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"He said to them, 'What is it that terrifieth you?<br />

'"What is it that causeth you to be dismayed? He appears<br />

"'What thought is this which hath risen up in yourcjpies!<br />

'"hearts? Look at My hands and My feet, and<br />

'"see that I am indeed Jesus.' And thus saying He<br />

"shewed them His hands and His feet, and said,<br />

'"Have ye anything here which we may eat?' And<br />

"they gave Him a broiled spHt fish and some<br />

"honeycomb, and our Lord ate before them, and<br />

"took that which was left and gave [it] unto them.<br />

"All these things did we see and hear. And again,<br />

"we saw His ascent into heaven, and the angels<br />

"received Him with hymns of praise and cries of<br />

'"Holy, Holy, Holy'. And as the angels spake thus<br />

"they looked upon His hands, and His feet, and<br />

"His side, and they said unto Him, 'O Lord, where<br />

'"hast Thou gotten these wounds?' And He said<br />

"unto them, 'In the house of Israel, My friend;' and<br />

"we heard the angels cursing the house of Israel.<br />

"And when we heard this we wept and praised<br />

"God Almighty, saying, 'We ascribe blessing unto<br />

'"Thy name, O God, in that Thou hast chosen<br />

'"us and hast made us to dwell in this Island, and<br />

'"hast not mingled us with the crucifiers.'"<br />

"And again, O father Gerasimas, we saw the The descent<br />

"Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, descend upon theGh*t"°'^<br />

"Apostles in the citadel of Zion, in the form of<br />

"a tongue of fire, and we saw and heard their<br />

"voices as they saluted [p, 375]<br />

each other, and<br />

"again we saw them going forth to preach in all<br />

"the world, even 'as David spake, saying, 'Their

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