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"who is Ammon [p. 13] that I do know [him] not?<br />

"This [ariseth] because the magicians have depicted<br />

"him in the form of him' who is aUke a counter-<br />

"part of the sun' and of Ammon." ^ Then the<br />

queen said to him, "His voice was thus when he<br />

"[first] came* to me and said that he was Am-<br />

"mon, the god of all Lybia." Now when the king<br />

heard this from her his heart rejoiced because [the<br />

fatherhood of] a child should be attributed unto him.<br />

A bird lays Aud^ it camc to pass some time afterwards that<br />

Phiiip^s^ lap" Philip was sitting in [his] garden on a certain day<br />

under the trees; now there were many birds ''<br />

therein picking up their food and there were there<br />

full-grown birds together with their young. And<br />

one of the birds ^ came and nestled herself in<br />

Philip's lap, and laid her egg there, [and it roll-<br />

ed] upon the ground and was broken,^ and<br />

straightway there came forth [froin the shell] a<br />

little serpent, which went round about it, and then<br />

came back wishing to go into the place from<br />

whence it had come forth, and it was not able to<br />

^ Assuming that tfnft^^ : = KA«nft'h^ : i. e., Jupiter.<br />

^ The Greek has Iheiie yap eMo"' Q^oO "AjaiuLuvoi; |uopcpiiv<br />

Kai 'AttoXKoivo? Kai 'AaKXiimou (Meusel, p. 712).<br />

3 Read (Oh9°flh '•<br />

Read JZ-JIOMl :<br />

hao^^<br />

:<br />

5 See Pseudo-Callisthenes, Bk. i, chap. 11 (Miiller, p. 10,<br />

Meusel, p. 712).<br />

^ Read Kd'P'p<br />

: 7 Read "kTM*?^^ :<br />

^ The Greek has Kai dnoKu\iff9^v eK tou koXttou auTOu<br />

TtecTov eis ti'iv t'IV (XTTeppdYri-

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