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"thou hast loved Me, and hast preserved thyself<br />

"from the vain lust of the body, which is thine<br />

"enemy. And now, keep thyself as thou hast done<br />

"in former times, and put away all divination, and<br />

"all idols, and all sorcerers, and all magicians, and<br />

"all soothsayers, and all those who serve [other]<br />

"gods, and all those who are astrologers; and after<br />

"this, even as now, remove not thyself from My<br />

"service. And I will instruct thee, and I will do for<br />

"thee everything which thou hast asked of Me, woiaters to<br />

"and everything which is in heaven and earthed.<br />

"shall be prepared for thee, and I will give thee<br />

"that which is better than a wife and children.<br />

"Instead of that which is seen I will give thee<br />

"that which is unseen, and instead of the transient<br />

"tranquillity which thou now enjoyest I will give<br />

"thee the rest which is for ever. I am the Lord<br />

"God Almighty, thy Creator, and I am He Who<br />

"receiveth the prayers of the pure. I make weak<br />

"the bows of the mighty ones. I work signs in<br />

"the heights above, and marvellous things in the<br />

"earth beneath. I give honour, and wisdom, and<br />

"understanding to those who put their trust in Me,<br />

"and I have knowledge aforetime of what shall<br />

"come into being before [p. 284] it is created.<br />

"And now, speak the word and fetter these ser-<br />

"pents, and let them be in subjection unto thy<br />

"words, and bind them closely in My name, even<br />

"as thou hast restrained thy body by thy soul's<br />

"desire; and thou shalt become like a child which<br />

"knoweth no evil. If thou keepest these things I<br />


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