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BY AL-MAKIN. 375<br />

her,' and he spake unto her, saying, "Know thou<br />

"that we in this world are Hke unto this fleeting<br />

"day which succeedeth yesterday, and that the<br />

"morrow of to-day will follow in the track of to-<br />

"day; and the path which we must follow is the<br />

"path of that which hath passed away, even as it<br />

"also hath followed in the track of that which hath<br />

"gone before. Do thou, O lady, endue thyself<br />

"with patient resignation as with a garment of<br />

"strong iron, and fear not, neither be dismayed,<br />

"nor cast down utterly. And do thou make a<br />

"great feast, and bid all men to gather together to<br />

"thee, and when they have assembled let a herald<br />

"go round about [among them], saying, 'Let every<br />

"man [here] upon whom trouble hath fallen not<br />

"[p. 220] partake of this food;' then shalt thou<br />

"discover that there is consolation in my words<br />

"[to thee]." And he sealed the paper and sent<br />

[it] to his mother, and he ordered Philemon, the<br />

captain of his host, to make all haste on the<br />

journey and to hide his death from her. And it Death of<br />

came to pass that <strong>Alexander</strong> died^ after a few<br />

days and was gathered unto his fathers; glory and<br />

praise be unto God Almighty Who dieth not!<br />

And when the letter had come to <strong>Alexander</strong>'s oiympias<br />

mother, she made a feast according as he h^d^l^t- thl<br />

.<br />

^ Read ffl^^TfH =<br />

. result.<br />

^ According to some he died at Babylon, and according<br />

to others at Shahrazur, a city in northern Mesopotamia, and<br />

others say he died at Nisibis; compare J-^^y J})j^=r^ Cj^s<br />

JjLo Yakut, torn. i. p. rov; and Mas'udi, tom. ii. p. 251.

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