectanebus rose up and went into his palace and<br />

entered into the chamber where he worked magic,<br />

Final appeal having left hls soldiers behind. And it came to<br />

bus 'to^thepass that when he looked on the water which was<br />

^°'^^'<br />

in the brazen basin, after having muttered [over it]<br />

the words with which he was wont to conjure (?),<br />

the gods of Egypt appeared unto him and he asked<br />

them to help him, and he perceived that they were<br />

leading 5 the armies which had come against him,<br />

and that they would not hearken unto him. Now<br />

hitherto it had happened by reason of the great<br />

skill in magic which Nectanebus possessed that he<br />

had been in the habit of holding converse with the<br />

gods whensoever he desired. And it came to<br />

They refuse pass that wheu he perceived that what he had<br />

'done would not help him in any way whatsoever,<br />

' Read ttootl-l-^^fi-i : ^ :>?fi'l' : for f;pA'><br />

J Read m^lTJ^ : See Miiller, Bk. i, chap. 3.<br />

5 Literally, "they were before them".

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