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"O father, nothing whatsoever was hidden from us.<br />

"And again, we saw Him upon the Cross, and we<br />

The cruci- "heard His voice crying, 'Elohe, Elohe, My God,<br />

«»"•<br />

-My God, why hath He forsaken Me?' And we<br />

"saw the sun become dark— now a o^reat darkness<br />

"came upon the earth— and we bowed down, and<br />

"wept, and said, 'May Thy Name be blessed, O<br />

"'God, Who hast made us to dwell in this land<br />

'"and not to be mingled with the Jews.' And again,<br />

"we heard His voice crying out, 'I am athirst,' and<br />

"again we heard Him cry, 'Father, into Thy hand<br />

'"I commit My Spirit.' And again, we saw that<br />

"He made to come forth all the spirits that were<br />

"in prison from Abel until the time of the Cruci-<br />

"fixion of our Lord Jesus Christ. And again, we<br />

"saw Michael and Gabriel go down into the tomb<br />

The Resur-'-'and anuounce to the women, saying, 'Go ye and<br />

'"tell His disciples that He our Lord hath risen<br />

'"from the dead;' and they went and told His<br />

"disciples [p. 374] that our Lord had risen from<br />

"the dead. Now when they had heard these words,<br />

"Peter and John went and came into the tomb,<br />

"and they saw the napkin lying [there], and they<br />

"returned to their brethren, and told them all that<br />

"they had seen."<br />

And the blessed men said, "And again, we saw<br />

"how He came to His disciples, the door being<br />

"closed, and stood among them, and how He said<br />

"unto them, 'Peace be upon you, I am He; fear ye<br />

'"not, neither be dismayed.' But they were afraid<br />

"and imagined that they had seen a spirit. And

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