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shewed itself at an early period, for, though he<br />

was vigorous, or rather, violent in his other pursuits,<br />

he was not easily moved by the pleasures of the<br />

He took body; and if he tasted them it was with great<br />

wine<br />

ingiy.<br />

spar- • j ,<br />

moderation.<br />

t T<br />

He was very temperate<br />

•<br />

in<br />

•<br />

eating,<br />

and not so much addicted to the use of wine as<br />

he was thought to be;' when business called he<br />

was not to be detained by wine, or sleep, or<br />

pleasure, or honourable love, or the most enter-<br />

taining spectacle. Soon after rising he sacrificed<br />

to the gods and then took a meal sitting down;<br />

the rest of the day he read and wrote and passed<br />

in hunting or in athletic exercises, and he took<br />

His teift-his last meal late in the evening. As concerning<br />

naturally ths vlrtuc of his contiuence there seems to have<br />

"'''• been some doubt among ancient writers,'' and there<br />

are not wanting those who accuse him of abomin-<br />

able practices.^ Some say that he was, in regard<br />

' Life of <strong>Alexander</strong>, xxii.<br />

^ Compare 'Iepdjvu|u6s re, ev TaTs; 'ETriCTToXaTc;, 0e6cppa-<br />

(JTOV (pr|(Ti Xeyeiv, on 'AXeSavbpo? ouk eu bieKeiTO npb(;<br />

ctcppobiaia. 'OXuiaTtia&o? foOv Kai TrapaKXivdcrric; auTUj<br />

KaXXigeivav Tr)V QexiaXriv eiaipav, TrepiKaXXeatdTriv oucrav,<br />

Gweiboroq toOto Kai toO OiXittttou, (euXapoOvio ydp |uri<br />

-fuvviq eiri) TToXXccKi? i^'xei auir) tov 'AXegavbpov cruyTevea-<br />

Oai. Athenaeus, Deipnosoj>histae (ed. Schweighaeuser, torn,<br />

i''- P- 93)) lib. X. 45- The word Tuvviq = Yivoq, Lat. ginnus,<br />

i. e., hinnus. The form yTvos occurs in an inscription from<br />

Rhodes; see Greek Inscriptions in the British Museum, part<br />

2, p. 123.<br />

J ct>iX6TTaii; h' r\v iK\xaMwq Kai 'AXeSavbpoq 6 BaaiXeuq.<br />

Athenaeus, xiii. 80. On the other hand we have the indig-

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