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"by a poor or mean man, but by a being who is<br />

"mighty, and exalted, and honourable. And there<br />

"is nothing which men honour more than gold, for<br />

"it is the desire of kings, and therewith' [men]<br />

"ornament Christian temples. And the interpre-<br />

"tation of the sun by the side of it is that the<br />

"child shall come from the east and [shall go] even<br />

"to the west, and that he shall be a mighty man and<br />

"as terrible as a lion,^ and that he shall conquer<br />

"the nations with his sword. And as dbncerning<br />

"the god of the country whom thou didst see with<br />

"ram's horns upon his head, and shaven of head<br />

"and beard, this is the god of Lybia.^ The inter-<br />

"pretation of thy dream is this." Now when Philip"*<br />

heard that Olympias had conceived he rejoiced<br />

greatly.<br />

So 5 Philip* returned from the war and camcRetum of<br />

' Read ffln-fr '<br />

^ "And some time after the marriage, Philip dreamed<br />

that he sealed up the queen's womb with a seal, the im-<br />

pression of which he thought was a lion. Most of the inter-<br />

preters believed the dream announced some reason to doubt<br />

the honour of Olympias, and that Philip ought to look more<br />

closely to her conduct. But Aristander of Themesus said,<br />

it only denoted that the queen was pregnant: for a seal is<br />

never put upon any thing that is empty; and that the child<br />

would prove a boy, of a bold and lionlike courage." Plutarch,<br />

Life of <strong>Alexander</strong>, Langhorne's Translation.<br />

3 See above, p. 9, note 3. Read d^ii^tl s<br />

5 See Pseudo-Callisthenes, Bk. I, chap. 9 (Miiller, p, 9,<br />

Meusel, p. 711).<br />

6 Read d.i^^tl »<br />


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