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"reason of [the affliction] in which he was. And<br />

"David hearkened unto them, and he sang in a<br />

"psalm of how God Almighty had made to dryxhePsaims<br />

"up all the hair which was upon his head, and"'"""""'<br />

"he saith in its proper place, 'O God, I myself<br />

"opened the door for this sin [to enter] into<br />

"my soul,' and behold [the account of] his weeping<br />

"and groaning' are written in the Book of David.<br />

"He maketh mention, too, therein concerning that<br />

"which came upon him by reason of his son Ab-<br />

"salom, and concerning the pain and labour which<br />

"he endured when he fought as^ainst him." And<br />

"when that which he said in his letter reached<br />

"him, falling upon his face to the ground David<br />

"said [p. 190], 'O God, behold my flesh hath<br />

"perished, and my bones have waxed old, and my<br />

"moan is prolonged, and I am unable to see;<br />

"and my spittle is dried up, and my heart is cut<br />

"asunder, and my tongue is broken,' for his sin<br />

"was sore upon him. Then did God send word<br />

"unto him, saying,^ 'Behold the voice of thy com- qoa'b mes-<br />

"plaint hath come unto me, and I have heard thy '„^^Da°vid°°''<br />

"voice, and I have considered thine entreaty, and<br />

"I have received them because thou hast re-<br />

"membered Me. And My grace is upon thee and<br />

"upon the fathers of thy blood, for I have chosen<br />

"thee, and I have loved thee, and I have made<br />

^ Compare Psalm vi. 6; xxxviii. 9; cii. 3 ff.<br />

^ Compare 2 Samuel, chap. xiii. ff.<br />

3 Read Jt-nA •

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