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"to Pharaoh when thou didst take counsel [with<br />

"him] concerning the slaughter of the children of God an-<br />

"Israel, who are the seed of My friend. And dost'"'" •'°'-<br />

"thou not know for what sin I sent affliction upon<br />

"thee? Who is able to bring back yesterday?<br />

"Who can bind with a cord the sun? Who can<br />

"tell the number of the winds? Who is able to<br />

"contend against My royal Majesty? Where didst<br />

"thou dwell when I raised up the heavens in the<br />

"air without a pillar [to support them].''' And Job<br />

"wept and said, 'O Lord God Almighty, one word<br />

"[let me speak]. Sin hath gone forth from the<br />

"mouth of the sinner, and behold, my jaws shall<br />

"be in the dust until Thy good pleasure shall raise<br />

"up my soul.'<br />

"And was it not God Who wrought what He God's deai-<br />

"wrought with David the son of Jesse, who was of^jd.<br />

"His prophet and His chosen one, in subjection<br />

"to Whom He placed the mountains, and the birds,<br />

"and the iron, and all the angels which cannot be<br />

"counted, and to whom He gave kingdom and<br />

"honour, and to whom He said, 'I have found in<br />

"thee the one whom I can love'?' And again<br />

"God said, 'I have found David, [p. 189] My<br />

"servant, who will perform My will'.' And doth<br />

"He not speak in the words of the prophet con-<br />

Afl*<br />

' Compare fljP'lr/*'/*' = hlUh-ttAuC • -flJiA, = Hho" :<br />

' I Samuel xiii. 14.<br />

' Compare dh'ttlf}?' •• •• A^^'TT- : fflA^ 6^^ : -tthfl,<br />

n\\ao : A-ne = H^I-nC • h'-A- i.^^? •• Psalm Ixxxix.<br />

20: Acts xiii. 22.<br />


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