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unto Him as they went. And it came to pass<br />

that when he had come to Babylon [p. 165] he<br />

sought out the wonders which Solomon, the son<br />

of David, had made, and he went on until he had<br />

seen the city and its idols (?).<br />

The first wonder. Now this was a building c ijw.omon soion s<br />

o<br />

wonders.<br />

in which was a shrine (.'*), one half of which was<br />

white, and the other half black. [And Solomon<br />

had made it] that he might be able by its<br />

means to find out those that were righteous/ and<br />

those that were sinners, and those that were The first<br />

thieves, and those that were murderers, and those<br />

who were guilty of iniquities; and it acted as the<br />

judge of them. And he used to take the trans-<br />

gressors, both men and women, and bring them<br />

into the shrine, and the form of the man who had<br />

transgressed used to appear in the dark half of<br />

the shrine; and Solomon used to pass such judg-<br />

ment upon him as was meet and right for him.<br />

The second wonder. Solomon made a vessel. The second<br />

'^°" "'<br />

[and set it] upon a stand, and whosoever looked<br />

at this urn or came unto it could be harmed neither<br />

by fire nor by cold. And if he were to sit in the<br />

full blaze of the sun, or in the snow, he would be<br />

in no way harmed by either of them.<br />

The third wonder. There was a misty cloud The thM<br />

which used to travel forth in the hottest part of""" "'<br />

the day and in the coldest part of the night, and<br />

beneath it there was a large space; now any<br />

' Read ^^^i •

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