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"the Two-horned, my servant. Now behold, the<br />

"news of the death of thy father hath reached me,<br />

"and it hath come to me that thou thyself hast<br />

"become king over the men of Macedonia without<br />

"my knowing' anything of the event, and thou<br />

"hast set out on an expedition in thy mad scheme,<br />

"which to do was not seemly unto thee. Now thy<br />

"father was subject unto our authority, and he<br />

"acted according to our good will and pleasure,<br />

"and we journeyed to his country, and we rejoiced<br />

"over him. But, behold, thou hast treated us with<br />

"contempt by reason of what thou hast done, and<br />

"thou hast not shewn honour unto us; for thou<br />

"hast forsaken the use and wont of thy father ^<br />

"of which thing we have only become aware<br />

"through others, and, moreover, thou hast made<br />

"thyself king without our wish and without our<br />

"order. And, moreover, thou hast dared to pass<br />

"over into the boundaries [p. 33] of countries<br />

"wherein thou hadst no right to enter, in order<br />

"that [thy soldiers] might invade us, and besides<br />

"this, thou thyself hast [dared] to set the crown<br />

"of royalty upon thy head. But thou art only a<br />

"proud and headstrong boy without understanding,<br />

"and so if thou wilt return I will put away thy<br />

"transgression, and will not take vengeance upon<br />

"thee for thy folly. And, besides this, I know well<br />

"the folly of the Greeks, and how litde is their<br />

"skill in the use of the spear. Now ye are Greeks,<br />

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