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570<br />


"of heaven and of earth, as Thou hast delivered<br />

"Thy people from the hand of Pharaoh, even so<br />

"do Thou deliver Thy people out of the hand of<br />

"this foreign nation.' And God Almighty said<br />

"unto Moses, 'Go up into a high hill, and stretch<br />

"out thine hands.' Now Joshua, the son of Nun,<br />

"was fighting with Amalek, and it came to pass<br />

"that when the sun was about to set, Joshua the<br />

"son ofNun lifted up Moses' hands, and prayed before<br />

"God Almighty, and said, 'Help Thy servant, and<br />

"give [him] strength and might, and victory over<br />

"this nation.' Then God ordered the sun to stand<br />

"[still], and it stood [still],' and he made two days<br />

"into one by his prayer and he conquered Amalek,<br />

"and delivered the children of Israel. And again<br />

"Gideon the Judge prayed in his heart concerning<br />

"the coming of the Saviour of the world, and<br />

"concerning His new law. And he took ram's<br />

"wool and laid it on the ground round about, and<br />

"he set the wool to represent the coming of our<br />

"Lord Jesus Christ, and the ground round about<br />

Gideon and "to rcprescut the children of Israel; and the dew<br />

"fell upon the wool while the earth remained dry.<br />

"And again he set the wool to represent the children<br />

"of Israel while the ground represented the coming<br />

"of our Lord Jesus Christ; and then the dew fell<br />

"upon the earth and the wool was dry." Thus the<br />

"holy man Gideon knew of the advent of our<br />

' Our author has mixed up two battles here; see Jo-<br />

shua X. 12.<br />

" See Judges vi. 37— 40.

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