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"enmity between Him and you and your fathers<br />

"through his pretensions, and he overcame you<br />

the Devil). God forbade them to shed the blood of beasts<br />

and to revolt, but they did shed blood and waged wars<br />

among themselves. When Iblis saw these things he prayed<br />

that God would take him up to heaven, and when He had<br />

done so, he united his earnest praises unto those of the angels.<br />

Then God sent down to earth a company of angels who<br />

drove some of the genii into the isles of the sea, and others<br />

they slew. Now IbUs, who had been appointed by God to be<br />

the guardian of that part of the sky which was near the earth,<br />

allowed his heart to become puffed up by pride, and when God,<br />

Who, having formed the body of Adam out of red and white<br />

clay, wished to animate it with the breath of life, ordered<br />

the angels to bow down before Adam, they all obeyed with<br />

the exception of Iblis, who said, "Lord, I am better than<br />

he, for me Thou didst create out of fire, and him Thou hast<br />

made of clay, and fire is more noble than clay. Thou hast<br />

made me Thy vicar upon earth, I have wings and a halo<br />

of hght, and my head is crowned with glory: it is I who<br />

have worshipped Thee in heaven und upon earth." God said<br />

unto him, "Depart from this place, for thou shalt be stoned,<br />

f^^j), and may My curse rest upon thee until the day of<br />

judgment." Then Iblis demanded a respite until the day<br />

of the resurrection, and God granted it unto him until the<br />

day of the determined time ^y-aJbl CUs_jJ\ ^^^ It was thus<br />

that the name Iblis obtained the sense of Diaholos which<br />

has been given to it. And Iblis said to God, "By Thy power<br />

do I swear, that I will surely seduce them," and God said,<br />

"I will surely fill hell with thee, and with such as follow<br />

thee." See Mas'udi (ed. B. de Meynard), torn. I. pp. 50—54;<br />

zxiiiKurdn, XXXVIII. 77ff. According to another tradition,<br />

the Devil, being refused entrance into Paradise by the guards,<br />

begged of the animals, one after another, to carry him in,<br />

that he might speak to Adam and his wife; but they all

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