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which rang out whenever the animals set their<br />

hoofs upon the earth. And the Two-horned said<br />

unto them, "Whosoever shall carry away some<br />

The Greeks "of this ground shall suffer pain, and whosoever<br />

precious "taketh not of it shall suffer more"; and when<br />

stones.<br />

j^g j^^j£ spoken these words unto them, there were<br />

some who took some of it, and some who did<br />

not.' And it came to pass that when they came<br />

to their friends and they had looked at that which<br />

they had brought, behold it was the ore of crystals'<br />

and rubies; and those who had brought some were<br />

sorry because they had not brought more, and<br />

those who had not brought any were sorry be-<br />

The bunch cause they had left it behind them. Now when<br />

feed/'^''to! the Two-horned came to his friends with the bunch<br />

""yof<br />

grapes, behold, he found that they were hungry<br />

with a mighty hunger, and he gave unto each of<br />

' Read nhji^h -<br />

^ In the Greek (Miiller, p. 91, col. i) this story runs:<br />

'0 be 'AMEavbpoq .... eKeXeuaev 'Avtioxuj toii; cnpaTidj-<br />

Taiq eTTicrrmfivar "EKaaTO(; pouXerai tujv wbe apdruj,<br />

eiTE \i6ov ei'xe Trr|X6v f\ Kai HuXov. Kai T0T5 |aev eboEe<br />

toOto TTOieiv, ToTg be Xiipoi; eboKei to pi^^a toO 'AXeHdvbpou.<br />

'Qq be TTopeuonevoi, emev 6 'AXeHavbpoq tuj OiXuuvi' Kd-<br />

TeX9e ToO 'ittttou Kai ev tv] x£iP'

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