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breast is like the breast of a man. Now when<br />

we drew nigh unto their country I wrote a letter<br />

unto them which was as follows:<br />

"From the servant of God Almighty, the Two- His letter to<br />

"horned, the king of Greece, to the Amazons, '<br />

"[greeting]. Ye have heard what things God hath<br />

"bestowed upon me, and how He hath given<br />

"sovereignty unto me, and how He hath holpen<br />

"me against the wicked Darius, the king of Persia<br />

"and the heir of the kingdom of the mighty men who<br />

"were his fathers, and against Porus, the king of<br />

"India, the son of mighty men, and the lord of<br />

"devils and fiends, and ye have heard how God<br />

"hath opened for me cities, and countries, and<br />

"nations; and I give thanks unto God and I praise<br />

"Him for what He hath done for me. Now behold,<br />

"I wish to come unto you, therefore come ye out<br />

"to receive me, and submit yourselves unto me,<br />

"and bring ye out to me gifts from your country.<br />

"If ye will not do this I will come to you, but I<br />

"will take from you only such things of tribute<br />

"as my soul delighteth in. [p, 122] And I desire<br />

"that ye should bring out to me sortie of your<br />

"women and those who ride horses, and I will<br />

"give them great gifts; and I will only make them<br />

"to dwell with me one year if God, the Most<br />

"High, pleaseth".'<br />

' In the Greek and Syriac <strong>Alexander</strong>, after referring to<br />

his defeat of Darius and his kindness to the Brahmans, sim-<br />

ply invites the Amazons to come to meet him, for he has no<br />

wish to do them harm^ but only wishes to see their country.

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