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"mighty knoweth."' Then the Two-horned went<br />

on to the statue together with his army, and he<br />

spake unto them, saying, "Behold, O men, inas-<br />

"much as God Almighty, may He be blessed, and<br />

"may He be exalted! hath put it into my heart<br />

"to go into the darkness I will never stop until<br />

"I have reached the end thereof.^ Tell me which<br />

"is the strongest beast^ [wherewith to march<br />

"therein]." And they said unto him, "A young<br />

"horse." And he spake unto them again, saying,<br />

"Which beast is the swiftest in its course.'*" And<br />

they said, "The she-camel." Then the Two-horned<br />

chose ten thousand wise men who were skilled in<br />

the lore of books [to go with him], and he left<br />

behind him three companies of his soldiers, now<br />

in each company there were ten thousand men,<br />

and he ordered them to abide in their places<br />

until he came again to them. And he commanded<br />

them to dwell there for ten years, without going<br />

away, "And", said he, "if I do not return at the<br />

"end of this time, then depart in peace to your<br />

"places; and behold, God Almighty will protect<br />

"me and you."<br />

Matun the Now the man Matun was wise and understanding,<br />

sage.<br />

and he feared God Almighty greatly, and he was<br />

^ /. e., "God only knoweth", words frequently added to<br />

a statement when the maker of it is assuming something.<br />

^ Compare IToWd h\. oi tlu 'A\e£dv5puj cruvepouXeu-<br />

ffavTO uTroaTpei|jai, ctW ouk iiPouXi'ier) GeXuuv ibeiv to xeXog<br />

Tn? Tn? (Muller, p. 89, col. i).<br />

3 Read h9"?i'JftO :

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