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"children, His prophets, and friends, and chosen<br />

"ones? But when they transgressed the command-<br />

"ment, and refused [to obey] it, and regarded not<br />

"His graciousness and mercy, and committed sin,<br />

"did He not visit them with the severe punishment<br />

"with which Pharaoh' and his men judged them,<br />

"until in one month He destroyed of them more<br />

"than seven millions of those who were twenty<br />

"years old and upwards. And He sent upon them<br />

"the punishments of His judgments, and He made<br />

"them to be solitary, and they became a shame<br />

"and a disgrace.<br />

God's deal- "And was it not God Who preserved Jacob alive<br />

Jacob.<br />

""'<br />

"after his eyes had become blind.'' For his heart<br />

"was sorrowful by reason" of the absence of Joseph<br />

"his son,^ and he tasted death, and that humble<br />

"man grieved for a longr time because of the severo<br />

o<br />

"ing- of the limb for which he had asked and which<br />

"had dwelt closely about him,* but He did not give<br />

"him back to him until he had put away his sorrow<br />

"of heart. Now his eyes had become cloudy and<br />

"dim through weeping. And God Almighty sent<br />

"unto him, saying, 'My strength and My might<br />

"can remove sorrow from thy heart, and weeping<br />

"from thine eyes.' O Jacob, thou humble man, thou<br />

"didst ask for a small act of sfrace, and He eave<br />

"it not to thee; did not God make thee to know<br />

"this, O Jacob.''<br />

' Read

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