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"ambassadors." <strong>Alexander</strong> said unto them, "Blame'<br />

"ye your own king who sent you unto me, [and<br />

"not me,J for he who sent this letter unto me did<br />

"not send as unto a king, neither did he send it<br />

"as kings are wont to send their letters unto their<br />

"friends, nor as one governor sendeth a letter to<br />

"another governor; but Darius is a man of folly,<br />

"and he knoweth not the power of God Almighty.<br />

"I, however, would ^ act towards you in the manner<br />

"in which thieves act, for by the name of thief<br />

"hath your king called me." The ambassadors said<br />

unto him, "O Master, it is because Darius knew<br />

"thee not, and because he knew not thy great name<br />

"that he hath, in his folly and headstrong pride, speech of<br />

"written this letter to thee; but as for us^ we havej^ior" ^°<br />

"looked upon thee, and we have seen thy power,<br />

"and sovereignty, and ability* to conquer, and we<br />

"see that thy strength also is from God Almighty,<br />

"and that thy honour is great, and that thy know-<br />

"ledge is greater than that of other kings. Deal<br />

"graciously, then, [p. 34] with us, even as God<br />

"Almighty hath dealt graciously with thee, and<br />

"restore unto us our rank and our apparel, in order<br />

"that we may tell Darius of the things which we<br />

"have seen concerning thee, and of thy might, and<br />

"we ourselves shall be for thee witnesses of thy<br />

' h,'tfh9°^?* = must be corrupt; we might read h^'t"<br />

^\9°^X ••<br />

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• -t^^"^?* ••<br />

The<br />

Gr. has |ae|ai|Jaae€ tov<br />

PacTiXea AapeTov, Kai )uri e)ae (Meusel, p. 733).<br />

' Read hide ' 3 Read ffiOrTli+i: ••<br />

4 Read maot^y^^^^

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