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"and silver, and through meat and drink, and<br />

"through rich possessions, and through goodly<br />

"apparel. But we will make offerings for our<br />

"souls, and we will shew compassion on the poor<br />

"and needy, and thus will we send on before us<br />

"provisions in order that we may go on, and find<br />

"them, and rejoice therein when we open our treasures.<br />

"For when we give of the things of this world<br />

"we find [them] in the next, and whatsoever we<br />

"leave in this world belongeth not to us, [p. 351]<br />

"but is divided among our kinsfolk. O my brethren,<br />

"let us now give of the things which are of this<br />

"world as offerings for our souls whilst we have<br />

"power over our possessions. Thou didst speak<br />

"to us and didst rebuke us, and didst admonish<br />

"us, and didst thyself do as thou didst tell us [to<br />

"do]; for thou hast opened the treasures of thy<br />

"house to the needy, and thou hast neither kept<br />

"in mind nor wished for the love of children, or<br />

"wife, or kinsfolk, because of thy love for thy God.<br />

"And, moreover, for us, the children of the sons<br />

"of men, it would have been better had we never<br />

"been created, for we go from nothing into nothing, KSmsafs<br />

"even if it be actually as thou hast told me this "'""'^'<br />

"day that the dead shall rise in the spirit of life,<br />

"whether they be righteous or whether they be<br />

"sinners. Thou sayest that they shall not die a<br />

"second time, and that sinners only shall suffer<br />

"torment in Sheol, and that they shall not die a<br />

"second time, but I say that it would be better<br />

"for them to perish at once rather than to dwell

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